Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Mysterious black cocoons

It was a black feather. .

After the flowing river of blood met the feather, it was automatically separated to both sides, and it could not drown it. This is enough to show the extraordinaryness of the feather.

Huang Yi immediately controlled the falcon and flew down, grabbed the feather, and examined it carefully.

Every single hair on this feather is clearly separated, neat and tidy, spotless, and not tangled together. Each hair slightly formed a proper arc, as if it had been carefully designed by the Creator.

Huang Yi reached out and took the feather over and pinched it.

As soon as he started, he felt an unprecedented darkness!

This is the purest dark breath he has ever seen! It even surpassed the gate of the Demon King in the abyss!

Huang Yi was shocked. What kind of feather would emit such pure dark breath?

He is sure that this feather must not come from the Warcraft in that huge pit before, there is no such powerful Warcraft in that huge pit at all!

He had swept through the giant pits carefully before, not only killed those undead Sanctuary Warcraft himself, but also incidentally selected the strongest batch of Sanctuary Warcraft, which was absorbed into his war spirit and replaced. Those low-level souls before. If there is such a strong World of Warcraft, he must have discovered it before, and it is impossible to miss it.

And when Blood River met this feather, it would automatically avoid it, showing that this feather was not rushed by the Blood River, but that the owner of the feather fell down when passing by here.

A feather is already so powerful. What kind of creature does this feather come from? Could this creature be the culprit behind this upheaval of Warcraft Mountains?

For a while, Huang Yi had a rough outline of the whole thing. The fog became clearer and closer, and the truth was getting closer. He put the feather in the storage ring and started to continue deep into the dark and unknown passage ahead.

This dark passage seems to have no end, and after flying for a long time, no light can be seen, and the surrounding is full of a strong rancid odor. Most people experience this environment and can't stand it any longer, and need to take a rest offline. But Huang Yi insisted and flew towards the end of the passage.

Gradually, Huang Yi finally heard a sound of water coming from the front. As the distance approached, the voice became clearer and clearer. It seemed that the passage was about to end, and he could not help speeding it up.

Finally, he flew out of the passage and saw the scene ahead.

Shown in front of him was a huge pool of blood that looked like a lake. All the blood in the huge pit before flowed here through that channel and converged, as if this is a place dedicated to collecting blood.

At the very center of this blood pool, stands this huge red and black cocoon, which is five or six meters high, is oval in shape, covered with red bloodshot, looks very weird, I do n’t know what is inside it what. The cocoon was constantly pulling away a faint red mist in the blood pool, and it seemed to absorb some mysterious power in the blood.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi's outline of this upheaval became clearer! The contents of the cocoon should be the ultimate cause of this dramatic change in the World of Warcraft!

The owner of this cocoon should need a lot of blood, so to capture Warcraft everywhere in the World of Warcraft, its power should be so powerful that even the top sanctuary has been captured. Some Warcraft were more fortunate, they successfully escaped here, and fled to the outer area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains. Whether it was the advanced Warcraft that the Demon Dragon had met before, or the giant monkey that had been met by Filter Night, they escaped for this reason. .

It arrested tens of thousands of creatures and piled up in that huge pit, all of them wounded or even killed them, and put their blood into this huge blood pool, which was used to supply this cocoon for absorption. , Performing some kind of mysterious ritual.

Huang Yi has never heard of this cocoon, and has never seen such descriptions in any historical literature. But it is undoubtedly very powerful. There are tens of thousands of creatures, many of them are Holy World of Warcraft, all caught the cocoon of blood sacrifice, such a big hand, I do not know who came from!

However, there was a little Huang Yi who was not sure. He didn't know whether the cocoon was left by the dead golden holy dragon, or some outsider dove occupied the nest and occupied the dragon tomb.

Huang Yifei flew over the blood pool, came to the cocoon in the middle, and looked carefully. Through this close look, he found that the cocoon was beating slightly, just like the heart, sometimes slightly swelled and sometimes shrunk. Every beat, some red mist drawn from the blood was sucked in. It's just that the appearance of this cocoon is very thick. It can't see what's inside with the naked eye, which is full of mystery and weirdness.

The outer shell of this cocoon seems to have some special effect, Huang Yi's olfactory treasure ability can not feel the contents inside. And the pure dark breath he felt on the previous feather was not revealed on the cocoon. It seemed that all the secrets were sealed in this cocoon, and it was impossible to reveal the slightest.

Next, Huang Yi used the third method, his forehead squirmed for a while, and opened his third eye! The vision of his third eye is extremely powerful, and it is unfavorable. He wants to see if this third eye can penetrate the cocoon's shell and see the things inside!

Suddenly, his blood-red eyes shot a light of perspective and hit the cocoon directly!

This gaze finally failed to live up to Huang Yi's expectations. It directly penetrated the appearance of that cocoon and shot into it!

The next moment, Huang Yi saw the scene inside the cocoon!

"It turned out to be this kind of thing!" When he saw the contents of the cocoon, his body trembled, and he almost turned around and ran away!

He saw one of the most powerful things in the second world!

I saw the cocoon quietly curling up the noble bird creature, which was covered with black feathers all over the body, exactly like the feathers that Huang Yi had picked up before. It has a black bird crown on its head, forming a crown shape, as if the emperor of heaven and earth was born, and was crowned as the king directly by the creator!

Its tail is very long, with three long huge owls! The three tailed owls are mainly black, and the hair on them shows a colorful color, similar to the peacock's tail, but it is countless times more gorgeous than the peacock! Even the best artist in the world can hardly draw such a gorgeous tail! However, the first two of these three owls are intact, and the last one seems to be still growing, only half of it grows.

Huang Yi almost recognized this bird creature and recognized it--

Black Phoenix!

The Phoenix is ​​an extremely rare race. It is one of the few that can be compared with the Dragon race. However, the Dragon race is extremely large and has various branches. What bone dragons, underworld dragons, white dragons, sea dragons, fire dragons, silver dragons, etc., have at least hundreds. Branches. But Phoenix has only three branches: Fire Phoenix, Ice Phoenix and Black Phoenix! Their strengths are comparable only to the three top-level dragons: the golden holy dragon, the sacred dragon, and the dark dragon.

Huang Yi previously obtained the final treasure inside the Bloods Empire empire outside the city of Warcraft. Among them, a piece of ice phoenix crystal at the level of the heavens was absorbed by the Savage God, which greatly enhanced its strength.

The three phoenixes are just like the three top dragons. Breaking into Tianyu is a matter of course, without any bottlenecks. And once it grows to the peak, it is demigod strength! Others work hard to be promoted to demigods, but they can be reached only by growing up!

And if you can go further from the demigod level, then you can seal the god. In the history of the second world, each of the three top dragons has a god-sealer.

The black phoenix now surpassed the top sanctuary at least, otherwise it would not be possible to cause such a catastrophe in the WoW Mountains! And among the three long tail tails of its tail, the last one has not yet fully grown out, showing that its strength has not reached its peak state, and it cannot be a demigod.

Then its strength can only be at the level of the sky domain, but it is not known whether it is a primary sky domain, or an intermediate, advanced or top level.

A black phoenix occupies a dragon grave of a golden holy dragon, plus the blood of tens of thousands of Warcraft creatures, what exactly is it to do?

This thing has become more and more confusing! The black phoenix is ​​already one of the top powerhouses. What will happen if it absorbs a dragon tomb of the top dragon family?

However, since Huang Yi is here, it is impossible to turn a blind eye and still grow from this cocoon, he must destroy it! And the cocoon was obviously at a critical moment, and the black phoenix inside was still motionless ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was like dead, so it should not come out to attack him.

Now is a great opportunity! A black phoenix, even if dead, is invaluable, and it is comparable to the value of this golden holy dragon grave!

At this time, Huang Yi's avatar grasped his body so that he would not fall into the blood pool below. And his body clung to the **** battle, and slammed it towards the huge cocoon!

"Ding!" The cocoon was extremely solid, and Huang Yi's fierce attack made a sound of intersecting gold and stone, only a light white spot!

This cocoon, which has absorbed tens of thousands of World of Warcraft blood, is really powerful. With Huang Yi's attack power far beyond the average player, it can't open it!

The conventional methods fail, and Huang Yi can only show his true strength!


This is the second update on the 16th. I'm sorry that I didn't finish writing before 0 o'clock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to this site, give rewards, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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