Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 596: Another world record

[Blood War of Emperor Somlet 3/5] (Epic, temporarily reduced to Legend, Weapon-Long Soldier)

Melee Attack: 220-240 Sanctuary Points

Strength of 35 sanctuary points and increase strength by 1

Attack 27

Critical strike chance is 7 and all attributes are increased by 3 for 3 seconds.

Attack Speed ​​14

Every five seconds, the next attack is increased by 25, and the opponent's defense is ignored.

The upper limit of anger is 150, which increases by 1 point per second. Ice @ 火! Chinese.

Incidental skills:

[Flying Axe]: Ultra-long-range attack skills, struggling to throw the weapon in the direction of the target, the weapon automatically tracks the target at a speed of 1 meter per second, and all enemy targets hit along the way will be forced to bounce off and cause Equivalent to 30 damage. The maximum attack distance of the flying axe must not exceed 20 times the level value, which can be recalled at any time. Each use consumes 5 health and a cooldown of 5 minutes.

Durability: 30/30

Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 130

Equipment rating: 3320

Item description: The territory of the Bloods Empire is really large, but no inch is redundant.

The **** battle after adding a component did not disappoint Huang Yi. It is a huge improvement over before. The **** battles of the past may only be regarded as a medium-level legend, but now, this weapon has become a high-level legendary equipment.

Now, Huang Yi ’s strength is improved because of the improvement of this weapon.

"Your position as the first person in the world is more and more consolidated!" Thunder God could not help but sigh with emotion when he saw the attributes of the **** battle. In the latest ranking of world masters, Huang Yi ranked first in the world, and he was fifth in the world. The gap between the two is not too obvious, but now the gap between the two has been opened a little bit.

"It's only temporary." Huang Yi said very rationally, and was not dazzled by this feeling of increasing strength. "The blade may be returning. Who knows how far he has grown up during this retreat? The sword did not intend to hide its strength. At that time, it won three points of national honor; Yang Yuheng's level will soon catch up with me and drive me from the first place in the world ranking list. This hero continent Inside, I have several strong opponents, and it is difficult to keep the position of the world's first person. I am now more and more admired for the blade. At the time, he maintained the world's number one for two consecutive years, and I insisted on such a position. During the meeting, I felt endless pressure from behind, everyone was chasing me. "

"That's true. The world second is far more comfortable than the world first. In fact, as long as you stay in the first group, you don't need to chase that first cusp, that will be physically and mentally exhausted. The blade is a typical example! "Thunder God smiled brightly and drank a large glass of wine with his head up.

"This can be considered a last resort!" Huang Yi took a sip of wine, turned his head and looked out the window, and continued: "However I ascend, in fact, it is only a sanctuary after all. I have an archenemy, a half-orc holy land, where only There are dozens of masters in Tianyu. I do n’t know how many senior and top sacred powerful men. Now they dare not come to kill me because of the restrictions of the Royal Academy of Oskan. But as long as I go to the central mainland, The Royal Academy of Oskan will not interfere with us, all of these enemies need to be solved by myself. I am far from ready, and I need to improve significantly. "

"Then what better way do you have now?" Thor asked with concern.

"Yes, yes!" Huang Yi nodded, and groaned, "I can be promoted to a god-level profession, but the system reminds me that I need to achieve a" break and stand "condition. I don't have a clue now, I don't know if this is broken What exactly does it mean? "

"God class? Break and stand?" Thunder God pondered these eight words, and frowned tightly.


It was late at night from the tavern, and the two went to the teleportation team together. Thunder God passed back to his Sun Island, while Huang Yi reached the 130th floor of the Tower of the Gods!

His **** battle has been greatly improved, and he should be able to set a world record on the 130th floor! The first record-maker will have a particularly generous reward, and he has already tasted the sweetness before.

When he pioneered the 80th-layer world record, he gained the heart of religion;

When he was the first to create the 110th floor world, he got the drawing of Yunfan Great Ship;

When he was the first to set a 120-layer world record, he got the Dragon Tomb map.

And now, there is another copy of this treasure waiting for him.

As soon as he entered the Tower of the Gods, Huang Yi summoned the Savage God and began to push past him in general. He has no time pressure, no matter how long it takes, as long as he clears the customs, he set a world record.

"Scorched earth!"

"Thundercloud storm!"



Huang Yi opened four super wide-range attack capabilities at once! In a short time, the sky was thundering, the ground scorched earth spread, the magma covered, and the air was filled with green poisonous mist! Covering thousands of monsters all at once, the speed at which they hit their blood was visible to the naked eye.

Soon, one blamed fell down like wheat, turning it into his experience. Only a few elite monsters are still struggling within the range, but under the attack of the Savage God, they soon died in battle.

After adding one more part to the **** battle, the speed of brushing monsters really improved a lot, and Huang Yi could obviously feel it.

Next, like a bulldozer, he swept over directly with the god, destroying and dying, no one can stop it.

Gradually, there are more and more corpses on the ground, no less than a thousand! Huang Yi suddenly squatted down and slammed the ground with his fist!

"Boom!" Although he is not a boxer, this fist is still as powerful as a rainbow! The dirt splashed, and there was a big pit in place, as if it had been hit by a shell!

This boxing seemed to send a signal to the earth! Immediately afterwards, the calm ground suddenly began to tremble, and the dirt on the ground broke apart, and from the bottom came a gray-white skull palm, which looked dense and packed with thousands.

Soon, thousands of skulls were drilled underground, looking pale and gray, and the creaks of bones and joints were endless. The scene suddenly became horrible, as if he had come to a **** country.

After these skeletons appeared, they automatically searched for the towers of the gods to attack, without using Huang Yi's distraction to manipulate. He is equivalent to bringing a team of thousands of people to help himself!

This skill is the skill attached to the legendary equipment [Arnosva's Golden Belt] obtained after Huang Yi killed the 1st floor of the Tower of the Gods. [Iron Fist Summon]: After using it, you can summon an enemy Skeleton soldiers who have died in the team automatically search for the enemy and attack. The maximum number of summons can reach 5,000. These skeletons have the attribute of Huang Yi 25. These skeleton soldiers will disappear automatically when Huang Yi's health is lower than 2 or after leaving the battle. Each summon costs 5 health and a cooldown of 1 day.

Just now, Huang Yi used this skill after killing more than 5,000 people. The number of skeleton soldiers summoned reached the maximum of 5,000, and the power of the skills was maximized.

With the help of 5,000 skeletons to clear the monsters, Huang Yi's speed was much faster, almost continuously, and he soon came to the first ss.

"Huh? A guest is coming!" The ss saw Huang Yi, shouted a familiar line, and was about to meet.

But Huang Yi's speed was faster, and he immediately started hunting and rushed to the past. The spear in his hand was stunned directly towards that ss, and he used the strongest single attack skill-heavy sentence!

Suddenly, a huge attack force erupted from the tip of the gun, forming a dazzling gleam of gold. The small tip of the gun contained a heart-wrenching horror power, as if the power of a row of mountains was condensed at that point, and was about to burst out !!

"Fuck!" Finally, the huge power on the tip of the gun exploded violently on ss's body, blasting a blood cave! The ss was directly hit by the brutal blow and fell down, and fell to the ground tens of meters away, dragging a long blood mark before finally stopping! Turns out to be unstoppable!

This time, Huang Yi was lucky to hit a crit, and his crit effect has now nearly tripled! This time the damage was super strong, far exceeding the attack power he should have, and directly killed the ss health by a large amount.

This is much easier than the last time his incarnation killed the 130-level giant snake in the Mountain of Warcraft, and the strength of the body completely surpassed the incarnation by several grades.

Huang Yi just hit a crit and is now in a super strong state. Both his legendary belt and the **** battle after the promotion can increase his full attributes after the crit, adding up to a total of 8 for three seconds!

He quickly chased up, and continued to pursue the ss. The **** battle dance in his hand became a phantom, firmly covering the ss. He did not fight back, and the battle showed a one-sided situation.

Just over ten seconds later, this ss died, and an item broke out.

Huang Yi saw that the first SS played so smoothly, and finally relieved that he is now completely confident in clearing this level. He immediately picked up the items exploded by SS, and continued to sweep forward. The place where he passed was almost thousands of miles away, and no one lived.

An hour later ~ www.readwn.com ~ The last 140-level big * oss on this floor fell tragically under the **** battle of Huang Yi and burst out a place!

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on clearing the 130th floor of the Tower of the Gods in single player mode. The clearance time is 65 minutes and 19 seconds. Become the record creator of this layer and you will get a generous reward!"

Finally, Huang Yi set a new world record! This is the fourth world record that he first set. He is a trailblazer. Others can only break his record in the future!

However, this will also be the last world record he can set for a long time to come. Because the next record level will be 140 levels, where the last ss is as high as 150 levels! The 150 level is a huge watershed, not only can reach the advanced sanctuary level, but also the level of the second transfer. Huang Yi will not be able to challenge until at least two turns.

Next, Huang Yi looked forward to a box with expectation. Inside it is the reward for setting a world record, and one of them is the most important super reward. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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