Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 700: Stand up

The last bulletin of the previous chapter is amended, not the first person in the second turn, but the first person in the **** class. Ice @ 火! Chinese


At this moment, the whole world was a little stunned!

There is even a second announcement!

Huang Yi not only leveled the entire country, but also promoted to a god-level career through this opportunity! Earned a little national honor again!

Rare occupations are already high. With 10 billion players worldwide, rare occupations are now only six or seven thousand people. Every rare occupation is an absolute master of the country, even in some smaller countries is the player leader of the country!

But now there is a higher level of god-level occupation!

Countless people haven't even heard the term! The conditions of the god-level profession seem to be broken and need reincarnation to reach this condition, which is also unheard of!

"Oh my God! What did Kill God do? He seems to have reached a point we can't understand! He's still dead even if he's dead! It's still a proclamation, this is the 9th point he has obtained National honor! His invincible momentum did not stop because of death, but opened a bigger door! Not only did he not lose in this national war, but he also forced Beidao, one of the two most important cities of the Martial Arts Association. The collapse of the city was promoted to a god-level profession! The system was wrong. This is not a draw, but a victory! Killing God wins the East 6! After his reincarnation time is over, the king will return with a stronger attitude! "

At this time, some surviving journalists were expressing their opinions to the world in the midst of the smoke! Their crazy words clearly sounded in the ears of every audience through the live screen, and resonated with people all over the world!

Yes! Such a result is not a draw at all. The achievements made by Huang Yi have clearly exceeded the recognition of people all over the world!

People with good eyes can easily see the superiority and inferiority of this national war. If there is no magic artillery and Huang Yi, the only invader, will not be killed, it will never be a draw!

Although he is now reincarnation. But the potential is even stronger. When this cycle is over, when he returns, I am afraid the world will tremble! At that time, what kind of height would he grow up in a **** class?


At this time, Huang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi were both in the dead space.

Although Huang Yi's death was a reincarnation, he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

And Miyamoto Musashi died. Although he only dropped one level, he seemed to have died completely. The soul did not know where he had returned to!

He thought that killing Huang Yi caused the other party to reincarnate and completely lost the opportunity to make a comeback. However, he did not expect that his actions just opened the door to a stronger one. So that the other party has the potential of God!

If it was not for his reincarnation potion, Huang Yi would only have dropped one level after his death, and he could not reach the condition that he broke down.

It is not easy to want to break and stand up, you have to do it once. But what is the probability of reincarnation after normal death? How many times do I have to die to meet a reincarnation?

If you die, you will lose one level. If there is no reincarnation, you must continue to die and continue to drop levels. Try again and again. But in this way, how many levels do you want to drop once? Who can afford this price?

But with the curse of samsara it's different! Reincarnation directly after death! %success!

It can be said that the reason why Huang Yi was able to be promoted to a god-level occupation is that he is the biggest hero!

Miyamoto Musashi stayed quietly in the dead space. It seemed that he had forgotten even the resurrection. He didn't want to face the world.

From the moment he and Huang Yi fought, he has never won! He seemed to be blacklisted by God, no matter how hard he worked. No matter what method is used, it is impossible to succeed! He seems to be the doomed loser!

This frustration is replaced by the average person, and it is estimated that he committed suicide long ago. Rao is such a firm-minded person, and it is difficult to bear the failures again and again.


Huang Yi was relieved in the dead space.

In the eyes of outsiders, this time he broke down and inadvertently completed it. But the truth of the matter is that he had already planned it!

He had repeatedly thought about the condition of "breaking before standing". The meaning of this condition was obvious, that is, to lose something first. Then you can get something better.

It was just that he never knew what to lose, and to what extent he could lose it.

But a while ago, when he rescued all the high-level guilds in China and took a ride on Thor's ship, he heard a word that Thor had inadvertently said--

"Breaking the cauldron! Let's die!"

At that moment, Huang Yi's heart moved and he muttered the words!

That is, at that moment, the mystery that had troubled him for a long time gradually became clear!

Divine occupation is an unheard of occupation. Such a break-up is bound to pay the greatest price. Under normal circumstances in the second world, the biggest price everyone has the opportunity to pay is reincarnation !!

And after reincarnation, it fell to the first level! The first level is just to choose the level of race and profession, and the breakdown is related to the profession!

Therefore, the condition that breaks down is likely to be reincarnation.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Huang Yi to want reincarnation. After normal death, the probability of reincarnation is too low. But that day, Miyamoto Musashi used reincarnation potions, which caused him a curse of reincarnation. This curse requires a special antidote before it can be cracked, or it is cracked by reincarnation.

Huang Yi, of course, has no antidote. He simply gambled on himself to see if his guess on the backlash was correct. That's why he ignored the opposition of the organization and went all out to rescue Qin Shiyu.

He also repeatedly expressed his thoughts to those who care about him, but he didn't hear them.

That day, when he turned back from the Godship of Thor's Godship to the East 6th, Qin Shiyu once gave him a message: "... After you rescued the hostages, you returned from the ship. You do n’t want to Did you die? "

That time, he replied: "I can really die for some purpose."

That sentence was actually a double pun, and he really wanted to break and stand up, and it really killed him. It was just that Qin Shiyu couldn't hear the second meaning. Only think that Huang Yi was to save her.

No. 2's "Yun Dan is still" when he gave the love of Huang Yi to Huang Yi, he once told him not to fall on the East 6th.

He said at the time: "A temporary fall may rush to a higher peak."

On the evening when he entered Beihai City to rescue Qin Shiyu alone, when he and the prisoners of the Rose Prison ate dinner in the cafeteria, Thor had also told him to be careful. Don't fall.

At that time, he said, "As long as the weather falls, it will not rise, you look at the sun. After it falls, can it still rise?"

It's just that those who said it were intentional. Listening unintentionally, the other party didn't think deeply. I didn't know Huang Yi originally wanted to rely on this national war to be promoted to a god-level profession.

And he didn't break it directly, after all, it was just his personal guess.

Fortunately, his guess was correct! It really takes a cycle to achieve success!


At this time, Huang Yi received a system prompt in the national warfare--

"[System Tip]: You have tied the East 6th University and have performed the best in this national war, rewarding public reputation points. Level +."

Upgrade directly!

He is now level 164. After adding this level, he will directly become level 174!

Although it takes many reincarnation days, compared with the harvest, this day is nothing. Because with his leveling in the Tower of the Gods, he couldn't be promoted in the sky at all!

In addition, he has a little more reputation, and he is now the highest reputation player in the world. Reputation is a measure of popularity. It is also the standard for certain actions, such as turning on war mode!

Not everyone is eligible to declare war on an enemy country. Only when the prestige value reaches a certain condition and there is a certain representation of players in that country can the national war be started. Otherwise, you can only join the legion of qualified people and become a subordinate of the other party, so that you can participate in the national war.

and. Even if a country is judged defeated, there is no substantial loss, it just sounds good.

At this point, this national war is finally over! Huang Yi is the uncrowned winner! Won the special prize of the system!

Throughout the history of the Second World. Maybe there is no second person, and it is possible to tie a whole country with one's own strength, and it is a big country with a population of several hundred million, such as Dongdaida 6!

Huang Yi's act of believing a country is almost impossible to win, and it is already a victory without losing.

Because the system determines whether a national war is victorious, there are several most important criteria. The most important one is to see if the enemy is wiped out!

This condition Huang Yi is impossible to achieve. Dongbei University has 6 full hundreds of millions of players. He cannot wipe out all Japanese. It is easy for Dongying Big 6 to wipe him out. He is alone and he is dead, even if he is wiped out!

Generally speaking, as long as you have achieved the "complete annihilation" achievement, you will be directly judged as a victory by the system, because the opponent's entire army is gone, how can you win even if no one is there?

Therefore, in the eyes of countless people, a single person declares war on the enemy. It is a war that must be lost. The enemy can easily kill him and achieve the achievement of annihilation!

However, after Dongying Big 6 completely wiped out Huang Yi, it was not judged as a victory. This is the reason why players around the world are shocked by Huang Yi!

Because this shows that Huang Yi's achievements are so great that even the most important achievements such as annihilation can be offset, and they are turned into a tie!


The following words are free of charge:

These days, the pressure is relatively high. Let's talk to everyone here. The words below are free of charge.

Many people say that killing God is invincible, and this book has not looked at. In fact, as an author, how can I not know that the growth of Killing God is too disruptive. The reason I wrote this was precisely thought.

In web articles, the death of the protagonist is a big taboo, and many authors dare not write the protagonist to death. But I do n’t want to make the killing of God smooth. He always has to go through some bumps. Although it is cool, I still want him to die once and severely, once from the top to the bottom. That is reincarnation.

But if you write this directly, the reader is definitely not comfortable. How can the protagonist die? Is this still cool?

So I have to let him maintain the advantage for a long time, so that even if he is reincarnation for half a year, he will not lag behind the rest of the players too much. After all, this is cool text, so readers ca n’t look at it. If the protagonist is too far away from the rest of the players after reincarnation, what else do readers look at?

Take advantage of killing gods now established. Even after half a year of reincarnation, it will not fall too far. What's more important is that he has a god-level career, and he has broken down, and has more potential, but now he is temporarily dormant for a while. When he comes out. The plot will have a new exhibition.

But this plot setting cannot be leaked in advance, so I am helpless to see these comments from many readers. In fact, I wrote more clearly. I mentioned these things many times. In fact, many readers guessed that Huang Yi would die and reincarnate, and then achieve a god-level career.

In the future, if you see something that is too outrageous, such as the prolonged disadvantage of the protagonist. Either the protagonist's strength lasts too long, or the storyline lasts for too long, the bedding is too long ... please don't worry, all of this is just to let the plot enter a violent ups and downs. Without these pavements, it is difficult to have dramatic ups and downs in the plot. These abnormal, seemingly written collapse plots. In fact, I have considered it, but I cannot disclose it for the time being.

In addition, there are some foreshadowings, such as who is No. 2 in the organization, who is No. 1 in the Hero Prison, how the blood hoof died, who is the mysterious black snake ... I can't reveal these now.

But they are interspersed in the plot. Will make the plot sometimes look strange and seems unreasonable. Many readers have scolded me, saying that the plot of XX, etc. looks awkward, and the plot of XX, etc. does not seem to be common sense ... In fact, these unreasonable places. Many of them are written because of the relationship between foreshadowing. After the foreshadowing is unveiled, everyone will naturally understand that, in fact, it is normal to show the plot like that.

Writing this way is very stressful, because readers often don't stick to the moment when the truth appears. I have encountered many readers who left because of this, and they just felt that it would be wrong for you to write this way. But I can't tell them directly the truth behind the plot. Sometimes I struggle to write myself, and it's hard to stick to my original intention.

Like the last contest, the protagonist lost in the individual competition. Some readers said, "The protagonist is so weak, don't watch it!"

Like now, the protagonist is too strong, with the illusion of invincibility, some readers also said, "The protagonist is so strong, don't watch!"


From the beginning of this book to the present, all kinds of sounds have never stopped, and many times I am in a state of suffering.

"The Qianfu points, I also insist!" This kind of behavior can only be done by the protagonist in the novel. Only the fictional person who kills God can ignore the opposition of outsiders and adhere to his original intentions until the last person can make others understand. the truth.

But after all, I'm not killing the gods. I will care, and I will be deeply troubled by this kind of remarks. In the original outline setting, the plot will be very exciting, which may end it in a hurry, so as to avoid everyone's greater anger.

Like this plot, I almost couldn't support it. Many readers said, "The protagonist is invincible, and I don't want to read this book." I almost let the protagonist die early on the way several times, but the plot was not enough .

I was still affected and didn't take the plot well. As originally planned, the plot looks smoother, but now it looks a little bit stingy.

There may be tens of thousands of readers' opinions ~ www.readwn.com ~ Some people want the protagonist to do so, while others want the protagonist to do the same, some people scold, but some praise.

The protagonist killed Miyamoto Musashi, and some people praised that the protagonist should kill him.

But some people blame it, saying that Miyamoto Musashi is the leader of a country after all, and cannot be killed so easily.

Even the same reader will have contradictory views. I hope the protagonist will do this in the early stage, but I don't want the protagonist in the later stage.

The author is at the center of all the readers' public opinion swirling and is being turned around by readers. After all, I am not a great god, and I ca n’t do the kind of "I write my own, anyway, people will watch." I'm just an ordinary writer now. I don't have much fame. I write as if I'm on a thin sheet, and I'm struggling to write. I expect to see readers 'comments, but at the same time I'm full of fear of readers' comments.

Finally, I urge you to be more tolerant. When you can easily feel that there is a problem in the plot, I, as the author, certainly know it. But the reason why I still have to write it like this, there must be a reason behind it, and you will know after reading it.

Thank you!

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