Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 594: 3rd epic part

Three minutes later, the alchemist and Huang Yi appeared in the outside world together.

The alchemist is the strongest in the realm of the sky, here is invincible, even if the top-level sanctuary of the deepest mountain of warcraft in the mountains of Warcraft ran out, it would not threaten the safety here!

Huang Yi didn't stop, and entered the hero prison again, continuing to search for criminals in this area.

He opened the "Book of Heroes" and searched page by page. His eyes swept away from the criminals. Except for the top one hundred criminals who did not have any information, all the other criminals' information could be seen.

Finally, after turning around for a long time, Huang Yi once again locked in a goal-

Witch Doctor. Zawak (level 109, number 12412)

In ancient times, wizards were good at voodoo and witch doctors. They died of poison in the temple by the poison.

This criminal is somewhat similar to alchemy. When it comes to medicine, he has the ability to make medicaments. It should be able to assist the filter night. His serial number is 12412, which is regarded as a very low-ranking criminal in the Hero Prison. His cell key flight speed is relatively slow. You can find it based on this feature.

Huang Yi continued to turn down, and gradually found some criminals with this ability-

Dr. Zuan Madman. Doctor Mundo (Class 113, No. 10322)

In the ancient times, the crazy doctors in Zu'an area were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for arresting three dead **** dogs for medical experiments.

Plant Elf. Green Vine (Class 122, No. 9534)

In the ancient times, a green vine in the back garden of the Temple of Death, had swallowed the soul of a **** messenger, possessed wisdom, and attempted to escape from the Temple of Death. He was arrested and imprisoned for life.

Venomancer Rissell (level 155, number 4756)

In ancient times, a herbalist sneaked into the back garden of the Temple of Death, stung by poisonous worms, and turned into a highly poisonous monster. He was arrested and imprisoned for life.


After turning through the "Book of Heroes", Huang Yi found about a dozen criminals who possessed alchemy, pharmaceutical science, medicinal science, and venomology, and firmly remembered their numbers.

Later, he began a long journey of searching for keys. He wanted to find more than ten keys among more than 10,000 keys, which is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Huang Yi shuttled among countless golden lights, catching those keys over and over again. After a few hours of hard work, he finally stopped.

After this effort, he successfully seized only five of the keys and released all the corresponding five criminals. Since then, they have been the guardians of this territory. They are all research madmen, and even take themselves as experimental subjects. With their help, Ye Ye's research should make rapid progress.


After working for a long time, Huang Yi finally left the hero prison and returned to the outside world.

It's dusk, and the setting sun is setting over the world with golden afterglow. The clouds on the horizon turned fiery red, and the sound of birds returning home was heard in the forest below the cliff, and the day passed by again.

At this moment, the Lord of the Shadow Stream stood on the edge of the cliff, carrying his hands on his back, and watching the undulating mountains in the distance. The tall back stood in the endless golden afterglow, sketching a silhouette with a feeling of Xiaosuo.

"For so many years, she has been turned into dust!" At this time, Huang Yiyin heard the whisper of the Lord of the Shadow Stream, filled with endless sorrow, and dissipated into the air like the sunset that gradually fell. .

Huang Yi slowly walked over to the Lord of the Shadow Stream, stood side by side with him, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"Think of an old man." The Lord of the Shadows wore a metal helmet and could not see his expression, but his sadness could be heard from the tone. "At the time, she was seriously ill. I wanted to help her find a **** grass. , Sneaked into the death garden of the Temple of Death, but did not expect to be arrested in the heroic prison eventually. After countless years passed, she has already become dust! No matter how much strength I have, I cannot find her, no matter I leave You can't find anyone exactly like her in so many worlds. "

"Yes!" Huang Yi nodded, "Everyone is unique and will never be lost again. No matter how long the time is, no matter how wide the space, no one can be born exactly the same. "

"So I like shadows." The shadow of the Lord of the Shadows suddenly stood up, facing the sunset, slowly said: "The shadows will never change, as long as you are still, it will always follow you, who I ca n’t take it away. I want to be her shadow, live with her, and die with her. "

"What about that giant monkey? How's it going?" Huang Yi felt the atmosphere a little sad, and couldn't help shifting the topic.

"According to your instructions, I have reached the point of serious injury and dying. You should have no difficulty killing him." After the Lord of the Shadow Stream talked about this topic, the sad tone disappeared without a trace, and Restored that cold temperament.

"Thank you!" Huang Yi said, and looked down at the cliff. At this moment, the giant monkey was still lying on the ground, but his body was covered with scars and blood everywhere, only a last breath.

Huang Yi immediately took a leap, jumping off the cliff from the endless sunset, and rushed into the golden-colored forest below.

He fluttered his wings and landed in the forest below the cliff and came to the giant monkey. This giant monkey is as high as 170, and it should have a very rich experience after it is killed. This is a rare opportunity.

His deputy battle flag is not infinite. It needs to be exchanged with the contribution value of the guild, while the guild upgrades and territorial expansion need to use the contribution value, making the contribution value simply not enough. He could not use the method of deputy battle flags to release criminals to attack the sacred powers in the territory to upgrade.

So far, he has relied on the experience of the Guardian of the Territory to kill far above his level, only a few times. Before that half-orc holy land sent out to hunt down some of his sacred powerhouses, and even the celestial powerhouse was wild, all died in his territory. Every time a strong comes to attack his territory, he can use it to upgrade.

Huang Yi immediately released a mark of killing the gods, and then summoned his own body. His incarnation could not be leveled. Only the body killed this giant monkey can get experience value.

After he came over, he directly waved the **** battle in his hand and smashed a heavy sentence towards the giant monkey!

"Oh!" Suddenly, there was another blood hole in the heavily injured giant monkey!

This giant monkey is at level 170, only surpassing him at level 38, and is still in a severely injured state. His strength is much lower than the peak moment. In addition, he has a god-killing name, and his status level is the same as that of the giant monkey. The attack effect is very obvious.



Huang Yi attacked the giant monkey non-stop, adding wounds to his body over and over again, hitting his already small amount of health with less and less.

In the end, the giant monkey's blood was left to the last minute. Huang Yi switched the attack mode to a normal attack in order to retain his body, and eventually killed it.

At that moment, Huang Yi rose to a warm current, rising from 132 to 133. This giant monkey's level only surpassed his 38 level, after all, his experience is still limited.

Huang Yi took a few fingers and took out a 133-level magic dan from the storage ring. He immediately took it out and ate it, and suddenly rose to 134. This time, he and Yang Yuheng, the second place in the world rankings, have opened up some distance, and can be caught up later by the other party.

Next, Huang Yi immediately sucked the corpse of this giant monkey into the battle soul, replacing a level 120 soul! The soul suddenly increased by 50 levels, the attribute bonus suddenly soared, an increase of 4 avoidance value than the original, and increased 5 Holy Power. The improvement of strength is in the accumulation of this point.

After the giant monkey's body disappeared, there were only a pair of metallic claws on the spot. It is estimated that the giant monkey once found a human relic or earth palace, and obtained the pair of fists in it. It was born and raised in the World of Warcraft Mountains and has no intersection with the human world. It is basically impossible to obtain equipment. It can only be found from the underground palace or ruins.

Huang Yi immediately picked up the pair of claws and checked its attributes-

[Wales Claw] (Legendary, Weapon-Fist)

Melee Attack: 110-130 Sanctuary Points

15 Sanctuary Points

Attack 15

Critical Chance 5

Critical Effect 15

Attack Speed ​​10

Increases attack power by 5 in boxing attacks.

Incidental skills: [Boxing Fighter]: Only used by boxers. After use, you can enter Boxing Fighter. Within 3 seconds, you can use any boxing skills regardless of the cooling time. Each use consumes 5 health and a cooldown of 5 minutes. Durability: 25/25 Requirement Level: Can be upgraded with the level. Current equipment rating: 1302 Item Description: I need to fight hard to break the heart of others, but you only use one eye to capture My heart. ——To my beloved scholar, Miss Dong Xi.

This is another piece of legendary equipment! It is also the most important weapon component. This legendary Huang Yi is a lucky one ~ www.readwn.com ~ Few sacred powerhouses will reveal legendary equipment, not to mention this is only a Warcraft, not a human.

This legendary glove is not suitable for Huang Yi, whether it is attribute bonus or incidental skills. This is a boxer's weapon and belongs to another branch of the warrior profession. And its quality is not as good as the **** battle in his hands, the attribute bonus is obviously lower than the next grade, and the equipment points are also several hundred points lower. Huang Yi's **** battle was an epic weapon at the beginning, and now it combines two parts, far exceeding the low-level legend!

However, this glove came at the right time, and now Thor is taking His Majesty's Sun Group to fight for the first kill of the second ss on the first floor of the Tower of the Gods. Their progress was 99 yesterday, and they should be able to win this first kill today. At that time, Huang Yi will be able to get the third part of the **** battle. This glove can be used to burn and restore its power.

Huang Yi opened the rankings and was ready to see the progress of Thunder God at this time, but at this moment, a vast voice suddenly sounded in the world—

"[Secret Announcement]: [Thunder God] led 5,000 members of His Majesty's solar regiment, and won the first floor of the Tower of the Gods. 】. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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