Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 593: Great alchemists

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded indifferently, looking down at the more than one hundred scales on Xiaolong's forehead. .He doesn't know how many celestial treasures he fed Xiaolong these days, but he just let it grow such a little scale. This is just the growth of the scale, not including the rest of the body. It is too difficult to grow it. Now, there are some special methods.

"This is theoretically possible!" Filter Ye nodded, but quickly changed his tone and stretched out three fingers. "But there are three problems. The first is the drug resistance of the herb. I am An alchemist has some research on herbs. When a certain amount of the same spirit is ingested, it will develop drug resistance. After your golden holy dragon has passed, it is estimated that eating dozens of purple spirits will produce Drug resistance, it is impossible to grow up all at once. "

Said Filter Night, reached out and touched Xiaolong's head, and continued: "Second, it is very troublesome to carry foreign objects through the world. Your golden holy dragon is difficult to take, you have to bring other items from that world. That ’s also very troublesome. The rules of each world are different. If there is too much of the breath of another world in one world, it will be punished by severe world rules. Things of a different world travel back and forth. "

"Thirdly, because the world rules are different, the same items may change in different worlds. The purple spirit grass I just said is a typical example. In our Oroas world, It is a weed with limited medicinal power, but in your world, it has become a spiritual weed with abundant medicinal power. This is the rule of the world, a rule that even gods ca n’t pass. "

After listening to Ye Ye, Huang Yi's heart was half cold. It seems that it is not realistic to want to use this method to make Xiaolong grow rapidly. But he still didn't give up, and continued to ask, "Is there really no way out?"

"This is the subject I'm studying!" Li Ye smiled slightly, reached out and touched his long beard, and showed a self-confidence. This is already within the scope of his research field, he is an authority figure. He looked at Huang Yi and said, "I have to tell you the secret of Lingshuitao, which is part of this research project."

"Master, what's the secret?" Jiu Li pulled La Ye's hand and asked curiously.

Ye Ye looked at Jiuli and looked at Zhuan Cang, and seemed to be teaching them. He said, "Since we cannot violate the rules of the world, we can only use them. I am studying how to use the rules of each world. , And combined these rules together to produce a completely new type of rule. "Filter Ye mysteriously smiled," But my ability now can only be locked on a small subject, that is, planting spiritual grass in batches. For example, purple spirit grass, in our world, its characteristics can be planted in batches, but the medicine is not strong. In this world, its characteristics are very potent, but it can not be planted in batches. I was thinking The method allows the high quality characteristics of the two worlds to be combined, so that purple ling grass can be grown in batches with very strong medicinal effects. "

"Then you should have achieved some results?" Huang Yi asked. In the small medicine garden outside the thatched house, more than ten spirit grasses were planted in batches. It is obvious that Ye Ye has already developed some methods. Otherwise, no one in this world can do this.

"Yes!" Nocturne nodded, his face suddenly became a little proud, "I brought some seeds of herbs from the Oroas world and planted them in the soil of this world. Then I collected the world's A variety of plant juices secretly produced a watering solution, which was poured on those seeds, and eventually they were allowed to take root and sprout, and all of them became spiritual grass. "

When Ye Ye said here, he took out that spiritual peach again, rubbed it, and said, "I have been improving the secretion of the pouring solution, making it more effective and catalyzing more spirits. Grass. And in my latest formula, this immature spirit peach is a major ingredient. "

"Then what help do you need? I can help you with all my strength. My Majesty also has a huge guild. It needs manpower and manpower. It needs funds and funds. I can provide whatever help you need, but you can plant it. You want to divide me in half. "At this moment, Huang Yi said suddenly.

This ability of Filter Night is unheard of, and its value is inestimable, not even the scholars and mentors of the Royal Academy of Oskan will know it. He must try every means to win over Ye Ye, so that he becomes a person of his own, planting spirit grasses on a large scale continuously. With a large number of spirit grasses, the pharmaceutical industry of the Heroes' Guild can also develop rapidly, and it should be no problem to make s-class potions at that time.

"Yes!" Nocturne nodded without hesitation, "I am really shocked by your means. Not only do you have the Golden Holy Dragon as a contract partner, but you can also summon the top Holy Land strongman to be the guardian of the territory. You saved the lives of our three apprentices, and now you know my secret, you are indeed my most suitable partner. "

"Let's do this! I will summon a Heavenly Strongman to protect this territory, so that you are absolutely safe within this territory! No two-horned pig or giant monkey can threaten you." Huang Yi thought for a while, that Ye Ye has the unique technique of mass planting spiritual grass, so it must be regarded as the key protection object, and nothing can be done.

"Thank you! Since you are willing to provide me with some supplies, I will prepare a list for you, and you can help me find these things, so I can save a lot of time and concentrate on research." What Filter Ye said Just doing anything, entered the inner room anxiously.

In that inner room was a humble laboratory with various gourd barrels and various liquids. Sitting at a table in front of a table, Li Ye picked up a quill pen, dipped a little ink, and then scrambled to write on a piece of brown kraft paper.


Huang Yi, holding Xiaolong, left the thatched house and went outside.

He summoned the Hero Prison once again, and strode in, preparing to summon a powerful Celestial Strongman to protect this territory.

Huang Yi walked through the door of each cell, inside which were huge monsters of various shapes, hidden in the darkness, not knowing how many years he had been detained. These criminals are all Huang Yi's treasures. Hundreds of criminals have now become his guardians, some guarding various territories, while others are guardians of the dragon tooth ship, each ship has one.

As he became more and more powerful in the future, more guardians must be used. Only more than 5,000 criminals are alive in this hero prison, which is far from enough.

However, Huang Yi also used these criminals very carefully. So far, none of the criminals have been killed, and all of them are still alive. After all, this is not his prison. He is in charge only temporarily. He cannot let these criminals die, at most he can only let them die.

After the death of the avatar, it has no effect on the outside world. The avatar is just a mass of life. The corpse left after death is not real. There is no real corpse material such as bones, blood, teeth, etc., and it will soon be brushed by the system. It can't be dropped, and it can't be left, so in the strict sense, there is no body after the demise. The only thing that can be useful after the death of the clone is the essence of life. When the dragon hatched before, it absorbed the essence of life formed by the various dragon clones before finally hatching.

Soon, Huang Yi came to the stone room where the key was, looked up at the sky's key, and began to arrest. A pair of golden keys are like living beings, sensitively avoiding Huang Yi's arrest.

After working hard for a long time, Huang Yi finally got a valid key—

Alchemist Singed (level 2, number 1427)

In ancient times, an alchemist from the World of Blood Maps sneaked into this prison for life in prison because he sneaked into the Temple of Death's Medicine Garden and stole the beard of the **** grass.

"Suddenly an alchemist?" Now Huang Yi couldn't help it! This alchemist is a hero in the ancient times, but also at the level of the heavens. He is well-informed and there must be many topics to talk about with Ye Ye. Maybe they will have a new spark after they communicate!

This is almost the perfect guardian of this territory!

At the same time, this also gave Huang Yi a more bold idea! He decided to release all the criminals in this hero prison related to alchemy, medicine, and drug manufacturing, as the guardian of this territory.

A group of such great science madmen come together ~ www.readwn.com ~ and build a top laboratory for them, how many significant alchemy results can this produce? Huang Yi was suddenly full of expectations.

Next, he followed the map on the Book of Heroes and reached the alchemist's cell.

Before approaching the cell, he smelled an unpleasant odor, like the smell of the liquid in the laboratory, with a sour gas. Huang Yi squeezed his nose and came to the door of the alchemist's cell. The smell spread from here.

Huang Yi looked in through the gap in the iron door, and suddenly saw a strange human.

The man was wrapped in white bandages, holding a tall shield in his right hand, and a chemical flask in his right hand, filled with green juice. But the most conspicuous is a huge transparent medicine jar on his back. The jar was as tall as his body, filled with some green liquid, and some hoses were passed on it to deliver the liquid in the medicine tank to all positions on him at any time.

"Great alchemist, do you want to be free?" At this time, Huang Yi said an extremely tempting word towards the alchemist inside. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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