Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Upheaval of the Golden Holy Dragon

The sound came without warning, and it suddenly sounded when Huang Yi was least prepared!

Huang Yi was frightened suddenly, and quickly looked up to look around, but there was nothing around!

At this time, an unstoppable thrust appeared in the air, blessing him, pushing him back from the space to the previous channel, and back into the huge pit outside! But this thrust did not stop, it rose rapidly and retreated back to the entrance channel, and finally was pushed out of the dragon tomb and returned to the valley outside the dragon tomb!

Not only that, his avatar and blood **** were also pushed out! The feeling seemed to be vomited by the dragon tomb!

Just then, the dragon head at the entrance of the dragon's tomb blinked suddenly, emitting a golden light of God, seeming to wake up!

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi suddenly hesitated. The tomb of the dragon turned out to be the real body of a golden holy dragon. He was in the stomach of the golden holy dragon before! No wonder the passage is red and soft, it should be the esophagus or intestines.

"Boom!" At this moment, the dragon tomb trembled suddenly and suddenly, and the whole earth seemed to have suffered an earthquake. On the peaks on both sides, some huge stones kept rolling down, aggressively toward the yellow overflowing valley Drop it!

Huang Yi repeatedly evaded, but now he has been hit by the curse of the cursed king, and his overall attributes have decreased by 50%, including the attributes of flexibility, and his movement speed has also decreased by 50%. At this point, he was walking in the mud, holding hands and feet, failed to avoid all the falling rocks, was smashed and suffered a lot of damage, and his defense was weakened by 50%. In short, he has now been severely weakened in all aspects, and he cannot bear this earthquake.

At the same time, the dragon's tomb shrank at a rate visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a queen wearing a golden dragon robe! She stood in the air with a beautiful face. Surrounded by a golden dragon spirit, his body looked noble than martial arts, and he could only look up and admire, not to be blasphemed.

The location of the previous dragon tomb was turned into a dragon-shaped tiankeng, as if it was a scar on the earth, looking shocking!

"Little guy. Scared you!" At this moment, the queen of the golden dragon robe smiled slightly at Huang Yi, as if the whole world had melted away, "The damned king's avatar occupied my body. Now Its nirvana ritual was interrupted by you, and I regained complete control of my body. Thank you! "

After all, the queen reached out and waved at Huang Yi, and a golden light flew out of her hand and landed on Huang Yi's body.

"[System Tip]: You have obtained the permanent blessing of [Golden Holy Dragon. Skyclaw. Ventès] (Elite spirit state). In any dragon race state, the total attribute is increased by 10%."

"Huh?" I heard the system prompt. Huang Yi was not attracted by the blessing effect, but suddenly blurted out: "Are you Xiaolong's mother?"

He actually suspected long ago that the golden holy dragon of this dragon tomb was the mother of the dragon. After all, the number of golden holy dragons is too small, and the heroic continent is only one of the hundreds of continents in the second world, which can only be regarded as a projectile. Ground, it is unlikely to have two golden holy dragons. When he first entered the 200-level enchantment of the Golden Holy Dragon Treasure, he had seen a stone monument with his own eyes, and the type on the monument was the Golden Holy Dragon Vettes. Now the full name of this golden holy dragon also has a Ventus, which should be the golden holy dragon in that treasure before.

really. The queen in front of her nodded and nodded: "Yes, but I'm already dead. This is just my state of spirit, and I can't hold it for long!" Then, her eyes flashed a touch of motherly self-love, and her voice became slightly excited Get up: "What about my child? Quickly release him, I've been waiting here for countless years just to look at him!"

Huang Yi nodded, immediately collected the blood god, re-summoned the dragon!

Xiaolong seemed to be sleeping in the summoning space before, but now suddenly summoned by Huang Yi, he suddenly sat on the ground and woke up. At this moment, a long saliva dangled from the corner of his mouth, turning his small head, and looking drowsy with big eyes.

Soon, it saw the golden queen floating in mid-air. It seemed curious. She immediately tilted her little head, biting her paw, staring at the queen motionlessly, and opened her mouth and screamed, "Wang Wang ! "

When the dog barked, the queen shuddered and almost fell from the air. The corner of Huang Yi's mouth twitched suddenly, too, Xiaolong's dog barking came too late!

"My child, how can you learn dog barking!" The queen looked at Xiaolong for a long time, finally calmed down again, fell from the sky with excitement, quickly came to Xiaolong's face, and reached out and hugged it.

"Ahhhhh!" Xiaolong seemed to like the breath of the queen. She fluttered her wings with joy and finally gave out a dragon yin. Her little head arched coquettishly in her arms. Rub it on her.

"Child! My child!" The queen instantly rose up incoherently, and two drops of crystal tears flowed from her eyes, her face pressed tightly against Xiaolong's body, and she choked and said, "Child, I finally saw you, I didn't expect to really You can wait until this day, you were born earlier than your mother expected! You have found a good contract partner! I can finally leave the world safely! "

Xiaolong didn't know if he understood, but he looked up, stared affectionately at the queen with wide eyes, extended his neck and kissed her lips.

"Baby is so good!" The queen happily touched Xiaolong's head, lowered her neck, kissed him on the forehead, and spoiled, "Baby, you are too young now! Let your mother help you!" "

Then, the queen suddenly reached out and grabbed the void, and suddenly a black phoenix was added to her left hand, which was the clone of the former cursed king! It's just that the corpse is not real, but the huge life essence of the cursed king has been transformed!

Huang Yi was shocked! After the death of the cursed king, the huge essence of life was dissipated in the tomb of the dragon, but she did not expect to collect it! How big is the essence of life of a demon king's clone? He can no longer imagine! He has never seen this level of heavenly treasures. In front of such treasures, any spirit grass, crystals, and treasures he had fed to Xiaolong before were all overshadowed, as if they were unpalatable chaff!

At this time, the queen held her palm again, condensing the huge life essence of that black phoenix into a small black bead, and handed it to Xiaolong's mouth, saying: "Baby, this is the clone of the cursed king, With the bloodmark of the black phoenix family, it is one of the most powerful treasures in the world. In the history of the golden holy dragon family, no one has ever eaten this kind of baby, now you obediently eat it! You eat it It must be the most powerful golden holy dragon in history! "

Xiaolong curiously reached out his small paw, grabbed the black bead, and took a closer look in front of his eyes, seemingly curious. Then it opened its mouth and ate the black bead.

"Come on!" There was silence in the air, only the sound of Xiaolong chewing the bead sounded rhythmically.

Huang Yi and the queen stared at it desperately, waiting for it to produce an unprecedented gorgeous transformation!

"Guru!" There was a trembling in the back of Xiaolong, and he finally ate the bead!

At that moment, Xiaolong's body suddenly rose up and covered a black mist!

Then, at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, Xiaolong's body grew black pieces of phoenix feathers, covering its smooth skin!

The dragon family only has dragon scales and no feathers, and the dragon has grown up with black phoenix feathers! It doesn't look like a dragon at all, nor does it look like a phoenix. I don't know what it is, like a brand new mutant species! At this time it looks much more beautiful than the previous golden holy dragon and black phoenix. Each piece of black feathers on the body is like a masterpiece of nature. The shape of each root is just right and perfect!

Xiaolong also seemed to notice the change in himself. It suddenly stretched out its small claws, grabbed its small wings and drew it to his eyes, his eyes widened, staring at the black feathers on the wings, a curious innocent look, it seemed not Know why you suddenly have more feathers on your body.

At this moment, Xiaolong moved his small paw, grabbed one of the feathers, and wanted to tear it down and play. But the feathers had grown on it, and it couldn't be pulled apart. It stared at those feathers with a flat mouth and a tearful eye, and it was about to cry. It seemed to think that its body was broken, and something that shouldn't have grown.

"Don't cry, baby! You are now an unprecedented golden holy dragon! It will definitely grow into the most powerful golden holy dragon in history!" The queen saw this picture of Xiaolong ~ www.readwn.com ~ and immediately held it Coaxed tightly.

Xiaolong lay on the queen's soft breasts, and her claws hugged her tightly, so she was relieved.

Just then, the queen's body suddenly shook violently, and her body began to become twisted, as if to collapse. The queen clenched her teeth and said painfully: "Baby, the traction of the underworld is too strong, and the mother's spirit can no longer sustain it! Baby, you must remember mother! Will you remember mother when you grow up? You have seen your mother in your life. You are not an orphan! "

At this time, the queen's body began to fall apart, her spirit was about to dissipate, after all, she had died for many years, and now this spirit could not last for long.

She burst into tears and cried while holding Xiaolong: "Child ... I want to stay by your side for a while ... But child, you must be strong and brave ... grow up quickly ... Mom help again The last time you gave you all the dragon power. "


There are two more at night

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