Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 565: Breath holding moment

Each time the attack power is increased, the damage will increase geometrically! Because ss has a defensive value, the re-judgment of the triple attack may have just broken, and most of the damage has been offset. The re-sentence of five times the attacking power of the hand of execution was greatly broken, and the damage caused was completely another concept.

"Boom!" For a while, the 1% health of the Lord of War was instantly lost!

The power of re-sentencing of the hand of execution was indeed not covered! All of a sudden, the Lord of War was emptied again!

The next moment, the huge body of the Lord of War suddenly fell, but his stomach opened again, and he rushed out of a smaller Lord of War! HP is only 0.5%!

It started the second life split! All attributes have dropped by 30% again! The strength is greatly discounted. From its flexibility, moving speed and other aspects, it is obvious that it is quite weak!

Huang Yi quickly waved his axe and continued to attack the master of this prosperous war. Now its attributes have fallen sharply, even if it is still in the state of capture, it does not have such great strength! Huang Yi has enough confidence to beat 0.5% of his blood volume!

But at this moment, the Lord of War suddenly made another change. His body flickered, and he even made a clone! Suddenly there were two living warlords on the field!

"My grass! These five thousand people are too perverted! Why so many skills!" At this time, the team players who were watching the situation from the perspective of God, scolded in their hearts, feeling extremely worried for Huang Yi !!

At the next moment, the avatar of the Lord of War suddenly rushed to Huang Yi without hesitation. As it charged, it dazzled with white light! Contains a heart-wrenching power!

This picture is extremely familiar and trembling! This is simply the prelude to self-explosion!

In order to defeat Huang Yi, the master of the war even split up a avatar from the explosion! Its ss in the 5,000 player mode, even if an avatar comes from the explosion, that power is enough to kill a player in seconds!

This one. The hearts of all members of the regiment suddenly drew to the top! Self-explosion is hailed as one of the strongest skills! It is almost impossible to hide away!

The avatar of the Lord of War soon rushed to Huang Yi, and the light on his body reached the most dazzling moment!


Just at this moment, Huang Yi suddenly disappeared!

Vanished for nothing!

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, the avatar of the Lord of War started to explode!

The vast shock wave swept away in all directions! The heavens and the earth have become vast again!

At this moment, all the team players who are watching this battle from God's perspective sink into their hearts! Many people do not see exactly what kind of resistance Huang Yi has made! Thought he was killed!

And masters such as arrogant death, bright demon, have better eyesight than others. They saw the scene where Huang Yi suddenly disappeared before the explosion. But it also made them even more strange!

Huang Yi disappeared, there are generally two cases.

One is to use nothingness. This skill is really the most suitable to avoid self-detonation, and can't take any damage. But this skill needs to be transformed into a sniff treasure cat, and Huang Yi has not transformed yet.

Without transformation, there is only another situation-he is invisible! But stealth cannot resist the range group attack skills. There was no reason or meaning for him to go invisible when the SS burst.

Soon, the white light of the Lord of War's self-explosion disappeared, the sky was empty, there was no figure, there was only one player's body in one place.

The densely packed skeleton soldiers were long before the Lord of War used the skill of capture. It has disappeared automatically! And Huang Yi disappeared, and it looked like he was killed.

But soon, all members of the regiment who were using God's perspective were at ease! Because the team list showed that Huang Yi was not dead! He successfully escaped the self-detonation of SS!

Not only that, he didn't even change his blood volume, and he didn't take any harm! This is simply a miracle!

You know, even Chiba Fengwu is dying in the distance. Some blood was also deducted from the self-detonating shock wave. Huang Yi, who is at the center of the explosion, has not lost any blood, which is too surprising!

However, what is even more surprising is still behind. When the whole group of players learned about Huang Yi's position at this time, all of them were suddenly lost!

Because at this time, Huang Yi was actually halfway up the mountain! Appeared where his incarnation blew up!

Thousands of people. All have a doubt, how exactly did Huang Yi pass?


At this time, Huang Yi, who was halfway up the mountain, took a deep breath, after all, he escaped from the explosion. He could not help lowering his head. A glance at the ground beneath his feet.

There was a deep footprint by his feet. That was left before his incarnation! The reason why he just disappeared was related to this footprint.

Because he used a third way to make people disappear-teleport!

His legendary turban has a secondary skill called the Mark of the Killer, which can be teleported to the place where the Mark of the Killer was set. Just now, his avatar landed on the ground halfway up against the Lord of War once and left a pair of footprints on the ground.

From an outsider's point of view, there is nothing remarkable about his move. This is just a simple landing, and no one cares about the footprint.

But Huang Yi is cautious by nature, prefers to plan in advance, prevent in advance, and keeps himself behind. Each of his seemingly ordinary actions may carry deep meaning. Just now, he didn't actually need to land, just transformed into a ghost cat in the air to explode, but he took an extra step and left a footprint on the ground. That footprint is actually the mark of killing God!

Although the subsequent battle was chaotic, the Mark of Killing God needed to be attacked three times to be destroyed, and the subsequent battles were basically carried out on the top of the mountain, so that the Mark of Killing God was not destroyed!

It is also because of this immortal mark that he can escape the explosion of the Lord of War instantly!

His caution saved his life again!

At this moment, the Lord of War on the top of the mountain frantically rushed towards the mid-mountainside where Huang Yi's body was located. Although his eyes could not see Huang Yi, he could perceive his position. Unless Huang Yi can use the hunter's fake death skills to deceive ss, but in that case, ss will be out of combat, and his health will be instantly full, and he will fight for nothing.

Soon, the Lord of War came to the edge of the mountain. At this moment, there was only one Huang Yi left in the enemy's eyes, so instead of shifting hatred to attack others, he stared at Huang Yi alone. It rushed down the mountain with no worries, with a huge body, with an extremely turbulent momentum, standing high and rolling towards Huang Yi.

"Chiba Phoenix Dance, cancel the fake death!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly sent a message towards Chiba Phoenix Dance, and he had to start the layout in advance, in case it was needed.

In a moment, among the corpses on the top of the mountain, she suddenly stood up alone, and it was Chiba Fengwu, she canceled the fake death state!

At this time, the Lord of War had rushed from the top of the mountain to Huang Yi's aggressiveness, and the huge left fist slammed down, giving out a boxer's attack skills!

Huang Yi's Eye of Time had already predicted this offensive. He relied on his superior position and quickly avoided it, and his backhand smashed a heavy sentence against the Lord of War!

"Oh!" The health of the Lord of War suddenly dropped to 0.2%! This is the form after its second life split. The full attribute has dropped by 60%. Even in the state of capture king, it can be smashed by Huang Yi's ordinary heavy judgment to cause considerable damage!

Huang Yi did not stop, and continued to smash the second heavy sentence towards the Lord of War!

Suddenly, the sharp axe was severely chopped on the huge calf of the Lord of War, hitting his last point of blood again!

The next moment, the body of the master of the war, Wei An, fell to the sky!

At the same time, Huang Yi's Eye of Time stopped abruptly, and all his energy was consumed!

But this battle is not over yet!

The familiar scene reappeared, the stomach of the Lord of War was broken again, and a smaller Lord of War rushed out from it!

Third life split! This is the last split of life for the Lord of War!

It is now weak to the extreme, and its full attributes have dropped by 30% again. It has almost no combat power. At this time, it is more like a dying struggle!

"Come on!" Huang Yi raised his axe and slashed violently towards the Lord of War!

As long as this hammer is cut down, the first kill will be theirs!

On the edge of Huang Yi's axe, the light of victory seemed to shine! The hearts of all players in the group are extremely excited! They are only one step away from the end of victory!

Just at this critical moment, the body of the Lord of War suddenly flashed, and suddenly turned into two bodies!

It turned out to be a trick again ~ www.readwn.com ~ It has a second one! Not only that, but his second appearance of familiar white light emerged, with familiar power!

The players in the audience stumbled a little and thought of a terrible thing! The mood of joy suddenly fell to the bottom!

The Lord of War should start to explode again! And Huang Yi ’s Mark of Killing God has run out and is still cooling!

"Oh!" Just as the moment was about to erupt, a sharp voice sounded from behind Huang Yi!

Then, an arrow with a streamer shot suddenly on the avatar of the Lord of War, and it was shot to death! Stifled this self-detonation in the cradle!

"Qianye Fengwu, good job!" Huang Yi sighed immediately, he didn't need to look back to know that Chiba Fengwu shot this life-saving arrow. At this time, the Lord of War had weakened to the extreme, and this was still his clone, which could not stop Chiba's full blow!

"Well, everyone is ready for the announcement!" Huang Yi smiled confidently, immediately rushing towards the main body of the war master, waving the axe in his hand, drawing a violent and beautiful arc, and smashing the final retrial !! (To be continued ...)

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