Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 603: Black Phoenix's shocking identity

At that moment, the whole dragon tomb seemed to stagnate for a while, and time and space were suddenly frozen.

The black phoenix actually woke up!

At this moment, Huang Yi, who was rushed into the distance by the dark atmosphere before, looked at the Black Phoenix with caution. If this black phoenix is ​​going to attack him, then it is impossible for him to resist it. The other party is a strong person at the level of heaven. No one under the sanctuary can stop it!

Time passed minute by minute, the blood **** also felt a tremendous pressure, and stopped moving easily. Although it is a demon imitation, it is just an imitation, and its strength is affected by Huang Yi. Huang Yi is not just a mere 146 now, its strength is not likely to be strong, and it is not enough to compare with the masters of Tianyu.

Death was silent in the air, in the endless darkness, there was no light, and there was despair everywhere.

At this time, Huang Yi could only hear his own heartbeat. He stared at the black phoenix's eyes.

The look of the black phoenix no matter what kind of object he looks at, he has a condescending condescension, without any emotion, as if not a life, but a god. This kind of look, Huang Yi, even in the dean of the Royal Academy of Oscars, marksman. Ika had never seen him, only seen his father beast god.

That is the eyes of the gods, without feelings for this being, just like looking at a group of ants, there is a kind of ruthless feeling.

"Isn't this a master of heaven?" Suddenly, Huang Yi came up with an absurd illusion, but the third tail of the black phoenix's tail did not fully grow out, indicating that it was indeed a heaven.

"Phoenix nirvana!" At this moment, a sudden exclaiming came from the heart of the blood god. It seemed to wake up some kind of long-term memory, recognizing the rituals being performed by the Black Phoenix at this time.

Then its eight blood vessels suddenly fluttered and looked very urgent, and said to Huang Yi: "Master, this black phoenix cannot move now. It is carrying out the nirvana of the phoenix race and waiting for its nirvana to finish. After rebirth, its strength will far exceed Now we should kill it while it can't move! "

Huang Yi heard that, for a moment, he had heard of Phoenix Nirvana before. The Phoenix has an innate ability to regenerate after death! This is similar to the sacred dragons of the three top dragons. After death, you can be converted into holy light and resurrected, but you can only be resurrected three times in your life.

He didn't expect that the ritual currently being performed by this black phoenix was Nirvana! It is estimated that Nirvana requires a lot of blood, so it only captured those Warcraft Mountains of Warcraft. Accumulate their blood for Nirvana.

When the Phoenix Nirvana was reborn, his strength was extremely weak and he could not move. This is indeed the best time to kill it!

No longer wasting time, Huang Yi immediately pursued a hunt and rushed towards the black phoenix in the blink of an eye. The spear in his hand formed a dragon. Holding the power of Wan Jun on the black phoenix.

"Ding!" The familiar Jinshi intersect sounded again. After Huang Yi's spear struck the feather of the black phoenix, he couldn't penetrate it and was firmly blocked.

And the surprise is still behind. Through this attack, Huang Yi finally learned the true identity of this black phoenix!

At that moment, his heart sank to the bottom! He finally knew why the eyes of this black phoenix looked like a godlike flavor!

It really isn't the average black phoenix. Its status is enough to shock everyone in the Second World, even the Dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan!

Its full name is--

One of the seven demon kings. The cursed king. The demon (avatar)

This phoenix turned out to be one of the seven demon kings—a clone of the cursed king!

Seven Devil Kings! This is the second common enemy of every era, countless history, countless amazing talents! They have existed since ancient times and have always threatened the security of the Second World. Even if ten gods were born before and after the Second World, they cannot be destroyed! Whether it is Poseidon, Johns, Sword Emperor, Sword Emperor, Ascendant. Bloodhoof, no matter which God-sealer, there is no way to take them.

They are like seven eternal nightmares, no matter what kind of peerless strongman born in the second world, they cannot kill them completely!

Their strength was enough to seal the gods as early as the ancient times, but they hid the body in a special space, isolated the power of the gods, and escaped the traction of the demon world. Each time they came out and raged, they used avatars, so no matter how many times they were killed, they could not completely die. After the avatars have reunited, they can continue to mess up and never stop!

Prior to this, Huang Yi had only heard of his name to the Seven Demon Kings! They are like dragons in the sky, they can only look up from a distance. The highest level of demons he has seen is the fallen messenger, but the fallen messenger is nothing at all in front of the seven demon kings.

The entire second world is worthy of being the opponent of the Seven Demon Kings, which is one of the few demigods, such as the dean and vice president of the Royal Academy of Oskan. At that time, the deputy chief archer Ika shot the clone of a dark king, so he became famous and was written into the epic by historians, and sung by countless bards to all corners of the world.

And now, Huang Yi just met a character at this level! It's like a beggar seeing the emperor, the contrast is so great! He froze for a moment, holding a spear in his hand, just staring at the avatar of the cursed king in front of him.

"Huh? The King of Killing?" At this moment, the avatar of the King of Cursing seemed to recognize Huang Yi's true identity, and finally a look of interest flashed in his unemotional eyes.

King of killing, this is another name of Huang Yi. When he first rescued Qin Shiyu in the dragon capital, he killed 300,000 players, and was later listed as the eighth largest demon unilaterally by the head of the seven major demon kings-the king of hell. He was also the first god-given **** , The title is King of Killing.

After that, Huang Yi got involved with the Seven Demon Kings. The fallen messenger personally invited him to join the Seven Demon Kings. As long as he joins, he can instantly obtain the power of the powerful Demon King. The strength is far beyond the strength of all players today. strength. The only price is the enemy of the second world.

Now, the cursed king did not call Huang Yi "seckill" or "kill God", but called out the "king of killing", the tone is very interesting.

This time, Huang Yi also responded quickly. He stopped the attack, stared directly into the eyes of the Black Phoenix, and said, "The cursed king, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"The King of Kills, we are all Demon Kings. It seems too impolite for you to attack this clone of me." The cursed King's tone is like chatting with an old friend, stating that it has nothing to do with himself Things are not afraid of the threat of Huang Yi. "Moreover, this is just my avatar. There is nothing but my essence of life. Even the feather you picked up before is not real. It is just the essence of my life. That's it. "

It knew even the feather that Huang Yi had picked up in the passage before, apparently indicating that it had already discovered the existence of Huang Yi, and all of Huang Yi was in his eyes.

"King of Killing, I know you don't like this title. You never thought of joining us, but sooner or later you will be part of the demon world." At this time, the cursed king seemed to be an omnipotent prophet. Pointing at the meaning of Huang Yi's fate.

"Why do you say that?" Huang Yi stared at Shen. At the same time, he thought of his Nefarem bloodline, his bloodline is partial to the magic system, if he can go to the step of sealing the gods in the future, it is likely that he actually entered the demon world, which is indeed hidden with the Seven Demon Kings. Means the same thing.

"Your prison is a hero prison!" The cursed king directly wore one of Huang Yi's biggest reliance, and his eyes suddenly became extremely distant. He seemed to be remembering something. "The hero prison was built by Lord Grim Reaper." At that time, I once saw Lord Grim Reaper once. The Grim Reaper was only one step away from the Realm of God at that time, but then a change took place in the demon world. The Grim Reaper did not know what was missing. The Temple of Death was always looking for He, our seven demon kings are also looking for it, but there is no clue. And you have a hero prison ~ www.readwn.com ~ which is equivalent to indirect inheritance of the **** of death. In the future, if you do n’t go to the demon world, will you go to the **** world? The enemy God of life is one of the rulers of the divine realm. After you go to the divine realm, it is no different from sending death. "

After hearing this, Huang Yi was silent. Whether it is from the relationship of the heroic prison or the relationship of Nefarem's blood, he seems to have to go to the demon realm. There is indeed no place for him in the divine realm, although his mother is also in the divine realm.

After a while, Huang Yi finally spoke, and he said lightly: "I'll talk about the future, now I'm just a small sanctuary, far from Fengshen. As for the King of Killing, it's just you It has nothing to do with it unilaterally. "

"It probably didn't matter before, but if you meet my cursed king, it won't be okay." The death of the curse was filled with a domineering tone, and it suddenly looked at Huang Yi's eyes. Senran got up, "You interrupted the Nirvana ceremony of this avatar and blocked my plan. In return, I will give you a great gift!"

Anyway, a black light flew suddenly from its body, forcibly submerged into Huang Yi's body, and he couldn't even hide!

The next moment, Huang Yi received a system prompt!

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