Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Ghost and whisper

Xiaolong's barking dog utterly destroyed all his domineering power and majesty!

"Your dog's barking is a real sight!" Huang Yi shook her head and smiled, and then the avatar flew open with wings, chasing and playing with Xiaolong in the sky. However, the speed of his incarnation is far from having to go to Xiaolong, it is not a grade at all.

"Well, let's go to the Dragon Tomb!" Huang Yi's avatar patted Xiaolong's head and flew towards the teleportation array. And his body continued to be leveled in the Tower of the Gods.

Huang Yi's incarnation picked up the dragon and teleported to a city called "Warcraft City".

The city is inconspicuous in the south-central part of the mainland, but there is a famous place on the west side of the city-the Warcraft Mountains!

The mountains of Warcraft are extremely vast and much larger than the desolate sandy land. Even at the speed of the dragon, it takes an extremely long time to cross the past. The World of Warcraft Mountains are extremely dangerous, and various countless evil beasts circling in them, among them there are many World of Warcraft in the holy realm. But even so, there are still a lot of players who go there to try their luck and catch some ten-level Warcraft as mounts in the outer area.

In the periphery of the World of Warcraft, there are hundreds of large and small cities. Warcraft City is the closest city to the Dragon Tomb.

At this time, Huang Yi had already changed the name of another "big bad guy", pretending to be an ordinary player, and walked out of Warcraft City.

After his in-depth evolution at level 120, there was no improvement in his strength, but the technique of incarnation outside the body has been strengthened by emphasis! In addition to having a new name, this enhancement also has the effect of camouflage. His avatar can change appearance, change weapon shape, etc., and even lower the level temporarily.

Now, in addition to changing his name into a big badass, his equipment has also changed, and the handle of Zhan Ge has also turned into a spear. As for the level, it was temporarily lowered from 130 to 95.

Now, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he cannot associate the word "killing God" with him. Even if he attacks others, he will not reveal his true identity.

At this time, there was an endless stream of people out of the West Gate of Warcraft City, and Huang Yi was inconspicuous in it. Looking up, the dense crowd in front formed a stream of people that stretched towards the direction of the WoW Mountains. These people are in a hurry, walking very fast, and constantly looking up as they walk, it seems that what happened there, they have to rush to the past.

"Let's go! Let's go! Jianchao Guild is working, don't get in the way!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly heard an arrogant shout, accompanied by a dense horseshoe.

Huang Yi turned his head to look, at this moment, a team of brightly equipped players rushed behind, about hundreds of people. Each of their Majesty rode on a horse with black horns above their heads, raising dust all the way, speeding and full of Xiao Xiao. The players on both sides saw them, all evaded to avoid, lest they block their way.

"Black wildebeest?" Huang Yi saw the players' mounts and looked at them. Black wildebeests are a type of mount unique to the World of Warcraft Mountains. They have long physical strength, extremely well-balanced muscles, and look very beautiful. There is a horn on the head that can release magic attacks. The strength of the black wildebeests is generally around the fourth-order peak, which is equivalent to the king of earth dragons-Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This group of players turned out to be riding blackhorns, showing that the sword tide guild behind them should have some strength.

"DaDaDa!" Soon, this group of players disappeared into the distance on a black wildebeest, leaving only a few players with a lot of discussion.

"I didn't expect that the Jianchao Guild was also dispatched. Now the situation is really getting more complicated!"

"I don't know if the president of Jianchao Guild heard the sound of Yu Wu's sword. As the first master of Warcraft City, the level is as high as 105. If he wants to grab such a treasure, I am afraid no one can stop it."

"This is not necessarily the case. Did n’t the Heroes’ Guild of Warcraft sub-rudder also send someone to it? The helm master is also a master of the sanctuary. He leaned on the behemoth of the Heroes ’Guild, and he might not dare to provoke him when he heard the sound of rain.

At this time, beside Huang Yi, the two players were talking while hurrying. When Huang Yi heard the words "Heroes Guild of Warcraft City", he couldn't help it immediately.

The Heroes Guild is a second-world super-first guild, and its sub-helms are spread all over the mainland. These sub-rudders are generally based on a city, not large in scale, without secondary territories, without guardians, and more like the surname of an office.

The sub-rudder is the true grass-roots level of the Heroes Guild. There are countless news every day. It is reported from the mid-levels of the sub-rudders that spread across all corners of the mainland. It is finally screened and classified by the intelligence department and reported to Qin Shiyu, the vice president.

Huang Yi wouldn't care about these things at first, but since he met them today, naturally he can't stand idly by. He immediately took two steps towards the two players next to him, and smiled at them, asking, "Two brothers, I don't know what happened in front of me? How do you feel that many people are rushing there?"

The two players are a strong man and a thin man. The thin man turned his head and looked at Huang Yi, and said, "Dude, you are new to Warcraft City! You do n’t even know such a sensation? At dawn, some players found a ground palace on the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains. That ground palace There is a glory of treasure in Zhongyin. The player is also a big tongue. He did not keep the secret, which caused the news to leak. Everyone knows the news. The opportunity for such treasures to be born is extremely rare, and naturally attracts all forces of all sizes from World of Warcraft. Notice that all forces have now sent their staff to the past, and they want to go in and find out. "

"So how is the situation now?" Huang Yi continued to ask, looking curious.

"Natural stalemate!" At that moment, the brave man replied: "There is a guardian of the sanctuary in the palace, and now the others dare not take the lead, for fear that when they fight with the guardian, they will be occupied by other guilds. Cheap. But now qualified to compete for treasures, there are only the strongest forces. The strongest of them is the Warhead City Snake Tide Guild. The team who just rode the black wildebeest is theirs. .In addition, there are the three forces of Warcraft City, the second largest force behind the Jianchao Guild, the Tiger Gang, the sub-rudder of the Hero Guild, and the sub-rudder of the Famous Club Guild. "

After the strong man finished speaking, the thin man took the conversation and said, "But it is said that there are forces in other cities with comparative distances, including the sub-rudder of the Xuanyuan Guild, the sub-rudder of the Sun Guild, and meditation. The sub-rudder of the guild, etc., has the support of a strong guild behind these strengths, and it should not be underestimated. In addition, some of the nearby snake gangs in the nearby cities are mixed. Many of us here used to be lively to see if we could pick up leaks. "Then, the thin man turned his head to look at Huang Yi, and kindly said:" Dude, I don't think you are familiar with your life. As a companion, shall we go together? "

"I can't wait! Thank you!" Huang Yi directly agreed, and he wanted to go over and see that someone just led the way.

The thin man adjusted his hairstyle and immediately introduced himself with enthusiasm: "Dude! My name is Ghost Shadow, I am an assassin, and I have a certain position in the world ranking list. I successfully ranked among the top 3 billion in the world ranking list yesterday!"

"Don't be disgusted here!" The brave man pushed away the thin man named Ghost Shadow and introduced it to Huang Yi: "My name is Guiyu, a mage, I don't know what the brother's name is?"

"My name is Big Bad Guy, I'm a warrior, and I'm glad to be friends with you." Huang Yi smiled slightly, took out two business cards printed for the identity of Big Bad Guy, and handed them to the two players. This is his first time making friends with a second identity.

Next, all three summoned their respective mounts and started on their way. The two players summoned them all are fourth-order junior purple snow horses, which are speed-type mounts. In order not to cause a sensation, Huang Yi did not summon Xiaolong, nor did he summon the two-headed Lin that had been eliminated by him. Instead, he summoned the raptors that had not been used for a long time.

"Brother, don't see it! Do you even have a fourth-level mount raptor?" Ghost Shadow saw Huang Yi's raptor and said enviously, "Unfortunately, we are too busy with our work, and do n’t have much time to spend. The second world, otherwise, as our senior professional, now it can be regarded as one party character. Although it is not as good as the world's top masters such as the **** of killing and the sword emperor, it should be enough to call the wind and rain in World of Warcraft. "

"Don't be envious ~ www.readwn.com ~ They have their own pressure to kill God. Maybe it's not as easy as we have to go! Let's go, there won't be a chance later." Gui said, his legs clipped The horse's belly rushed forward.

Huang Yi and Ghost Shadow immediately urged the mount, quickly followed, and flew towards the palace. Countless players around have also summoned their respective mounts, and rushed forward slowly or quickly. Behind the city of Warcraft, there are a steady stream of players coming out, rushing to the direction of the underground palace.

After rushing for a few hours like this, the three Huang Yi went over the mountains and finally came to the foot of a mountain peak. In front of it is a huge cave with crowds of people in it.

"That's it, let's go in!" Said the ghost, and put away the mount. The three walked in together.

As soon as he entered the cave, Huang Yi immediately received a system prompt—

"[System Tip]: You have found a relic of Emperor Somret. The experience value is +10000." (To be continued.)

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