Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 571: Divine Class Scroll

Today's career upgrade scroll has finally arrived at a random effect that satisfied Huang Yi——

[Professional deification]: Sacrifice the 5 professional skills that have not yet been learned at the cost of shortening the cooldown of a major professional skill by 90%, add a new exclusive skill, and get a promotion to the **** class. Opportunities, as long as they meet the conditions, can be promoted to God-level occupations.

Seeing the previous description, Huang Yi didn't feel anything, but after seeing the last sentence, he couldn't help it.

This scroll can make rare professions promote again and become god-level professions! This is a term that I have never heard of. At present, there are only three career gradients in the entire Second World. One is an ordinary occupation, one is an advanced occupation, and one is a rare occupation. And now, this scroll reveals a very important message, that is, the rare profession, there is a god-level profession, but no one has ever known it, Huang Yi was the first to know this message.

In addition to Chen being able to be promoted to a **** class, this scroll has two more benefits. The first is to shorten the cooling time of a career move by 90%. Huang Yi has only learned one career move, that is, the hand of execution. Once this scroll is used, the cooldown of Executioner's Hand is reduced from 10 days to 1 day, the practicality is greatly improved, and it can be used every day.

The second is that you can add an exclusive skill, each rare occupation has only one exclusive skill, Huang Yi's exclusive skill is to pronounce judgment. Exclusive skills, as the name suggests, are exclusive, unique and impossible for others to possess. It may not be applicable to all situations, but in some special cases, it can have a counter-intuitive effect. The most typical is the fusion of the corpse of Oda City, which is almost invincible with a special energy stone!

And this scroll, the only price. It is to sacrifice the 5 professional skills that have not been learned next. In other words, after Huang Yi used this scroll, the five skills of level 135, 145, 155, 165, and 175 are gone. Never learn.

After a little comparison, Huang Yi still felt that the advantages of this scroll far outweighed the disadvantages. Aside from the opportunity to be promoted to a god-level profession, let alone shorten the cooling time of a major move by 90% and add a new one. Exclusive skills, this can completely make up for those 5 skills missing.

After level 100. The new skills that can be learned are reduced, and most of them have been upgraded in order to have additional effects. For example, Huang Yi's level 105 skill is to upgrade the previously learned [Draining Anger], and the level 125 skill is to upgrade the previously learned [French Net Recovery]. Even the new skill [Anti-Scouting] learned at level 115 is just a passive skill. It is not an active skill and has limited help in combat.

Therefore, it is very cost-effective to sacrifice the next 5 skills to use this scroll.

Huang Yi didn't hesitate anymore. I don't know if this effect will come out again randomly in the future. He immediately grasped the rope and pulled it slightly to open it.

After that scroll was opened. A few lines of words appeared above:

"Scroll of Deification-

Lost five professional skills from 135 to 175.

[Hand of Execution] cooldown reduced from 10 days to 1 day.

Added an exclusive skill [Transformation].

Get a chance to be promoted to a **** class. "

Since then, the effect of this scroll has been fixed and will no longer be randomized.

Huang Yi immediately chose to use this scroll! Suddenly, a ray of light emerged from the scroll and sank into him.

In a few moments, his skill in execution was changed. This skill was originally used yesterday when fighting the master of war. There is still 9 days of cooling time, but now there is only one day left.

Secondly, in addition to the previous verdict, Huang Yi also acquired a brand-new professional-exclusive skills-

[Transformation]: Extract the attached skills of the equipment that has been bound to it. Transform it, increase its power, and transfer to the remaining equipment. If you already have a collateral skill in the equipment that can withstand the skills, you can choose to replace one of the collateral abilities of the equipment. The greater the power of the skill, the more energy it consumes during the transformation.

This new exclusive skill is not a combat-type skill, but its auxiliary function is extremely powerful, especially in line with the current Huang Yi. It can be said that someone just came to the pillow when they were sleepy.

Because Huang Yi only got the fragment of the epic weapon yesterday, it needs to burn a piece of legendary equipment to restore the power. After burning, the incidental skills of the legendary equipment are also destroyed simultaneously. And this skill, the legendary equipment with valuable incidental skills, can be retained to a certain extent, can be transferred to other equipment, replacing some less practical skills.

After checking the two skills, Huang Yi frowned suddenly, because he hasn't been able to receive news about his promotion to a god-level profession until now.

He couldn't help but open the chapter scroll again and looked at it, and suddenly there was a new discovery.

After seeing the last sentence of that scroll, "Get a chance to be promoted to a god-level career," there are four extra words-"Broken and Standing"

These four words are obviously the conditions for promotion to a god-level career, but it does not say exactly what to do, no specific process, no specific steps, and Huang Yi needs to explore it by himself.

It seems to mean that you must let Huang Yi lose something before you can become stronger. But the condition of losing something, but I do n’t know how to accomplish it, I do n’t know how to be considered as losing something.

Huang Yi has now managed to climb to such a height, and it is almost unbearable to lose something. He couldn't easily try it, but only slowly studied it. One day, this secret would be cracked by him.

Next, Huang Yi took three more things out of the storage ring. The first two things were the medicine bottle and the Elemental Spirit Compass, but he didn't get any surprises, so he had to wait and see again tomorrow. And the third thing is that [Somlet's **** battle. Handle]

In fact, since yesterday, he has been thinking about whether to burn off the legendary axe to restore the power of the epic **** battle. But he has not been able to make up his mind. Now that he has the skills to transform, he finally made up his mind.

He wants to burn off the legendary ghost axe to restore the handle and use that handle as his new weapon in the future!

Huang Yi immediately took out the legendary ghost axe and used the [transformation] skills he just acquired!

Suddenly, a group of red rays was forcibly extracted from the legendary ghost axe and floated in the air. This group of red rays is the accompanying skill of the legendary ghost axe-flying axe.

The next moment, Huang Yi received a system prompt.

"[System Tip]: There are three ways to transform the flying axe skills. Please make a choice. The first is to increase the attack power and cause damage to the enemy from 30% to 50 %. The second is to extend the flight distance to increase the longest attack distance from 20 times to 30 times the level value. The third is to test the flying axe from a fixed straight line attack method to automatically track the enemy's attack the way."

Of the three transformation directions, the first two have intuitive data improvements, but Huang Yi chose the third one, making this skill an automatic tracking method! After launching the flying axe skill, it cannot change its direction. If the enemy reacts faster, it can completely shift before the arrival of the flying axe to avoid its attack. And if it becomes automatic tracking, then it can only be tough.

After transforming this skill, Huang Yi immediately chose to burn the legendary ghost axe, restoring the power of [Somret the Great's Bloody Battle Ge. Handle]!

In a short time, this axe he used for a long time, a group of flaming flames appeared, as if it were a sacrifice, full of tragic and tragic feeling!

The top of this legendary ghost axe is the humble handle, which gradually turns red under the burning of the legendary ghost axe. The hot flame was gradually absorbed by it, making its breath more and more intense, like a lion that had been asleep for a long time, and finally woke up.

Gradually, the legendary ghost axe disappeared, and it had completely turned into a flame, absorbed by that handle. The handle was completely transformed at this time, and some rough golden lines appeared on it, which seemed to have a royal feel.

Huang Yi held it in his hand, and suddenly felt a powerful force, surpassing the previous axe!

Later, Huang Yi once again used the transformation skills to reinject the flying axe skills just reinjected into this handle.

"Oh!" The blood light suddenly fell into the handle, as if it never appeared.

Huang Yi looked forward to this handle with a look of anticipation—

[The **** battle of King Somret. Handle] (epic, temporarily reduced to legend, weapon-long soldiers)

Melee Attack: 100 Sanctuary Points-120 Sanctuary Points

Strength +20 Sanctuary Points

Attack + 20%

Critical Chance + 5%

Every five seconds ~ www.readwn.com ~ increases the next attack by 20%

The maximum anger value is +100, which increases 1 anger per second.

Incidental skills:

[Axe]: Ultra-long-range attack skills, struggling to throw the weapon in the direction of the target, the weapon automatically tracks the target at a speed of 100 meters per second, and all enemy targets hit along the way will be forced to bounce off and cause Equivalent to 30% of attack damage. The maximum attack distance of the flying axe must not exceed 20 times the level value, which can be recalled at any time. Each use consumes 5% health and cools down for 5 minutes.


Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 125

Equipment rating: 3000

Item description: I have not become a king, but you have become a queen. So sorry, I can only overthrow him. (To be continued ...)

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