Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Ultimate treasure

In the following passage, Huang Yi relied on his ability to sniff treasures and found some other treasures, but none were as good as the legendary equipment.

In his mind, there is a radar-like search map. Light spots are treasures. The greater the light, the better the treasures. At this time, there were more than a dozen light spots on the search map, many of which were far away from him. It was difficult to get them one by one.

Huang Yi's hearing is very sensitive, and he can occasionally hear the voices of other players in the distance. This cave extends in all directions, and no one knows where they will meet. Pieces of treasure disappeared in his perception, apparently being taken by other players.

Going deeper, Huang Yi found that the channels were getting closer and closer, and even the channels began to merge, and the two channels merged into one channel. In this way, no matter which channel the player is in, he can finally converge in the last channel! Chaos will happen again!

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt that there was a big treasure ten kilometers ahead of the right!

The big treasure in his search chart in his heart shone incomparably bright light, just like a little sun, far exceeding the legendary equipment! However, the treasure seemed a bit special, and it was impossible to perceive what it was.

Huang Yi hurried in that direction, so a big treasure is likely to be the ultimate treasure of this palace!

Sure enough, after traveling for a while, Huang Yi didn't perceive any treasure deeper anymore. The last treasure in the entire underground palace is the ultimate treasure!

"Da Da Da!" At this time, Huang Yi, when crossing a horizontal passage, suddenly felt a dense footstep sound in the distance.

He turned his head and looked through the horizontal passage. Suddenly I saw another person in the other channel, who was running fast, and that person was the sub-rudder master of the Heroes Guild all day long.

At this moment, he turned around and saw Huang Yi throughout his life. In the dark cave, the two men rushed forward and looked at each other without any communication.

The horizontal passage was very narrow, and the two disappeared into their respective passages at a glance.

This kind of terrain makes Huang Yi's sniff treasure advantage weakened a lot, no matter which channel the player is in. Can all come to the same end, that is where the share of Dabao perceived by Huang Yi.

Gradually, the channel where Huang Yi is located is merging with more and more channels. In the end, after he drove nearly ten kilometers, all the channels in the entire underground palace were condensed into one! All players. As long as you go forward, you can finally get here!

At this time, there was only Huang Yi, who was the fastest and hurried ahead of everyone.

There was a sudden openness in front of him, and there was a huge underground stone chamber in front of him.

There is an enchantment at the very center of the stone chamber. There was a box inside the enchantment. That is the ultimate treasure perceived by Huang Yi! There was no guardian beside that enchantment, and the only obstacle was that enchantment.

Huang Yi rushed to the past immediately, waving the spear in his hand, and burst out a "re-sentence" towards that enchantment!

After a while, the enchantment shook slightly, and the blood volume was only 0.1%!

With Huang Yi's high attack power, this enchantment only deducted such a bit of blood, and its mighty strength suddenly appeared. Fortunately, this realm has no recovery function. It took some time for Huang Yi to break it.

Huang Yi shot with all his strength, and the spear in his hand had almost danced into a phantom. The attack landed on the enchantment like raindrops, hitting his health less and less.




In the dark stone room, Huang Yi is like a tireless gunner, dancing over and over again with a spear and attacking the enchantment. The sharp tip of the gun occasionally flashed a faint light. There seemed to be a heartbreaking spirit.

"Da Da Da!" Just then, a footstep sounded at the entrance to the stone room! A new player appears in the stone room.

This man is a fat man, and he is a hunter by profession. Holding a huge bow and arrow in his hand. He saw Huang Yi in the stone room attacking the enchantment, and he couldn't help but hesitated slightly. He didn't seem to think that someone would be in front of him.

When his eyes saw the box in the enchantment, his eyes suddenly lighted up, revealing a touch of greed. He checked Huang Yi's information, relieved immediately, stretched his fingers and pointed at Huang Yi, shouting: "Hey, hey! That 95-year-old sister-in-law, get rid of this uncle! This treasure is Lao Tzu! Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Lao Tzu is called Boom Duan, one of the three major marksmen of World of Warcraft, and it is me who is known as the hawk-eye killer! Lao Tzu ’s bows and arrows have no false hairs, and you ca n’t hide it. Get off! "He pulled out the long bow in his hand, caught a bow and arrow, and aimed at Huang Yi.

"Okay!" Huang Yi replied casually, and said, "But this treasure is sealed by the enchantment. After I leave, it will be more difficult for you to break the enchantment alone, and there will be more and more people waiting for it. Come here, and the situation will be very troublesome. Why don't I come and help you with this enchantment? "

When the man named Baoji Duan heard this, he immediately felt reasonable and nodded, and said, "Okay, then you will join this enchantment with me. The benefits will be indispensable to you then." Say, he With a loose bowstring in his hand, he fired a fine iron arrow and hit the enchantment fiercely, but only lost a small amount of health, causing far less damage than Huang Yi.

"You don't take offensive potions, how can you fight! Even my injuries are not as good!" Huang Yi turned his head to look at the meat side, and kindly reminded.

"Huh! That enchantment may be special, it is difficult to block close-range attacks, I am a long-range attack, of course not as good as you!" Baoji end flushed, justified. Later, he took out a lot of potions from the storage ring, drank all of them, continued to aim at the enchantment, and shot an arrow again!

This time, the damage he caused was considerable. Although it is still not as good as Huang Yi, at least he can see the obvious effect.

In this way, the health of the enchantment decreased, because the hunter player named Boom End came and became more rapid.

"DaDa Da!" Just then, another dense footsteps came from the channel! Soon, another figure appeared at the door of Shishi.

Huang Yi and Baorou end turned their heads at the same time and looked at this new player. The next moment, the fleshy face suddenly became iron blue.

Because of the coming, it is the Lord of the Tigers Gang of Warcraft City's second largest guild.

The battle of souls is brutal, and His Majesty is still riding that fifth-tier bloodthirsty tiger. This mount is not as huge as other mounts, and can carry people even in caves. At this moment, he held two board axes in his hands, and stared at Huang Yi and the meaty end with suffocating eyes. He was too lazy to check their levels, and spit out a word: "Go!"

The appearance of the meat-breaking side has changed. Although he is also a famous master in World of Warcraft, in front of the sacred strongman in the battle of souls, he is basically a spike. This time I was a little hesitant and didn't know what to do.

"Okay!" At this moment, Huang Yi's calm voice sounded again: "But this treasure is sealed by the enchantment. After we leave, it will be harder for you to break the enchantment alone. The more people come here, the situation will be very troublesome. Why don't we come to you as a helper, how about fighting this enchantment together? "

Huang Yi's sentence is exactly the same as what he said to the meat!

Smell the battle for a moment, turned around and looked at the enchantment, and found that it really is not able to break in a short while, nodded: "Okay! Then you give me a good fight, if you dare to be lazy, I stripped His hide! "

Anyway, he clamped his legs, urging the bloodthirsty tiger to leap high in the air, and slammed hard at the enchantment. At the same time, the axe in his hand, with the force of falling, was severely hit Enchantment!

"Alas!" The enchantment suddenly shook, and the attack of the soul-strike warfare far exceeded the meaty side. After all, he is a sacred domain strong man, and he is also a boss of a gang. The attack power cannot be underestimated!

This time, with the addition of the extermination of the soul, the speed of the enchantment's blood drop suddenly accelerated a lot, and soon fell below 50%!

"Da Da Da!" At this moment, there was a dense footsteps at the end of the passage, and it seemed that several people rushed over at the number.

Soon, the group appeared at the entrance to the stone room. They were a four-man squad. After seeing Huang Yi, Soul Fighter, and Boom Duan in the stone room, their faces suddenly changed!

"Blood-thirsty tiger killing soul battle! The hawk-eye killer explodes! We can't fight, but stand here and watch it change!" The captain of the four-man squad looked at the form in front of him and said suddenly to the other three players With a sound, it was apparently unwilling to go to this muddy water.

Fighting souls while attacking the enchantment, while turning to look at the four-man squad, he snorted suddenly: "Want to watch the fire from the other side? How can there be such a cheap thing, now I will give you three seconds ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Hurry down and hit this enchantment for Lao Tzu, or I'll cut you off! "

"Roar!" It seemed that in order to match the words of the extermination war, His Majesty's Bloodthirsty Tiger suddenly turned and roared towards the four-man squad. The huge roar, bloodthirsty and cruel teeth, instantly rendered the atmosphere extremely terrifying .

The four-man squad looked away, biting their lips, wondering what to do.

"Three!" At this moment, the brutal voice of the soul-extinguishing war sounded suddenly, bringing a strong oppression.

"Second!" The battle of soul-stealing twisted his neck, and seemed to be about to kill one.

"Okay! We'll fight for you!" After all, the four-man team succumbed to the power of the extermination, immediately swallowed their throats, entered the stone room, and raised their hands to attack the enchantment.

With the addition of these four people, the health of that enchantment suddenly dropped even more fiercely!


There have been fewer updates during this period. Today, the fourth update broke out. This is the first update. (To be continued ...)

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