Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Blood God

Huang Yi looked around the blood pool, and now there is endless blood. As long as the cocoon absorbs the red mist in the blood, it can continue to strengthen, so his first step is to stop the cocoon from absorbing those blood mists! Come and get a paycheck!

Huang Yi's first Awakening Nefarem skill is to create group demons, which can create the imitation of the 108 demon gods. Before, he had made only one of the weakest immortals, but even so, the imitation was still very powerful. Now he saw the blood in the pool, and in his mind another blood god's name emerged—Blood God.

Blood God (Devil, Ranked 104th)

The blood **** is a god-sealer from the world of blood maps. He was born in a vast war in the world of blood maps. The epic war caused the death of hundreds of millions of souls. The blood of these souls came together. A strange heart was formed, and this heart gradually formed wisdom, which is the blood god. The blood **** led the world war between the world of blood maps and the world of Melva, and absorbed the blood of three top demigods during the war, and finally successfully sealed the god, entered the demon world, and became the 108 demon gods one.

The appearance of the blood **** is quite special. It is not a human shape, nor is it a general shape of Warcraft, but a blood red heart. This heart has eight blood vessels, like eight tentacles, four veins and four arteries.

Vein main defense, as soon as it is inserted into the enemy's body, the energy source continuously **** the enemy's blood to replenish itself.

The main arterial attack, as soon as it is inserted into the enemy's body, the blood of the blood **** can be injected into the enemy, causing the enemy's body to flow with dirty magic blood, resulting in a serious rejection reaction. Finally died painfully in endless torture.

The power of this blood **** is related to blood, which is just right for this kind of environment. And its ranking is very low, making it not too difficult.

Huang Yi immediately put away Xiaolong, took out the "Book of Heroes", summoned the hero prison!

Suddenly. Above the vast pool of blood, the head of a dark demon dragon floated, which opened its huge mouth, but the blood in those pools was not poured in, and was isolated by some mysterious force.

Huang Yi immediately entered the heroic prison and went directly to the corpse. Then according to the list of corpses recorded in the "Book of Heroes", began to search for production materials.

The two most important materials for making a copy of the blood **** are the heart and blood vessels. The heart requires the heart of the Celestial Strong, and the ability to live is related to blood. The blood vessels also require four arterial vessels and four venous vessels.

Huang Yi's eyes glanced through the death list of the Book of Heroes. One of the most famous peerless strongmen in history was directly ignored by him, his eyes were like a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, looking only for names related to blood.

Soon, his eyes stopped and he locked on a name--

Blood Bat. William (No. 411)

Judging by its name alone, this corpse is related to its blood ability, and it was held in cell 411 during its lifetime. This is already a very high number. It is definitely a criminal at the level of heaven. It should be used to create the blood god.

Huang Yi immediately followed the number of this corpse and walked through the corpse-like corpses in the cadaver room, and soon came to the body of this blood bat.

The shape of this vampire bat is exactly like that of a bat, but it is countless times larger and is tens of meters high. Its body is not black like ordinary bats, but blood red, as if immersed in blood. It has a strong **** smell on it. This odor has not disappeared even after countless years.

Next, Huang Yi collected the rest of the auxiliary materials, and then consumed up to 10 points of Nefarem's power, and used the demon-made method against the blood bat. He has made avatars several times before. The process is a bit similar, he is already familiar.

Only one hour later, this second demon **** imitated the body blood **** was completely created! The material of this blood **** imitation body comes from various heavenly strong men, and it consumes a full 10 points of Nefarem power, which is far more powerful than Huang Yi's incarnation!

The shape of the blood **** imitated body is exactly the same as that of the blood god. A door-sized heart has eight blood vessels more than 20 meters long. Four of the blood vessels are blue and four are red. They are veins and arteries.

"Oh!" Just then, this strange heart suddenly "stands up"! Standing high in the numerous corpse mountains among the corpses.

At this time, it looks like an octopus, and its eight blood vessels are like eight tentacles, which support the heart on the ground and are more than twenty meters high.

"Hmm! Hmm!" At that moment, the huge heart made two strong beatings, full of vitality, as if a heart that had stopped beating repulsed.

Then, its eight blood vessels bent slightly toward Huang Yi, like a person bowing, a sharp voice came from that heart: "Master, thank you for making me!"

"You look a little scary!" Huang Yi frowned as he looked at the Blood God. His 90 level awakened Nefarem skill is called Demon God Combination, which can be fused with Demon God to enhance his strength. If he was allowed to fit with this blood god, he would be a bit mindful.

"Fear and cuteness, just a thought." The blood **** said, and then the strange body changed and turned into a small, exquisite red bat, flapping its wings and flying to Huang Yi's shoulder.

Huang Yi turned his head around, and the blood **** at this time was easier to accept. Its bat body is tooty, with large eyes and watery spirits, it is very cute, a bit like a dragon. Outsiders saw it, and never expected it to be a terrible imitation of a demon god.

"Master, I'm thirsty, let me drink some blood!" The little red bat's voice also turned into a child's voice, innocent and lovely. Then he naughtyly opened his mouth, took a bite on Huang Yi's neck, and a few drops of blood suddenly burst out and was drunk by him.

But Huang Yi couldn't feel the pain at all, this was just a joke made by Xueshen.

"Master, I need a lot of blood. My heart is unlimited. The more blood I store, the stronger I am." The little bat fluttered his wings and fluttered in front of Huang Yi, jubilantly. Said.

"Exactly, there is a huge blood pool outside, enough for you to drink!" Huang Yi nodded, teleported out of the heroic prison with the blood god, and returned to the outside blood pool.

"Wow! A lot of delicious blood, I want to drink it all!" The blood **** saw the huge pool of blood outside, and suddenly he looked like a fountain of life, his wings flapped cheerfully, and his small and lovely body suddenly In a flash, it turned into the appearance of the previous heart blood vessel!

Suddenly, all four venous blood vessels were inserted into the blood pool, and the heart swelled and contracted violently, just like a powerful pump, pumping the blood in the blood pool with all its strength. The red and black blood was drawn from its four blood vessels at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The blood **** imitation body is worthy of the word blood god. The corrosive blood in the blood pool is not only not corroded to it at all, but it is like the thing that complements it most. The more blood it draws, the brighter and brighter the blood vessels in the heart look.

It draws blood very fast, Huang Yi obviously feels that the blood in this blood pool is decreasing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. Just a few tens of seconds later, the blood pool of the size of this lake and the blood pooled by tens of thousands of sacred warcraft were all absorbed into it, exposing the dry ground.

And after absorbing so much blood, its heart is still the same size, and there is no change.

"It's delicious, but the blood in it is too light." At this time, the heart commented and seemed to be dissatisfied.

"Blood energy?" Hearing these two words, Huang Yi could not help but look at the huge cocoon, and said, "It is estimated that all the blood energy was absorbed by this cocoon. You can attack this cocoon and see if you can put the blood on it. Can be extracted. "

"Okay! Master!" The blood god's heart bounced up and down for a moment, as if it represented a nod. Then it stretched out four blue veins, faced the huge cocoon, and began to draw.

With this extraction, the blood on the cocoon suddenly began to fade, turning into red blood mist, which was absorbed into the four veins.

"It's delicious, this is blood energy!" The blood god's admiration sounded from the heart immediately after absorbing for a while.

Seeing that Blood God was successful, Huang Yi was relieved. He is now considered to have successfully blocked the blood source of the black phoenix. This ritual performed by the other party was successfully interrupted by him and the threat was greatly reduced.

Subsequently, he continued to take out the **** battle, and stunned in front of the black cocoon ~ www.readwn.com ~ 噗! "This time, the cocoon was quite fragile, and Huang Yi ’s **** gunhead drew in a small portion. After losing his blood energy, Huang Yi was finally able to cause considerable damage to it, not like It was so helpless before.

In this way, he strove hard to attack the black cocoon, hitting the same spot accurately every time without deviating at all. After so long assaulting, he took a light shot, and the spear finally completely penetrated that one. The black cocoon scooped in.

At that moment, an unprecedented dark and strong breath was suddenly ejected from the opening of the cocoon, as if the compressed gas tank finally opened a mouth, and the air flow was too turbulent, so that it overflowed and flew yellow. Go out.

At the same time, the black cocoon suddenly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black phoenix was completely displayed!

The next moment, Black Phoenix opened his eyes.


The first change today, the next change will be written after 0:30. (To be continued ...)

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