Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Panasonic asks the boy

Soon, Xiaolong fell under a pine tree on that hill, Huang Yi turned over and jumped down, and stepped on the fresh dirt. . The breeze blew, and it suddenly made people feel extraterrestrial.

"Wang Wang!" Xiaolong also apparently found more than ten spirit grasses in that vegetable garden, blinking his big eyes, he flashed with excitement, and twisted his little buttock and rushed to eat.

"Can't come here, this is the thing that has the master! It's not ours!" Huang Yi drank Xiaolong immediately and didn't let it be naughty.

Xiaolong's expression suddenly darkened, and he turned around uncomfortably and walked back, but still turned from time to time to look at the small vegetable garden, biting his own claws, and looked like a mouthful.

Huang Yi came lightly to the front of the thatched house. The door of the house was hidden. He looked in through the crack of the door for a while, but found that there was no one in it, it seemed that the owner was not at home.

There is a small path in front of the thatched house leading to the pine forest next to it. The path seemed to be walked year round, with some clear footprints on it. Judging from the size and shape of these footprints, there should be three people living here, two children, and an old man. The latest footprints have only been left today. They should have gone out temporarily for some reason and have not yet returned.

Huang Yi decided to wait here. Someone in this wild wilderness can plant spirit grass in batches. This alone gives him enough reasons to explore it. If he can also plant spirit grasses in batches, then the dragons and treasures needed for Xiaolong's growth will be very good.

At this time, he was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down, and his vision was extremely wide. The mountains were undulating, the trees were densely covered with clouds, and people seemed to be able to forget the troubles of the world. Huang Yi was tired for a long time, and at this moment seemed to calm down and enjoy the beauty of heaven and earth peacefully.

After waiting for a while, Huang Yi suddenly noticed that there was a faint voice of conversation on the side road leading to the pine forest, as if someone had arrived.

He immediately turned to look over, and suddenly saw a man, a woman and two children. These two children are only aged, with clear eyebrows, tender and tender, extremely cute. They both carried a small medicine basket, and it seemed that they had just returned from the medicine collection, and they were talking while walking.

"will you like me?"


"Then I will teach you!"


Listening to the simple words of the two children, Huang Yi seemed to see himself and Qin Shiyu many years ago. When they were young, they used to be like this. The world is simple and people are simple. Even if you don't like a person, you can teach her to like it.

"Wang Wang!" At this time, Xiaolong found the two children, and immediately waved his little paws, and cried milkily. This trick was taught to him by Xiao Wang. When he saw a stranger, he had to warn the dog for the first time and threaten the enemy.

"Well?" The two children finally realized the movement here, and immediately turned to look at Huang Yi, and suddenly found Huang Yi under the pine tree. When they saw Xiaolong, the small faces suddenly froze and talked softly.

"What a weird dog! It turned out to be like this, with little wings!"

"Dog barking is so special, it doesn't seem like a normal dog!"

"It looks a bit like the legendary golden holy dragon, but it is impossible for a dragon to learn dog barking, so strange!"

"Is it the golden holy dog?"

Huang Yi listened to the conversation between the two children at a distance, and turned around and looked at Xiaolong helplessly. This little dragon barked a little, one might be Long Yin, the other was a dog barking, but it was still milky and suffocating, not a bit of domineering, and the dragon's face was lost.

"Wang Wang!" At this time, Xiaolong yelled at the two children again, staring at them with big eyes, as if warning them not to come. But its cute appearance can hardly make a deterrent expression.

Huang Yi saw Xiaolong open his mouth again, and seemed to continue to bark. He couldn't help but immediately reached out to cover his mouth and forced his next cry into his stomach.

Soon, the two children came under the pine tree where Huang Yi was. The little boy looked up at him curiously, then looked at Xiaolong, and asked, "Brother, who are you? Why are you here?" "

Huang Yi released Xiaolong and smiled slightly at the two children. He said kindly, "I came here by accident and wanted to visit!"

"My master is not there! He is going to take the medicine." The little girl said as she stretched out her little hand, as if trying to touch the dragon.

The little girl's words confirmed Huang Yi's speculation. There really is an old man here, and it is likely to be a mysterious hermit master. He is quite accomplished in medicinal herbs, which further strengthened his determination to visit the old man. Huang Yi's mind was a little calm, and she continued to ask, "Where did your Master go?"

"It's in this mountain! I don't know where it is." The boy shook his head.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the deep mountains below the cliffs, where the mountains are stacked and the clouds are lingering. I don't know where the old man is at this moment.

"Ahhhhhhh!" At this moment, Xiaolong suddenly saw the medicine basket behind the little girl, and suddenly her eyes brightened, she bit her little paw, her little tail shook from side to side, and she showed herself to her.

"It's so fun!" The little girl patted her little hand and said happily when she saw this picture of Xiaolong. Then she boldly reached out her hand and finally touched Xiaolong's head.

Xiaolong's full attention was on that medicine basket, she didn't mean to avoid the little girl at all, so she touched it like that. Not to mention a little girl, it is estimated that even if the Seven Devil Kings come here, it will still be touched, as long as it is fed.

"Come! Give me a hug!" The little girl seemed to feel that her touch was not enough. The nature of motherly love suddenly sprang up. She suddenly took a step further and hugged Xiaolong.

Xiaolong was still held by the little girl, lying on her arms, her neck resting on her shoulders, her head reaching into the medicine basket behind her, and she opened her mouth and ate it, not at all polite.

Huang Yi felt clearly that there were originally two precious spirit grasses in that medicine basket, but they were immediately eaten by Xiaolong, and he couldn't even stop the organization.

"Oh! Your spring dew grass has been eaten by it!" The little boy saw the scene completely and screamed at the little girl.

The little girl heard that she immediately put down Xiaolong, took down the medicine basket behind her, and looked carefully. Sure enough, a spirit grass inside has disappeared.

At the same time, Xiaolong was sitting on the ground with two **** paws, chewing something with interest, squinting, and enjoying himself. At the same time, its forehead flashed gold, and four scales grew at once!

"Sorry! It hasn't eaten much in a day, maybe it's a little hungry." Huang Yi stiffened her head, apologized towards the little girl, thinking about how to compensate.

"What?" At this moment, the little girl was suddenly shocked, staring anxiously at Huang Yi, saying, "It's so cute, you shouldn't let it eat? You bad guy!"

By the way, the little girl immediately crouched down, took out another spirit grass in her medicine basket, handed it to Xiaolong's mouth, touched her little head, and softly coaxed: "Eat obediently Don't be hungry! "

Huang Yi stumbled in place and watched as Xiaolong ate the second spirit grass. He thought the little girl would ask him to compensate Ling Cao for the loss, but she did not expect her to blame him for not feeding the dragon well, and he took out the Ling Cao to feed it.

After Xiaolong ate the second spirit grass, a golden light flashed on his forehead, and three dragon scales grew again. But it was still dissatisfied, licking his small mouth and looking at the little girl innocently with wide eyes, a pitiful look, as if he was really hungry.

"Oh! Bring the dragon blood flower you picked today, this little guy is hungry!" Seeing Xiao Long's expression, the little girl felt a pain in her heart and immediately stretched out her hand and hooked her fingers towards the little boy.

"It's not good! Master will scold us!" The little boy scratched his head and said hesitantly.

"As long as we don't tell Master that you picked the spirit grass, how can he blame you?" The little girl suddenly pursed, suddenly a little unhappy.

"Well then, don't be angry!" The little boy was unhappy when he saw the little girl. He immediately compromised, took down his medicine basket, and took out a red flower in it.

The little girl's face looked better now. After taking the red flower, she changed hands and fed it to Xiaolong.

When Xiaolong saw the grass again, he shook his tail with excitement, and kissed the little girl's palm affectionately, as if he saw his own mother.

Looking at this scene, Huang Yi was completely unable to describe his feelings in words. He worked hard all day to collect one or two plants for Xiaolong to eat. But now, the little girl directly fed Xiaolong and ate three spirit grasses, which was much faster than raising herself. And Xiaolong also refused to come. He didn't know how to be polite. He who has milk is a mother, whoever accepts it is delicious.

"It doesn't seem to be enough! It's still hungry! Go and shovel out the spirit grass we have planted in our medicine garden and eat it!" Soon, the little girl gave another cry to the little boy. For the sake of Xiaolong, she was desperate, and even Huang Yi on the other side couldn't stand it anymore.

"No! Master will scold us!" The little boy shook his head immediately, his expression firm, as if it had touched his bottom line.

"What are you afraid of? Master asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said that it was stolen by that two-horned pig! Anyway, that stupid pig didn't come to steal our spirit grass for the first time." Little girl Stubbornly said.

But the little boy seemed quite principled, just shook his head and refused to do it.

"Huh! I don't like you!" The little girl was still indifferent when she saw the little boy, and she suddenly beaked, and said unhappyly.

Afterwards, she stood up and walked to the small vegetable garden next to the thatched house. In the shocked eyes of Huang Yi and the little boy, she shoved down all the dozen or so spirit grasses.

Immediately after, she trot all the way, returned to Xiaolong's side, squatted down again, and handed all the ten or so Lingzhu grass to Xiaolong in one breath.

"Wang Wang!" Xiaolong seemed to feel that happiness was coming too fast, he cried with excitement, and immediately buried his head and ate.

A plant of spirit grass was eaten by it one after another, the golden light on its forehead never stopped, it kept flashing, and the scales of the dragon came out frantically with the speed visible to the naked eye. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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