Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 579: Lonely

Huang Yi clenched his weapon and was ready to attack at any time.

Dead in the air, the three looked at each other without speaking. The eyes of the gentleman and the woman next to him were hidden under the bucket, covered in shadow, and looked strange.

In the dense and invisible channels in the distance, players are moving forward rapidly, getting closer and closer to them.

Time seems to stop at this moment.

Just then, Huang Yi found that the gentleman's eyes suddenly changed!

The gentleman's eyes suddenly became extremely deep, as if he had penetrated everything, but did not contain any threats or bad intentions. He had a taste of unclearness.

Afterwards, the gentleman smiled a little, gave Huang Yi a deep look, and immediately turned and left!

The woman fighting next to me stunned slightly, it seemed that the gentleman would not make such a move. She could not help but look at Huang Yi with a curiosity, a slight flash of puzzlement. Then she immediately turned around and immediately followed the gentleman, and they soon disappeared into the dark end of the passage.

In a short time, there was only a stupid Huang Yi in the entire stone room.

Originally he was ready to fight an arduous battle, but he did not expect that the gentleman did not rob the legendary equipment, but instead gave him a deep look.

This is the first time the two have met, and Huang Yi still uses the name "Big Bad Guy". How can it be regarded as an ordinary player, even if a gentleman doesn't take the shot to **** his legendary equipment, he should not use it He looked at himself. The kind of eyes did not contain any evil intentions. Rao was a meticulous person like Huang Yi, and he didn't know what the gentleman's eyes represented.

At this time, Huang Yi felt that the gentleman and the Douyu woman were quickly away. The seven pieces of legendary equipment on their bodies were rushing towards the exit of the underground palace. They just gave up and continued to explore the underground palace and were ready to leave!

This makes Huang Yi can't help but be more surprised! What's the meaning of that gentleman's look? Why did he choose to give up as soon as he saw himself? Even voluntarily withdrew from this underground palace, and did not even explore the remaining treasures deeper? And he quit without any unwillingness, as if it was taken for granted!

All of this is like an unexplainable mystery, making Huang Yi feel for the first time as if he had entered a puzzle. He has never met such an opponent, an opponent who cannot see through! The mystery and the eyes revealed by the other side have been deeply engraved in his heart and will never be forgotten.

However, the gentleman took the initiative to leave. After all, it was good news. Huang Yi could safely defeat this guardian and get the legendary equipment.

Next, he continued to attack the guardian, and after a while, finally defeated him. And the enchantment on the legendary equipment also disappeared immediately after the death of the guardian. That golden cloak of legend was so exposed to the air.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, walked slowly, and bent over to pick up the legendary cloak. This cloak started to be silky and smoother than the finest silk. The gold wire did not know what the specific material was, and it was extremely comfortable to touch, which made people put it down and didn't want to let go.

Huang Yi immediately checked the properties of this cloak.

[Lone Peng] (Legend, Armor-Cloak) Physical Defense: 9

Strength 20 Sanctuary Magic Defense 15

Attack 10 Health 20

The whole system penetrates 5 to borrow light: you can borrow the yellow star light in the sky to freely enhance a certain attribute, you can switch to various attributes that need to be enhanced, and the cooling time of the switch is one minute. The current borrowing effect is: Strength 10 Holy Places. The effect at night is twice that of day. Incidental skills:

[Level adjustment]: You can adjust your own level at will, but this level only has the camouflage effect and has no practical significance. The level of adjustment can not exceed its own level of 20, the duration is unlimited, and the cooling time is 1 day. Durability: 26/26 Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level 130 equipment rating: 1820 Item description: If you want to be a strong person, you must have something you want to protect. This can be the same item. One person can be one world. ——Lonely

The name of this legendary cloak is a solitary awning of one of the four generals met by His Majesty Somret in the s-class secret realm when Huang Yi first transferred.

And this item of equipment shows that the lonely epitaph that Huang Yi obtained in the original secret of transference!

Now, Huang Yi already has a legendary cloak on his body. This is the black dragon skin he obtained after he killed the black snake. He compared the two and found that the bonbon's attribute bonus is higher than that of the black dragon's skin, but the additional skill [level adjustment] is not as good as that of the black dragon's skin [absolute stealth].

In fact, the level adjustment of this solitary is not bad. On the contrary, this is a camouflage skill that countless people want. This camouflage is more rare than the camouflage in appearance, and it is extremely rare! But this skill overlaps with the ability that Huang Yi has evolved in depth. He can now adjust the level and has no cooling time, which is more practical than this incidental skill.

Huang Yi decided to combine the two legendary cloaks to make the auxiliary skills on the skin of the black dragon absolutely invisible, transform it, and transfer it to this new lone awning, replacing the auxiliary skill that was adjusted by level.

Huang Yi immediately took off the skin of the black dragon and used a second exclusive skill on it-transformation!

Soon, a red light was forcibly extracted from the skin of the black dragon and floated in the air. This group of red rays is exactly the invisible skill of this cloak.

"[System Tip]: There are three transformation directions for absolute stealth skills. Please make a choice. The first is to improve the concealment effect in the normal state. It can not be detected by ordinary hidden methods before, and it can not be improved by any. Detection by hidden means, including absolute hidden means, when the offensive behavior is performed, or after being injured, the stealth status is automatically released. Second, after the offensive behavior or the injury, the stealth status is still not released, and cannot be displayed by ordinary people. Hidden means have detected that it does not include absolute development means. The third way is to make it consume 3 health points from each use and upgrade it to not consume any health points, so that it can still be used in the dying state. "

After receiving this transformation prompt, Huang Yi thought for a while, and finally decided to follow the first direction to transform! Because in addition to his absolute invisibility, he also has a stealth ability of Shadow Dance, and that skill has some overlap with the second transformation direction. The Dance of Shadows does not show its body after attack or damage, but it can be detected by the hidden ability. The stealth ability is not very strong.

Now that he is completely invisible, he cannot be detected by any explicit means! Even if the opponent has no matter how strong the absolute development skills, he can't see him.

The word "absolute" sometimes conflicts, for example, absolute invisibility and absolute invisibility. This is the relationship between the spear and the shield. In this case, the judgment condition is to look at the level of both sides. If the levels are the same, look at the current experience value. In other words, although Huang Yi's absolute invisibility, although he can ignore the ordinary ability to show and hide, but if the opponent has absolute ability to show and hide, and the level exceeds him, then he can still be seen.

Now, after this skill is transformed, he can't be seen by any hidden means, no matter how high the opponent's level is, how absolute the hidden means can be, he can no longer see him. Of course, if he attacks or is hurt by the enemy, he will still be beaten from stealth. From this point, this skill is not as good as Shadow Dance. Therefore, the best time to use this skill is to ambush the enemy, not to use it in combat.

Next, Huang Yi injected a brand-new absolute stealth skill into the legendary cloak solitary tent just obtained.

In a short time, the group of red lights flashed through, immersed in the solitary bonnet made of strange gold, replaced the previous level adjustment skills, and became a new incidental skill.

Huang Yi immediately replaced this brand new legendary equipment. The gold wire gently hacked behind him ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looks like there is a kind of royal and luxurious atmosphere. When walking, the gold wire flies backwards, extremely gorgeous.

As for the previous piece of black dragon skin, it is almost the same as the waste. Once the incidental skills are gone, it only has a pure attribute bonus, and it is only a legendary name. The bound equipment cannot be traded. Unless it explodes after death, this black dragon's skin cannot be given to others or sold. Huang Yi threw it into the storage ring, intending to get the second part of the epic battle, then burned the black dragon's skin to restore the power of the second part and make the best use of it.

In the whole process, the only thing that is wasted is the level adjustment skill! This skill is useless, but it also wastes energy. If you transfer it to an ordinary orange pack, the orange pack is still an orange pack, and it will not be promoted to legend. Unless the piece of equipment was previously legendary or above, but it was temporarily reduced to an orange outfit for reasons such as fragmentation, it would have a chance to return to legendary.

Now, Huang Yi's strength has improved a little, he no longer wastes time, and continues to walk towards the next passage at the end of this stone room. This palace does not reach the end, and there must be a baby next, and the gentleman voluntarily withdraws from the palace, and no one is his opponent here anymore, and the best treasure is hopefully to be taken by him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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