Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Artifact Fragment

I saw that the top four posts all had those two names that tortured him all night-"Kill God". .

"Personal performance! Kill God with 80 super high personal killing contribution, win the first kill of the Lord of War! Become the first honor of the Heroes Guild!"

"Dominate the world! Kill God alone and contribute seven national honors, surpassing 163 countries!"

"Kill God set a world record for the 120th floor of the Tower of the Gods! No one is fighting!"

"The latest poll of the first person in the world has been released. Killer God has become the first person in the new generation with an absolute percentage of 75!"

Musashi Miyamoto looked at each post, his heart trembling. He felt that no matter when, where, or whatever, the word "killing God" was always eroding his mind. Even if he covered his ears and closed his eyes, those two words were still lingering, appearing again and again in his soul.

Miyamoto Musashi did not continue watching, he entered the second world directly, appeared on the top floor of the city hall of his martial arts guild.

At this moment, the rising sun shone in obliquely, dyeing the whole world golden, and a vibrant appearance.

But where there is sunlight, there must be darkness. Miyamoto Musashi bowed his shadow and remained motionless for a long time, forming a silhouette in the silent morning light.

Then, his slender fingers took a moment and took something out of the storage ring.

This is a round black stone, under the golden sunlight in the morning, like a black hole, devouring all light and hope.

Miyamoto Musashi stared at the stone intricately, rubbing his fingers lightly on it. His fingers seemed to feel a mighty power in that stone, and the power was so tempting, devouring his thoughts little by little. However, deep in the strength of the mighty shore, there was a faint smell of degeneration, and he was entangled with his reason.

"Brother, you go online without eating breakfast." At this time, a soft voice suddenly came from behind Miyamoto Musashi, and then a stunning beauty appeared in the air. Taichi.

Miyamoto Musashi shook the palm of his hand and hid the black stone in his palm quickly, then turned his head as usual, looked at Oda City, smiled, and said calmly, "I come up and see, There is nothing else, so I will have breakfast offline. "

"Then you hurry up!" Oda nodded and quickly went offline.

Ning Yan was restored in the air again, and Miyamoto Musashi opened his palm, glanced at the black stone, bit his lip, put it back into the storage ring, and followed it off the assembly line.


In Rose Prison, countless criminals were eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Huang Yi and Thor were sitting face to face, and in front of them were a bowl of hot white porridge, a fritter, and an egg.

"This porridge has been drinking for years, and the taste is still so bad." Thunder God took a sip of porridge and sighed slightly.

Huang Yi picked up the eggs next to the bowl, knocked on the table, peeled the eggshell, and asked, "You haven't practiced anymore since you went to the 100th level. What have you been doing lately?"

Thunder God smiled and said, "After I ascended to the sanctuary, an overseas coordinate appeared on the dial of my ancient Godship. I've been busy looking for that coordinate these days. I arrived there yesterday. Found the remains of a sea god, and found a relic of the sea god. "

"Poseidon?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested when he heard the name.

Poseidon is the eighth god-sealer in history. Others, as their name suggests, are a strong man who cannot be forgotten by all marine races in the Second World. In ancient times, when the Seven Demon Kings invaded, Poseidon had played against the fallen king, refining the other five strongest generals, but Poseidon's artifact, the Poseidon's Pillar, was also shattered in that battle, and the fragments drifted towards All over the world. Not long after that, Poseidon sealed the gods and went to the realm of God, and there was no news ever again.

Huang Yi knew the **** of the sea very well. The scepter of the **** of the sea was the part of the pillar of the **** of the sea. When Huang Yi imprisoned the giant, he used Dinghai's Scepter to disperse the giant's imprint and restore it to the ancient giant.

In addition, the guardian of the heroic port called Tide Aoki, who was a maid of the sea at that time. She was imprisoned for many years in Hero Prison, released by Huang Yi, and became the first guardian of the territory of Heroes Harbor.

"Yes! That's Poseidon! My ancient ship, which was built by Poseidon to consign islands, was modeled after Noah's Shenzhou, the **** of life, so I'm also a part of Poseidon's heritage. People! I took a lot of effort to get a piece of artifact on that coordinate yesterday, which is part of the Poseidon's Pillar of the year. I tried its power, a small piece of debris, almost smaller than It's worth an epic gear! "Thor said at the end, smiling slightly, apparently in a good mood. That was the artifact fragment, not even Huang Yi. Huang Yi's strongest baby was just the fragments of epic equipment.

"Then you have much more capital to fight for the first kill!" Huang Yi took the shelled egg and took a bite. "I took the 5,000-person warlord yesterday and got it." An epic piece of equipment, there are five pieces of that piece, one piece for each first kill, I ca n’t get all the pieces by my team of heroes alone. I ’ll wait to tell you how the first ss war master played, such a You can save a lot of time compared to other teams. The Lord of War is equivalent to being a gatekeeper. After killing it, the No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5 ss can be arbitrarily challenged, there is no sequential killing order Then, when you pick one of them, fight for the first kill. "

Thor thought for a while, and said, "Then I pick the No. 2 ss. I have brushed it many times in the 90s. The No. 2 ss has the highest requirements for t. You are good at attacking. Go to the No. 4 ss. More appropriate……"


After breakfast, Huang Yi returned to his cell, closed the door, and after a few exercises, he entered the forum to check the latest news.

As soon as I opened the 24-hour hot post, the top posts were all related to his deeds yesterday. He skipped it and looked at the next post.

"The Ganges became the guardian of the Indian mainland. The name of the Indian mainland was changed to Ganges!"

"Italian super rookie tnt made a special trip to the East China mainland and met with the leaders of Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo overnight to discuss secret cooperation."

"The Brazilian port of Amazon, the largest port in Brazil, has been completed, and can accommodate 800 ocean-going ships at the same time. It ranks third in the world in throughput, behind only Sun Port and Hero Port."

Looking at the news from Huang Yi, almost every day, new events are happening on the continents of the countries of the Second World, and the whole world is changing rapidly. Ten billion people are changing the world at the same time. The strength of each person cooperates with each other and restricts each other. All kinds of forces are integrated, which makes the world develop in an unknown direction. In this huge tide, everyone can only follow the wave, and even if it is as strong as Huang Yi, it cannot control the direction of the world with one's own strength.

After browsing through the popular news posts, Huang Yi was trying to exit the forum and enter the second world. But at this moment, a brand new sticky announcement appeared in the most prominent position, and the title was bold and red-

"The third annual festival is about to start!"

Seeing this news, Huang Yi immediately clicked in and took a look.

"Dear friends, the annual Second World Festival will start again. This annual festival will be held in New Delhi, the Indian capital on June 5. This time we will evaluate the performance of all players this year, and A series of awards will be awarded. We will remind all the finalists of the awards in a systematic message. Stay tuned. "

The third annual festival is coming!

Huang Yi felt a little bit sad. He attended the second annual ceremony as a newcomer last year and won the Best Newcomer Award, one of the five top awards. He has since truly entered the ranks of superb masters. And this year, he will participate in the competition for other awards as an elderly person, including the best personal award, the most watched award!

Only by receiving the best individual award can we represent a person truly standing on top of the world. This is an indispensable proof!

In the first annual ceremony, Blade became the best individual in the first annual ceremony, and became the first person in the world to deserve it. As a result, his fame resounded throughout the world and lasted until retreating. Even now, after a long retreat, his name is a legend and countless people are remembering it.

In the second annual grand ceremony, the sword became a blockbuster and won the best individual award. A while ago, he even beat Huang Yi in the round-robin phase of the contest, becoming the only player with 31 points in this group, all the way forward. Countless people have said that if he is not defeated by Miyamoto Musashi's s-level potion in the semi-finals, he will likely compete with Huang Yi for the final title of Emperor Wu!

Now, the third annual festival is about to be held. Huang Yi is definitely one of the candidates with the highest probability of winning. This year, his light has been too dazzling. And once you get the best personal award, it means that Huang Yi can make a new request like Mr. Huang Sha, the president of the time company!

This opportunity is not even the President of the World Federation!

Huang Yi cleared her mood, and then entered the second world.

As soon as he was online, he took out a power stone and drank 30 energy. Subsequently, he took out the professional upgrade scroll and opened the eye of time to check. He has watched this scroll for many days and has been dissatisfied with its effects.

But today, when Huang Yi saw its brand-new effect, all the dissatisfaction disappeared suddenly.


Today is the last day of 2013. Thank you for walking with Hero Prison for a year. At this moment, you may be in cities, mainland China, Taiwan, overseas, and the world is too big. I do n’t know where you are.

Thank you everyone, especially you who are watching this passage! There is a trough in the plot ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not easy to see it now. I hope that when you see this book, you will forget some of the real troubles. In the new year, I will try my best to write a better plot for everyone to see.

This year, this novel made me meet Qin Shiyu in my life. She looked at the book silently like everyone else. She added my qq one day, raised her thoughts, and then I fell in love. With her, fate is so wonderful.

I wrote this sentence in the book "Refrigeration":

Sometimes, after a lifetime, you can't fall in love with a person for a second.

Sometimes it takes only a second to love someone for a lifetime.

It probably only took me a second to fall in love with her. 2014 is unknown, I don't know if she can go to the end, but I will work hard. Everyone should read the book, and my brother will marry you a **** next year.

I wish everyone can find their fate in 2014! If you encounter any setbacks, you can go forward like killing God!

May everyone be the best person in their hearts! rs

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