Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Re-promoted Weapons

The third epic part is here! Huang Yi's epic battle will usher in another big promotion! His strength will also become stronger!

In addition, he has just been upgraded two levels. Nefarem has a talent for devil growth, which has earned him more than two hundred attribute points, which is more than two points when converted into a sanctuary point. In addition, the power of Nefarem has also increased by 4 points because it has been upgraded two levels, and has reached full value.

Next, he summoned the little dragon, let it bring the holy dragon into the world, and then rode the avatar up and continued to hurry towards the dragon tomb, no time wasted.

And his body, holding the list that was filtered out by Ye Ye, used Qin Shiyu's teleportation object to return to the distant dragon capital through the transmission skills of the ring of heroes.

"Brother Yi, where have you been?" Qin Shiyu was at the top floor of the city hall at this moment. When he saw Huang Yi appearing, he couldn't help asking.

"I found an expert from a different world. You send someone to collect the materials on this list. Now that we have money and no place to spend, we can afford these things even if they are expensive." Huang Yi said, starting from The storage ring took out the list written by Ye Ye.

Many of the items on the list are very complicated, and some haven't even heard of them. If one goes to collect them, I don't know where to find them. But the Hero Guild has money, and it will not be too difficult to collect these things.

"Okay!" Qin Shiyu took the list, then revealed a beautiful smile toward Huang Yi, and said: "Brother Yi, our ocean airship. Finally, I conquered the most critical technology, probably this month. It can be built inside! And Yunfan is making good progress. It can be manufactured in batches after a period of time. "

"Very good!" Huang Yi nodded with satisfaction. The ocean-going airship was the drawing given to him by the poet at the time. It has only been developed until now that he has made a crucial breakthrough. At present he has not heard of any guild that owns such a distant airship. The Hero Guild is the only one.

Qin Shiyu caught Huang Yi's neck, pressed his face against his chest, closed his eyes and said, "In addition, after dozens of preparations, the heart of religion has now reached its final step. Soon It can meet the requirements of creating religion. "

"The Pope's Angel Church is the first church in the world to be created. Do they now come to the hero mainland to preach?" Huang Yi suddenly asked. The most important thing in creating religion is that you can gather the power of faith, which is the condition for becoming an epic hero. Although no player in the world has become a hero, let alone an epic hero, the power of faith is quite long to collect, and it is always right to prepare early.

"Yes!" Qin Shiyu nodded. "Angelism has successfully established temples in more than a dozen cities on the hero continent and has been protected by the city. Some have already begun to believe in angelism and worship the pope's portraits. A few players have also begun to believe in angelism."

Hearing Qin Shiyu's words, Huang Yi was not surprised. China also has pope fans, and the number is still quite large. This is like in the real world, some people like Korean stars, Japanese stars, European and American stars. Some Chinese players in the Second World are also fans of foreign experts. same. Huang Yi's fans are also spread all over the world, and many people in the United States and Japan also like him enthusiastically.

In addition, there is a very important reason, that is, you will get certain benefits after joining religion. This is a substantial benefit. This is the purpose of many players to join religion. At present, the only religion on the mainland of the heroes is Xuanyuan religion, which was created by Yunsihai, but the enshrined portrait is still the blade. After all, his name is known all over the world, and it will be more convenient to preach in other countries.

At present, in China alone, Huang Yi, Thunder God, and Dragon Spike are preparing to establish religion, and looking at the world, the number is even greater. There is a religious heart in the reward library that can be redeemed. It costs 4,000 redemption stones. Over time, there will be more and more religions in the Second World, and it is important to seize the opportunity.

Just then, Huang Yi received a message from Thunder God--

"A Yi, I'm in Liulin City now. Come over and get the parts of that epic weapon!"

Huang Yi touched Qin Shiyu's head, kissed her, and said, "Slight rain, I'll get something."

"Okay, you come back early." Qin Shiyu reluctantly saved some warmth in Huang Yi's arms, and then sorted out his collar, as if his wife was telling her husband to go home earlier.

"Okay, I'll try to come back sooner!" Huang Yi kissed Qin Shiyu's forehead before turning around and leaving.

Next, Huang Yi went to the Longdu Teleportation Array, using the convenience of the mainland guardians, to a humble town in the south of the mainland through the teleportation Array.

There are no players in this town, only a few. There is a dilapidated tavern in the town. At this time, the light is orange.

Huang Yi stepped on the stone road, blowing the cold night wind, and walked directly into the tavern.

The tavern was empty, the shopkeeper was dozing on a wine table, a candlelight was swaying slightly, and the dim yellow candlelight was flickering. Huang Yi glanced at him and soon saw Thor, who was sitting by a window. At this time he was wearing a heavy knight plate armor, staring blankly out the window, as if thinking about something, in front of him was a table of wine and meat, with a slight fragrance of wine and meat.

Huang Yi slowly walked over, sat down opposite to Thor, poured a glass of wine, took a small sip, and said, "Lei, what do you want?"

"Think of a short life!" Thunder God said quietly, looking back, and drank the wine in the glass. He looked at Huang Yi and said, "There is still half a year, I will execute the death penalty."

"Don't worry! Isn't this half a year?" Huang Yi comforted. Thor is the dead ghost of the Pacific nuclear leak, and it is difficult for civilians to be angry if he does not die. As the last prisoner of death in human history, he will certainly make a heavy fortune in history. But as soon as the World Federation is overthrown, Thor will be exempted from death penalty and the brothers in Rose Prison will be acquitted. This is the goal pursued by all the brothers behind Huang Yi and Rose Prison.

"In just six months, there must be no way to overthrow the World Federation. I will do my best." Thor said solemnly. Rao is someone who is middle-aged and has a firm mind. There will still be some helplessness in the face of death.

Huang Yi poured a glass of wine to Thor, saying: "At this annual ceremony, I will do my best to get the best personal award. At that time, I can also make a wish to Mr. Huang Sha, President of the Times. Last time I When he got the best newcomer award, he had already asked him to waive your death penalty, but he refused. This time, I will make another smooth request to see if he will agree. "

Thunder God looked at Huang Yi with a smile and said with a smile: "A Yi, I always feel that there is an inexplicable power in you, always bringing hope to you when others are desperate. I have never met anyone like you in my life . "

"That's because I once met such a person." Huang Yi said, turning to look at the bright moon outside the window, and the figure of the former No. 1 appeared in his mind. When he was young, that person always gave him hope when he was desperate. As long as there was that person, Huang Yi had a sense of security unconditionally.

"You must be happy in your life, don't make Jin Zunkong face the moon! Don't talk about these sad things, grasp now is the most important thing! Come on, drink!" Thunder God's tone was right, sweeping away the previous sadness, Filled Huang Yi with a large glass of wine with pride.

Next, the two chatted and drank, and forgot all their worries temporarily. After three rounds of drinking, Thor finally took something out of the storage ring and handed it to Huang Yi.

This is a gun bar, about two meters long, with two slots on each end. It is rusty and looks inconspicuous, just like the **** battlefield handle and gun head obtained by Huang Yi, as if It is a cultural relic just unearthed.

As soon as Huang Yi saw it, he knew that this was the third part of the **** battle! He immediately took it over, and Capricorn for a while, took out the legendary gloves that he had just obtained after killing the giant monkey, and directly chose to burn.

The legendary gloves flamed fiercely, gradually melting the rust on the barrel, and the abundant legendary power poured into the barrel. The gun was gradually restored to its original bronze color, exuding a solid metallic luster, engraved with rough lines, and originating from the other two parts of the **** battle.

"Huh? Alright! Come and see them together." Thunder God stared at this scene with interest, seeing that the legendary claws had been completely burned out ~ www.readwn.com ~ All the equipment power was submerged in the gun I can't help but say a word.

Huang Yi immediately came out of the **** battle. Before the **** battle, the gun head was directly installed on the gun handle, and the lack of a gun body as a transition made a long weapon into a short weapon.

Huang Yi immediately started to remove the gun head and the handle, and separated them. Later, he fastened the handle to the slot at one end of the gun rod, and then put the gun head into the other end of the gun rod, stuck it in the slot, and tightened it tightly to tightly combine it. together.

This time, the weapon looked much more comfortable and turned into a complete spear. It is bronze in color, very heavy in its hands, and very powerful, and the patterns carved on it also exude a sense of history.

After the remaining two parts are obtained, the spear can be combined into a long ball and restored into an epic weapon.

"Look at how the attributes look." Thor lowered his glass, stretched his neck, and hurried, looking very excited.

Huang Yi nodded, sharing a brand new **** battlefield attribute to Thor. (To be continued ...)

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