Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 606: Magic potion

Speaking of which, the queen's body suddenly turned into a vast golden breath, this is a golden holy dragon's body that has saved countless years of power! This dragon power is as vast as the ocean, and the lifelong power of a golden holy dragon is poured out on the dragon at this moment without any reservation!

This dragon force was too huge, forming an invisible vortex, the golden currents caused the rocks on both sides of the valley to fall, and the warm sunlight was also blocked, and it was impossible to enter! In this huge vortex, Xiaolong is the absolute center point, all the dragon powers swarm towards it, all submerged into its body!

"Baby ... you must ... remember me ..."

Finally, the queen made a final sound, ringing between the mountains and rivers, and then disappeared completely.

She has waited here for countless years just to look at her children. This time is so short that a mother is so goodbye to her children.

Huang Yi looked at this scene, and suddenly remembered his mother in the second world, time rushed, they have been parting for more than a year. This was a virtual feeling, but in his heart it seemed like it had really existed. It seemed that he really had a mother.

He looked up at the sky, but he couldn't see the distant divine realm, and didn't know what had happened to his mother.

At this time, Xiaolong was still absorbing the huge and pure dragon power in the valley. This immense force made it start to grow rapidly. The scales on its body sprang up like bamboo shoots, and Jinguang kept flashing, and dozens of scales popped out almost every second!

Soon, its entire small head grew out of golden scales, and the effect was far more than the sum of all the natural treasures that Huang Yi had eaten before it!

This is not over. The skin with black phoenix feathers on its body flashed golden light, and those skins turned into golden scales! The golden scales spread from the dragon's head to the neck, to the small claws, wings, belly, back, tail ... spread to every part of the body!

Finally, that huge dragon power was completely absorbed by Xiaolong. Every inch of skin on its entire body has grown out of golden dragon scales, like wearing a delicate golden armor, firmly protecting it!

In the gaps of these golden dragon scales, there are neat rows of black phoenix feathers, covering those golden scales. I can only see the golden light coming out. His entire body had only two parts, the claws and the skull, without feathers, and remained golden yellow.

At this time, the dragon has both dragon scales and phoenix feathers. Just looking at its appearance, it is already difficult to associate with the golden holy dragon, and it is also difficult to associate with the Phoenix. If outsiders see it, they will just think it is beautiful. Thought it was a relatively rare creature.

But Huang Yi knew that Xiaolong now had unlimited potential. It had mutated because it had absorbed his Nefarem blood. Now the black phoenix of the cursed king has been absorbed, and the black phoenix's feathers have grown. This is another mutation. No one knows how far it can grow in the future.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" At this moment, Xiaolong snored, and then flapped his wings. Fly to Huang Yi's arms, happily arched his small head in his arms.

Huang Yi reached out and touched the black phoenix feathers on Xiaolong's body. The feathers were extremely pliable, and there was a deep, pure dark atmosphere hidden deep. Now the dragon is also a bit like Nefarem, and has the sacred breath of the golden holy dragon, and the dark breath of the demon world like the seven demon kings. But his body did not show any signs of getting bigger, and still looks like this little baby dragon.

"You first absorbed the avatar of the cursed king, and inherited your mother's dragon power, and replaced it with the rest of the golden holy dragon. It should have been promoted to growth. Why haven't you been promoted yet?" At this time, Huang Yi raised Xiaolong, Staring at it and asking curiously.

"Ahhhhh!" Xiaolong didn't know if he understood, but he called innocently, then stretched his neck and kissed Huang Yi's lips.

"Anyway. I believe you are the strongest!" Huang Yi smiled and hugged Xiaolong tightly. Xiaolong has undergone some mutations. It is estimated that it is for this reason that it is much more difficult to be promoted to the growth stage than other golden holy dragons. However, the harder the promotion, the more powerful it is. Xiaolong has almost reached a critical point for promotion. Although he has not yet been promoted, this node may come at any time.

At this time, the sun was shining, and the heavy dark clouds had already disappeared with the disappearance of the King of the Cursed, and the warm sun was dripping down again, and everything seemed like another generation. Everything before that was like a dream.

"Xiaolong, let's go back!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head and then put it away.

Immediately afterwards, his body aimed at Qin Shiyu, turned on the teleportation of heroes, and returned directly to the Dragon City from the depths of the distant mountains of Warcraft.

And his incarnation, using the Mark of Killing God, teleported to the mountain where Filter Night was, and appeared next to the thatched hut.

"Cang Cang, you get me to grab a bird egg, or I won't like you anymore!"

"Okay! Then wait for me!"

"Remember! I want the eggs of the golden bird! If it is dangerous, ask the brother of the Lord of the Stream to help!"

As soon as he appeared on the mountain, Huang Yi heard the voice of the little girl Jiu Li and the little boy chasing the green. At this moment, they were standing under a pine tree, holding hands and talking.

"Eh? Big brother is here!" Just then, Jiu Li found Huang Yi and screamed sweetly.

Huang Yi nodded toward their two children and asked, "Where's your master?"

"Experiment in thatched house!" Jiu Li answered obediently.

Huang Yi turned his head to look inside the thatched hut, where the door was hidden, and there was a faint noise.

He walked lightly, pushed the door open, and entered the cottage.

"I think the last experiment we failed was because we didn't add the tears of Murloc, otherwise we might create a more powerful legendary water."

"That's not necessarily true. Murloc's tears are too acidic and should be replaced with lizard blood."

"Why not consider adding elixir? The sap of plants is milder than the body fluids of animals."


At that moment, a sound of discussion was coming from the humble laboratory in that compartment. Huang Yi walked in and found a group of research lunatics including Filter Night, Alchemist, Singid, Zuan Madman, Dr. Mundo, Plant Elf, Green Rattan, Venomancer, Rissell, Biochemical Scientist, and Phil , Around a belt on the table, discussing fiercely.

"What are you discussing?" Huang Yi walked over and asked with interest.

"Kill God, you're here!" When Ye Ye saw Huang Yi coming, she immediately picked up the belt on the table and explained: "I was always collecting all kinds of plants when I was in the world of Oroas. Essence, research a potion to increase the power of a common equipment, so that it can be upgraded to the power of legendary equipment, but has not been successful. Since the addition of these partners, I will bring my own research results Sharing it a bit, we all worked together to reform the formula. After many experiments, the solution I prepared before was used up, and some results were achieved, but it was not completely successful. We are now discussing ways to improve it! "Said Then, Ye Ye passed the belt to Huang Yi.

"Oh? Is there such a magic potion?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested, reached out to catch the belt, and checked it.

Through this review, Huang Yi found that the quality of this belt is indeed legendary equipment, but its attribute bonus is not high, even lower than the lowest-level legendary equipment that Huang Yi has seen. And it has no accompanying skills, just like the legendary equipment after being drawn with incidental skills. It is also very important that the level of this legendary equipment is fixed, only level 55, which cannot be improved accordingly as the player's level increases. Overall, the value of this legend is not much higher than that of the orange dress.

But this is also enough. After all, this equipment was filtered by Ye Ye. They mentioned the legendary level before. It was just an ordinary piece of equipment before. It may be a blue or purple dress. Now it is transformed into a legend. It is estimated that few in the Second World can do this.

"Once this potion is researched, will it not be possible to make legendary equipment on a large scale?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

"Theoretically this is the case, as long as there are enough raw materials, you can always make them, but the raw materials are more difficult to find." At this time, the alchemist nodded.

"Then how long do you expect to research this potion? As far as the raw materials are concerned, I can try to get it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi immediately became concerned. Once this potion is researched, the strength of their hero guild will It is about to usher in a rapid growth.

"You can't get it!" Filter Ye shook his head. "A lot of raw materials are unique to Oroas World. The solutions used in my previous experiments have been prepared long ago, just need to add the remaining new raw materials. Yes, but now that this solution has been consumed, I cannot return to the Oroas world in a short time. I only have the seeds of these plants, which have been planted. It will take a long time for these plants to take root. , Can only continue to study at that time. "

"Okay! But give me this legendary gear. I just need the legendary gear." Huang Yi said, putting the legendary belt in his hand into the storage ring, ready to get the fourth **** battle After the component is burned, it is used to restore its power.

Next, Huang Yi looked around the group of research madmen in the laboratory and asked the purpose of the trip: "Who do you have a way to lift the curse of the cursed king?"


There is still a chapter tonight, but it is going to be written very late. It is estimated that it is two in the morning. You can go to bed first and read it tomorrow morning. (To be continued ...)

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