Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 711: Be spotted

At this time, Huang Yi's body returned to the yard.

"Yueyue, our history major seems to be unable to find a job!" At this time, the voice of begonia came from the room, and his tone was full of helplessness.

"I knew I didn't choose this major." Yueyue's tone was also a bit worried, she sighed, and said, "Well! It's been more than a month, and before you find a job, you have to lose your job after graduation!"

"It is better for us to hit the Tower of the Gods! If a baby comes out and sells a few million gold coins, you don't need to find a job!" The cute voice of the ink and fragrance fragrance sounded in time, full of pure and beautiful expectations.

"Let's go, don't waste time! If a tear of gods comes out, we won't have to look for a job in our lifetime!" Ting Xi's fierce voice sounded, like a boy, just do what he says immediately.

Soon, the sound of footsteps rang, and the four girls came out of the house, and they saw Huang Yi who had just returned from the outside.

"Small spike, where are you naughty again? I can't find you every time I go online." Haitang immediately took a few steps forward, leaned over and hugged Huang Yi, touched his head, and walked together.

The four girls walked in the direction of the teleportation. The warm sunshine shone on their youthful smiles, and their long hair drifted slightly in the wind. With their crisp voices, passersby frequently looked around. .

"Oh, wait, I'll buy some delicious food for Xiao Seck!" When passing by a barbecue restaurant, Begonia said suddenly, stuffed Huang Yi into Yueyue's arms, and then quickly rushed into the barbecue restaurant.

After a while, Begonia came back with a large amount of roasted meat, and stuffed a few skewers in his mouth. The mouth is full of oil.

"Well, small spike, this is for you!" As Begonia ate, he stretched out his fleshy hand and handed a string of barbecue to Huang Yi's face.

Huang Yi smiled in his heart. Without rejecting Begonia's kindness, he opened his mouth immediately and ate it with a small mouthful.

The four people and one cat gradually walked through the streets of the town and came to the teleportation array.

"Why don't we sign a contract with Xiaosei and officially accept him as a pet. Take him to upgrade?" At this moment, Begonia murmured while eating barbecue.

"Okay! Anyway, we have this strength, we can only sign a contract with pets like Xiaosei who have little strength." Yueyue nodded, suddenly the fingers in the depths, slightly to Huang Yi!

Suddenly. A blue light flew from her fingers and landed on Huang Yi.

At the next moment, Yueyue was a little surprised!

She looked at Huang Yi in her arms so blankly, her eyes were full of mistakes!

"Play, player?" After a while, Yueyue finally reacted, and her body trembled suddenly. Murmured!

She hugged Huang Yi's hand slightly, and panickedly wanted to throw him down, but she was afraid of hurting him.

"What's wrong? Yueyue!" The other three girls also noticed the strangeness of Yueyue, and turned to look at her in wonder.

"This, this small spike is not a cat, but a player! I, I can't sign a contract with him!" Yueyue said, and finally reacted. Quickly bent down, put Huang Yi down, and quickly took a few steps back.

"What? He's a player ?!" Now the other three girls were all taken aback, all taking a big step back. Looking at Huang Yi in horror!

This kind of truth is almost chilling. A cat who has lived with them for more than a month is not a real cat, but a player. It is scary to say it.

Huang Yi on the ground shook her tail and looked up at the four girls. The cat's eyes were full of apologies.

Just then, his body shook for a while, and immediately changed into the shape of a half-orc, and he lived in front of the four girls.

"Ah!" The four girls were frightened, took a few steps back, and looked at the man who appeared suddenly in horror. Ink and clear fragrance has the least courage, even hiding behind Ting Xi, grabbing her sleeve, revealing a small head and watching Huang Yi secretly.

"I'm sorry, I'm a player, my name is big badass." Huang Yi looked at the four people apologetically and introduced himself.

His camouflage methods are many. Since the form of the ghost cat is seen through, he will simply move out of the identity of the big bad guy, and his current appearance is not that of killing the gods. These girls can never recognize him as killing. God.

"You, why do you deceive us? What are your plans to live with us all the time?" Begonia was more pungent. After the slowness came, he immediately stepped forward, put his waist on his back, and stared at Huang Yi with anger.

When the other three girls heard these words, they suddenly turned pale. For more than a month, Huang Yi had lived with them, and they were all watched by Huang Yi!

The pair of Lily and Tsinghua Suddenly looked at each other instantly, feeling the trembling from the bottom of their hearts, they had done some shameful things in front of Huang Yi's face several times before! Those ambiguous pictures must have been seen by Huang Yi!

Yueyue's face was even red to the root of her neck, and she immediately lowered her head, afraid to see Huang Yi. She clearly remembered that the day when Huang Yi was held back, when she was bathed, she touched Huang Yi's place under the beggar's egg. Now thinking about it, she almost wanted to find a place to dig in and stop seeing people.

"I was originally a Chinese player, but I was killed by enemies, and here is my reincarnation. My race is a bit special. At first, I will be forced to become a cat, unable to speak, and unable to become a human. Yueyue When I picked me up, I couldn't resist. A few days later I recovered a little strength and wanted to leave immediately, but was found by Yueyue as soon as I left the yard, and she cried because she couldn't find me that day. I Afraid that you are sad, you have always played the role of this cat. I am deeply sorry for the interruption you have caused. "Huang Yi said honestly, except for the identity concealment, the rest are basically all out.

"But, but ..." Begonia wanted to refute Huang Yi, but when it came to his throat, he lost the next sentence.

Yes! They have always wishful thinking of Huang Yi as a player, Huang Yi really has no intention of disturbing their lives.

"So, do you see any private things about us these days?" Ting Xi was relatively straightforward and immediately asked.

"There are some inevitably." Huang Yi nodded and admitted, "But it is also limited to a little bit of insignificant things. Think about it carefully. Almost every day, I will leave you for a period of time, and then come back at an appropriate time. Say hello to you. "

The four girls thought for a while, and suddenly found out that it seemed like these days. Every time Huang Yi came back, it was just at normal time. They were doing normal things and didn't deliberately peep at them.

"Thank you very much for your care these days. You buy delicious food for me, which is very good to me, thank you! Now that I have recovered some strength, let's go and not disturb your life." Huang Yi said, Say thank you to them, turn and leave.

The four girls turned to see Huang Yi's back getting farther and farther, and somehow suddenly there was a loss in their hearts, and the cats they managed to grow up suddenly left them.

"Hey!" At this moment, Yueyue bit her lip and suddenly stopped Huang Yi.

Huang Yi stopped and looked back at Yueyue: "What's wrong?"

"That ..." Yueyue organized the language, and said softly: "We didn't blame you, I can feel that you are a good person. But you are now too low, and one person is very dangerous. Follow us at least to be safe One point. Although we are very weak, a few people take care of it a bit. If you don't mind, you can continue to stay with us and leave when your strength is restored. "

At this moment, Yueyue's expression was full of sincerity, and her eyes were full of kindness, just like when Huang Yi saw her in the rainy alley for the first time more than a month ago.

Huang Yi looked at her quietly. They had faced each other in the rain more than a month ago, and now they were facing each other in the sun. But in any case, Huang Yi saw the same kindness in the eyes of this girl.

Huang Yi pondered for a while. Anyway, he is only a few dozen grades, and there is nothing to do, just stay with them.

"Okay, thank you very much." He nodded, turned and walked back.

"That ... small spike, oh oh, no, you are a big bad guy!" Begonia said, spit out his tongue, changed his mouth, scratched his head a little apologetically, and looked at Huang Yidao: "Actually this We also have something wrong. We used to treat you as a pet, and we hope you can tolerate it. But we are not malicious, we just think that you are cute. Since we are all players, you are so vulnerable, only a few dozen It ’s just that, how about we be your masters? Yueyue is your master, I ’m the second master, Xixi, Xiangxiang, and the three of them are your three, four, and five masters. What do you think? ? "

"Yeah ~ www.readwn.com ~ I haven't confiscated the apprentice! It is a rare apprentice who has been together for more than a month." Ting Xi nodded coolly and looked at Huang Yi kindly.

"Okay! A few masters!" Huang Yi also had no comment and directly agreed with Begonia's suggestion.

"So, let's team up and upgrade together?" Shui Mo Qingxiang's petite body finally came out from behind Ting Xi, and nodded politely as he watched Huang Yi.

Ting Xi immediately sent an invitation to Huang Yi to join him in this team.

Next, several people teleported to the 101st floor of the Tower of the Gods, and upgraded together.

Huang Yi can finally use the identity of the player to communicate with them.


Recently, it has been a low period of the plot, and the state of writing is a bit wrong, and the codeword efficiency is very low. I try to let Huang Yi pass this low tide as quickly as possible, and return to a more intense battle plot. (To be continued ...)

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