Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 584: Spirit grass in purple radon

In terms of absorbing the soul, Huang Yi is very particular about quality. If it is not a soul at the level of the heavens, he does not want to waste the power of the precious Nefarem to absorb.

Now, the ultimate treasure obtained in that palace was completely digested by Huang Yi, and the search and contention of tens of thousands of people made him laugh to the end.

Carrying the incarnation of Huang Yi, Xiaolong was flying fast in the low air of the vast WoW Mountains. Beneath the endless virgin forest, the trees are tangled together, rolling and rolling, covering the entire deserted mountain. Occasionally, the roar of Warcraft came through the mountains, and various strange creatures ran prey in the forest, and they were full of danger everywhere.

"Squeak!" At this moment, a group of two-headed strange birds soared from the forest below, surrounded directly towards Huang Yi and Xiaolong, and treated them as prey. Although the dragon is a golden holy dragon, it is still in its infancy, and basically has no combat power and cannot deter these creatures.

This group of strange birds are all over 90 levels. If an ordinary player faces this situation, they have already been completely eaten. However, Huang Yi did not have any fluctuations. He directly waved the spear in his hand and repeatedly pointed out, forming phantoms.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there have been strange birds that turned into corpses under Huang Yi's guns, and they fell like rain, and the flesh of red blood filled the sky.

It didn't take long for this group of strange birds to flee and ran away, posing no threat to Huang Yi and Xiaolong.

On the next journey, Huang Yi and Xiaolong encountered several flying bird Warcraft attacks, but they were all killed by Huang Yi's violence. Their bodies were gradually covered with various blood of Warcraft, exuding an invisible evil spirit, some Warcrafts took the initiative to avoid after smelling the **** breath on them, and did not dare to step forward.

Gradually, Xiaolong has carried Huang Yi to the high altitude of a valley, which is more than ten kilometers in size and filled with purple sè.

This valley immediately attracted Huang Yi's attention. The places he passed before were basically normal, but the purple sè gas of this valley was different from those places before. He decided to explore for a while, his forehead squirmed, opened his third eye, and glanced down at the valley below.

The sight of his third eye easily penetrated those purple breaths and glanced at the scene below. In the valley below, the vegetation and trees showed a faint purple sè, but dead, no living things, only the bones that were occasionally seen. This radon should be highly toxic. The skeletal bones below should have been corroded by some creatures who accidentally strayed into this area.

"A spirit grass!" At this moment, Huang Yi's sniff treasure ability found that there was a spirit grass full of vitality ten kilometers ahead!

He immediately urged Xiaolong and flew towards the target location! After a while, Xiaolong came to the center of the valley with Huang Yi. The purple sè gas here is the strongest, almost converging into substance, and it keeps rolling, it looks very strange, as if something is tumbling in the gas. The plant that Huang Yi perceived was below.

It seems that the reason why this valley is full of radon is mostly related to this spirit grass! Some heavenly treasures are basically hidden in places that ordinary people cannot reach and are closely protected.

Huang Yi's third eye looked down carefully!

But at this look, he was shocked, he even saw a pair of eyes!

Those eyes were hidden in the deepest part of the suffocating gas, the size of a bucket was full, hazy, emitting a bloodthirsty red light, looking up to Huang Yi. Staring at these eyes, Huang Yi felt a chilling spine, as if locked by a pair of **** eyes.

Huang Yiping regained his mood and carefully observed for a while, only to discover that the creature below was a huge and incomparable snake. The snake's scales are purple and black, with a huge body, like a hill, hidden in the purple sè gas, it is difficult to be found.

Next to that snake is a purple enchantment. Inside the enchantment is a small drop of green grass with three leaves, and each leaf has a drop of purple dew on it. It looks full of life. Around the little grass, no other plants grew, and the Buddha was the only one in this world.

This grass is the spirit grass that Huang Yi perceives, and the snake next to it should be the guardian of this grass. It does not know how many years it has been waiting here, waiting for the growth of that little grass, once it matures, swallow it and grow its strength.

But since this spirit grass was discovered by Huang Yi, the snake can only think that it is unlucky. Xiaolong's growth just needs a lot of natural treasures, Huang Yi naturally will not let go of this rare spirit grass.

"Oh!" At this moment, a blaze of purple flame suddenly rose on Huang Yi's palm, swaying slightly, exuding a hot breath. This is his Beastmaster Flame. It was originally red, but after evolution, it has now become purple, and it is more powerful. It is one of his few long-range attacks.

He immediately shone the flame toward the giant snake below, trying to test its strength.

"Zizizi!" The flame flew down, and the surrounding air was distorted by burning. However, after the flame submerged into the radon gas below, the Buddha was suffering from water and soon extinguished, failing to harm the giant snake.

"Xiaolong, you're waiting here, and I'll see the giant snake when I go down." Huang Yi said to Xiaolong, then jumped from his back, jumped from the air, and fell quickly towards the bottom, like A cannonball plunged into the sigh of purple sè.

Originally, the purple sè gas was full of highly toxic substances. Once ordinary creatures became contaminated, they would quickly be corroded, leaving only a pile of bones. However, after Huang Yi evolved into a mutant half-orc, he has 100% resistance to diseases and toxins, completely ignoring any diseases and toxins! Although this purple sè qi is powerful, but still can not pose any threat to him!

After Huang Yi was submerged in the purple sè gas, the falling speed became faster and faster, almost smashing straight towards the giant snake, with a turbulent falling force, it was almost invisible.

"Heavy sentence!" At this time, Huang Yi was about to fall on the snake. He shot lightningly, wield the spear in his hand, and struck out the strongest single attack attack on the snake. !! At the same time, the force of his fall was also exerted on the long gun, making the momentum of this attack to the extreme!

"Yeah!" Huang Yi's spear fiercely plunged into the body of the giant snake, bursting out a huge blood hole, and the smelly blood soared out, filling the sky! Huang Yi's tendency to fall was stopped by students, all the strength was buffered on the snake!

At the same time, the level of this giant snake is also revealed, it is as high as 130, which is just the same as Huang Yi.

This is the incarnation of Huang Yi. The genus xìng is only 50% of the body, but his status rank is one level higher than this giant snake. So overall, his strength is not much worse than that of python, and there is still hope that he can defeat it.

"Ang!" At this moment, the giant snake was hurting, snarled, rolled violently, opened his mouth and bite toward Huang Yi!

At this moment, the wings behind Huang Yi suddenly opened, fanned again and again, and his body moved freely to avoid the attack of the snake! He quickly flew to an assassin's corner of the serpent, and once again waved the spear in his hand towards it.

Suddenly, there was another blood hole in the snake. .

In this way, Huang Yi relied on her flying advantage, and flew down the mountain, flexibly fighting with giant snakes!

This giant snake has strong strength and attacked Huang Yi many times, but Huang Yi resisted in time and was shocked for a while, slowly eroding the snake's health.

Gradually, the snake's blood volume finally dropped to 30%. At this time, it was already scaly all over, with numerous blood holes pierced on his body, blood all over his body, looking shocking!

"Ang!" The serpent roared, with a tragic breath, and introduced a new skill! The blood that had flowed out of it quickly hardened, like a blood shell covering its body.

Huang Yi's spear went down, and it became difficult to penetrate immediately. He was blocked by the hard blood shell, and the damage caused was sharply reduced!

Attacking according to such damage, it takes at least a day to kill this giant snake. This giant snake has too much blood, and I don't know what other means of blood recovery.

Huang Yi no longer attacks in vain, but quickly rises into the air and escapes the battle with the serpent. This giant snake is a wild boss. After leaving the battle, it will not instantly recover full blood like the secret boss in the tower of the gods. It will still maintain an injured state of 30% health, and it takes a long time to recover to recover.

At present, Huang Yi either uses the monster to transform and demonize, or he can only summon the body, but this cost is relatively high, and he does not want to use it.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth—

"[Secret Announcement]: [Chinese] player [Shitu ~ www.readwn.com ~] led 5,000 members of His Majesty's Sword of Heroes, and he killed his blood general. Armor (Legendary)]. "

Finally, the world's first kill of the fourth boss on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods was smashed by the heroes! Huang Yi, the first killer, did not participate, and was fully responsible by Shitu. It was a demonstration of the strength of the Heroes Guild.

Huang Yi's heart was full of relief. Such a hero guild is what he would like to see, even without him, he would still be strong!

And this first kill was taken, it means that there is another **** fighting part in hand! After adding this component, the genus xìng of the epic handle in his hand will be upgraded again, and it should not be too difficult to kill this giant snake!

Huang Yi looked down at the handle of Zhan Ge in his hands, full of expectations. I don't know how strong it will be when one more component is added. (To be continued

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