Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 585: Bloody battle after promotion

Soon, Huang Yi, who was far away from Longdu, got the second part that was just baked from Shitu!

This part is the tip of a spear, with a groove underneath, rusty and unremarkable, like a relic unearthed just now. Bing @ 火! 中文 .Ge This kind of weapon is actually adding a horizontal blade under a spear, and removing that blade is a spear.

Huang Yi immediately took out the skin of the black dragon that had been eliminated. It was still a legendary piece of equipment after it was stripped of incidental skills. Now it just happens to burn and restore the power of this part.

"Oh!" The black dragon's skin turned into a flaming flame instantly, burning the spear's tip and burning it more and more red.

Gradually, the skin of the black dragon was completely turned into a flame, all submerged in the spearhead, and the power of the entire legendary equipment was absorbed into it! The rust on the spearhead disappeared, showing a bronzed appearance, engraved with rough golden lines, and the same pattern as the handle obtained by Huang Yi before.

This epic part has finally restored its power and is ready to be used! Huang Yi immediately took out the handle of the previous battle, inserted it into the groove under the spearhead, and inlaid it!

"Click!" The sound of a snap button sounded, and the two parts were combined together to become a brand new weapon.

The new weapon after the combination looks very delicate, only two or thirty centimeters long. Below is a handle, and above it is a pointed tip, which looks a bit like an assassin's weapon like a dagger, a sword in a sleeve. It is very flexible in the palm of your hand, such as a finger arm, and it attacks quickly, almost as fast as a dagger.

In addition to becoming more handsome in appearance, its attributes have also been greatly improved-

[Blood War of Emperor Somret 2/5] (Epic, temporarily reduced to Legend, Weapon-Long Soldier)

Melee Attack: 160-180 Sanctuary Points

30 Sanctuary Points of Strength

Attack 25

Critical Chance 6

Attack speed 12

Every five seconds, the next attack increases by 20, ignoring the opponent's 20 defenses

The maximum value of anger is 130, which increases by 1 point per second.

Incidental skills:

[Flying Axe]: Ultra-long-range attack skills, struggling to throw the weapon in the direction of the target, the weapon automatically tracks the target at a speed of 1 meter per second, and all enemy targets hit along the way will be forced to bounce off and cause Equivalent to 30 damage. The maximum attack distance of the flying axe must not exceed 20 times the level value, which can be recalled at any time. Each use consumes 5 health and a cooldown of 5 minutes.

Durability: 27/27

Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 130

Equipment rating: 3120

Item description: Pick it up, for the king! Put it down, for the kingdom!

With the addition of a new component, almost all the additional attributes of this weapon have been improved! Even the inherent attack power of the weapon is no exception. From 1-120 sacred points to 160-180 sacred points, which is equivalent to an increase of 60 sacred points. It was a full 6,000 weapon attack. Once these attacks have passed the various talent attack bonuses and equipment attack bonuses of Huang Yi, the actual bonus effect will exceed 10,000 points!

Overall, the power of this weapon has been increased by about 30 compared to the previous. The previous handle was only the bottom of the legendary equipment, and now with one more component, it is probably upgraded to the mid-level legendary equipment.

Huang Yi's body was immediately equipped with this brand new weapon, and once again entered the tower of the gods, and began to continue leveling. After this weapon is promoted, he will kill monsters faster and level up more efficiently.

And his incarnation in the World of Warcraft Mountains also shared the bonus brought by this new weapon, and his strength was significantly improved. He rushed down towards the serpent in the air below again, wielding a brand new weapon, and started a new round of attack towards it!

"Oh!" This time, Huang Yi's brand-new weapon successfully pierced the snake's blood shell, successfully attacked it, and caused a huge damage to it!

This attack just activates the attribute of "the attack power is increased by 20 every five seconds, and the defense of the opponent 20 is ignored" on the weapon, the damage effect greatly exceeds the ordinary attack!

Huang Yi saw this, and his heart was certain. After the weapon was promoted, his incarnation could completely kill the giant snake, without the need to use large skills or summon the body.

Next, Huang Yi continued flapping her wings, jumping around the snake's body, like an annoying fly, fighting the snake's blood less and less!

Twenty minutes later, the giant snake was finally killed by him and turned into a snake body and fell down!

Huang Yi landed next to the snake corpse, glanced at it, and immediately chose to **** it into his war soul!

Suddenly, the snake corpse turned into a ball of blood and flew into his body, replacing a level 110 soul that had previously been absorbed. As soon as the soul leveled up, the extra boost effect of the war spirit immediately appeared, and he immediately added an "attack with 3 poison damage" effect!

With the death of the serpent, the enchantment on the plant was suddenly dissipated and exposed to the scourge of the sky.

Huang Yi immediately took out a medicine shovel, carefully planed out the soil around the plant, and dug it out. The green herb that was dripping was held by Huang Yi in this way. The purple dew on the three tender leaves flickered, and it seemed to fall at any time, full of crystal feeling.

At this time, Huang Yi could clearly feel the vitality, even if he smelled it next to him, he felt refreshed. This is indeed a spirit grass, not an ordinary herb.

The biggest difference between a spirit herb and an ordinary herb is the strength of the medicine contained in it. The healing power of a spirit herb can even be more than ten times that of a common herb, with higher purity and fewer impurities. In addition, there is a world of difference in cultivation, and even experienced medicinal farmers can't grow spirit grass. In general, common herbs can be grown in batches, but only in different years. And Ling Cao can only go to danger and search in the old forest in the forest. Only some special places, such as the herb garden of the Temple of Death, can be used for batch planting of grass and grass.

"[System Prompt]: You have obtained a [Wisteria Chinensis]."

[Wisteria grass] (Spirit grass, material)

A precious herb. As a supplementary medicinal material, it can be used to make the s-level pharmacy's guardian of life; as a main medicinal material, it can be used to make a variety of * -level drugs.

This plant can be used to create the guardian of the famous **** of life! This is Miyamoto Musashi's famous potion! It's almost a signboard of Miyamoto Musashi!

As the herb was shoveled, the purple radon in the valley disappeared at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding scenes were clear at a glance, from a dangerous forbidden area to an ordinary valley, just like nowhere else.

At this moment, a huge shadow was cast suddenly in the sky, Xiaolong's body fluttered from the sky, and landed beside Huang Yi's side.

"Yeah!" Xiaolong swallowed his throat, his eyes wide fixed on the purple grass in Huang Yi's hands, his mouth pouting. Then, he glanced at Huang Yi, revealing a well-behaved look, a dragon's tail swayed like Xiao Wang, as if turning into a puppy, to please Huang Yi.

"Okay! Here you are!" Huang Yi saw Xiaolong's look, and immediately felt softened, and threw this hard-to-find spirit grass towards Xiaolong directly. Although this herb is precious, it is not the only herb that protects the **** of life. This is just a supplementary medicinal material. The remaining main medicinal materials need to be collected. After the collection, I do n’t know where to go, Huang. Yi can't wait that long, simply to give Xiaolong strength.

Xiaolong flapped his wings in excitement, opened his mouth nervously and choked the purple dew grass, then sat on the ground with one buttock, chewed with interest, while eating, his eyes also showed a look of enjoyment.

Soon, this plant is completely swallowed by Xiaolong! The huge medicine power was absorbed by it and turned into its own vitality!

After a while, a golden light flashed on its forehead, and seven glittering scales grew on the forehead all at once! The effect of this plant is worthy of comparison with a celestial stone!

Now, there is a small area on the forehead of Xiaolong that is already full of scales, about twenty or thirty. It looks majestic and indestructible, and the momentum of the golden holy dragon begins to appear faintly. However, the rest of its body is still bare skin without any scales. I want to make it full of scales, I don't know how many heavenly treasures to eat, it is a bottomless pit.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let's go on the road! It is estimated that you will not make any real changes until you find that dragon tomb." Huang Yi touched Xiaolong's head and turned to ride on it!

Xiaolong fanned his wings and carried Huang Yi from the ground and flew back into the sky, over the vast mountains, and continued to fly towards the distant dragon tomb.


Gradually, the day passed.

In the setting sun, the golden afterglow was sprinkled on the endless World of Warcraft Mountains, and the birds began to return home, their postures forming a series of beautiful silhouettes in the setting sun. On the vast earth, countless creatures either returned to the cave or started to look for food, exuding an extremely primitive atmosphere.

Just then, Huang Yi found that a long smoke was rising from a dense forest in the sky. Someone was there.

This is the dangerous World of Warcraft Mountains. Most people would not dare to go so deep, but there is smoke in the air. There does not seem to be any fear of attracting those tyrannical Warcraft. What kind of character is it? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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