Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 686: Art of violence

When the Level 175 guardian saw this, he immediately slammed the whip into the sky!

"Pop!" As if thundering, the whip suddenly shot a ball of ice and fire intersecting towards the sky, blasting violently in the air, Mars splashing, ice debris flying!

"Boom!" Fire and hail suddenly burst into the sky, flooding the entire void battlefield. These two very different elements of magic seem to be extremely harmonious and blend together perfectly here.

In the face of this range of attacks, Huang Yi cannot escape, no matter how fast he moves. How to escape is in the attack range, and can only be showered by those fire and hail!

"Zizi!" Suddenly, there was a burst of current on his body, and the blue electric fox bounced on him, making him look like an electric man. When the fire and rain and hail fell on him, they were all blocked by the blue current, without any harm.

This is the incidental skill of his left hand, Thunder Body, which can ignore any spell attack within ten seconds. And his attack will now turn into a lightning attack, with a special paralyzing effect.

Huang Yi, in the midst of the fiery rain and hail, continued to attack the 165 level guardian! Tons of tons of injury poured down, and with each attack, he could hear the sound of the bones being smashed in the opponent's body, like chopping pork, and it sounded numb.

The two-second stun time finally passed, and the 165-level guardian recovered his freedom. He grinned his teeth and endured the pain, and fled his wings to escape!

However, after Huang Yi's second turn, the attack speed almost doubled compared with the first turn. And he also turned on quick judgment. Attack speed increased by 50% again! The **** battle in his hand almost danced into a phantom.

A series of attacks with paralyzing effects hit the Level 165 Guardian one after another. He was paralyzed, his body was paralyzed, and he could not escape.

In addition, Huang Yi has the Sand Pirate King's ring, which has a variety of negative state effects. His attack speed is fast, and the frequency of negative states is very high. And his avatar is also attacking the 165-level guardian simultaneously, which is equivalent to two people attacking together, each body can contribute the effect of equipment. Play more negatively.

The 165-level guardian is in a world of negative states. It is suddenly slowed down, immobilized, blinded, or entered into a nightmare state. All negative states are all in. Always in a battered situation!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The 165-level guardian, like a sandbag, was splashed with flesh and blood by Huang Yi's **** battle, and the sound of the battered batter was utterly bloody.

And the 175 level guardian launched a spell attack. But he could not threaten him, and could not stop his attack.

The audience on the ground stared at it all in astonishment. They looked up at the air motionlessly, as if looking at the heavenly gods.

The strength of Huang Yi after the second turn made them feel a tremor from the bottom of their hearts! Huang Yi has now surpassed all players in the world by a big step. His only two-turn player is not at the same level as the rest of the players.

Level 175's guardian saw Huang Yi so fierce, his face suddenly changed.

He bit his lip, and seemed to be hesitant. Finally, he seemed determined to spit out blood on his whip and pumped it hard in the air three times!

"Papapa!" Three sharp bursts of air sounded, and an air of ice and flames suddenly dispersed from the whip, pervading the entire void battlefield, covering the sky!

Soon, the flames of flames and ice broke down sharply, giving birth to thousands of fire snakes and thousands of ice snakes!

A total of nearly 10,000 snakes appeared in time, and they suddenly filled the entire void battlefield. They meandered toward Huang Yi, covering every inch of space, completely obscuring the sight of the audience below!

Huang Yi's expression sank. He knew that this was likely to be a big skill of the other party and should not be underestimated.

His body quickly grasped the **** battle, and rode the dragon to spin, forcibly releasing the trial!

Sharp hurricanes scattered immediately, raging and raging, and a green mist of moxa spread to the area of ​​two hundred meters, covering all the snakes at once!

In a short time, those red fire snakes fell to the ground and died, unable to carry his super-range attack at all!

But the ice snake was unscathed, still crawling towards him, and would soon drown him!

Huang Yi was a little surprised, and couldn't help patting Xiaolong's head!

Xiao Long immediately realized, opened the dragon's mouth immediately, and spewed a golden flame!

The flame was glittering, like the flame of the Buddha's Nirvana, full of hot, sacred taste. This is holy flame, attacking with 50% of the holy system, far more powerful than ordinary fire! And the adhesion is very strong, it is difficult to extinguish after contamination!

The dragon's golden flame broke the green mist of wormworm disease and opened up a golden kingdom. The golden flame spread everywhere, as if it was about to burn out the wasteland!

But the familiar scene happened again. The ice snakes bathed in the Holy Flame, still intact, and continued to crawl towards Huang Yi in the void. Their wriggling bodies, under the golden holy flames, added a bit of weirdness and horror!

This time, Huang Yi finally frowned, these ice snakes turned out to be invincible! The two group attack skills have no effect!

"Hey! The power of magic is not what you can imagine!" At this time, the Level 175 guardian smiled impassively, and Huang Yi's behavior was just a dying struggle.

This ice snake fire snake's skill is one of his big skills, it takes him a full 10% of his health to be released.

Those fire snakes can only be killed by range attacks, single attacks are invalid;

Those ice snakes can only accept single attacks and do not eat range skills!

There are thousands of ice snakes in the void battlefield. Huang Yi wants to kill them one by one. I don't know how long it will take!

Finally, those ice snakes flew in front of Huang Yi and opened their mouths to bite!

"Re-sentence!" Huang Yi immediately smashed a single attack on the snake closest to him!

"Oh!" The ice snake was blown off the next moment! This kind of ice snake is actually very fragile, no matter how high the attack power, only need to attack them once to kill.

But soon, the second ice snake crawled over, followed by the third, fourth ... as if it were endless! After all, Huang Yi's speed of wielding weapons is limited, and he has no time to attack every ice snake once!

Some ice snakes started to climb into his body, and the cold instantly reduced his attack speed. In addition, Ice Snake also has a very good physical attack ability, even Huang Yi's defense can be broken, causing him to be harmed!

Just a few seconds later, Huang Yi and Xiaolong will be covered with ice snakes!

"Single attack?" At this moment, after repeatedly killing several ice snakes, Huang Yi finally figured out the key to killing these ice snakes!

His avatar quickly gave up attacking the 165-level guardian, but crouched down, clenched his fists, and slammed **** the transparent ground of the empty battlefield!

"Boom!" For a while, the ground in the void battlefield seemed to be glass, and it quickly spread out cracks!

His fist is as powerful as a rainbow, and he has a kind of domineering that is truly a true boxer profession!

With this fist smashed, the original calm, empty battlefield ground, one with a pale white skull palms, densely packed, thousands of them.

Soon, the transparent ground of the Void Battlefield suddenly drilled out of thousands of skeletons out of nowhere, and looked at the vast expanse of white space. The creaking sound of their bones and joints was endless, and the white bone fragments fell down, as if sprinkled with white flour.

This skill is exactly the same skill that Huang Yi's legendary belt, Anoswa's golden belt, is called: Iron Fist Call!

After use, you can summon skeleton soldiers equivalent to the number of dead in the enemy team, automatically find the enemy and attack. These skeleton soldiers will automatically disappear when his health is below 2%, or after leaving the battle.

Just a few thousand fire snakes were killed by him. He can summon thousands of skeletons! This group of skeletons has only 25% of his attributes, which is not very powerful, but those ice snakes only need to be attacked by a single attack to kill them. Each of these skeletons can deal with an ice snake to relieve the crisis. .

Immediately after these skeletons came out, they rushed out in all directions and automatically searched for ice snakes to attack!

"Oh!" A skeleton shot a skeleton bow in his hand and fired a bone arrow ~ www.readwn.com ~ easily killed an ice snake flying in the void. Then he aimed the skull bow at another snake and shot another arrow ...

Under the combined attack of thousands of skeletons, those dense ice snakes suddenly met the flames like snow, and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And Huang Yi's body always rode the dragon, crazy that 165-level guardian, and grasped every bit of time to output. The huge amount of attack power poured down wildly, and the level 165 guardian was blurred in flesh and blood, and he could hardly see his original appearance!

"Oh!" Finally, after enduring countless re-judgments by Huang Yi, the 165-level guardian finally burst into the sky and completely disappeared into the world!

From beginning to end, the 165-level guardian did not make a single counterattack, and even without saying a word, he was directly brutalized!

Huang Yi, a purely violent occupation, completely showed its charm at this moment!

It's a violent art! To be continued. .

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