Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 587: 3rd Annual Ceremony Support Rate

At the time, the first piece of legendary equipment was obtained by Huang Yi. Now, the first piece of epic gear has become a blade. And the name of that equipment is the Blade's Edge, which is obviously the most important weapon among all equipment components!

In addition, the name of this weapon is related to the sword emperor, which is very close to the heritage of the blade. The system also directly gave the blade a name given to the sword emperor, faintly admitting that he is the orthodox heir of the sword emperor and a new generation of sword emperor.

This is very similar to the sword, which has been inherited by the sword emperor and has been named the sword emperor by the system.

At this point, all five of China's top super masters have been given names, such as God of Kill, Thor, Dragon Emperor, Sword Emperor, and Sword Emperor. However, the gentleman who is faintly known as China's sixth superb master is only a short distance away from the five of them because they have just emerged and cannot be compared for the time being.

These six people go down, they are first-class masters. Dozens of people, such as Qin Shiyu, deputy chairman of the Heroes Guild, Lu Bu, president of the Mingjiang Court, Yun Sihai of the Xuanyuan Clan, Lin Yiqin, Donghuang, and Longxing World, etc., are all first-rate masters. Among these first-class masters, several people, such as Dushi Cold, Undefeated, Second Doctor of Medicine, Yushengxin, and Yang Yuheng, are among the best. They have won national honors and occupy the last few seats in China's top ten rankings. , Second only to the five super first-class masters, is also a well-known presence in the world.

"The knife edge actually caused an announcement, did he finally decide to return?" At this time, the little magic dragon of the demon said slightly excitedly, looking at him, it seemed that he was a fan of the knife edge.

"I also hope he can come back soon." Huang Yi nodded. Once the blade returns, he will have a powerful ally. The leaderboard shows that the blade is now level 110, which is a very high level in a rare career that is very difficult to upgrade. Although he retired for a long time, he did not drop too much, and he was still in a very high position.

However, triggering the announcement does not mean that Blade will return to the public's sight immediately. He may still need some time to prepare. Huang Yi does not know exactly when he will return.


The setting sun finally fell slowly down the hill. Struggling to sprinkle the last rays of sunshine into the forest. Night fell, and the surrounding area began to darken quickly. The light of the bonfire became more conspicuous, and the flavor of the barbecue became more and more intense.

The hare on the bonfire had turned golden yellow, the fat dripped down, and fell into the fire, making a "sizzling" sound. Let your index finger move.

"It's cooked, just a little more scented grass will be perfect!" Said Tian Shen Xiao Shenlong, took out a few tender herbs from the storage ring, and skimmed the meat skillfully. As soon as the herb dipped in the fat on the barbecue, a green juice automatically flowed out into the barbecue.

霎 Time. An scent of herbs accompanies the flavour of the meat, as if to spit out all the saliva! The demon dragon took the roast rabbit down, tore it in half, and handed the other half to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi was also polite and immediately took the barbecue and took a bite. Suddenly, a fragrance filled the mouth. The meat is crisp and tender, not fatty. This roasted meat is mixed with vanilla sauce, it has become a kind of mountain and sea flavor, even Huang Yi, a person with a net worth of trillions, has never eaten such a delicious roasted meat.

"How is it? It tastes good! I drank your fruit wine, and you ate my barbecue, which was flattened out." Tianmo Xiaoshenlong took a sip of fruit wine. Satisfied.

"Woohoo!" Just then, in the grass not far away, there was a sudden howl of wolf.

Subsequently, a pair of faint green eyes lighted up, and dozens of demon wolves with two heads surrounded Huang Yi and the little demon dragon group. Each demon wolf is basically over ninety levels, and several of them also exude the atmosphere of the primary sanctuary. Huang Yi is the Beastmaster and would not have been actively attacked by the beast. However, these creatures in the World of Warcraft Mountains are not beasts, but more advanced Warcraft, with great differences in strength.

Huang Yi glanced at the little demon dragon. The level of the little demon dragon is 102, and there should be no certainty about this group of devil wolves. However, the other party was still drinking fruit wine calmly and unaffected.

The little demon dragon thought Huang Yi was a little scared, smiled slightly, and comforted: "Relax! They won't come over! I have sprinkled the powder of the high-level Holy World Warcraft bones and deterrence grass for the past four weeks, These demon wolves are at the highest level of the sacred realm, and after smelling that taste, they will retreat actively. "

Huang Yi turned his head suspiciously and looked around. The demon wolves did not dare to move forward anymore, lingering outside, salivating, staring at the barbecue in the hands of Huang Yi and Tian Demon Dragon.

The little demon dragon lives in the wild all the year round, and he really worked out a set of survival skills, coupled with his hunter profession, it is like a fish in the forest. His growth rate is extremely amazing, I don't know how far he has grown when I see him next time.

The two continued to eat barbecue and drink fruit wine, as if they had been together for many years in this old forest in the forest. The bonfire was crackling, burning warmth and light, dissipating the darkness.

"Brother, it's getting late, I have to go! There will be a period later!" One hour later, Tianmo Xiaoshenlong finally ate the barbecue, drank the bottle of fruit wine, stood up and was ready to continue on the road, no time wasted.

"Okay! Brothers take care! This bottle of fruit wine is for you!" Huang Yi nodded, took out a bottle of fruit wine from the storage ring again, and handed it to the demon dragon.

"Haha! I like it! Thank you!" Tianmo Xiaoshen smiled brightly, took the bottle of fruit wine, then turned around and walked into the depths of the dense forest. The bright moonlight dripped through the cracks in the leaves, and shone on his body farther and farther, leaving him somewhat lonely. The road ahead doesn't know how dark and long it is, but as long as you keep going, it will always be dawn.

Huang Yi retracted his gaze, turned to look at the direction of the Dragon Tomb, and got up to start on his way.

Only a bunch of unburned bonfires remained in place, exuding excess temperature.


The next day, when Huang Yi went online, it was already noon. Today's forum was really overwhelmed by the news of the blade.

"The king is back! The blade is the first player in the world to get epic gear and is named the Emperor!"

"Blade is back too late! Nomination for the best personal award is a luxury! It is almost a foregone conclusion to kill God!"

"Without the participation of the killing gods, the hero guild won the world's first killer Truth! The heroes guild killed the deities to achieve staged results!"

"Kid, one of the two leaders of the United States, created a free empire! Became the fourth God-given nation in the world!"

"Today ’s support rate for the Second World Annual Ceremony: the best personal killer is far ahead; the best newcomer tnt is unshakable; the best charm award is expected to win Oda City; the best guilds are competing against each other; the best team hero Sun Martial arts stands on three feet. "

After a few glances at these posts, Huang Yi clicked into the official daily voting post set up, and wanted to see the support rate today.

Some time ago, the shortlist for the awards of the Second World Annual Ceremony has been released. Huang Yi and his heroic guild performed well and were shortlisted for multiple awards. Of the more than 20 million players in the Heroes Guild, almost all awards have been shortlisted and blossomed everywhere.

In today's support rate, the best personal award, Huang Yi's support rate is as high as the world's first, no one can shake! Ranked second is the sword that has just won the sword emperor's short name. The support rate is the personal match Emperor Miyamoto Musashi, and the support rate ranks third.

The fastest rise today is undoubtedly the blade. Although he retired for a long time, the thin camel is larger than the horse, and he is still shortlisted for the best personal award this year. However, he has not had any support before, and everyone has automatically ignored him, making his ranking outside the seventy or eighty, but after the announcement last night, his support rate jumped to fifth, only Second to Thor.

In terms of the Best Charm Award, Oda City topped the list, and Qin Shiyu was in the forefront, ranking 9th. In fact, Qin Shiyu's strength would have been stronger, but her main thoughts were spent on the management guild, which is equivalent to sacrificing her time to create a solid rear for Huang Yi. When his sacrifice and internal help greatly affected Up his strength.

In terms of the best guild and best group awards, the hero guild and hero group are both in the top three, but the gap between the front and back is small. The top ten are basically capable of winning prizes.

Finally, in terms of the best newcomer awards, tnt stands out. Last year's best newcomer award was Huang Yi and Thor's Double Heroes, but this year it was tnt alone and defeated! His approval rate today is as high as ~ www.readwn.com ~ except for his home country Italy, the vast majority of votes are from players in other countries, which shows that he is recognized as the best newcomer in the world!

The Best Newcomer Award is a special existence with a high degree of attention, almost equal to the Best Personal Award, because the finalists on this list will be the future masters in the second world. This award is a master The cradle represents the future of the Second World.

In this award, a total of seven heroes were shortlisted, namely the small skirt, the official, the peak, the overlord, the word of the setting sun, the bright demon. Except for the little skirts and spikes, the other five are all brothers of Rose Prison!

Looking at this year's Best Newcomer Award, among the 100 finalists, the brothers in Rose Prison grabbed 82 of them! The prisons of Rose Prison are all over the world, and many of them have grown into the country's iconic masters. As long as the country does not have the superb masters' suppression, they will be one of the best people!

Over time, they will perform even better. It is less than a year after they entered the second world, and there is still great growth potential!

These people are an important part of Huang Yi's global layout. (To be continued ...)

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