Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 676: hide and seek

The sky was raining, and Huang Yi looked up at everything outside the window.

"Wow, wow!" After a while, heavy rain began to fall out of the window, and blood-red raindrops poured down, covering the whole town. The ground and wall tiles were covered with blood-red rain. Blood flowed from the ground into the river. Looking up, the gloomy sky is no longer black, but endless blood red.

People in the town seemed to be accustomed to the blood rain, and did not show any sense of surprise. They didn't even hide, they still wandered in the streets, leaving the blood to wash them.

They soon became **** men, all wet with blood, and a drop of blood ran down their hair, dripping on their faces and clothes, like scaly wounds and dripping blood. But they still walked slowly and quietly on the street.

Bloody and peaceful, at this moment, fused into this small town in a very weird way.

Huang Yi's eyes glanced at an individual. Normal towns shouldn't be like this. What happened to these people absolutely. For others, it may take a lot of thought to investigate. But Huang Yi is different. He has the eyes of time and can see what these people have experienced before.

Huang Yi's eyes stared at a pedestrian passing by the window at random, using the eye of time towards him to observe what he had experienced before.

The Eye of Time will improve with the improvement of Huang Yi's strength. Now this skill can see a long time ago. In Huang Yi's eyes, the passerby outside the window was like the movie was upside down. Reveal what he experienced before.

Gradually, the picture from this hour appeared. The picture two hours ago appeared ... Huang Yi has never seen anything valuable, which seems very normal.

But when he saw this scene before 5 o'clock this morning, he was shocked!

Before five o'clock, when the day was still dark, the pedestrian had fangs and carrion all over him, like a ghoul. Wandering on the street. His level at that time was extremely terrifying, reaching level 194!

After dawn, the appearance of his body suddenly changed, and he became a normal person. The level has also changed to 94 levels, a full 100 less.

Huang Yi was terrified, forbearing the shock in her heart, and continued watching. The passerby was in the state of ghoul at night. Very furious, he is just a monster. He will leave the town, catch some cattle and sheep in the wild, and drink their blood.

And time back to five o'clock yesterday evening, this returned to normal. It changed back to a normal person, and did not seem to remember what turned into a ghoul at night, and IQ also dropped a lot, just like a walking dead.

It seems that this is normal during the day. But at night it will become a super ghoul of class 194.

Huang Yi thought about it and changed to another passerby. I also used the eye of time towards the other side to see the previous experience of the other side.

The same scene happened again! Before five o'clock, this is also a ghoul, and the level is 193, similar to the passerby before.

Next, Huang Yi looked at a group of passersby with the eyes of time, and all found the same process. Every passerby is a ghoul at night from 5 pm to 5 am, and all ranks are 190 or above! And once in the daytime, it will return to the original appearance, and I do n’t remember the thing that I will become a ghoul at night.

Huang Yi's spine was a little bit cold. He did not expect that there was such a big secret behind this quiet and peaceful town. If he was not alert but continued to stay like this, once the night came, there was a large group of more than 190 levels. Ghoul, he couldn't imagine it.

At this time, Huang Yi was sitting in this tavern as if he were sitting on a needle, and the originally quiet townspeople around him seemed to have become a ghoul, under the same roof as him. Thinking of the true face of these people, Huang Yi couldn't help but want to leave the town immediately.

Huang Yi looked at the time. It was already 4:30 in the afternoon, and there was only the last half hour before the night fell.

"Boss, I buy a pot of mead!" Just then, a woman suddenly entered the door of the tavern, and said to the boss slightly hurriedly.

At this moment, the woman was also wet with blood-red raindrops, blood dripped from her hair, a drop of blood dripped down her hair, dripped on her cheek, and dripped from her cheek. It's like his head is bleeding.

But on her blood-stained face, her eyes slightly exuded an anxious and urgent body, turning her head to death from time to time, watching everyone around him vigilantly.

Looking at this woman, Huang Yi felt a slight difference. Everyone in this town is unhurried or even listless. But this woman has a mood of haste and panic, which is more like a humane person, and different from others.

Huang Yi couldn't help but look at her and watch her experience.

This woman lives in a broken house in the east of the city, and she will also become a ghoul at night, hunting food outside the city, just like the rest. But after the day comes, she will cry, as if it were very painful!

This anomalous scene immediately aroused Huang Yi's interest. This woman will shed tears and be miserable, which means that she seems to know that she will become a ghoul at night, and is pained by this change of her own!

This is a special case, the others do not remember what happened to them at night, only she remembers it! This is a major breakthrough!

Soon, the owner of the tavern gave the woman a pot of mead. The woman didn't even give the money, and took the bottle of mead and left, and the boss was not angry at all, still standing there mutely.

When Huang Yi saw this, his eyes turned, and he got up and left the tavern. The pub owner and waiter didn't stop him, as if it were free.

At this time, there was still pouring blood on the outside, and blood and water were everywhere on the stone road. Pedestrians had already turned into **** people, and they were walking at the same speed as they were. Only the woman was struggling to run, and she was different from everyone around her, as if she was running in a slow motion world, forming a sharp contrast.

Huang Yi stood under the eaves outside the tavern, reached out and touched the blood rain pouring down in the sky that day. The blood rain hit the hand, it was cool, but there was nothing different.

Then he rushed out of the tavern and came to the street, like all the pedestrians. He quickened his pace, and quickly passed the pedestrians around him, always following the woman far away. The two men moved forward quickly, forming a different kind of scenery in this small town.

Gradually, Huang Yi followed the woman and ran to a dilapidated wooden house east of the city. The surface of this wooden house has been stained red by blood and water, and the windows are torn and ruffled, basically lacking the ability to shelter from wind and rain.

The woman quickly opened the door and walked in, and Huang Yi quietly came out of the window of the wooden house and looked inside.

Inside the wooden house, the woman was standing in front of a little boy, and handed the mead into his hands from a distance, but forced not to be near him.

The little boy took the mead happily, and a big innocence appeared in his big eyes. He immediately opened the bottle cap and took a sip, which seemed to be starving.

Looking at the pure eyes of the little boy, Huang Yi felt as if he had found a pure lotus in the mud. The people in this town are all ghouls, their eyes are dull, but the little boy's eyes are pure and immaculate.

"Baby, I'm going to play hide-and-seek again later!" At this moment, the woman said softly to the little boy, with tears flashing in her eyes, full of endless tenderness. She reached out her hand and seemed to want to touch the little boy, but put it back halfway and kept it back, always keeping a distance from the little boy. Do n’t come out, even if your mother asks you, do n’t you come out, okay? As long as you hide every night, your mother will tell you one more story. ”

"Um! Mom, you must tell me a story!" The little boy nodded obediently, then looked at the woman with wide eyes.

Then, holding the bottle of mead, he turned to a corner of the cabin, opened a wooden board on the ground, exposed a dark cellar, and was about to climb down.

"Baby!" At that moment, a tear shed in the woman's eyes, and said, "Baby, if one day, you wait until dawn, and the mother has not returned. Then you follow the tunnel in the cellar and leave here good or not?"

"What about you, mother?" The little boy asked, turning back ~ www.readwn.com ~ Small face was slightly puzzled.

The woman choked with a choked smile, and said, "As long as you remember Mom, then Mom will always be with you. Well, you can hide it now, Mom is looking for it!"

"Okay, mother!" The little boy immediately climbed down the cellar and disappeared into the cabin.

The woman quickly walked over, covered the lid of the cellar, and then moved a cabinet, pressing heavily on the lid. After doing all this, she glanced at the entrance to the cellar with nostalgia, and immediately left the cabin and locked the door.

Then, she rushed to the distance and raced away from it. Under the pouring rain, among all the slowly moving crowds, her flying figure was so special and so unique.

Huang Yi looked at the time, and the night came at five in the afternoon, leaving only the last ten minutes.


Only this one is changed today, and two more are owed. (To be continued ...)

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