Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 586: It was that person

That weird cooking cigarette immediately attracted Huang Yi's interest. In addition, Xiaolong has been flying for a day, and is a bit tired and needs to take a break. Huang Yi also eats to avoid starvation.

Huang Yi picked up the dragon and flew directly to the place where the smoke rose, and decided to see who the person was.

At this moment, the twilight clouds in the sky were stained with golden light, and the sound of beast roar occasionally came from the forest below, spreading in all directions. Huang Yi's body walked through the golden afterglow, and slowly fell to the ground through the gap of the leaves.

This forest is full of towering trees, and the oblique sunset shines in, forming golden beams, beautiful and peaceful. Huang Yi stepped on the grass and walked in the direction of the rising smoke.

Soon, Huang Yi looked through the thick grass and saw a bonfire under a big tree in front of him. A man was intently roasting a hare there.

The man was wearing animal skin, carrying a long bow on his back, and a short knife at his waist, to look like a hunter. He seems to live in the wild all year round, with wind and sun, rough and dark complexion, showing a sense of ingenuity.

After seeing the look of that hunter again, Huang Yi suddenly stunned!

He happens to know this person, and there is still a deep source!

This hunter is the little demon dragon!

A long time ago, when the Heroes Guild was just established, Huang Yi was preparing to go to the seaside to build the second heroic port of the Deputy Territory. On a stormy night, in a ruined temple in the forest, he first met the demon dragon.

The demon dragon was killed by Huang Yi by mistake in Fenglin Village, and he has always wanted revenge. Since then, he has been wandering in the wilderness, looking for some treasures of the ruins, and wanting to get that kind of anti-treasure treasure to enhance his strength. And he vowed that he would never return to the city and use the wilderness as his home until he was respected by Huang Yi.

A while ago. Huang Yi learned 115-level anti-reconnaissance skills, which can avoid being tracked by the enemy, and can also learn the enemy's information. He relied on this skill to release the demon dragon from tracking him, and temporarily learned the position of the opponent, then the opponent was already in the Warcraft Mountains!

Huang Yi didn't expect it. In such a vast area, he could meet the Demon God Dragon twice! This probability is even lower than the lottery. There seems to be a fate between the two!

"Since it's here, why don't you see it?" At this moment, the demon little **** dragon roasted the meat intently and said without looking back. Apparently it was his keen sense of hunter. Perceived the existence of Huang Yi.

Huang Yi glanced deeply at the Demon Dragon, and walked out through the grass.

"Vast mountains, meet is fate, brothers sit down! I just baked dinner and let's eat together!" Tianmo Xiaoshenlong looked up at Huang Yi, smiled slightly, and invited him. There is a kind feeling.

Huang Yi is still a big bad guy, and his appearance has been changed. The little magic dragon of the demon can not recognize him, only if he is a stranger.

"Thank you!" Huang Yi nodded, and sat down by the campfire.

Huang Yi carefully looked at the Demon Dragon. Compared to the first meeting, the temperament of the Demon Dragon changed dramatically. He could hardly see any spirit, as if in the long wilderness wandering. Become restrained a lot. He just sat in this forest in such a generous manner, and didn't turn around to look around, beware of the danger that might come at any time, just like sitting in his back garden, the whole person became more at ease and could not relax.

Just this temperament is enough to match the two words of master! Little Demon Dragon. After nearly one year of wilderness tempering, he has completely transformed from an ordinary player to a master.

At this time, the little demon dragon looked at Huang Yi, and smiled slightly: "Did the brother have alcohol? I haven't had alcohol for nearly a year. It's really mouthful."

"Of course!" Huang Yi nodded, took out two bottles of elven fruit wine from the storage ring, handed a bottle to the Demon Dragon, and drank a bottle on his own.

"Thank you!" The Dragon God swallowed his throat and couldn't wait to pick up the fruit wine, pouring his head up and spitting it, and his expression became extremely enjoyable. A ray of setting sun ran through the cracks of the leaves, and sprinkled on his knife-like face, and a faint feeling of vicissitudes was faintly dripped on the beard.

At this moment, the warm fire shone on the two men, reflecting the gradual sunset, with a serene taste. The roar of the beast faintly came from the distance, and both of them didn't care, leaving the fragrance of cooking smoke and barbecue to overflow, drinking wine leisurely.

"You just said, you haven't drunk alcohol for a year, don't know why? Just buy a bottle in the city, this wine is not expensive." Huang Yi took a sip of fruit wine and asked knowingly to try to show a stranger One should be curious.

"Haha! I like this wild countryside, free and free, away from the crowd and away from troubles, it may not be a good thing to stay with the beast. The real danger is actually not the beast, but it is the human heart!" Wipe the remaining stains on the corners of your mouth and smile brightly.

After hearing this answer, Huang Yi knew that the Demon Dragon was indeed more restrained. When he met for the first time before, the other party readily stated the reason. But this time, he skipped without a trace and didn't elaborate.

"Brother came to this dangerous mountain of Warcraft alone, but want to catch the mount?" At this time, the demon dragon turned over the barbecue on the campfire and shifted the topic to Huang Yi's body.

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, turned his head and looked at the direction deep in the Mountains of Warcraft, and said quietly, "I want to go deeper into the Mountains of Warcraft to catch a better mount. I don't know if you have any idea of ​​where they are. Understand? "

"It's not quite there recently." The little demon dragon shook his head slightly, his voice was full of dignity, "I don't know what happened, and recently, Warcraft in the deep mountains have fled outside. I'm in these peripheral areas these days. I've met the high-level Holy World of Warcraft twice, which is very abnormal in the outer area. Fortunately, I have two times to escape, otherwise I would have died. "

"The Warcraft in the mountains flees out? Is there any major event in it?" Huang Yi heard the news and suddenly hesitated. Advanced Sanctuary Warcraft is basically the strongest of the World of Warcraft Mountains, usually in the depths of the World of Warcraft Mountains, it is impossible to come to this peripheral area. And now even they have escaped, there must have been some kind of big event inside, and Huang Yi will then go deep into the Mountains of Warcraft and look for that dragon tomb, and then he will have to face the dangerous situation.

"I do n’t know, my strength is still too low to go deeper. Brother, although the Warcraft in it is powerful, it still has the life to catch it! I advise you not to go in unless you are a god, People like Thunder God, Sword Emperor, and Dragon Emperor. "The little **** dragon shook his head and kindly reminded him. The four people he said can be said to be the four strongest men in China. However, the blades of these four people who have become famous for the most part have been largely ignored because they have retired for too long, and only exist in memory.

Hearing the other person talked about himself, Huang Yi could not help asking a question, and once again explored the other person's tone: "What do you think of the person who killed God?"

At that moment, Huang Yi keenly noticed that there was a strangeness in the eyes of the little demon dragon, but it soon returned to normal. He plucked the bonfire with a stick and said: "Kill God, the killing is too heavy. Sometimes in order to kill the enemy, some innocent people are not let go. I don't like him very much, although he is now The world's first person, but more like it was obtained by violence. "

Speaking, the little magic dragon of God smiled slightly, and continued: "Compared to the blade, I prefer the blade! The blade is bright and clear, and the force is more attractive. He became the first person in the world to serve people with morality. It is the highest, even the enemy will admire him. But unfortunately he has retired, which makes us a great leader missing from China. "

"He will come back, rest assured!" Huang Yi nodded and said firmly, he also admired the blade himself.

Before the blade retreated, he went to Longdu to find him once. At that time, the blade showed a tiredness and a loss from the inside out. It was like when a person reached the bottleneck, no matter how hard he worked, it was difficult to make any progress. .

In Huang Yi's view, the blade's retreat choice is extremely correct, but it is very correct. Sometimes, taking a step back can widen the sky, and letting yourself down can usher in a more peak state. The blade has been standing in the number one position in the world for too long, and the pressure is too great. On the contrary, you can experience life and look at the world from another angle.

Huang Yi has always believed that the blade left, just to return stronger. Such a character cannot be drowned in all beings.

At this moment, without any indication, a vast voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, resounding through every corner of the second world—

"[System Announcement]: Chinese player [Blade Edge] obtained [Blade Emperor's Edge (Epic)], becoming the first player to receive epic equipment, rewarding 1000 public reputation, and obtaining [Unique Achievement] — [Writing Epic ~ www] .readwn.com ~ China national honor value +1 "

Hearing this announcement, Huang Yi and Tianmo Xiaoshenlong accidentally stumbled. They happened to be discussing the blade, but the system just issued an announcement about him!

However, this is not over yet, and the next moment, a vast voice sounded between the heavens and the earth—

"[System Announcement]: Chinese player [Blade Edge] contributed 3 points of national honor value, which met the conditions for giving a name, named [Blade King]."

At this moment, countless players in all continents of the world have heard these two announcements, and the entire world is almost in shock!

They heard a long-lost name, a name that resounded all over the world! This is the first time an announcement has been made since the retreat of the blade! At this moment he didn't know where he was, but his announcement was a strong indication to the world that the blade was still there, and he was not drowned in the long river of time!

This once world's first person is back in people's sight! Countless people have a guess in their hearts--

Blade, is finally coming back? (To be continued ...)

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