Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 590: The old man returns

Soon, the dozen or so spirit grasses collected by the little girl were all eaten by Xiaolong, and the scales on his forehead were suddenly forty or fifty, plus the previous scales, which had exceeded one hundred. The mark is up! Cover your entire forehead!

The little dragon now looked as if he was wearing a crown made of scales, and each of the dragon scales reflected the golden light in the sun, neat and tidy. Although it is still very young, it is already more prestigious than the one born, and the momentum of the golden holy dragon is more and more obvious.

Xiaolong ate so many herbs in one breath, too much medicine gathered in the body, it seemed a little tired to digest. His eyelids started to fight, his small body wobbled, and eventually he fell into the little girl's arms and fell asleep.

"Poor! Sleep well!" Said the little girl, hugging the dragon tightly, touching her little head, and said with pity.

Huang Yi quietly looked at the sleeping dragon, and felt happy for it. If these more than ten spirit grasses are kept in normal times, it is estimated that they will be able to find them for half a month after hard work. If there are guardian beasts, it will be even more troublesome. But now, it's easy to eat.

"Roar!" At this moment, there was a faint roar from the distant mountains, as if a peerless beast was angry! Although far apart, I still heard the shock!

"Did Master be attacked?" The little boy said anxiously, looking at the direction from which the roar came.

"Master is so capable of escaping, there should be nothing wrong!" At this moment, the little girl put away her mischief, said with a little worry, and turned her head to look at the mountains where the roar came.

"Roar!" At that moment, a clearer roar came from the mountain, as if the terrible beast was rushing to this side.

At this moment, the faces of the little boy and the girl were all staring, all staring at the direction of the roar. The little girl held the dragon in her arms tightly, lest it be hurt.



Gradually, the roar became clearer and more shocking, and the earth seemed to tremble slightly!

Finally, Huang Yi's keen vision found the peerless beast!

In the valley of two mountain peaks in the distance, a giant monkey rushed out. The giant monkey was twenty meters high, snarling and beating madly and beating the ground, chasing something here. Wherever it went, the landslide broke, and the forest was directly destroyed by brute force.

Huang Yi opened her third eye and looked intently. Only to find out that in front of the giant monkey, an old man was dodging flexibly. The old man was gray-haired and white-bearded, limped, carrying a medicine basket. Compared to the giant monkey behind him, he is almost as small as a mouse, but whenever the giant monkey's attack is about to fall, he can always avoid it, but it can only be avoided. There is no time to do anything else.

"I saw an old man with white hair and white beard running away with a medicine basket. Is that your master?" At this time, Huang Yi turned to look at the little boy and girl and immediately asked out loud .

"Yes! That's our master!" The little boy nodded immediately, staring at the ferocious beast rushing into the distance, his face suddenly panicked, "Master was even chased by the beast? What can I do! "

"Fool! Master has left a pot of sleeping pills! Hurry and get it in the house!" The little girl said calmly, and said immediately.

"Oh! Sleeping pills! Sleeping pills!" The little boy seemed to find something to rely on immediately, and murmured immediately, rushing into the room quickly.

At this point, the giant monkey in the distance was very close to this side, and the birds roared around in a panic! The mountain peak shook slightly as the giant monkey ran, and the pine trees on Huang Yi's head shook down some pine needles, as if it was raining!

The storm is coming and the calamity is coming!

Once the giant monkey comes here, it is estimated that this mountain will be destroyed by it!

Soon, the little boy rushed out of the house again, holding a gourd tightly in his arms, as if holding some life-saving items, all hopes were pinned in it!

"What's the effect of this sleeping medicine?" Huang Yi immediately asked the little girl, holding the **** battle tightly in her hand. He has made up his mind to help them through this calamity in order to pay back the gratitude of the more than ten spirit grasses that Xiaolong ate.

"This sleeping medicine is made by Master with various poisonous weeds and top-level sacred-level Warcraft Bone Meal! It has a strong hypnotic effect on Warcraft under the advanced sacred field! As long as the giant monkey is not a high-level sacred Warcraft, This bottle of sleeping pills will have a significant effect! But this giant monkey looks so fierce, I am afraid it is very powerful! "The little girl replied anxiously, she looked at Huang Yi helplessly, and cried slightly: "Brother, can you save my master?"

"I'll give it a try! But I'm going to use the sleeping pills!" Huang Yi nodded, quickly grabbed the gourd from the little boy's hand, and then jumped directly from the cliff, flapping his wings, quickly Rushing towards the giant monkey.

The little boy and girl looked anxiously at the approaching giant monkey with anxiety, and looked at Huang Yi expectantly, hoping that he would show his might and drive the giant monkey away.

Huang Yi and the giant monkey approached quickly, its body became clearer, his body was very fleshy, and he had the power to crack the mountain. Ordinary people were attacked by it, I am afraid it was directly turned into a pool of minced meat, and even the whole body could not be left.

And the old man was getting more and more difficult to escape under the crazy pursuit of the giant monkey. Obviously, he was physically overdrawn and could not last long!

While Huang Yi was flying, he opened the gourd, and it suddenly burst into an unpleasant stench! Huang Yi frowned, held his breath, and looked inside.

The gourd contained a black liquid, like ink. He immediately spilled this liquid on the **** battlefield in his hand, making the weapon also have the effect of this liquid, just as he had painted the blood of the demons.

After applying the sleeping pills, Huang Yi flicked his arm hard, and the **** Gordon immediately released his hand and attacked the fierce giant monkey in the distance! This flying axe can fly much faster than him, and can attack the giant monkey first!

The maximum attack distance of the flying axe is 20 times the level of the releaser. Huang Yi is now level 132, then this flying axe skill can attack as far as 2640 meters, none of Huang Yi's attack skills has such a long distance!

The flying speed of Flying Axe is 100 meters per second! The giant monkey was about 2,000 meters away from him. It took a long time for the flying axe to fly past. It was difficult to hit the enemy at such a long attack distance, and the enemy could hide if he changed his position. However, after Huang Yi's transformation, this skill has become able to track the target automatically, no matter how the enemy hides, it can no longer escape!

Time passed by every second, Huang Yi's **** battles rushed through the air with his hope, a fierce breaking sound was heard, and the monkey was getting closer and closer.

"Boom!" At this moment, the giant monkey waved his arm again, struggling to hit the old man!

In a short time, the dirt splashed and several trees were interrupted directly by brute force! The old man was too late to escape and was attacked by the aftermath of the battle. He immediately spit out blood and fell out!

The giant monkey quickly caught up, raised a thick paw, and slammed it hard at the old man!

The huge shadow, like death, enveloped the old man who fell to the ground. The sharp claws deeply reflected the old man's eyes! He looked desperately at the approaching giant claws, and seemed to feel that the next moment he would become a part of this mountain of Warcraft, and become the nutrition of the new grass sprout in the coming year!

Time was still at this moment. The sunlight through the cracks of the leaves was so weak that it flickered in his eyes like a fragile life!

"Well!" Just at the moment of his death, he suddenly heard the sound of sharp objects hitting the body!

Then, the ever-greater claw in his eyes quickly moved away from his sight!

The old man picked up a life and couldn't help but immediately climbed up, and even the medicine basket that fell on the side was too late to pick it up, and fled directly away!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Just then, he suddenly heard the voice of a man from the sky ahead, and then he saw a man with black wings flying from the sky.

This person is simply Huang Yi. His flying axe took his first step, attacked the giant monkey, and bounced it off at the most critical moment, making the last fatal attack impossible.

Not only that, but the sleeping medicine applied on the flying axe also contaminated the giant monkey, making its footsteps sway, running and stumbled, seeming to fall asleep. But after shaking his head, he woke up again, and his pace returned to normal.

At this moment, Huang Yi's heart sank suddenly, he knew that he couldn't beat the giant monkey completely!

This giant monkey has a level of 170! This is the level of the real high-level sacred warcraft, and its strength is complete, without being injured, even if Huang Yi summons the body, he can't beat it at all.

"I'll take you away!" Huang Yi decided to stop immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ no longer fight this giant monkey, but immediately lifted the old man and quickly flew high.

"Young man, thank you for your life-saving grace!" The old man escaped to death, and the whole person seemed to be a discouraged ball, and all of a sudden he eased from the state of tension, as if he had collapsed.

"Roar!" At that moment, the giant monkey saw Huang Yi rescue the old man, and suddenly roared toward Huang Yi! Violent sound waves swept towards Huang Yi, with a smell of smell!

Subsequently, it continued to chase after Huang Yi, and it seemed that no matter where the old man ran, he would pursue it to the end and never give up!

"Why is it chasing you all the time?" Huang Yi frowned and asked puzzledly.

"Because I stole something from it." The old man said, tremblingly took out something from his arms and handed it to Huang Yi.


The second one is estimated to be more than 1 o'clock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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