Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 685: 1 pick 2

Huang Yi can kill these players before the second turn. Now after the second turn, the strength is stronger, and the four large-scale attack powers do not need to be exhausted at one go, only a trial is enough.

At this point, he landed on the ground again, emptying a large group of people, leaving only some knights fled in the state of the knight's body, like ants into the alleys of the city, soon disappeared Trace.

Huang Yi was riding a mighty dragon, looking down at the bustling city in the sky, watching the knights dissipate in all directions.

"Blood strike!" Thirty seconds later, he immediately used the collateral skills in the **** battle!

Suddenly, all the knights who had been attacked by him before and had fled in all directions were injured once. Their knight's body had just ended, just in the state of blood skin, and was killed by this blood blow at once.

Huang Yi's martial arts and experience value instantly rose a little. This skill, when used, has a taste of taking the enemy's first level from thousands of miles away, and does not need to hunt down one by one.

"Ahhhhh!" Xiaolong yelled suddenly, his eyes fixed on the front with a pair of big eyes, and his body was slightly tense, just like the enemy.

Huang Yi clearly felt this change of Xiaolong. He immediately shifted his eyes from below to the front, and suddenly saw a golden figure, oppressed in the sun with a strong momentum!

The golden figure was tall and straight, wearing a golden dragon robe and a purple gold crown, showing an imperial presence. It was the strong man named Lone Star Emperor last night. He was followed by three others, Level 185 Guardians. Level 175 Guardian, Level 165 Guardian!

Huang Yi clenched his **** battle. Staring tightly at the golden figure headed by it.

The Lord has finally arrived! This is the only force that can defeat him in Beihai City! The guardian at level 195 surpassed him at level 34, which not only had huge level suppression, but also attribute suppression. Although he has now turned twice, he still has a huge gap with it.

"Drop the weapon and don't struggle." Before the Lone Star Emperor arrived, the indifferent voice spread to every corner of the entire Beihai City, and passed into the ears of everyone in the city.

The Lone Star Emperor's tone was as if the emperor was giving orders, without anger. Only the command from the superior to the inferior can be executed.

Countless people in Beihai City raised their heads and looked at the sky where Huang Yi was. Many reporters also rushed to the cast site.

Some reporters who were not far from Huang Yi were instantly upright, their pitch increased by eight degrees, and broadcasted lively: "Audience friends. Now that this war has reached a critical moment, it was only after killing the gods that it took the lead to complete the second turn and become the first in the world. A two-turn player! A sensation in the world! But now, the guardians of Beihai City immediately blocked his way! "

"The emperor headed by is the 195-level super guardian newly summoned by the Martial Arts Association-Yinyue. Lone Star! Also called the Lone Star Emperor! He was originally a well-known emperor in ancient times, who established the silver Empire of the Moon. But later in the ancient times that the world shattered into more than 200 pieces, the body was blasted by an emissary of the seven demon kings, and the spirit entered the underworld. Miyamoto Musashi spent huge guild contributions He was summoned, but now God must face such a powerful emperor. Even if it has been changed twice, there is still an insurmountable gap in strength. "

"If there is no accident. The **** of killing should fall violently in their siege. This godlike character has been fighting alone for too long, and this national war should end here!"

This change was immediately transmitted to every corner of the world through the live broadcast of the forum and the news in the real world. Countless people suddenly came to the spirit, knowing that the battle had reached the most critical moment, and they stared at the live broadcast pictures intently, preparing to witness the moment when Huang Yi fell.

At this moment of great attention, the Lone Star Emperor looks down at the various gods on the ground, and looks down at the eyes of the players looking up, like an emperor who is still in use, with an emperor who loves his people: It is my kingdom. These are my people. No one can ... "

At this moment, Huang Yi reached out and pointed at him, and a black gas suddenly meandered away, like a black poisonous snake in the sun, and soon hit the Lone Star Emperor!

The next moment, the body of the Lone Star Emperor suddenly disappeared, and his voice stopped abruptly!

The people in Beihai City, as well as countless viewers watching the live broadcast, were all listening to his voice and looking up at his domineering figure. But it all came to an end, as if there was a kind of tiger head and tail, a feeling of being resolved in person, and the atmosphere was full of embarrassment!

People suddenly looked at each other and wondered what happened! Especially those on the other side of the city, they can't see what happened there from where Huang Yi is. You can only ask verbally.

"Huh? His seal skills are so powerful that he has cooled down so quickly?" At this moment, the 185-level guardian looked at where the Lone Star Emperor disappeared, and looked at Huang Yi in the distance. Suddenly surprised, his face was full of mistakes!

It turned out that Huang Yi had just used the level 150 awakened Nefarem skill, the Dark Seal, to isolate the world temporarily, and he would only come back at this time tomorrow. The Lone Star Emperor is the only one who can kill him in Beihai City and must be isolated.

The dark seal is indeed a very powerful great skill, let alone the lone star emperor, even the demigods can still seal.

The 185-level guardian has tried the power of this skill before, thinking that this skill requires a long cooling time, at least ten days and a half months, and it is impossible to continue using it now. But he didn't expect that Huang Yi used it out, and immediately sealed the strongest person on their side.

This Nefarem ability can be released as long as it has the power of Nefarem. There is no cooldown. But now, the power of Huang Yi's Nefarem is only over 60 points, this skill can not be used a few times.

"You two, dodge first!" The 185-level guardian quickly turned back and gave a command to the 165- and 175-level guardian, his voice slightly anxious.

But it's late!

At this moment, Huang Yi opened the verdict directly to the 165 and 175 level guardians who just wanted to retreat!

In a short time, Beihai City fainted. It was originally a sunny world. Suddenly, there were dark clouds, as if the sky was about to fall. Black gas rolled over the dark clouds, and thunder and lightning were spreading, as if the heaven punishment had come.

"Boom!" A thick thunderbolt plugged in like a bayonet, lighting up the world!

The lightning split into four strands, splitting into Level 165 Guardian, Level 175 Guardian, Huang Yi and Xiaolong, and his incarnation far away in another corner of the city.

The next moment, they were all dragged into the void battlefield, completely isolated from the outside world! A complete death of one party is required to dissolve this void battlefield.

"Originally wanted the Lone Star Emperor to kill you personally, but now you're trying to kill yourself, it's no wonder we are." At this time, the 175-level guardian smiled faintly at Huang Yi.

He has a pair of weird wings, fiery red on one side, and ice blue on the other. The clothes, hair, complexion, arms, and skin are all the same, one red and one white. Even with a whip in his hand, it was half frozen and the other side was burning with flames!

Last time Huang Yi attacked the magic tower, this guardian had led three level 165 guardians to stop Huang Yi. But they did not succeed, but were sentenced one by one by Huang Yi, killing two 165-level guardians.

Now, Huang Yi sentenced the two guardians at once, which filled him with confidence. Two to one, how can it be his advantage.

"Magic is supreme! Next, let you taste the taste of ice and fire!" Level 175 guardian said to Huang Yi, the ice fire whip in his hand fiercely flung at him!

"Pop!" A violent breaking sound sounded, and a ball of half-ice and half-fire flew out, smashing towards Huang Yi!

Huang Yi's body immediately urged Xiaolong to hide away, like a phantom, passing by.

"Hunting!" At the same time, his incarnation started hunting towards the 165-level guardian, and his body rushed straight forward, flashing a straight line in the air, and soon hit the 165-level guardian, sending him Stunned!

Soon, Huang Yi's body also quickly flew to the 165-level guardian in front of the dragon, and the **** battle in his hand slammed in the past.

"How could it be so fast!" At this point, the 175-level guardian was completely stunned, and the speed of Huang Yi's body at this time was much faster than when the two of them fought last time. It's almost like changing a person, even if Huang Yi successfully made a second turn ~ www.readwn.com ~ the speed is unlikely to be so obvious.

In fact, the main reason for this is that Huang Yi has more wings!

His 160-level evolution has added a pair of golden holy dragon wings, which will form some exquisite cooperation with the wings of the small dragon, greatly improving the movement speed!

The reason why Huang Yi dared to pronounce these two guardians at the same time is because his movement speed has been greatly increased, and he can use this advantage to wear them to death!

"Heavily sentenced!" Huang Yi's **** battle turned into a golden thread under the sun, and he slammed heavily on the 165-level guardian, immediately knocking him down and flying out!

After two turns, his attack power has broken through the 10,000 Holy Places! Today, the average attack power of warrior players is only over 1,300 points, which means that the attack power after the second turn of Huang Yi is already 8 times the current average value of players worldwide!

This super attack power, coupled with the ability to re-evaluate this triple attack power, plus the explosion rune, makes his output ability has been powerful to an unthinkable realm. Every time I drop it, the life of the 165-level guardian will drop directly! (To be continued ...)

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