Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 677: Event leader

The rain has been raining, and the blood red rain fell on Huang Yi's body.

He was just standing in the rain, watching the woman disappearing.

She left in a hurry, fearing that she would hurt her child when she became a ghoul. But she was reluctant to leave, so she lied to the little boy to play hide-and-seek, survived the long night, and continued to come back the next day as his mother.

A mother's struggling heart was completely displayed in front of Huang Yi's eyes.

Huang Yi retracted his gaze, and immediately turned into a sniffing cat, flashed in through the window of the cabin, and quietly hidden.

And his incarnation was outside the town, waiting for the night to come.

Time passed minute by minute, and Huang Yi's sniffing cat was wandering in the wooden house. The house was run down, the furniture was messed up, and it was crooked.

At this time, Huang Yi found a photo frame on a table with a photo inside. There was a man, a woman, and a child.

The woman and the child are exactly the woman and little boy just now. And that man should be the woman's husband. He wore an army-style armor, his face was tough, his eyes were sharp, he seemed to be a soldier, and he had a heroic feeling.

This photo frame is smooth and free from any filth. It seems to be often rubbed in his hands. Huang Yi, a small sniffing cat, walked around the frame, and suddenly found that there was a letter behind the frame.

He curiously turned back into a human form and picked up the folded letter behind the frame. Opened and looked at--

"Dear Cui Lisi, I have a good time in the army. I miss our children, we haven't had dinner together for a long time!

Marshal Diagge led us to fight a lot of victories, we will soon occupy the elemental hills, and when we defeat those ghouls, we will triumph. I think about you every day, but I can only face the endless ghouls, they are so disgusting, they are all carrion. It smells bad. When I first fought with them, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep at night, but after battle after battle, I became very brave and could kill any ghoul I saw without mercy.

I really don't understand why there are such disgusting creatures like ghouls in the world. I hope our children can grow up quickly and become a brave man. Kill those ghouls.

Oh! By the way, a while ago, a group of ghouls went south from the sunset road. Our town is not far from the sunset road, and I was worried for a while. However, the Empire has organized military forces to carry out sniping. The military newspaper said that they had wiped out the ghouls. My dear, I should be able to go home next week. I feel happy when I think about it, I can't wait to go back. Elsi Dia, who loves you forever ... "

Between the lines of this letter, there is a look of anticipation, it seems that the person who wrote the letter can't wait to go home. The time of the payment was exactly one week ago.

The raindrops outside the window ticked. The bleak wind came in through the worn windows, and was a little bit cold.

"Oh!" A long time later. Huang Yi sighed slightly, refolded the letter and put it back in the album.

Suddenly he saw the family photo in that album again, the woman leaned gently on the man's arms, and the two held the little boy together with a happy smile on their faces.

But this happiness obviously cannot continue. According to the information revealed in the letter, the group of ghouls going south through the sunset road should not have been wiped out, but they were still alive. And they continued to travel south and came to this town, infecting everyone in the town to become ghouls, including the woman just now.

When the man returned, he found that his beloved wife had turned into a disgusting ghoul, and did not know how he would react.

At this moment, the sky suddenly became dark, and it seemed that a dark curtain was suddenly drawn in the sky.

Huang Yi looked up, at this time it was dark, and the night finally came.

He quietly came to the window with a pair of eyes, and carefully looked at the town outside the window.

The crowd walking on the streets of the town stopped suddenly, everyone shivered.

All of their bodies humped their backs, as if they had become old men. Their skin kept squirming, the color became dark, and they cracked open, exposing clumps of carrion. Their faces were sunken, and even a few holes were broken, so they could clearly see the bones inside.

In just a short time, they changed from normal people to ghouls, and the speed was staggering.

After these people became ghouls, their actions became irregular. Some people screamed and ran, others were wandering around like ghosts, and the town suddenly became a **** on earth.

Just then, Huang Yi found that a ghoul was walking towards this wooden house. He quickly made an absolute invisibility and hid quietly in the air. The whole wooden house was empty and empty, and no one was seen. .

The ghoul came to the window of the wooden house, stretched out his rotten head, and looked inside, as if looking for food. Those rotten, grayish-eyed eyes, stared at Huang Yi in absolute invisibility.

"Tick and tick!" Some rain fell from the eaves, drenching the ghoul soaked, and some blood and water intruded into its eyes, making the carrion in his eyes redder.

The appearance of this disgusting ghoul made Huang Yi look slightly nauseated. No wonder the man said in the letter that he hoped that the little boy would grow up quickly and eliminate the ghoul together. This creature does not make people feel a little bit good.

The ghoul looked around for a while, seeing that there were no living creatures in the wooden house, turned around and left here, as if to find something to eat elsewhere.

Huang Yi was relieved. He continued to hide in the corner of this wooden house, and decided to stay here for the night.

There were sounds of walking around outside the wooden house. The ghouls walked heavy and stagnant, trampled in the rain, and made a sound of "crashes". Some ghouls even knock on doors and windows, wanting to see if anyone is in them, but they all return in vain.

Gradually, the rain stopped and the moonlight re-shed, covering the town.

At this time, Huang Yi's avatar was flying high above the town, overlooking the ground.

He saw many ghouls coming out of the town, wandering like lonely ghosts and ghouls. Some of them went to the farm outside the town and grabbed some cattle and sheep to eat their flesh and blood. Some went to the mountain forest outside the town, and soon the roar of the wolf, tiger, and leopard came from the mountain forest, but it came to an abrupt end.

However, Huang Yi's avatar's eyes were always on the body of a female ghoul. She was holding a lamb on a farm outside the town, biting its neck, and swallowing its blood.

The little lamb kept struggling, screaming screaming into the sky. But it had no effect. After struggling, its hind legs kicked a few times and it was motionless.

This female ghoul is the same woman that Huang Yi met before. After leaving the little boy, she ran all the way out of the town. Just after dark, she became a ghoul, losing her daytime consciousness, just like any other ghoul.

At last she seemed to be full and let go of the little lamb. She inadvertently looked up at the starry sky, and saw the yellow overflowing wings in the sky.

She snarled and grinned at Huang Yi, the corner of her mouth was still crimson blood, and the bright moonlight was shining on her gray eyes, exposing a fierce light, which made people shudder.

Soon, all the ghouls around him looked up and saw the Huang Yi incarnation flying in the sky, all roaring at him.

Some of the ghouls even stooped to grab the stones on the ground and threw them hard at Huang Yi. They are extremely powerful, and each stone is like a bullet, sounds a sharp cracking sound, hits Huang Yi's body, and hits it with a rapid drop in health.

Huang Yi quickly flapped her wings and quickly flew away from this place, dare not stay longer. Once dropped, surrounded by numerous ghouls, I don't know how terrible it will be.


Gradually, a long night passed.

The first rays of morning light came in from the window of the wooden house, bringing a hint of warmth.

Huang Yi's body has been here for one night. He turned his head and looked out the window. The bodies of the ghouls changed one after another, the carrion returned to the body, the skin became white again, and his face became red again. One by one changed back to a normal person.

They continued to live their lives in stagnation, some walking on the streets, and some returning home, without much difference.

"DaDaDa!" It didn't take long ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi heard a rush of footsteps from outside the wooden house, and he immediately changed into the form of a sniff cat, using nothingness skills, disappeared into the air .

Soon, the door of the wooden house was opened, and the room suddenly lit up. A woman full of dirt appeared at the door. She looked pained, tears kept flowing in her eyes, and some blood remained on the corners of her mouth.

She sorted out her clothes, wiped the blood and tears from the corners of her mouth, and tidy herself up properly. Then she could not wait to remove the cabinet at the entrance to the cellar, opened the lid, and quickly climbed down. Find that little boy.

"Mom!" Soon, Huang Yi heard the voice of the little boy in the cellar, "I hid all night before you found me. I won!"

With a bitter smile in Huang Yi's heart, the little boy didn't know that his mother had become a ghoul, and thought silly that it was hide and seek. The fate of this child does not know what it will look like.

"Dear! I'm back!" At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly felt the doorway dark, and a figure suddenly rushed in with the voice of his excitement to the extreme. (To be continued ...)

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