Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 588: Mysterious thatched hut

Huang Yi is basically satisfied with the approval rates of various awards, and his performance is pretty good.

Next, Huang Yi entered the second world, and started a new day.


On the eastern continent, the city of the Budo Association—Mushiro, Miyamoto Musashi and Oda are standing on the top floor of the city hall.

At this point, Miyamoto Musashi frowned and thought hard. Oda City looked at him quietly, with a pain in his heart. After the contest, Miyamoto Musashi seldom smiled again, and his face was calm every day, as if he had changed a person.

It was Huang Yi who made Miyamoto Musashi like this. When Oda thought of Huang Yi, he had a complicated feeling in his heart. On the one hand, she complained a little bit about Huang Yi. Without him, Miyamoto Musashi would not be what he is now.

On the other hand, Oda City has some admiration for Huang Yi. She is an above-the-top person. Few people in this world can be seen by her. Almost all men in her eyes can be ignored automatically. The presence. Huang Yi is one of the few exceptions.

In the group finals, Huang Yi beat her convincingly, often defeating her every time she thought she would win. Moreover, Huang Yi is the only man she has ever fit besides Miyamoto Musashi. The subtle psychological touch always makes her feel as if she has had close contact with Huang Yi. Every time she dreams back at midnight, she can emerge. They fit together.

In her pure young girl's heart, Huang Yi has unknowingly occupied a delicate position, faintly struck her heartstrings, and she doesn't know how to treat Huang Yi.

"Brother, have you been disturbed by the **** of killing again? I said earlier not to see the support rate of the best personal award, we just have to live a good life." Oda City walked to Miyamoto Musashi and stretched out his small hand He grabbed his big hand and comforted softly. "You look at that blade. When you stood at such a high position, you had the courage to choose to retreat and live the life you want. Why can't you?"

Miyamoto Musashi was silent for a moment, and it was not known whether he was touched by Oda's words or did not listen at all. After a while, he suddenly bit his lip, turned his head and looked at Oda City, and asked, "Sister, do you think I want to be strong or kill God to be strong?" At this time, he looked concerned, as if the problem was very important to him. It's important, even the faint childlike helplessness, hoping to get the affirmation and comfort of Oda City.

The beautiful eyes of Oda City stared at Miyamoto Musashi quietly, and sighed slightly, saying, "People below always compliment you, and you have already heard the good things. If I am like them, how can I be worthy? Being your sister? Lies are not good for you. To be honest, I think you were as strong as the **** of killing before, but now you are not his opponent in this state. "

"What? Even you are facing him ?!" Miyamoto Musashi heard this answer, and immediately became angry, and severely let go of Oda's hand, stared at her, and yelled, "Isn't it after the fit? , Do you like him? "

For a moment, Oda City didn't expect Miyamoto Musashi to fire such a fire at her. After a while, she calmed down, her eyes suddenly turned red, and a layer of water mist spread over her, and said aggrieved, "How can you do that!"

Having said that, she turned and ran out without even closing the door.

Musashi Miyamoto looked at the disappearing figure of Oda City, his frown suddenly deepened. Finally, he seemed to have made up some kind of determination, and immediately sent a message to the vice chairman of the Martial Arts Association--

"Within a month, I have to see a lethal battleship. At that time, we will go to Hero Continent!"


In a flash, a week passed.

This week, Huang Yi's body has been leveled in the Tower of the Gods, and has successfully upgraded to level 132. However, the number one in the world rankings has become increasingly difficult to maintain. Yang Yuheng, who ranked second, has rocketed to 130 levels, only two levels away from him.

This is also expected by Huang Yi, and the average player's upgrade speed is more than double that of rare occupations. Over time, let alone the number one ranking, even if it is the top one hundred, it is very likely that you will not see any rare occupations, and all will be occupied by ordinary players.

However, this can only narrow a part of the gap. There is still a big gap between ordinary players and rare professions. Unless you can lead by a large margin and use level suppression or status suppression, you will be able to defeat rare occupations.

The incarnation of Huang Yi is riding a dragon these days, and the location of that dragon is too far away, and he has only traveled less than half the distance. Since separating from the Devil Dragon, he has never seen any players along the way. There are only increasingly powerful World of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft Mountains, and there are no traces of humans, as if he has entered a primitive world.

These days, Huang Yi used his ability to sniff treasures along the way to discover a lot of natural treasures, there are treasure mines, spirit grass, and magic water. All that was able to feed Xiaolong was eaten by it. The scales on its head grew by more than thirty, and it seemed to have a little scale.

However, what worries him slightly is that along the way, he did find that many high-level sacred warcraft escaped from the depths of the mountains. Like the little demon dragon said, it seems that something big happened inside.

On this day, Huang Yi rode the dragon and continued to fly in the air over the WoW Mountains.

"Eh? There is a spirit grass ten kilometers away, let's fly over!" At this time, Huang Yi felt a little smile and felt a spirit grass.

On average, every day, he can find one or two spirit grasses. If this efficiency is known by other players, I don't know what it will envy. Few people have the ability to sniff treasures similar to Huang Yi. They want to find a spirit grass in this vast virgin forest, no less than a haystack, often a hard year, wading through mountains and rivers, and risking their lives every day Dangerous, only one or two can be found! Far less efficient than Huang Yi.

It didn't take long for Xiaolong to quickly carry Huang Yi and came to a towering mountain!

The mountain is steep all around, as if it was cut by a knife. The cliffs around it are covered with wild grass. The spiritual grass that Huang Yi perceives is on this cliff. This kind of cliff cannot be reached by ordinary people at all. It can only fly up.

At this time, Huang Yi's keen eyes glanced again, and finally found the plant. It was a fist-sized red dragon Ganoderma lucidum, growing on a crevice. I didn't know how many years of wind and rain had gone through, and it had been growing stubbornly, facing the warm sunshine. There are no guardians around it. Solitary, this steep mountain is its biggest line of defense.

Huang Yi immediately jumped from Xiaolong and flew to the cliff by himself, carefully picking off the dragon Ganoderma lucidum.

"Ahhhhh!" At this time, Huang Yi had not come to say hello, Xiaolong took the initiative to fly over, obediently looked at the dragon Ganoderma lucidum with big eyes, and looked at Huang Yi again, shaking the dragon tail from side to side, like Pleasing like the owner's puppy.

"Let's eat it!" Huang Yi touched Xiaolong's head and stuffed the Ganoderma lucidum into its mouth.

Xiao Long fluttered his wings in excitement, fanned out a few winds, and ate with interest. Soon, a golden light flashed on its forehead, and five delicate small scales grew.

"Let's go on!" Huang Yi said, and touched Xiaolong's head, and turned over and rode up.

Xiaolong just ate a spirit grass, when it was full of energy, he flew extremely fast, carrying Huang Yifeng galloping forward, rushing towards a rolling hill in the distance.

"Huh? Spirit grass! So many spirit grass!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt that there were more than ten spirit grasses ten kilometers ahead!

The spirit grass he discovered these days is one by one, and he has never found more than a dozen plants in one breath! This is almost like artificial planting! What exactly is it that can give birth to ten spirit grasses? Huang Yi can no longer imagine!

Xiaolong also seemed to perceive that there was something delicious, and could not help but fly faster, getting closer and closer to the place Huang Yi perceived.

Huang Yi's eyes stared at the mountains in front of them, where the clouds and mist were full of the feeling of trembling, and the mountains were rising one after another without end.

Finally, the distance was getting closer and closer, and Huang Yi's sight became clearer and clearer. Through the thin cloud, he saw the scene of that mountain range.

Those mountains are covered with pine trees and the breeze blows around ~ www.readwn.com ~ Song Tao bursts, strange rocks, clear springs, and birds singing quietly, there is a fairy-tale beauty of shareholders. It seemed that Huang Yi flew from a western fantasy World of Warcraft mountains to a fairy mountain in the east.

At this time, Huang Yi, on the top of a cliff in a mountain, suddenly saw something that should not exist-a thatched house!

In this uninhabited and pristine mountain range, a man-made thatched house appeared. This kind of picture suddenly shocked Huang Yi's heart!

That thatched house was covered with pine needles, but the front was cleaned very clean, and a vegetable garden was opened beside the house, which was planted with a dozen young grasses!

Huang Yi's eyes stared at the dozen or so tender grass in the small vegetable garden! That's the dozen or so spirit grass he felt!

At this moment, his heart was shocked! These dozens of spirit grasses are obviously planted artificially. The biggest feature of spirit grasses is that they cannot be planted in batches. This scene in front of them clearly violates this common sense.

What kind of hidden master lives in that thatched house? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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