Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 599: Rankings that shocked the world

Huang Yi, like a messenger sent by the **** of death, reaped the lives of these sacred worlds of Warcraft, ended their suffering, and also increased his experience.

The disadvantage is that most of these Holy Worlds of Warcraft are junior and intermediate. Advanced Holy Worlds of Warcraft above 150 are very rare, and even advanced Holy Worlds of Warcraft ss are only in their early 150s and have just reached the advanced Holy World level. As for the top sacred world of Warcraft, I haven't seen one, I don't know if it is here.

Soon after Huang Yi killed a 131-level dragon blood lion, a warm current finally emerged on his body, rising to 137! In just a few minutes, he soared from 136 level 7 experience value to 137 level. It is unimaginable to put this kind of upgrade speed in a place like the Tower of the Gods.

And this number is also displayed synchronously throughout the world through the leaderboards. Some players who opened the leaderboards have discovered this change. However, no one cares too much, only if it is Huang Yi that only killed a certain high-level ss, and suddenly rose to the next level, this is a very common phenomenon.

At this moment, in the secret realm of the Tower of the Gods, a man in his thirties was struggling to blame. He is a Holy Priest, and his output ability was not outstanding. But he has his own amazing adventure, and his output value will be fixed to double his healing value! This damage ability is far more than the ordinary Holy Priest, even more than some purely aggressive occupations! At this point, the priest's staff in his hand waved repeatedly, releasing a powerful group attack skills, causing those mobs to fall, turning into his experience value.

He seemed to think he was almost there, and he could not help but open the leaderboard and looked at the world rankings. He looked forward to the first place with anticipation, and according to his prediction, he should now rise to the first place in the world. However, what he saw was still the name before him—Kill God, and the level did not know when it would be upgraded to level 137! Surpassed his level!

That name seems to be a nail, and has been nailed to the top of the world ranking for a long time. When he thought he was going to surpass every time, the other party opened his distance again and again, making him unable to surpass.

"Kill God, your aura is enough. Is this number one ranking in the world ranking really important to you?" The person sighed slightly and was about to close the ranking.

But at this moment, the number in the first place of the ranking list jumped again, from 137 to 138 ...

Huang Yi has no idea how many heads have been killed. Nowhere is he alive, ordinary beasts will die under his scorched earth and thundercloud storm, while the powerful Warcraft will die under his **** battle. That battle was already stained with blood at this time, and became a veritable blood battle.

The sacred Warcraft in this giant pit was obtained from various places in the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, and almost all of the sacred Warcraft in the circle are gathered. In normal times, it is impossible to gather so many sacred worlds of Warcraft in a small space. They all have their own territories. Well water does not violate river water. If you want to kill them, you can only find them one by one. And their strength is also complete, killing one end takes a long time, far less easy than it is now.

The doubts in Huang Yi's heart are getting stronger and stronger. What kind of power is needed to plunder so many holy warriors from various places and accumulate in this huge pit? What is all this for? What kind of conspiracy?

"Yeah!" At this time, Huang Yi struck and killed an intermediate-level sanctuary iron bone elephant, and his level rose to level 139!

In front, there is a large area that has not been swept away. After killing all the surviving Warcrafts here, I don't know how many levels can be upgraded.

"Woohoo!" At this moment, Huang Yi heard a desolate wolverine suddenly not far away, the momentum of this wolverine was obviously stronger than those of the previous Holy World of Warcraft.

He quickly jumped from the huge body of Warcraft corpses along the way, jumping towards the sound source. Soon, he came to the place where the sound source came.

At this moment, there was a silver wolf covered with blood in front. Its limbs have been cut off. I don't know where to go. Only one body is wriggling on the ground, and his expression is full of pain.

However, even if it only has a torn body, it is full of fierce momentum, and its hair is like a steel needle, full of deterrence. Before it was seriously injured, it must be a powerful lord who dominated and was surrendered by all beasts!

Huang Yi immediately checked the level of this giant wolf, and he was shocked at the sight!

This giant wolf is as high as 192!

This is truly a top sacred world of Warcraft! And is the super existence in the top sacred World of Warcraft! Level 175 is even a top sacred power, and this giant wolf reaches level 192! It is very close to the level of heaven!

"Oh!" At that moment, the giant wolf saw Huang Yi coming, and the huge eyes flashed a soft light, and he opened his mouth hard and called gently, as if a poor man was begging He was average and wanted to die soon.

The sacred 192-level top-level sacred Warcraft should be invincible in the World of Warcraft Mountains, but at this moment is eager for Huang Yi to kill it! How intensely fearful is it inside? What is it that hurts it like this?

Huang Yi's back has become completely chilly. He couldn't help turning his head to look around, looking at this huge tiankeng, surrounded by high flesh-colored cliffs, seeing no light, no hope, as if already fallen hell.

Huang Yi's heart felt an unintentional depression, and the immense danger did not know when it would come. The longer he stays here, the greater the danger he faces! The thrill brought about by the rapid upgrade was suddenly diluted by this sense of danger, and he even wanted to leave here to stay away from the unknown danger.

However, he finally resisted. This is the dragon grave rewarded to him systematically. There is hope for the dragon to grow. If this dragon tomb is not explored, he will come to nothing in this trip, and it is not his character to leave halfway, even if it is dangerous, you must continue to explore!

"Oh!" At that moment, the giant wolf seemed to hesitate to see Huang Yi, and could not help but yelled at him again, the meaning of begging in his voice became stronger.

Huang Yi glanced at it, and finally stepped forward and stabbed the spear in his hand fiercely towards it.

The giant wolf did not make any resistance, so it just accepted Huang Yi's attack. In order to be afraid of Huang Yi's inaccurate sight, it turned over hard and turned its fragile belly upward.

"Ding!" Huang Yi's attack made a sound of intersecting golden stones, struck the wolf's belly very hard, destroyed its vitality, and killed it barely!

The giant wolf closed his eyes contentedly and said goodbye to the world.

At that moment, two warm currents flowed directly from Huang Yi's body, warming his cold back! This is only a big * oss that surpasses his 53 level, which has fully promoted him to two levels!

Now he is at level 141, which has exceeded the evolution requirements of level 140, and can evolve again. However, this is obviously not the time for evolution, it can only be done later.

Next, Huang Yi continued to search forward, looking for a ss that was only seriously injured, the reaper of their lives. As a result, his level quickly rose, as if on a rocket!

Five minutes later, he reached level 142!

In the thirteenth minute, he found two 174 advanced sacred worlds of Warcraft. After killing them, the level broke through the 143 level!

Twenty-two minutes later, he rose to level 144!

Thirty-three minutes later, he found a top-level sacred world of Warcraft 181, and after killing it, he finally broke through the 145-level mark!


This huge change in the ranking list was quickly known to players in various countries around the world. Originally, countless people thought that Huang Yi ’s level would only jump once, from 136 to 137. But no one thought that his level was like being beaten into chicken blood, and he kept beating, jumping once every few minutes, and even jumping two levels in a row!

This upgrade speed has completely shocked the world! The forum exploded, and countless people were guessing what leveling sacred place Huang Yi had found. This level of speed is too terrible. Rare professionals have been slow to upgrade, but this limitation seems to be ineffective for Huang Yi's body. Yang Yuheng, who ranked second in the world ranking list, had originally reached the same level as Huang Yi, but now he has been thrown away by a large distance! It is impossible to catch up in a short time.

Finally, Huang Yi's level was locked down, staying at level 145! In just over an hour, he soared from level 136 to level 145, and rose to level 9! The last time he upgraded so wildly ~ www.readwn.com ~ was that he killed Level 203 Orcish Orc bloodthirsty. When it was wild, that Heavenly Powerful made him rise to level 5 in one breath. This time, a large number of seriously injured sanctuary ss gathered together to kill him, and its upgrade effect is almost equivalent to two heavenly strong!

At this point, there are no surviving Warcrafts in this huge pit, all of them have become corpses, there is nothing in the air, and there is no longer any scream of Warcraft.

Huang Yi stood alone in the blood of the corpse mountain, surrounded by a huge corpse, which drowned him like a forest of bones. He clenched the spear, which was stained with blood, and listened to his heartbeat.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the channel in which the blood flowed from the huge pit. There was only one channel in the huge pit. I didn't know where to transfer the blood from Warcraft. If you want to explore deeper secrets, you can only go through that passage.

Huang Yi bit her lip, and finally took a step towards the passage.


Third on the 15th! Finally finished! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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