Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Mysterious Dragon Skin Roll

Huang Yi immediately checked his name-giving skills. Suddenly he froze--

[Seckill]: You can kill a player directly, you can't resist it in any way. Cooling time is 1 day.

This incidental skill is equivalent to a bottle of spike medicine!

Other skills are generally how to improve themselves, or how much damage to the enemy. But the skill of spike is to smash Huanglong directly, and use it to kill the enemy directly. Even the life-saving skills and talents can't resist. Even the world's first knight, Thor, can't stop it. The best way to crack this skill is to use resurrection skills, such as the return of the skirt, and you can continue to resurrect the battle after death.

In the contest, Huang Yi deeply realized how useful the spike medicine is. Spike Elixir is his big killer. Without Spell Elixir, he would not be able to advance to the quarterfinals. But after that, the medicine bottle failed to breed the spike medicine, which made the killer missing for too long.

And now he finally has the killer again. And this skill also matches Huang Yi's name very well. His name is Spike, and now he has a named skill called Spike! It's like the system is tailored for him!

However, the disadvantage is that this skill has a long cooling time, which is the skill he has seen the longest cooling time. After using it once, you have to wait a hundred days before you can use it for the second time. It is not always possible to use it. The deterrent effect is greater than the actual effect.

Moreover, whether it is a spike skill or a spike potion, it can only be used against players, not against it. In this world, those who can force Huang Yi to use the spike skills are just a few superb masters in that area. Most people are hacked directly by his two axes, there is no need to waste this skill.

"Brother, shall we go and play with Xiaolong?" The little skirt was also teleported from the Tower of the Gods, and appeared next to Huang Yi, clutching his big hand and staring up at him.

"I'll let the incarnation go with you!" Huang Yi touched the little head of the skirt and smiled slightly. "It's still an hour before the end of the carnival. This opportunity is extremely rare. My body will go Set a record. "

After that, Huang Yi's body was teleported to the Tower of the Gods again, but this time he teleported to the 120th floor.

There are currently no players cleared on this level, because the monster levels inside are 120 to 130, and some ss are already intermediate sacred powers who have reached 125. Generally, the strong men in the sanctuary can take them. And Huang Yi ’s status level has been increased by one level, but this time it can be challenged.

"Come out! Savage God!" Huang Yi immediately summoned the strongest companion Savage God and began to brush strange leveling at this level. He does not pursue customs clearance time, anyway, no matter how much time he spends, this record is his.

"Scorched earth!"

"Thundercloud storm!"



Huang Yi rushed into the monster group, which was directly four super large-scale attack capabilities. All kinds of Guanghua suddenly covered thousands of mobs. The hot magma burned them noisily; the roaring lightning split them to numb their bodies; the effect of the trial's moxa poison caused their blood volume to drop dramatically.

The fun of burning monsters with this wide range of skills. They are usually only for mages, but Huang Yi has done better and more efficient than them. His status is too high. At present, these are only the primary sacred monsters of level 120. There is no one-on-one. They fall down like wheat, and occasionally there are several hard-hitting elite monsters. Brute force shreds.

They were like a bulldozer. Heading into the depths of this secret realm, thousands of monsters, massive experience, all poured onto Huang Yi's body.

Thirty minutes later, Huang Yi killed the final 130 ss with a heavy sentence, ending the journey to the mystery.

[System Tip]: Congratulations on the clearance of the 120th floor of the Tower of the Gods single mode, the clearance time is 32 minutes and 49 seconds. Become a record maker at this level and you will get a huge reward!

After receiving this familiar system prompt, Huang Yi looked at a box in front of him, which was a reward for the record-breaker.

The first record-breaker. The rewards are better than those who broke his record later. The last time Huang Yi broke the 80th floor of the Tower of the Gods, he gained the religious heart, the core prop of creating religion. After breaking the world record on the 110th floor, he obtained a construction drawing of the Yunfan Great Ship, which is now being researched and developed by shipbuilders around the clock in the shipyard. Now, he will welcome another heavy reward.

Huang Yi immediately reached out his hand, opened the box in front of him, and looked at the contents inside.

There are four items in the box. The first three items are the same as before. They are an experience dan, an A-level energy stone, and a soul spar that doesn't know what to do.

And the last item is a heavy reward for the first record-breaker. This is a leather scroll, tied by a rope. I don't know what is recorded in it, but this leather is not the kind of sheepskin roll I have seen before.

This leather is golden yellow, as if plated with gold, and there are some complicated lines on it. Huang Yi could not help but reach for it and capped it. The skin felt very texture to the touch and seemed to be familiar.

"Dragon skin! And it is the dragon skin of the golden holy dragon!" Suddenly, Huang Yi suddenly thought of something, and suddenly blurted out, this skin is like a dragon skin! It feels very similar to the skin on Xiaolong!

This turned out to be a dragon skin roll!

General documents or maps are drawn on paper. It is more important to use sheepskin rolls, but it is rare to use dragon skin as a documentary material! Dragon skin is extremely precious and can even be used as a material for legendary equipment. Huang Yi's legendary cloak is made of a piece of black dragon skin!

The dragon skin in front is the top dragon skin like the golden holy dragon! But it is only used as a record material, so what exactly is it recorded?

Huang Yi immediately became interested. He couldn't help pinching the bundled rope and pulled it gently.

"[System Tip]: This dragon skin roll can only be opened by those who have three top-level dragon blood, and the blood vein must not be lower than level 50."

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly received a system prompt.

This dragon skin roll is similar to the storage ring that he obtained after killing Mantian a while ago. They all need to meet certain conditions to open. It ’s difficult for ordinary people to get their hands even if they get this dragon skin roll. They need to find the blood of the three top dragons to help them, but there are very few of them. Even people with such broad eyes have only known Dragon Spikes. It is the bloodline of the three top dragons, and the rest is unknown.

However, Huang Yi does not need to look for the bloodline of the three top dragon races, he has a way to open this dragon skin roll himself. On the one hand, he can choose to take Xiaolong to level 50. On the other hand, he can choose to evolve into a golden holy dragon at level 140. He has the blood of a small dragon. Although the blood vein strength is not particularly high, it cannot be compared with the real adult golden holy dragon after evolution, but at least it is barely considered Three top dragon bloodlines.

Huang Yi stowed this dragon skin roll well, and only opened it slowly. But one thing is for sure, the things recorded in this dragon skin roll must be very important, otherwise it would not be possible to use the gold holy dragon skin to record.

Next, Huang Yi teleported and brushed the 120th floor of the Tower of the Gods again, once again breaking the record and getting a record-breaking reward. But this time the reward is much worse, there is no heavy baby.

Breaking the 120-layer world record twice in a row, Huang Yi suddenly had two experience danes on hand, each of which increased the experience by 50%. He didn't keep it, he chose to use it, and he rose to level 127 at once! Among the few magic elixirs he left, exactly one was 127, and he rose to 128 immediately after taking it.

This is his last time to upgrade madly. Next, he will start to reduce his leveling efficiency and help Xiaolong level up. Xiaolong is almost a bottomless pit. It is expensive as the top pet and its upgrade experience far exceeds that of ordinary pets. However, after its level is upgraded, it will be a top pet, and it is still a mount pet, which can be mounted on the body. The two work together to exert stronger combat power.

At that time, his body uses a dragon, and his incarnation uses a wild god. Each body is assisted by a powerful partner.


Huang Yi's avatar was transmitted into the main territory with the skirt. The hustle and bustle in my ears disappeared all of a sudden, leaving only the quiet bird calls of the forest, as if all of a sudden washed the dust heart, let people calm down.

"Brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiaolong is naughty, you have to train it well!" Said Xiao Qiu, holding Huang Yi's hand and walking while typing a small report.

"Wang Wang!" At this moment, Xiao Wang's cry came from deep in the woods, and he seemed to be having fun.

"Ahhhhhh!" Then a milky dragon yin rang, and it sounded like a dragon's voice, they seemed to be making a noise.

"These two bastards! They didn't even play with me! Huh!" The skirt said with a smirk.

Soon, the little skirt pulled Huang Yi to the area where Xiao Wang and Xiao Long were. From a distance, Huang Yi saw two shadows flashing in the forest, rushing forward.

"Wow!" A shadow appeared through a clump of grass, it was Xiao Wang. It stared up at Huang Yi, stuck his tongue, shook the dog's tail, and circled around him excitedly.

"Ahhhhh!" After a while, another little fluffy shadow finally burst out of the grass. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read an.) 9

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