Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 566: The highest personal kill contribution in history

Chiba Fengwu has just killed the lord of the war, there is no state of capture!

But this time, Huang Yi attacked the body of the Lord of War. He was in the state of capturing the king, and his defense value was doubled!

But even if this is the case, the Lord of War will not be able to return to the sky. After the third division, its full attributes have fallen too much, and Huang Yi's attack can no longer be carried!

Huang Yi's retrial this time was completely without any obstructions and without any accidents, and he smashed onto the Lord of War well!

"Oh!" It seemed as if the final word of the war, the huge body of the Lord of War suddenly burst into the sky!

It's finally dead!

A 5,000-person SS, which is almost invincible at this stage, is so dead!

At the same time, countless players around the world who are paying attention to the leaderboards have all seen that the progress of the Lord of War's health instantly becomes 0, and the name suddenly darkens, which means that it has been killed!

The next moment, a vast voice sounded between heaven and earth. Every player in all corners of the world heard an announcement--

"[System Bulletin]: [Kill God] led 4987 members of His Majesty's Sword of Heroes and won the world's first kill of the Lord of War. Swa ’s Golden Belt (Legendary)] .. In this killing, the member [Kill God] personally contributed more than 80, becoming the first player to personally contribute more than 50 in the 5,000-person tower first kill. , Get [The Only Achievement]-[King of the First Kill], China National Honor +1. "

Personal contribution is over 80!

Hearing this percentage, countless people suddenly lost it!

A long time ago, Huang Yi once helped the Yanhuang Army to win the World of Zombie Kings on the 50th floor of the Tower of Gods, a secret announcement, announcing that Huang Yi's personal killing contribution exceeded 10, rewarded 10 reputation, and caused all The uproar of the world.

This time, his personal contribution has skyrocketed to 80!

This is simply an impossible thing! The ss means of the 5,000-person mode is so powerful that any 5,000-person team can't beat it at this stage. The members of the League of Legends have just deepened. The methods of the Lord of War are almost endless, and various methods are endless. Every time I think that I want to win, ss will use a brand new skill and replace it with any one in the world. No one can beat such a perverted ss.

But Huang Yi managed to do it, and his contribution to killing alone exceeded 80!

It is because of his outstanding performance that this time it is not a secret announcement, but a system announcement that not only has a prestige reward and the only achievement, but more importantly, a little national honor! And Huang Yi already has six national honors in hand!

Just then, at a time when players around the world were still shocked, a vast sound sounded again and again, pushing everyone's shock to a highest point-

"[System Bulletin]: [Kill God] contributed 7 points of national honor, created history, and reached the upgrade condition of Mingming, which will be accompanied by skills."

7 points of national honor! In front of this figure, all the superb masters such as Miyamoto Musashi, the Pope, the Pharaoh, and so on, are all overshadowed.

This is a far-reaching number! Even if it is the Pope who is second in the national honor contribution list, the national honor is only 4 points! Even the requirements for the attributes attached to Ciming have not been met, and Huang Yi has already upgraded Ciming for the second time!

[System Tip]: Congratulations, you have obtained [The Only Achievement]-[King of the First Kill], the only achievement value is +1. In the Tower of the Gods, all attributes are increased by 1. [King of the First Kill]: In the 5,000-person first kill of the Tower of the Gods, the individual contribution exceeds 50.

At this time, Huang Yi received a personal reminder. He got another unique achievement, in the Tower of the Gods, increased the full attribute of 1. Although this bonus is small, it is given away for free, and it is the only one. Even if people try hard, they will never get this attribute.

So far, Huang Yi has won a total of six unique achievements--

During rare missions, killed Level 250 Hydra. Deadscale and gained 1 National Honor.

The first to get the footprint of the legendary equipment doomsday messenger and received 1 national honor.

Rescued the dragon capital surrounded by the skeleton army, led more than 600,000 people to flee, and obtained 1 national honor value.

The first to achieve a perfect battle soul, activated the ninth floor of the three battle souls, and received 1 national honor.

In the second awarding party of the contest, it took the lead to break through to level 1 and won 2 national honors.

Now, in the first kill of the Lord of War on the first floor of the Tower of the Gods, the personal kill contribution exceeded the standard line of 50, and received 1 national honor.

This deed is a miracle that the outsider can only look up to, and it is his most dazzling moment in the second world for a year!

It is this pile of deeds that has cast the name "Kill the God", which has made the world frightened!

"Well, everyone is resurrected! Divided the booty!" Huang Yi said to the whole group, the joy of touching the ss combat weapon after the first successful kill is one of the most beautiful things in the second world.

All of a sudden, the members of the regiment chose to be resurrected and appeared at the entrance to the secret place at the foot of the mountain. Then they all climbed towards the mountainside, looking excited, not knowing what ss broke out.

Huang Yi was at the feet of the SS body. At this time, all the items exploded by the Lord of War were glittering and pearly.

He turned around and searched, and soon locked one of the many treasures, a golden belt.

The whole body of the belt was golden and bright, and it seemed to be made of gold, with complicated patterns carved on it, full of noble breath. In some key parts of the glyphs, there are even inlaid beads, which exude a bright multicolored light, extremely exquisite.

The Lord of War is a warrior class, the left hand is a huge fist, and belongs to the boxer class. The boxer's belt is very important. In the real world, the championship reward for boxing events is the golden belt! Among all the armors of Huang Yi, the belt is not a legendary equipment.

Huang Yi walked over, picked it up, and looked at its properties expectantly.

[Golden Belt of Anoswa] (Legend, Armor-Belt)

Holy Land Physical Defense: 10

Holy Power +11

Sanity Constitution +6

After a critical strike, all attributes are increased by 5 for 2 seconds

Critical Chance +5

Critical Effect +15

Attack Speed ​​+7

Incidental skills:

[Iron Fist Summon]: Slam the ground with your fist to summon a skeleton soldier equivalent to the number of dead enemy teams, and automatically search for the enemy and attack. The maximum number of summons is no more than 5,000. Skeleton soldiers have 25 summoner attributes. When the summoner's health is below 2, or after leaving the battle, the skeleton soldier disappears automatically. Each summon costs 5 health and a cooldown of 1 day.

Durability: 15/15

Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 125

Equipment rating: 1750

Item description: I'm not afraid of strong opponents, I'm afraid I have no bigger fist and can't hold your little hand.

The eighth piece of legendary equipment!

In terms of attributes, this legendary equipment tends to add crit attributes, and there is a boost effect after crit, which can temporarily increase all attributes of 5 for 2 seconds.

In terms of incidental skills, it is a skill used by the Lord of War before. This skill has directly led to the destruction of the regiment. This skill is mainly to win a large number of summons, up to 5,000 skeleton soldiers can be summoned. Of course, this depends on the number of casualties of the enemy team. If the enemy is a five-member squad, even if most people are killed, this skill is not powerful. It can only summon a few skeleton soldiers.

Now, in addition to jewelry, all the equipment in Huang Yi is legendary! Clothes, pants, head, cloak, guards, shoes, belts, all seven armor parts are legendary equipment, only the guards lack a thunder right hand. In addition, the weapon is also a legendary ghost axe!

For a long time in the future, he will not need to change equipment, because the legendary equipment can be automatically upgraded as the user level increases. All his legendary equipment is now level 125, which is automatically upgraded every 5 levels.

Huang Yi immediately put on this brand new legendary belt. In a short time, he felt a legendary power covered from head to toe, with a faint taste. Nowhere to go!

[System Tip]: Congratulations on your obtaining [Special Achievement] — [Legendary Body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Special Achievement Value +1, Full Body Equipment +1, [Legendary Body]: All armors in the whole body are Legendary Equipment .

Another special achievement! Add the attributes of the whole body equipment.

The special achievement and the only achievement are a kind of reward for gathering less and more. If you take dozens or even hundreds of such achievements, the cumulative bonus attribute is very scary.

"Brother God, take inventory of the spoils, and quickly distribute the loot!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly heard the excitement of the bright demon of the Master of the Master.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked at it. At this moment, there were piles of spoils on the ground, including equipment, materials, and some special items. All kinds of light shone out like a small treasure house.

This is a benefit that only the first kill of the 5,000 player mode can have. In addition, some members of the team have the ring of heroes, the explosion rate doubled! The explosion rate calculation of the group mode is based on the average value, so the doubling effect of the explosion rate of these heroic rings increases the average explosion rate. The system will consider the good direction when determining the explosive items.

Next, Huang Yi took a deep breath and began to count the explosive items of the Lord of War! rs

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