Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 567: King Somret

"Brother God, this pile is the best thing!" At this moment, Chiba Fengwu pointed to the pile of objects in front of him and said excitedly towards Huang Yi. The kitten on her shoulders also had big eyes, staring curiously at the pile of objects on the ground.

Huang Yi nodded and walked straight to the best item in the group.

There are not many items in this group, but each one is extremely powerful. Huang Yi stooped and picked up the first thing.

This is a skill book with a master of war painted on the cover, a big hole in its belly, and a smaller master of war rushing out of it. Above this pattern, there are written four **** characters-life split!

This is really the split skill at the end of the Lord of War. It is a very strong life-saving skill. Huang Yi immediately checked the specific information of this book.

[Split of Life] (only for female players): When the damage is fatal, it will not die immediately, but a new body will be split. The new body's health value is 50% of the life value one second before death. , And all attributes drop by 30%, can be split up to three times. Cooling time is 10 days.

"Only for female players?" Huang Yi saw the request for this item and suddenly hesitated. Few skill books make such demands on users, and the Lord of War just now is obviously a man.

He suddenly remembered the legendary golden belt that he had just acquired, and the legendary equipment item description seemed to be a confession to a woman-"I'm not afraid of a powerful opponent, I'm afraid I have no bigger fist and can't hold you Little hand. "

It seems that the Lord of War liked a woman a long time ago, but I don't know why he was seized in the Tower of the Gods and became an SS. This life-saving skill is limited to female players, which is obviously a special care for women.

"Chiba Fengwu! Do you want this skill book?" At this time, Huang Yi turned to look at Chiba Fengwu. She is currently the most powerful female player on the field, and she also played a lot in the killing process.

Chiba Fengwu immediately shook her head. He vomited his little tongue, and said slightly disgustingly, "I don't want it! I broke it from my stomach and gave birth to a smaller self. The release process of this skill is too disgusting."

Huang Yi shook his head and smiled, "It's just a scenario where SS is used. Players will use it differently, and it won't be exactly the same as SS. It is estimated that it will be the same as the ordinary avatar process and will not be disgusting."

"Then I don't, anyway, when I think of the master of war release this skill, there will be a psychological shadow." Chiba Fengwu still shook his head.

Huang Yi is no longer clinging, and instead turned this skill book towards the skirt, saying: "Sister. Life-saving skills are a little weak, this book will teach you!"

"Okay!" The little skirt always obediently listened to Huang Yi's words, and immediately agreed, and went directly to Huang Yi's side, took the skill book, and chose to study on the spot.

Huang Yi picked up the second item. This is a blue spar, crystal clear. Extremely extraordinary, as if a blue diamond. It seems that there is a noble feeling, and it can be distinguished from general items.

"Huh? Soul of Soul?" Huang Yi blurted out suddenly. He has seen this kind of thing twice, and there are two of them in the storage ring. They broke out after breaking the 90th and 110th world records. The source of this kind of thing is extremely high-end, either the world record or the world's first kill, this source shows that it is an absolute treasure.

But this soul spar is a mystery, it has no information. Players need to study it themselves. Huang Yi didn't know what it was used for, so he just put it away.

Next, Huang Yi continued to count these items. Among these items, there is an A-level energy stone, which contains 10,000 energy values. There are ten spirit stones, which can directly make the ninth layer of the battle soul successful after use. There is a high-level sanctuary beast spirit stone. After use, You can choose to let the war spirit inhale a high-level sanctuary spirit ... In addition. There are also some small treasures, such as a flute that can stun a beast, a kite that can temporarily fly a player, and so on.

Finally, in front of Huang Yi, there was only one last thing left—an unremarkable handle.

This handle is like a small piece of something. There are no lines on it, and it looks ordinary. However, if you look closely, you can feel that this handle has a faint relic-like feeling, as if it was something used in ancient times.

Huang Yi immediately checked its properties.

[Somlet's Bloody Battle. Handle] (Special Item, Tradeable)

The vast history has passed. The **** empire of Emperor Somret has long since disappeared, and his **** battles that have conquered countless territories have long been torn apart. The five leaders on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods have one of them, burning a piece of legendary equipment, and injecting power into the component, which can restore the power of the component. As long as the five parts of the complete set are assembled, they can be combined into an epic weapon-the **** battle of Somret. In addition, if the four parts are assembled, they can also be restored through the repair of the master, without the last part.

Emperor Somret!

Seeing the name, Huang Yi took a deep breath and couldn't help but hold the humble handle in his hand tightly. He had heard the story of Emperor Somret long ago, and even had some sources!

Every player can transfer for the first time when they are at level 50, as long as they have cleared the transfer quest. The difficulty of the transfer quest ranges from the simplest level d to the most difficult level a. At the time, when Huang Yi was transferred for the first time, because he was the only player in the world with a famous name, he had a chance to challenge the s-class mystery!

In that s-class transfer secret, Huang Yi competed with one and took the epitaphs of the four generals in the secret in turn. Whoever took the lead in collecting the four epitaphs would win. And the four generals with epitaphs in that secret realm are the four generals under His Majesty the Great!

Emperor Somret was a top demigod in the ancient times. He was almost a god. He used to be one of the top ten gods-the best disciple of the sword emperor! With a powerful **** battlefield, Sommeret has conquered countless races. Everywhere he went, thousands of powerful heroes have become his soul under the battlefield. He has also been imaged by historians Called "Zhan Ge the Great". Emperor Somret, using the war in his own hands. He personally created the famous Bloods Empire in history. The territory of this empire is vast, and now the continents of many countries around the world can see the remains of the Blood Empire.

And now, the handle in Huang Yi's hand is part of the battle of Emperor Somret, which is a well-known epic equipment! Far beyond the scope of the legend! It is the strongest equipment besides the artifact of nothingness!

Now, Huang Yi already has two pieces of epic gear. In addition to this handle, there is also Thunder's left hand, but Thunder can be used directly after getting the left hand, but this handle is not available, it is temporarily a special item.

The quality of this Zhan Ge is obviously better than the Thunder Gauntlets. Every part of it needs to burn a piece of legendary equipment to restore its power. Talking about this price can scare a player to death. At this stage, countless players have not even touched the legendary equipment. Even if Huang Yi, the first person in the legendary equipment, has worked so hard for so long, there are only eight legends. And just restore this handle. You need to burn out a legend, if all five parts are collected, that is to burn out five legends! This price, even Huang Yi, is hard to bear.

However, it is impossible for Huang Yi to get five parts, so he needs to take down all five ss first kills. And now, the world is in a stage where sacred players begin to blowout, waiting for more than one sacred player. Those top s-class teams in the world have the ability to compete for the first kill. It is basically impossible for Huang Yi to capture five first kills.

There is also a second best method, which is to collect all four parts, and then find a master to repair it. Although Huang Yi didn't know the master, he was a student of the Royal Academy of Oskan, which is the strongest place in the second world, and there must be masters in it.

But getting four first kills is also very difficult. The Guild of Heroes cannot be reached at all! Huang Yi intends to decentralize this goal, let the Thor group of Suns help to get a first kill, let Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin's Yan Huang Army take a first kill, and then the Heroes Guild again gets a first kill ~ www.readwn.com ~ In this way, we hope to collect four parts.

Huang Yi put this handle into the storage ring. He is the president of the Heroes Guild, and his contribution to the killing exceeded 80%. He should not discuss with anyone what he takes.

Next, Huang Yi smiled at the whole group and said, "Okay, everyone is working hard! The head of each group, please register the contribution of their respective team members. These things are placed in the guild warehouse, everyone see What's wrong, just change the contribution! "

The crowd nodded happily. This time they came in, it was equivalent to playing soy sauce. They did not do anything, but everyone got a lot of benefits.

In addition to these loot on the ground, everyone who participated in the first kill automatically received three hundred exchange stones. This cannot be traded. It is issued by the system and directly enters the storage ring of each player. Even the head of Huang Yi cannot intervene. Just these three hundred exchange stones are enough to make them a worthwhile trip.

Huang Yi immediately transmitted it. Next, he has to consider burning off a piece of legendary equipment to restore the power of that epic handle! In addition, his killing goddess name has been upgraded for the second time, with a skill added, which has not been checked before. (To be continued ...)

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