Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Gods hand

Huang Yi immediately reached out and opened the box, which contained four things: an experience dan, an energy stone, a double experience potion, and a black iron medal. .

The first three things, Huang Yi, have all been seen, and are often rewarded after breaking the world record. Only the last item was so strange that he had never seen it before, and this should be the super prize. Huang Yi picked it up and examined it carefully.

The size of this black iron slap is simple and simple, and the characters on the card are engraved with four characters of dragons and phoenixes--the hands of the gods.

[Hands of Gods] (Special Item)

The handcuffs that store the power of the gods are used in the single mode of the tower of the gods, and you can get the experience of all npcs in this layer instantly without customs clearance, but it does not include explosive items. The maximum number of layers selected by the player must not exceed the highest number of levels that the current player can clear. The experience value calculation method is normal calculation, without any bonus or weakening, and does not affect the world record. The handle can only be used up to 10 times per day, with a maximum of 2,000 times. If it is in the state of reincarnation, the experience value obtained is temporarily stored in the hand of the gods, and after the end of the reincarnation, the stored experience value can be absorbed.

"Leveling treasure!" Seeing the description of this item, Huang Yi immediately defined it. This baby is not a surname and cannot be used to fight, but it can make a person quickly upgrade.

Tower of the Gods can be swiped 10 times a day in the single player mode. If the floor is well located and you do n’t need to spend too much time on the road, then Huang Yi can swipe once in ten minutes at the fastest, and only two after ten times Only hours. If you encounter a more troublesome terrain, it takes a lot of time to rush, or the monsters are scattered, and you need to go round the road to kill, it will take a long time. For example, the 130th layer just brushed can only be brushed once an hour. If you want to brush all the times, it will take 10 hours.

This is why Huang Yi's attack power far exceeds the average player. If you are an average player, you need to spend more time to complete all the times. If you are an academic or busy player, you do n’t even have time to do it all the time. You may do it once or twice a day. This is the skirt. She couldn't go online for several months last semester. This semester is only available on Sundays occasionally.

But with this piece of God ’s hand, it ’s not the same. It ’s finished in an instant, and you do n’t need to waste time to do it yourself. Huang Yi just brushed the 130th floor and it took an hour to kill all the monsters inside and gained their experience value. Then using the hands of the gods only takes one second to get all experience points in an instant. This handcuff can be used 10 times a day, saving a lot of time for leveling, saving a lot of energy, and can be used to do other things.

For other players, these gods are more effective. For example, a level 1 player who has just entered the second world, and he has this **** of hand, then he can directly choose the highest level that the players in the world can clear, if there are currently players who can clear the 200th level. Then, his level 1 player can get the experience of the 200th layer 10 times a day. How fast will this upgrade be?

But unfortunately, these gods' hands are not unlimited. It can only be used 2,000 times, and it will be gone after use. And the number of times you use this hand to clear the level will not get explosive items, which is difficult to choose.

Huang Yi's rewards were all collected, and the experience Dan was directly used by him, and he suddenly received 50% of the experience value. He is now able to stay a little longer in the rankings, and he will stay a little longer. Although this is only a symbolic meaning, it is also a weight for the best personal award.

Next, Huang Yi teleported and continued to play the 130th floor once again, breaking the world record again. The reward this time is far less good than the previous one. He directly used the second experience Dan and rose to level 135!

Level 135 could have learned professional skills, but Huang Yi used the scroll of deification to deify the profession at the cost of skills from level 135 to 175. He will not be able to learn professional skills for a long time to come.


Gradually, the day passed quietly.

When Huang Yi went online the next day, it was already noon. He went to the forum and looked at it as usual.

"Miyamoto Musashi won the third national honor and was named Emperor Wudi! The best personal support rate rose by 6%, surpassing the Sword Emperor!"

"The world's No. 1 killing position is re-established, and it has been upgraded three times in a day, once again opening the advantage of the ranking list. And set the world record of the 130th floor of the Tower of the Gods! Add weight to the best individual award!"

"The Pope obtained the national jade seal and began to prepare for the establishment of the country. It is expected that he will be the first person to have the three major forces of the guild, religion and country!"

"The Pharaoh, the Guardian of Egypt, has been partly inherited by Johns the God-Sealer! The Ganges, the Light of India, shines in the second profession! Who can win the best priest award for two super-priests?"

"The third annual ceremony is about to be held. The Indian Prime Minister will personally check the preparations for public security, fire protection and transportation in the capital New Delhi, and strive to hold a perfect annual ceremony."

After reading the top posts, Huang Yi felt a tremendous pressure. Now that the annual ceremony is approaching, the masters of all countries are obviously struggling hard, the competition is too fierce, and he is the world's first person. I do n’t know when he will change hands.

Huang Yi glanced at the hot news a little bit, and immediately entered the second world and began a new day of struggle.

As soon as he entered the second world, he took out the pill bottle and the Elemental Spirit Compass, and began to look at it with the eye of time.

The first is the medicine bottle. Today, a drop of the medicine that increases the speed of recovery of health is produced. The level is only d. Huang Yi didn't even use it. He put the medicine bottle back into the storage ring directly.

Then he took the compass of that elemental spirit. He has watched this compass for many days in a row, but none of them have randomly picked up the spirit of thunder and lightning, and wasted a lot of his energy value.

"[System Tip]: Do you want to use [Elemental Spirit Compass] immediately?"

Received a system prompt, Huang Yi immediately opened the eye of time. There was a faint light in the eyes, covering the compass, and seeing today's random results in his eyes.

"Huh?" Huang Yi froze slightly the next moment. In his eyes of time, no matter how much strength the compass pointer uses to rotate, it will point to a small scale, and that scale is the thunder and lightning he is striving for!

After wasting so much energy, he can finally get a spirit of thunder and lightning!

Huang Yi felt relieved and chose OK to the system. Then he extended his finger and flicked the compass pointer at will.

The pointer began to spin at a rapid speed, rotating on the scales representing the elements. The result it pointed to seemed uncertain, but it was already doomed. If it were an ordinary person, it must be full of tension at this moment, but Huang Yi's heart was very calm.

Sure enough, after countless laps, the pointer finally stopped and pointed at the small lightning scale.

"[System Tip]: Your [Elemental Spirit Compass] points to the Lightning Spirit, and you will get a Lightning Spirit position."

After receiving the system prompt, Huang Yi immediately looked at the compass. At this time, the compass had changed a long time, and the scales of the various elements were no longer on it, but it became blank. The pointer pointed directly at the northwest direction, which was the direction of the spirit of thunder and lightning.

This is very troublesome to find. The second world is too big. This pointer only points to the northwest, and does not tell the specific location. There is no concept of distance. The same goes for one kilometer in the northwest and one million kilometers in the northwest.

Next, Huang Yi quickly arrived at Longdu's Teleport Plaza and teleported to a coastal town northwest of Heroes' Continent—Canglan Town.

This small town is rags, there are only a few hundred households, and the salty sea breeze blows over with the smell of seafood.

Huang Yi pulled out the compass again and looked at it. At this time, its pointer was still unchanged, and he continued to point to the northwest position. Seeing this, Huang Yi could not help but turn his head to look at the endless ocean in the distance. This small town is already a border city on the hero continent, and the pointer also points to the northwest, which indicates that the spirit of that element is not on this continent at all, but in the overseas region of the northwest.

The central continent is also in the northwest direction. When he goes to the central continent in the future, he can search for the spirit of this element by the way.

Huang Yi temporarily put away his thoughts, and continued to go to the Tower of the Gods to begin leveling, while his incarnation rode on the dragon and continued to gallop in the mountains of Warcraft, rushing towards the dragon tomb.


Gradually, time passed day by day, Huang Yi was getting closer and closer to that dragon tomb, but the WoW Mountains below became more and more silent. Along the way, he saw many Warcrafts fleeing from the depths of the mountains, and he even saw two top-level sacred Warcrafts. They seemed to have encountered something terrifying, so that they fled out in fear. Fly to the back, Huang Yi can't see a creature for a long time, only the endless forest is left, full of lifeless feeling.

On this day, Huang Yi was only half a day away from the dragon tomb, and will soon arrive!

At this time, he had not seen any Warcraft for two days, and he could not even hear the bird's bark. Occasionally, some dried blood was found in the forest below, but no corpse was found. I didn't know what happened.

Huang Yi rides on Xiaolong's body and looks forward to the extreme eyes. The sky ahead was covered by a large dark cloud, and the undulating mountains were shrouded in faintness, blurred and faint.

It seems that it will change.


The following words are free of charge:

The territory of the Bloods Empire is indeed very large ~ www.readwn.com ~ but no inch is redundant. "This sentence is not my original. The rumor is that it is from Russian President Putin. It feels domineering, so I borrowed it. Of course, in most cases, I will write the description of the item myself, unless I see a particularly good sentence.

If you have any suggestions, please add me qq: 398115791. I am afraid of harmony, so I will make a Chinese version, buckle: 3989 1591, I look forward to your suggestions. Where the content of the novel is not well written, how the plot will feel more exciting, or the foreshadowing in the front has not been published for a long time ... and so on, you can tell me.

I hope everyone can see the genuine version. It doesn't cost much. It costs a few dollars a month. There are few typos in the genuine version, and I will modify the genuine version after the bug loopholes proposed by the reader. In terms of loopholes, I have always been taboo, and I write only after thinking about it. I am more cautious. If you see something wrong, you may wish to look at the foreshadowing of the context, or add me to propose, I will answer for you.

Today, there will be three more 9,000 words. This is the first one. In addition, it has not been a long time to organize the thank you list. It will be unified today and tomorrow, and the reward list of the last one or two months will be posted. Thank you. (To be continued.)

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