Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 591: The secret only i know

At this moment, the old man was holding a crystal clear peach in his hand!

The size of this peach fist is translucent, and the flesh appears light pink. I don't know what it is.

"What is this?" Huang Yi saw the peach and asked with a doubt, he had never seen such a thing.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" At this moment, the giant monkey chasing below saw the old man take out the peach, and immediately went crazy, roaring again and again, the earth trembled violently! The breath is terrifying!

The old man gasped and said hardly, "This is a spiritual fruit called Lingshui Peach."

"Although the spirit fruit is precious, there seem to be more than ten spirit grasses planted next to your thatched house. You don't seem to be short of elixir. Why should you risk your life to steal this water spirit fruit?" Huang Yi asked in confusion. Lingguo is actually the same as Lingcao, but it is just a fruit form with similar medicinal power. This old man went to seduce the giant monkey such a high-level sanctuary Warcraft for a spiritual fruit, which is totally abnormal.

"Huh? You even know my thatched hut? Have you been there?" The old man said a little, and said nervously.

Huang Yi looked at the old man's nervous look, guessing that the old man should be worried about the more than ten spirit grasses. Unfortunately, those spirit grasses were eaten by Xiaolong. After the old man saw the messy vegetable garden, he didn't know what he would think.

"Yes! I just flew over from there. Both of your apprentices were there. They also gave me this goofy sleeping potion." Huang Yi nodded and shook the gourd in his hand.

"That's it!" The old man heard the two apprentices beside the thatched hut, and his expression eased suddenly. I thought that with the care of two apprentices, more than ten spirit grasses should be safe.

Right now. He immediately returned to the previous topic and said, "In fact, I thought the giant monkey was just an intermediate sacred World of Warcraft, but it was an advanced sacred World of Warcraft, otherwise I would not risk my life to pick this spirit fruit. .I do n’t know why, these mountains are too abnormal these days. Originally, the advanced sacred world of Warcraft was hidden in the deepest part of the mountains, but now it is met here. "

"Then you return this Lingtao peach to that giant monkey now! It's too powerful, I can't beat it! It has returned its own spiritual fruit. Maybe it will let us go." Huang Yi urged The giant monkey was so powerful that even if he used all the big skills, he couldn't beat it.

"It's late!" The old man shook his head with a bitter smile, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly deepened. "This Ling Ju peach is not yet ripe. The ripe Ling Ju peach is transparent. I will take it off in advance now. Then it will There is no medicine left, even if it is returned to that giant monkey, it will kill me and vent my anger! "

"Since it's not mature, why do you pick it off?" Huang Yi's doubts got even worse. Some elixir can be collected when it is immature, but it will have less potency. But some elixir must be fully mature to be effective. Otherwise, it will be scrapped. This old man is obviously an experienced medicator, and he certainly understands this truth, but he chose to pick in advance. This is something that anyone who has a little attempt at Lingshui Peach will not do it.

"This is a secret. And this world is the only one I know." The old man shook his head mysteriously. Did not continue to say, apparently unwilling to tell Huang Yi this secret.

Huang Yi looked at the giant monkey who was still chasing them fiercely below, and looked at the pale old man, and said, "This way, we can't get rid of this giant monkey at all, it will keep chasing you to At the end of this world, do you want to die, or do you want this secret? When you die, no one knows this secret. "

The old man bit his dry lips, looked down at the vicious giant monkey below, and there was a clear flash of fear in his eyes, as if he saw himself torn apart. He hesitated for a while and said, "If you can help me to relieve the scourge of this giant monkey, then I will tell you the secret."

After hearing this, Huang Yi knew that he had triggered a hidden task. The second world is very free and open. Some tasks have no hints. Anything encountered in daily life may be a task. It's just that these tasks have no strict form, are eclectic, and don't even have system prompts, just like a real world.

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded immediately, and groaned, "I can find a way to help you relieve this scourge! But would you mind taking your hilltop as my territory? You can continue to live in it, I It wo n’t interfere with you, and I will protect you when it becomes my territory. "

"Young man, I promise you!" The old man agreed without hesitation.

"In addition, is there any way to stop the giant monkey for a while? Just give me a little time." Huang Yi asked the second key question. As long as the giant monkey can stop for ten minutes, he can insert a deputy battle flag of the hero guild in this area, and summon some guardians from the hero guild. By then, the giant monkey will not be afraid. .

The old man nodded, looking at the gourd on Huang Yi's hand, and said, "If you increase the amount of this sleeping potion, it will still have a little effect on that giant monkey. Half of the gourd potion can be sprayed on it, probably. Let it sleep for ten minutes. "

"Okay, I know!" Huang Yi nodded, immediately speeding up his flight, and quickly flew to the top of the cliff where the thatched hut was located, putting him down.

The little boy and girl saw the Master return safely and immediately relieved, hurried to meet him, and supported him left and right.

Huang Yi turned around and looked down at the cliff below. At this time, the giant monkey was still chasing them frantically. Although they were on the top of the towering cliff, the giant monkey was tall, powerful, and agile, and quickly climbed up the cliff! Crawling and snarling, it seems that no matter where they are chased, the old man must be killed to vent his anger!

Huang Yi immediately flapped her wings and flew towards the giant monkey!

Holding the gourd in his hands, he stared at the giant monkey, aiming at its place. Finally, when the giant monkey climbed to the middle of the cliff, Huang Yi found a suitable time and angle, and suddenly fell the gourd towards the giant monkey!

"Wow!" Suddenly, the half gourd's sleeping potion completely poured on the giant monkey's body, and the foul smell spread out.

The giant monkey seemed to be drunk at once, his body suddenly shook, his eyelids became heavier and he couldn't open. The limbs gradually became weaker and harder, it was difficult to catch the cliff again, and they drove down like swings.

Soon, the giant monkey crooked his head and fell asleep completely. And its limbs also fell out of a cliff in the air because of lack of strength, and severely smashed it underneath, breaking a tree.

Huang Yi was relieved, and quickly returned to the top of the cliff, immediately took out a secondary battle flag from the storage ring, and directly inserted it.

Suddenly, a killing flag fluttered in the wind on the cliff, and the black flag was written with a blood-red "kill" character, standing on the top of this mountain, as if it had a sense of being proud of the world!

From now on, the 50-kilometer radius is his territory. As long as the flag is not killed, the country will never be changed! He is the eternal king here!

Next, Huang Yi immediately took out the hero book and summoned the hero prison! The dark dragon's faucet suddenly appeared, opening its huge mouth as if to swallow the world. Huang Yi raced against the clock and disappeared into the dragon's mouth.

Only seven minutes later, Huang Yi was teleported out again, followed by him, and had a tall body.

The tall body was wearing a cold metal armor and a steel helmet on his head, he couldn't see his face clearly. Its left and right hands are wearing a pair of long steel pliers, with sharp ends, reflecting a radiant light under the sun, as if forming a substance, making people dare not approach.

However, the most peculiar thing is its shadow. After the sun shines on a person, the shadow formed will not move. But this person's shadow, like a living creature, can move freely and even exist without the body.

This tall body, just standing there, can make people feel an invisible shadow. As if his shadow had come into your heart, and put the steel pliers in his hand on the neck of the soul.

"Okay, Lord of the Shadow Stream, I'll leave it to you to guard here ~ www.readwn.com ~ That giant monkey is under the cliff, you go to destroy it, but don't kill it!" At this time, Huang Yi said to the Gundam body.

The criminal is named Lord of the Stream, with a level of up to 187, the top level of the Holy Land! Although its equipment is just superficial and does not have real power, but he is a hero himself, his strength is ridiculously strong, and in the case of exceeding the status of the giant monkey, there is no problem in trying to defeat the opponent. of.

"Ignorant is trying to escape!" The Lord of the Shadows said coldly! Then its shadow came directly to the edge of the cliff, jumped forward and jumped down.

Huang Yi suddenly saw that its black shadow seemed to be substantive, and quickly fell below the cliff, just before the giant monkey.

"Oh!" Then, the Lord of the Shadows waved the steel pliers in his hands in the void on the cliff, as if attacking the air, practicing something.

At the same time, the shadow beneath the cliff immediately made a similar attack. The steel tongs in his hand made a circle and attacked the giant monkey severely.

This attack of the Lord of the Shadow Stream immediately opened Huang Yi's eyesight! (To be continued ...)

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