Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 701: Divine Class

At this time, Huang Yi heard another system prompt.

"[System Tip]: Congratulations you have obtained the [Single Achievement]-[God Class First Person]. The only achievement value is +1, and the consumption of all skills is reduced by 5%. God class. "

Another unique achievement! It's a little national honor!

He now has a lot of unique achievements and special achievements. If he meets the merchant again, he can exchange a lot of strange props.

And the national honor value he contributed has reached 9 points, a height that players around the world can only look up to!

3 points of national honor, you can get a gift.

5 points of national honor, you can get named attributes.

7 points of national honor, you can get named skills.

He now has 9 national honors, but has not received a new reward, then this node is likely to be 10 national honors. He is only one point away from this standard, and it is likely that a brand new reward will be added!

Next, one of his most anticipated system reminders finally sounded—

"[System Tip]: You successfully reincarnate, complete the conditions that break and then stand, and be promoted to the **** class [Tyrant]."

God-level profession has finally been released, turned out to be a tyrant!

When Huang Yi turned two rounds, the two branches were the tyrant's law enforcement officer and the tyrant's punishment officer, both of them were his two professions!

He didn't expect that the god-level career he promoted turned out to be the tyrant in the devil. He still remembers the description of the tyrant at the time--

In the history of the demon world, there was once a cruel demon tyrant. He established an immortal kingdom in the demon world. Countless ordinary people of the demon world are under his slavery, and even other demon gods dare not provoke him.

Tyrant, this is an overbearing existence that even other demon gods dare not provoke! One shot is the life of charcoal, blood flows into the river!

but. No matter how many people a tyrant kills, he can't kill his successor!

Huang Yi is the successor of the other party!

He quickly took a look at his new **** class career.

Tyrant, a profession that rules the enemy according to its own will, it is not a hostile relationship with the enemy, but the relationship between **** and being ruled. It is an eternal ruler, and the enemy either submits to him or is executed by him.

Tyrants have few skills. But every skill is very powerful. Starting from level 180, you can learn a professional skill every 30 levels, but each skill will be a **** skill.

In addition, the tyrant will make some improvements to the previously learned skills. But this needs to go back to the warrior hall and teleport to the mysterious realm. Kill those fighters again to complete the promotion.

Huang Yi is reincarnation now, but can only temporarily ease it. However, this is a natural thing, as long as you return to the corresponding level, you can go to play the corresponding combatants again, and improve the skills of each level.

His first skill is level 5 skill. When he recovers to level 5 after 5 days, he can go to the mysterious realm. Improved level 5 skills.

In terms of exclusive skills, in addition to the original two skills of sentencing and transformation, the tyrant has also added a brand new exclusive skill-physical and legal interlacing.

[Interleaved with physical law]: Consumption of energy value, so that oneself enters the state of interlaced with physical law, and cycles between the physical body and the magical body in turn. The physical body is immune to all physical attacks, and the spell body is immune to all skill attacks. The physical body and the magic body automatically switch every 5 seconds, and iterate and repeat. Until the energy value is exhausted.

The energy consumption of this skill is related to two factors. The first factor is the level of the enemy. The higher the level of the enemy, the more energy is consumed by this skill. The second factor is his own skill. If the corresponding attack is successfully immune in the corresponding state, the energy consumption will be halved.

This exclusive skill belongs to a life-saving skill. The effect is very powerful. As long as this skill is turned on, then there will always be an immune state on himself, either physical immunity or magic immunity. It's just that this time is out of your control. The system automatically loops and switches automatically every 5 seconds.

In addition to skills, the tyrant **** class has also added 4 professional talents-

[Half the energy]: The energy value consumed by the exclusive skill is reduced by 50%, and the natural energy growth rate doubles.

[Anti-Injury Mastery]: Ignore all anti-injury attribute effects of the enemy, and increase its own anti-injury attribute effect by 20%.

[Upgrade bonus]: The attribute bonus obtained by the upgrade is doubled.

[Ling Chi's Execution]: Enemies killed by the tyrant will not be able to be resurrected by any resurrection skills, and will permanently lose the upgrade attribute added to this level.

These four talents are targeted, one to strengthen oneself and one to weaken the enemy, and the last one is to permanently weaken the attributes of the enemy.

Players can add some attributes after each upgrade, but as long as they are killed by Huang Yi once, the opponent's level is equivalent to only a numerical increase, but no attribute improvement.

Tyrant is worthy of God class, 4 talents have been added, and even if the player changes jobs, he will only add one talent!

Huang Yi can clearly feel that his potential has increased a lot. The power of the tyrant **** class is only a little bit exposed now. As his level rises, this profession will show more light and heat, especially when it comes to learning new skills. Every newly learned skill in a **** class is a **** skill standard!

The next moment, he finally chose to resurrect and began his reincarnation.

He is now level 174 and recovers to level one every day, which means that it takes 174 days to return to the peak, which is almost half a year.

He possesses the attribute of not exploding equipment after death, and now the whole body equipment is still there, and nothing has burst. But when he was in the East China mainland, he still left something ...


At this point, Miyamoto Musashi also finally chose to resurrect. He also has the attribute of not exploding equipment after death, and the death penalty is only dropped by one level.

He was resurrected at the resurrection point of Beihai City. After the roar of the previous strong artillery fire in this city, many places have become a ruin, even the magic tower has been blown up, and the deputy battle flag has been destroyed. This is no longer his territory.

However, the foundation is still there, and some parts of Beihai City are relatively well preserved and have not been completely destroyed. Next, he had to get another deputy battle flag in here and build a new Beihai City on top of the ruins.

As soon as Miyamoto Musashi opened his eyes, he heard some journalists excited comments-

"Audience friends! We have an important discovery! This national war is far from simple, and the killing of God has left a shocking achievement. As you can see from my lens, now this ruin of Beihai City, It has turned into a weird black, and it is significantly different than before ... "

After hearing this, Miyamoto Musashi hurriedly looked down!

Sure enough, the original normal ground of Beihai City has become black, as if it has been poured with ink, and looks full of decay and decay, as if cursed.

"... This change is obviously left over by the killing gods. I just did some investigation and found that every player around us has a negative state called 'Curse of the Demon God' on his body, and the total attributes have dropped by 50% ... ... "

After hearing this, Miyamoto Musashi quickly checked his status.

Sure enough, he now has a negative state of the curse of the demon-within the realm of the devil's curse, all attributes have decreased by 50%. Only by leaving this area can he return to normal.

"From this, we can infer a result that God should have used some power to curse this land. Although he has died, this land has been cursed along with it. If the former Beihai City, It ’s just a huge catastrophe that requires a lot of money to rebuild. Then the situation is even more tragic. This place can no longer be rebuilt by the martial arts guild, because this land has become the realm of killing gods ... "

After hearing this conclusion, Musashi Miyamoto's body trembled and suffered another blow!

He seemed to feel that when Huang Yi was alive, he hit him less. Now that the other party is dead, he has dealt a greater blow to him. In a short time, his heart suffered three consecutive attacks ...

This cursed land has indeed become Huang Yi's territory, because when he was at level 150, he awakened a brand new Nefarem talent—

[Curse of the Demon God]: After the death of the ownerless land in the wild, the area of ​​50 kilometers around the place of death will be turned into a "cursed land". The cursed land is exclusive to Nefarem's bloodline owners. It cannot be deprived in any way. All enemies within the cursed land area will be cursed. All attributes in the area will drop by 50%. The curse can only be lifted after leaving the cursed land. .

Huang Yi is reincarnation now, and temporarily unable to manage this territory, so everyone here will be automatically determined as the enemy of the territory, and the total attributes will drop by 50%.

This is Huang Yi's first overseas territory ~ www.readwn.com ~ and it is a kind of territory without a secondary battle flag. Enemies have no way to destroy it!

This meaning is extraordinary! He is equivalent to permanently occupying a land on the East!

Musashi Miyamoto's body shivered constantly, the loss was much greater than he imagined. He didn't even get a broken Beihai City. This city really belongs to him, not even a brick or a tile!

The next moment, he once again sent a message to the captain of the battleship in Beihai City: "Blow up Beihai City completely! Blast it into powder! Don't leave any building!"

Having said that, he immediately chose to go offline and disappeared into the land that caused him pain.

It didn't take long for Beihai City to sound the loud gunfire again ...

At this time, Huang Yi just opened his eyes and appeared on a brand new continent. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.qn.)

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