Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 598: Thousands of struggling beings

Huang Yi became very careful when he saw this situation. .. he patted Xiaolong, and said, "Fly slowly, there seems to be danger ahead."

Xiao Long nodded obediently and suddenly slowed down. In the course of these days, Huang Yi found some spirit grass to feed it, so that the scales on his forehead have reached one hundred and sixty, and it looks golden and pretty. It's just that it's still in its infancy, and still has little fighting power.

Gradually, Xiaolong finally took Huang Yi to the area covered with dark clouds. The warm sunlight was cut off at once, Huang Yi was suddenly shrouded in shadows cast by heavy dark clouds, and the atmosphere became slightly cold.

Even more weird is that the earth under the dark clouds suddenly became barren, as if the earth had been poured with ink and turned into an unsightly gray-black. The original lush forest was all withered and bare, and the ground was covered with gray and black dead leaves.

There is still no creature here, no birdsong, no beast roar, not even mice, a dead silence. The "wheezing" sound of Xiaolong flapping his wings seemed extremely obvious, as if it were the only sound in the world.

The whole world here is like a lost land. From the sky to the ground, there is no hope.

Huang Yi's eyes stared at the bottom, his attention was raised to the extreme, any movement around him at any time. His third eye had already been opened, and his sharp eyes penetrated even below the ground, even the buried things could be seen.

Xiaolong carried Huang Yi deeper and deeper, and the scene of his eyes became more and more dilapidated. Even some puddles with accumulated water have turned into stinky water, and the trees have been corroded and become lumpy.

But by this time, Huang Yi still didn't see any clues, and didn't know how it all came into being. And the dragon tomb is getting closer and closer, and combined with the terrible state of the land, Huang Yi can't help but attribute all these reasons to the dragon tomb.

Finally, Xiaolong took Huang Yi to the place of the dragon tomb shown on the map. In front of it is a huge valley, on both sides of which stand two sharp mountain peaks like a knife. The stones of that peak are also black, and it looks like the two peaks form a gate. And the valley in the middle is full of ghosts, and the rundown atmosphere is strong to the extreme! It is the source of this upheaval deep in the mountains of Warcraft!

All this is really related to the dragon tomb! It is estimated that there has been some change in the tomb of the dragon, which has affected the WoW Mountains outside!

"Go!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong, urging him to fly into the valley. He had a dignified expression, and it was estimated that this trip to the Dragon Tomb was more difficult than he thought. Originally, he wanted to send the ontology to increase his strength, but he hesitated again when he saw this situation.

His ontology has improved to level 136 through leveling these days, and Yang Yuheng has also upgraded to level 136. The level is already equal to him, but the experience percentage is not so high. In addition, the top three hundred of the world rankings are all 135 levels. Those are masters among ordinary players, and their leveling speed is more than twice that of rare professionals.

Huang Yi ranked first in the world in this ranking, and will soon be driven off. If his body encounters an accident here and dies by one level, it will be an unbearable loss. In the world ranking list, it will immediately fall to hundreds of people. He can never die.

Xiaolong flapped his wings, carrying Huang Yi shuttled through the valley. The wind around had a rancid smell, and faintly flowed into the depths of the valley, as if there was a black hole there, which was devouring nothing, not even the wind.

Soon, Xiaolong came to the deepest part of the valley with Huang Yi, and there was a huge dragon head in front of him, which was hundreds of meters high and mighty. Even if it was a dead thing, he still had that kind of dragon. A pair of eyes glared at the sky, as if the next moment would soar into the sky, staring at heaven and earth. The dragon's mouth was dark inside, and I didn't know where to go. The wind in the valley was converging towards it. On the ground of the dragon's mouth, there were black blood stains everywhere, as if something had been dragged in from outside the valley, and blood trails were formed on the ground.

The scene in front of him is a bit similar to Huang Yi's hero prison entrance, which is also a dragon head, and also enters from inside the dragon mouth. The only difference is that this is the head of a golden holy dragon, while his hero prison is the head of a dark dragon.

Huang Yi picked up the dragon, fell from the air, and stepped on the dark ground. He looked at the dark dragon's mouth, took a deep breath, and walked cautiously. Xiaolong returned to his original size, lay on his back, stretched out his small paws and hugged his neck tightly, and fell asleep, as if the sky had fallen down and it was nothing to do with it.

The next moment, Huang Yi stepped into the dragon's mouth.

At that moment, the dragon's eyes on the dragon's head suddenly flashed a flash of light, as if alive. Huang Yi knew nothing about this.

At this moment, what was displayed in front of Huang Yi was a dim channel, obliquely downward, and the air was full of rich carrion, making people nauseous. As he squeezed his nose, he moved forward, keeping an eye on the surroundings. The floor of this passage is a little soft, I do n’t know what material it is, and the walls around the cave show a red flesh, like real flesh. Huang Yi felt like weird walking inside a real dragon.

After just walking for more than ten minutes, Huang Yi finally walked out of the passage. In front of it was a huge huge pit, which was more than ten square kilometers in size, and the source of the rancidity was there.

Huang Yi looked down, and suddenly hesitated.

I saw the huge pit filled with the average number of creatures in the Ganges! You can't see your head at a glance! Filled this giant pit!

These creatures have ordinary beasts and powerful Warcrafts, all kinds. There are well-known sacred warcrafts such as the devil tiger, blackhorn, flying leopard, etc., and some strange warcrafts that can't even be named, all piled up in this giant pit. The blood of countless creatures mixed together to form a red-black liquid that flowed through a channel on the other side, without knowing where to go.

This scene is just creepy, and the living **** on earth is too terrible!

"Roar!" At that moment, a desperate roar suddenly came from the huge pit. Huang Yi immediately turned her head to look at the source of the sound.

I saw countless World of Warcraft under the giant pit, a flying leopard with broken wings, struggling to climb up the pit, and seemed to want to escape this hell-like world. But its wings had been broken, and it could not climb at all. It could only roar in vain and despair, waiting for death slowly.

In addition to the flying leopard, there are many World of Warcraft that have not died, and are still alive in the giant pit, waiting for the end of life.

At this time, many undead Warcraft, looked up and saw Huang Yi. The pair of vicious eyes suddenly filled with begging, it seemed to want Huang Yi to give them a happy, do not let them be tortured in this huge pit.

Huang Yi glanced at those horrible eyes, and finally took a step forward, leaving a footprint, which is a mark of killing God!

The next moment, his body suddenly teleported from the distant dragon capital!

He decided to kill these undead Warcraft, on the one hand for humanitarian reasons, to reduce their pain. On the other hand, incidental leveling. Many of these Warcraft are sacred levels. The wild areas and secret areas are different. The sacred areas in the wild belong to the leader. The experience value far exceeds ordinary monsters and elite monsters. The leveling speed is unknown. How fast will it be!

Originally, Huang Yi also had a double experience pill for the leader. After taking it, kill an oss to get double experience. But now there is no oss at the level of the heavens, he still resisted useless, after all, the chance is only once. His double-experience potion is only effective for ordinary monsters and elite monsters, but not for OSS.

Huang Yi set the experience value distribution ratio and gave all experience value to himself. Now he will not be in the top spot in the world rankings. If he can maintain it for a long time, try to stay a little longer. As for Xiaolong, he doesn't plan to bring it to upgrade for the time being, it is a bottomless pit, and he will think of a solution later.

Next, Huang Yi jumped out of the huge pit, holding the **** battle with three parts in his hand, and began to play the role of reaper.

"Scorched earth!"

"Thundercloud storm!"


"End of the world!"

As soon as Huang Yi shot, there were four super large-scale attack capabilities! In a short time, the ground was covered with hot magma, dense thunder and lightning appeared in the air, and the toxins in the air were scattered away. I do n’t know how much Warcraft was covered and harvested those undead lives.

Huang Yi's attack power is one of the highest players in the world. As soon as his attack skills came out, these seriously injured primary and intermediate sacred worlds of Warcraft couldn't really resist.

Sure enough, some WoWs who were only holding their last breath were killed under this super attack! Rich experience value poured on Huang Yi's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ his experience percentage was originally 136 level 7%, but after the end of this round of attacks, it surged to 37%! In contrast, leveling in the Tower of the Gods is tortoise.

Huang Yi looked around, searching for those Warcrafts that were not yet dead, one by one to make up the knife!

"Yeah!" A 142-level intermediate sanctuary flying leopard was strangled directly by Huang Yi's heavy sentence, ending the painful torture.

"Kacha!" A 150-level intermediate sanctuary dragon tooth snake was interrupted seven inches by Huang Yi, and the snake body shrank and became a corpse.


In this way, the oss of the sanctuary, which is usually difficult to deal with, died under the **** battle of Huang Yi. Without killing one, his experience value will increase by a small amount at a rate visible to the naked eye.


This is the second update today, and the third one should be written after 0 o'clock. (To be continued.) Q

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