Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Open Mystery Dragon Skin Roll

Once on the line, Huang overflowed into the main territory, surrounded by quietness, without any silhouette. .

"Wang Wang!" At this moment, Xiao Wang's cry came faintly from the distant forest, as if playing.

"Wang Wang ~" Then, a milky voice sounded as if it were a dragon. It can't get rid of this problem now, no matter it is Longyin or dog barking, it is estimated that this is the first time in the vast history of the Dragon family.

"Little dragon, come here!" Huang Yi called out towards the distant woods, and the voice spread quickly in all directions.

Soon, the grass in the distance began to shake for a while, and two small figures were faintly moving towards this side, and they rushed out after a short time. It was Xiao Wang and Xiao Long.

At this point, the bodies of the two little guys were all dirty, Xiao Wang's tail was wet, and Xiaolong's beautiful golden claws were covered with mud, and it seemed that he was going to grab the mud.

Xiao Wang spit out his tongue, ran to Huang Yi's body, put his two front paws on his body, and his tail swayed from side to side. And Xiaolong turned into a small shadow, and flew directly to Huang Yi's arms, and the mud on his body was all smeared on Huang Yi's body.

At present, Xiaolong is at level 49, but it is still so big, and the strength has not been significantly improved. It just grows in attributes and moves faster. Its strength is mainly related to morphological growth. It is basically a baby in its infancy and has no fighting power at all.

"Oh!" At this moment, Xiaolong's muddy little head arched intimately towards Huang Yi, making a tender dragon groan, and patting the flesh of his belly with his little paws, it seemed to be saying that he was hungry .

"Okay! This is the heart of the last Sand Pirate King!" Huang Yi had no choice but to take out the last Sand Pirate King's heart from the storage ring and hand it to Xiaolong.

Xiaolong blinked his big eyes slightly, opened his mouth and sucked! Suddenly, the heart of the Sand Pirate turned into a ball of blood, rushed into its mouth, and was absorbed into it.

Immediately after, Xiaolong's forehead flashed a dazzling golden light again, and a small scale appeared. But this scale is not complete. The heart of the Sand Pirate King just was not enough for it to grow a complete scale.

"Little dragon, little dragon! When can you grow up!" Huang Yi touched the eight scales on Xiaolong's forehead and couldn't help but sigh. All of his Sand Pirate King's hearts have been absorbed by these dragons these days, but they just let it grow this scale. I do n’t know how many heavenly treasures to feed it to grow up.

"Ahhhhh!" Xiaolong put out her pink tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, as if she was not full. It looked at Huang Yi obediently with big eyes, and its small paws grasped his clothes and swayed from side to side, as if begging for food.

"No, I'm done! I'll go find another delicious food for you tomorrow! Now obediently go to level with me!" Huang Yi smiled slightly, lowered his head and touched Xiao Wang's head, motioned to let it continue playing here, Then he took Xiaolong to the teleportation array and teleported to the tower of the gods to begin leveling.

At present, Huang Yi can brush up to the 129th layer. As for the 130th layer, there is nothing he can do. The last ss can't beat. Although he has surpassed the opponent, his level, attributes and talents still have a big gap.

Until the afternoon, Xiaolong's body finally emerged with a golden light, successfully rising to level 50!

"[System tip]: Your contract partner, Xiaolong, has risen to level 50 and awakens the first skill," Dragon Dragon Coming "."

After receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi immediately looked at Xiaolong's first skill with a look of anticipation—

[Dragon's Birth to the World]: The dragon's body grows up temporarily, can fly, and can be used for riding. In the flying state, the speed is increased by 1 and the acceleration ability is obtained. When flying at normal speed, the dragon can continue all the time. Accelerating the flight will make it tired, and after reaching a certain level, it will make it exit the state of the Holy Dragon. This skill can be upgraded as the level increases, and the remaining effects are activated.

This skill made Xiaolong play some role. The current little dragon will do nothing but catch loach, and once he uses this skill, he can fly with Huang Yi!

This is the first flying mount that Huang Yi has ever seen. All his mounts previously ran on land. Even if you look around the world, very few people can have flying mounts.

Huang Yi now only has the avatar that can continue to fly, and the body can only fly after the body becomes a white dragon, and it can only last for a short time and cannot fly for a long time. Now with the dragon, he can fly all the time.

"Well, Xiaolong! Help me open this dragon skin roll!" At this moment, Huang Yi immediately took the dragon skin roll out of the storage ring and handed it to Xiaolong.

"Ahhhhh!" Xiaolong crooked his head, opened Shui Lingling's eyes, looked curiously at the dragon skin roll, and then looked down at his small body, as if wondering why this dragon skin roll The material is exactly the same as its skin.

Finally, Xiaolong reached out his little paw to take over the dragon skin roll, and then pinched the rope tied to it, and gently pulled it!

"Wow!" Suddenly, the mysterious dragon skin scroll was opened and stretched out from the air!

I saw a large map drawn on that dragon skin roll, with red lines marked with arrow symbols, and finally pointing to a valley with a dragon head.

"A treasure map again?" As soon as Huang Yi saw this map, he immediately appeared the treasure map of the golden holy dragon that he had obtained at the beginning. It was based on that treasure map that he finally found the treasure spot.

But soon, Huang Yi discovered that a small line was written on the top of the dragon skin roll-the tomb of the golden holy dragon.

This is not a treasure map, but a map of the dragon tomb!

The dragon tomb is extremely difficult to find. The dragons are extremely dignified creatures. When they die, they often leave their lairs, find a hidden and quiet place, and die quietly to prevent their bodies from being found. After all, they are all treasures. Once the corpse is found, the dragon skin, keel, dragon tendons and other parts will be used as materials to make other items, which is a very dignified death method.

Therefore, it is difficult for people to find dragon tombs, especially the dragon tombs of the top dragon family such as the golden holy dragon! In the vast and long history of the Second World, countless adventurers went forward to search, but only found the tomb of the golden holy dragon three times! The third of these happened just sixteen years ago.

Sixteen years ago, the chairman of the Central Continental Adventure Association and also the greatest explorer of the contemporary, Iserel, found a dragon grave of a golden holy dragon on an overseas desert island and obtained a whole golden holy dragon. Remains! As a result, the strength of the Adventure Association has risen. From a second-class strength, it has become one of the first-class forces in the Central Continent, far from being comparable to a half-orc holy place!

The head of a golden holy dragon can greatly increase the power of an influence overnight. Imagine how rare a tomb of a top dragon family is! If it is known by those forces in the central continent, it will surely steal the blood.

Now, Huang Yi holds such a top dragon tomb map! Its value is inestimable!

However, the harvest and danger are directly proportional. The tomb of the golden holy dragon is so powerful that it will certainly not succeed casually, maybe it will pay the price of life.

Huang Yi tightly dragged the map of the dragon tomb, and looked down at the dragon with a small tail playing in his arms, and groaned for a while, and said, "Little dragon, now you don't know how many heavenly treasures to eat. Grow up, with my strength, I do n’t know how many years it will take to raise you. But now, our continent just happens to have a dragon grave of the golden holy dragon, which is too coincident. The whole world ca n’t find it. There are several golden holy dragons, and we can't have two of them all at once, so I suspect that the golden holy dragon in this dragon tomb is your mother. After you go to that dragon tomb, you will likely get a huge opportunity, Maybe it can greatly shorten the growth time. But there is a certain danger. I wonder if you would like to carry me to find your mother's dragon tomb? "

Xiaolong looked up, looked at Huang Yi, and blinked innocently, as if still thinking. After a while, he nodded his head and agreed with Huang Yi's plan.

"Xiaolong is really brave!" Huang Yi touched Xiaolong's head and sighed, "It shouldn't be too late, let's set off right away! You are flying fast, so I'm afraid I have to suffer some hurries, I will let the incarnation I will accompany you, and when I reach the site of the dragon tomb, my body will teleport it with the mark of the **** of death to help you break through the dragon tomb. "

After speaking, Huang Yi teleported out, and then his avatar was teleported from Longdu to the main territory, ready to explore with Xiaolong.

"Xiaolong, turn around and fly!" Huang Yi encouraged him, looking at it expectantly.

Xiaolong nodded his head, and immediately used the skills that he had just awakened.

"Wow!" Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiaolong's body suddenly grew up, the wings and air behind him made a fierce fan sound, and the dead branches and leaves on the ground were blown into the sky!

In the ups and downs of countless leaves, Xiaolong fanned huge wings and rushed straight up, like a golden lightning rushed into the air! Circling around for a while, began the first test flight!

It has never flown before, and now has no experience with the first flight. It is crooked and will fall. But soon, as if it were an innate talent, its flying attitude became more and more sophisticated, and it became more and more stable, as if the king soared in the sky, exuding a strong spirit of who he is!

At this moment, its huge wings shielded the sun, cast a huge shadow, and flew freely, fully confirming the name of that skill, just like the holy dragon of heaven came to this world, and it will bring a catastrophe!

"It's really domineering!" At this moment, Huang Yi looked up at the dragon in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Wang Wang ~" Huang Yi's voice just dropped, and the little dragon in flight couldn't help but send out a dog bark, which rang across the world, for a long time ... rs

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