Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 572: My eternal love, Carrie

This handle was only an orange weapon before, but when Huang Yi injected the transformed axe into it, it was promoted to legendary equipment.

However, it can only be regarded as the legend of the lowest grade, only some additional attributes exceed the ghost axe, there is no essential transcendence. Of course, this is just one of the components, and it is quite good to achieve this power. After getting more components in the future, it will become more and more powerful, and once all five components are brought together, that will It is a complete epic weapon! The value far exceeds the rest! This is a weapon, not armor and jewelry.

Huang Yi gripped the handle tightly, it was only about ten centimeters, and it would be completely covered after being held in the hand, as if he did not hold anything. However, it has an illusory shape, a transparent breath extending out, forming a shape of a long go, more than two meters long, without affecting its use at all. And it's even more covert. Others can't even see the weapon and have been injured.

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt that there was something strange in the handle. It seemed that there was a trace on the handle. He spread his palm and looked carefully, and soon found that there was a line of small characters engraved on the side of the handle. It just appeared after burning the legendary equipment--

"You are my happiness, my pain, my light of hope, my source of sin.-My eternal love, Carrie."

Seeing this small line of words, Huang Yi was in a daze. The person who wrote this line of characters has long disappeared into the long river of time, but this line of characters has been engraved on this handle, traveling through the space of history, until today he was inadvertently seen.

Through this short line of small print, Huang Yi seemed to feel the pain of Emperor Somret at the time. He and the woman named Carly must have had a happy time, but this woman later left. The phrase "I am not a king, but you are a king" in the item description obviously means that the woman abandoned him and became a princess. Emperor Somret loved and hated. In the end, he chose violent slaughter, destroyed the empire with his own hands, and became king himself, but he still had a little apology for her in his arrogant heart. This is why he said "So sorry, I can only overthrow him . "

This love and hate. Feelings of guilt and brutality, perhaps tormenting him day and night, I don't know how severely the heart of this man on the mighty coast has been tortured.

"Why is love so terrible, but there are still countless people rushing up and down?" Huang Yimo whispered to the handle, muttering to himself.


Next. Huang Yi went to the main territory and found Xiaolong.

At this time, the warm sunlight was shining through the gaps of the leaves, forming patches of light sprinkled in the peaceful forest, and occasionally heard the crisp calls of birds. Xiaolong was lying on Xiaowang's back and snoring, and his little belly was bullying slightly, and he slept soundly sweet.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and walked lightly. Leaning over and holding it. Xiao Long opened his confused big eyes and looked around dimly. After seeing Huang Yi's arrival, a flash of intimacy flashed in his eyes, he closed his eyes again, and fell asleep in his arms and continued to fall asleep, little paw Holding his collar tightly, it seemed that he would not let him go.

"Let's go to sleep. I'll take you to level." Huang Yi touched his little head and said softly, then looked at Xiao Wang who was still asleep and turned quietly away.

Teleported to the 128th floor of the Tower of the Gods, Huang Yi took out the handle of the battlefield that had just restored its power and began the process of becoming familiar with new weapons.

"Re-sentence!" At this time, Huang Yi attacked directly towards the nearest strange. Raising your hand is the strongest attack skill! His action looked very strange, because the handle of the battle Ge was held in his hands and was not exposed, and it was difficult for outsiders to see the gaseous Chang Ge. It looks like Huang Yi is doing it empty-handed towards that monster.

"Oh!" When the monster was two meters away from Huang Yimingming, his body suddenly trembled, and then a blood hole appeared in his stomach, and he slowly fell down. It was suffocated by the gaseous transparent battle go, but on the surface, a blood hole appeared on its body for no reason, and then it was killed.

The concealment of this warfare handle can really work wonders. In addition, the attacking power of this Zhan Ge handle slightly exceeds the previous Ghost Axe, slightly speeding up the attack efficiency, you can brush faster. If there is one more component, the attack power will soar.


"Scorched earth!"

"Thundercloud storm!"


Next, Huang Yi quickly used his four large-scale attack abilities, and began to brush the monsters recklessly, with the dragons fully upgraded.


In this way, the days passed.

To the struggling person, time seems to go fast, and to the dazed person, time goes slowly again.

In Huang Yi's eyes, this time elapsed.

Through these days of hard work, Xiaolong has been promoted to level 49, and will soon reach the critical level of level 50. However, Huang Yi has only risen to 130th level, and still maintains the first place in the world rankings, but there is only a 5th level gap between Yang Yuheng and second place, and he will soon be caught up by him.

In addition, Huang Yi also led the League of Legends during this time, setting a world record for the 500-player mode on the 110th floor! Before that, only the heroic guild had set a world record, and it was only in single player mode. This is the first time they have won the world record in the 500 player mode.

Of the five modes of the Tower of the Gods, the record of the single-player mode and the five-hundred-player mode is the most important, and the rewards are more generous, and the other three modes are of little significance. This record of five hundred players, coupled with the killing of the leader of the war before, the Heroes began to truly have the style of an s-class team, and took off the hat of the entire team, which was only Huang Yi alone, even without him , It's completely a top team.

That morning, Huang Yi went online as usual and went to the forum to check it out.

"The sharp sword comes out of the sheath! No one is fighting! The sharp sword finally no longer hides its strength and creates an unprecedented great record! In the same day, it won three points of national honor and was named the Emperor!"

Seeing the headline message, Huang Yi froze slightly. He didn't know this, it seemed that it happened after he went off to sleep last night. During this period of time, as the second annual festival was approaching, various masters began to sprint again, and each achievement was achieved madly. This sword has always hidden strength before, not even a little national honor value, but now he couldn't help rushing out, and it was a blockbuster, and suddenly got 3 national honor value.

However, these three only achievements should be that he prepared for a long time, and just happened together to achieve all. Otherwise, one person cannot complete three achievements from beginning to end in one day. The sharp sword behind this should be a lot of effort.

Huang Yi continued to watch.

"Tnt became the guardian of Italy and changed the Italian continent to the Roman continent."

"The Ganga Regiment successfully defeated the Lord of War and became the 10th team with the strength to compete for the next four hundred OSSs in the 100th floor!"

"Each team is fighting for progress!"

At this time, Huang Yi finally saw an important post, and he immediately clicked in and took a look.

"At this time, the world ’s most concerned topic is undoubtedly the first killing battle for the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods. At present, plus the Ganges who have just defeated the Lord of War, there are already ten teams that can fight The Lord of War has the first killing qualification to compete for the next four SSs. Among them, the fastest progress is the heroic group of His Majesty. They chose the 4th SS, and currently the best progress has reached 95%. None People can compete with them. All the teams have shunned the No. 4 ss, and they are competing for the first three ss kills, so that the first three ss kills are extremely fierce. "

"No. 2 ss currently has a total of three teams competing! Her Majesty's Sun Regiment has the fastest progress, which has reached 70%, and Her Majesty's Angel Corps is closely behind. The best progress is 59% achieved last night. The mummy army's progress is worse, bottoming out at 46%. "

"No. 3 ss also currently has three teams competing. The fastest progress is under the Heavenly Mission, which has reached 72%, while the progress of the Great Bear Regiment and Tnt's Kingdom of God is flat, both reaching 55%."

"No. 5 ss is the most difficult ~ www.readwn.com ~ At present, only two teams are competing! The fastest progress is the Yanhuang Army, which has reached 55%, and the Miyamoto Musashi ’s martial arts group has a poor progress, only 32%. Of course, If Miyamoto Musashi can get a special energy stone, then Oda City's first kill after merging the body will not be a problem. Now this is an uncertain factor, and the final first kill will be lost. No one can judge yet. "


After reading this post, Huang Yi was relieved a lot. It seems that there is no catch-up by the teams on this day. The No. 4 ss has basically been determined to be won by the League of Heroes, not even competitors. Huang Yi didn't even participate in the training for the past two days, and let Shitu direct the hero group to fight. With the current strength of the hero group, as long as it takes some time, it can completely win the No. 4 ss.

The Sun Regiment and Yanhuang Army both have the main game of war provided by Huang Yi, which saves a lot of time than others. Now they are the fastest progressers in their respective ss. If not unexpected, they should win their respective first kills. Not too difficult. By that time, Huang Yi's epic battle will be able to gather 4 parts!

Next, Huang Yi entered the second world, and today he can take Xiaolong to level 50! At that time, you can use the dragon to open the dragon skin roll that you got after you set the 120-layer world record! (To be continued ...)

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