Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 600: 7th evolution

As Huang Yi walked, he took out a thumb-sized, black translucent bead from the storage ring. This is one of his highest level magic potions, with a level of 145, which can be taken right now.

He immediately ate this magic dan, and the level was promoted again, reaching level 146! Shocked the ranking list that had just calmed down again!

At this point, he has risen to level 10 in just over an hour! His Nefarem's demon-growth talent brought him more than 1,400 surnames, and the power of the sacred land was more than 14. He added all these surnames to his strength, and apparently felt that the strength in his body was slightly enhanced, and his strength was stronger. He can feel his progress almost every day.

"Huh?" At that moment, Huang Yi stopped suddenly and stared at the passage with a gaze.

With his treasure-smelling ability, he sensed a treasure in that passage. That treasure is not legendary equipment, nor is it an ordinary energy stone or gem, but something that has never been seen before!

Huang Yi stood quietly and did not immediately walk over to find the treasure, and having a baby may mean danger. He decided to advance and strengthen his strength before passing.

He took out the "Book of Heroes", read the summoning spell, summoned the hero prison, and let the body, the avatar, and the dragon all enter the prison. This time he was safe. Even if it was dangerous outside, it would not affect the inside of this prison.

This time he has four options for evolution. He currently has the blood of the mysterious python, the blood of the ancient giant, the blood of the fallen messenger, and the blood of the golden holy dragon. These four kinds of blood are not only powerful, but more importantly, they are very special and generally cannot be obtained at all.

Huang Yi thought for a while, but tried the mysterious python blood first. He has tried this blood many times, but he can't absorb it anymore. Now he has surpassed level 140, and his strength is far better than before. I don't know if he can absorb it this time.

"[System Tip]: You have obtained the blood of the mysterious species, did you choose to absorb evolution?"

Huang Yi received a familiar system prompt and immediately chose Yes!

Immediately, a suction emerged from the palm of his hand, struggling to **** the drop of mysterious python blood into his body! But the drop of blood was still standing, and there was no sign of melting.

"[System Tip]: The target blood strength is too high to be absorbed."

Failed again! Huang Yi frowned. This drop of blood didn't know what it was. It was so powerful that even if he had risen to level 140, he could not absorb it. What exactly is the mysterious python?

Huang Yi put this drop of mysterious python blood back into the bottle, and can only wait for the next evolution to try again.

Next, he took out the blood of the golden holy dragon obtained when Xiaolong was born, which was his second choice besides the blood of the mysterious python!

If it is the blood of the remaining golden holy dragon, then he is absolutely unable to absorb it, and the blood intensity is too high! But the blood of the newly born Golden Holy Dragon is far less powerful, and he can try it. In addition, he has previously evolved the White Dragon and the stronger Sea Dragon. He has evolved twice as a foundation to lay a solid foundation for Dragon blood, and it is much easier to accept this top-level Dragon blood.

Huang Yi poured the drop of the blood of the golden holy dragon in the bottle on the palm of his hand. That drop of gold blood was very condensed, rolling flexibly in the palm of his hand, emitting golden light, illuminating a dark prison space, as if it were a rare treasure.

Huang Yi immediately tried to absorb!

In his expectant gaze, the drop of Xiaolong's blood trembled slowly, then melted away, and he entered the skin on the palm of his hand, deep into his body.

Succeeded! Xiaolong's blood can really be absorbed by him!

"[System Tip]: Since you have evolved the Bailong and Hailong races before, your ability to absorb dragon blood has been greatly enhanced. You have absorbed the blood of the golden holy dragon in its infancy and will evolve into a low-level golden holy dragon.

After receiving the prompt from the system, Huang Yi felt that the blood in his body seemed to be being pulled and became very excited.

He understood that it was probably the blood of the previously evolved Bailong and Hailong races. Now he has encountered the stronger blood of the golden sacred dragon. The three have gradually responded and began to take a deeper step on the road of the dragon race. Evolution.

Huang Yi felt that the whole body was numb and hot, and the blood of this golden holy dragon was relatively gentle, and it evolved as if it was massaging, very comfortable.

Ten minutes later, that crispy feeling finally dissipated, and Huang Yi received a system prompt—

[System Tip]: Congratulations on completing the second deep evolution.

Current evolution stage: eighth stage

Current evolutionary form: Golden Holy Dragon (low level)

Evolutionary Feats: Only works in Dragon Form. In any dragon form, its supreme bloodline can despise all creatures and save 20% of all damage! And physical defense, magic defense, anti-surname and other defense surnames have been slightly improved.

Race skills:

[Borrow of surname]: In any form, you can borrow the surname of a dragon contract partner. After borrowing, you will superimpose all the surnames of the dragon contract partners on themselves for 30 minutes. Cooling time is 30 days.

This time, Huang Yi gained a feat and a new skill.

This feat has some restrictions. It only works in the Dragon form, it can save 20% of all damage, and slightly increases the defense surname. He now has three dragon forms, namely the White Dragon, the Sea Dragon, and the Golden Holy Dragon. Only in these forms can this feat be used. Under normal circumstances, Huang Yi always uses the form of Beastmaster, and this feat cannot work.

There is no weapon in the dragon form, so Huang Yi rarely switches to the dragon form. In contrast, his Beastmaster form is stronger, with the promotion of all surnames and a humanoid state, and can take weapons.

However, in terms of racial skills, there is no such restriction. The racial skills [borrowed by surname] obtained after this evolution can be used in any form. It does not need to be transformed into a dragon, which is much more convenient.

This surname borrowed a very strong skill. He did not waste a chance to evolve into a golden holy dragon! This skill is a bit similar to Oda's exclusive skill-corpse fusion, which can be used to add the surname of the opponent. In other words, after using this skill on Xiaolong, he can add its surname.

From the perspective of skill effects, Oda ’s corpse fusion is more powerful. In addition to adding surnames, you can also add each other ’s ranks, which has an additional level advantage. However, Huang Yi's surname cannot be borrowed, and the hierarchy cannot be superimposed.

Judging from the frequency of skill use, Huang Yi's surname borrowing is more advantageous, and can be used once a month, and it can last 30 minutes. The fusion of corpses in Oda City is supported by energy consumption. When the energy value of 3000 points is reached, it can only last for a short time. If the level of the fusion target is too high, it may only last for a few seconds, unless you find That nimble special energy stone can do it.

It's just that Xiaolong is still in his infancy and has no strength. Even if he borrows his surname, there is no improvement. This skill Huang Yi is temporarily unavailable.

At this point, Huang Yi's evolution has been perfectly completed, and he has finally evolved into one of the three top dragons-the Golden Holy Dragon!

Although this is only the lowest level of the blood of the Golden Saint Dragon, it cannot be compared with the true blood of the Golden Dragon. But he still has a chance. He can evolve once every 20th level, and then he will get stronger blood from the dragon to carry out deep evolution. One day, he can evolve into the blood of the golden holy dragon with full strength.

Next, Huang Yi left the heroic prison, returned to the dragon tomb outside, and began to explore.

He was jumping and jumping on countless huge bodies, like a cat jumping on a garbage dump. The rancid smell filled every inch of space. There was deep blood under the corpse, and a little carelessness would fall into that blood.

Finally, Huang Yi came to the entrance of that passage.

That channel is connected to the giant pit, more like a sewer, transporting the blood of countless corpses in the giant pit, I do not know where to go.

Huang Yi looked at the dark blood, and immediately used a long-used racial skill—the wild name call!

Suddenly, a hunting dog full of flames and a nearly transparent falcon emerged from the void, and their strength has not kept up with the pace of Huang Yi's improvement. Generally, it can not help, Can occasionally play a supporting role.

Huang Yikong controlled the hound to jump into the passage and began to let him explore the way.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the hound jumped into the deep blood river, splashing a few sticky blood.

"Ziz!" After a while, the fire on the hound was drowned instantly, and a green smoke came out. At the same time, its body seems to have encountered some kind of strong corrosion, melting at the speed visible to the naked eye, disappearing without a trace.

The blood of countless World of Warcraft fusion is even stronger than sulfuric acid, and the weaker creatures will be melted as soon as they become contaminated.

Huang Yi was helpless ~ www.readwn.com ~ I had no choice but to control the falcon flying into the channel, moving forward from the air, avoiding the blood flowing on the ground.

Gradually, the falcon flew farther and farther, safe and sound along the way, and soon reached the limit distance that Huang Yi could control.

It seems that there is no danger as long as it is not contaminated by the blood flowing on the ground.

Huang Yi's avatar immediately flapped her wings and flew into the passage with her body. The wall of this passage is also flesh-colored. Like the previous entrance of the Dragon Mother entrance, Huang Yi reached out and curiously. The texture of the wall was slightly soft, like real flesh.

After traveling for a long time like this, Huang Yi finally arrived at the location of the treasure he felt.

At this moment, Huang Yi was showing a strange scene. After the blood river under that passage passed here, it suddenly separated towards both sides, exposing a small piece of dry ground in the middle.

And on the ground, there was something lying quietly. To be continued.

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