Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 712: "First World Overview"

In the Tower of the Gods, Huang Yi is basically a soy sauce character. He is only level 40. In the face of these holy mobs, there is no fighting power at all, and only the remaining four girls can fight.

Ting Xi is a hunter, Begonia is a female warrior, Ink Scent is a mage, and Yueyue is a priest. This combination is reasonable. However, it is a bit fragile in fighting monsters. Begonia, a female warrior, can only temporarily assume the position of a knight, and rush to stand in front of the monster's attack.

Fortunately, the number of layers they played was not high, it was only 101. They were about ten levels lower, and they played more smoothly.

In this way, the five were advancing steadily, and ss burst out in blue and purple, and they were all very happy to pick them up. They are basically wearing blue and purple attire, not even an orange one, let alone a legendary epic.

"Wow! Orange dress!" After killing the fifth ss, Begonia suddenly picked up a burst necklace, said excitedly, and immediately shared the attributes of the necklace.

A few girls looked at the properties of the necklace with excitement, eyes lingering.

"Great, this is the first orange outfit we've made this month!" Ink and clear fragrance smiled happily, revealing a cute little dimple.

"Yeah! If you sell it, it can be worth hundreds of dollars!" Ting Xi nodded and kept rubbing the orange necklace.

"This is for the priest occupation, but it can only be worn at level 111, Yueyue, give it to you! You can wear it again after another level, then you will be a super priest!" Begonia said solemnly Plugging that orange necklace into Yueyue's hands was like passing her a baby against the sky.

Yueyue also took this necklace happily, drawing on her chest, and it took a long time to put it away. Be prepared to wear after the level has arrived.

Huang Yi looked at them quietly, and seemed to be infected by that atmosphere. When he hit the Tower of the Gods before, ss always burst into orange clothes, and he was not even interested in picking it up. But for these girls. Orange outfits are rare babies, and their happiness is always so easy to satisfy.

"Tuer, this purple costume is for you! You are welcome, we have already got our own trophy. If you do n’t take it, we won't be happy." Finishing the trophy. Begonia solemnly handed a purple dress to Huang Yi and said earnestly.

"Okay!" Huang Yi couldn't shake their interest, pretending to take the purple dress excitedly, and stored it in the storage ring.

"Tuer, how many levels were you before your reincarnation! What kind of equipment is it?" Although the delicate ink fragrance is petite, you need to raise your head to see Huang Yi's eyes. But she was like a real master. Putting away that little Loli's cuteness, she asked in a gentle tone of Master.

Huang Yi pursed his lips and lied in good faith: "I'm only level 100, and my whole equipment is purple."

"Don't worry, Master will take care of you!" Shui Mo Qingxiang said, tiptoeing, reaching out and touching Huang Yi's head. A master loves his apprentice.

Next, the people teleported out, reset the teleportation again, and started brushing the towers of the gods again and again.

They gave all the soldiers' equipment to Huang Yi and cared for him.

Until the evening, the talents finally stopped.

"Did you find out that we have more explosions today than before?" As the five left the teleportation array and walked home, Begonia suddenly said excitedly.

Huang Yi's heart moved. His storage ring is a ring of heroes, which has the effect of doubling the explosion rate. He and these girls are in a team state, and the average explosion rate will naturally be increased.

"Probably the reason for the big bad guy, he's only level 40 now. Maybe in this secret situation that exceeds his dozens of levels, it will increase the explosion rate a little bit." Ting Xi quickly attributed the reason to Huang Yi's body.

"Haha, it's nice to have an apprentice!" Begonia said, reaching out and touching Huang Yi's head. After today's leveling, they had a lot of affection for each other.

"Apprentice, you wait, I'll buy you something delicious!" When passing by the barbecue restaurant, Begonia rushed in again, bought a large amount of barbecue, and distributed it to everyone.

The five walked slowly, eating barbecue, chatting to the sky, and watching the bright moon in the sky.

The crisp laughter spread far and wide in the small town at night.

After returning home, the four girls went offline for dinner, and Huang Yi also went offline for dinner in the canteen of the prison.


"It's abominable to be born from your heart!"

"Yeah! It's clear that you want to be commanded by your heart, but you blamed our Sun Guild for not doing anything! This national war was too damned!"

"It would be nice if Lei Ge was the chief conductor, but unfortunately he didn't want to give up ..."

As soon as the meal was ready, Huang Yi was about to find a spot to sit down, and heard the voice of several prisoners not far away. He couldn't help holding up the plate and went to sit next to them.

"Brother Yi!" The prisoners stopped talking immediately when they saw Huang Yi coming, and said greeting respectfully.

Huang Yi nodded toward them, and said, "What were you just talking about? Tell me to listen."

"We're talking about national warfare! It's too disgusting to be born by your heart!" A prisoner immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand and said angrily: "The day before yesterday, the birth of my heart wanted us to send troops from the Sun Guild to attack one of the enemy Stronghold said that the stronghold may be an ambush of the enemy and refused to send troops. To accuse Lei Ge of being unwilling to obey the command and be selfish, he had to let the remaining guilds attack that stronghold. As a result, those people went to the stronghold. Suffering from the ambush of a large number of enemy forces, the entire army was overwhelmed. Instead of bearing responsibility, he accused us of not having sent troops to the Sun Guild! Blame all the reasons on us. "

Another player also stopped the chopsticks, and said indignantly, "I want to live with my own heart and have a solid background, and I want to command casually, but a real commander like Lei Ge is actually stigmatized by him and can't get it. Chief Commander. "

Huang Yi frowned as he heard these words. It is difficult to win this national war if you want to replace the general command from your heart.

In this large-scale national war, the commander-in-chief is a very important position. In order to have a deep political background from his heart, a while ago he has used the advantages in reality to successfully build his own momentum, and he took the lead in setting up a rebellion, preemptive, and many large and small guilds joined his corps. Others wanted It will be very difficult to replace it.

And if you don't join his legion, it will be weak. Even if the Sun Guild and the Hero Guild are united, they will not be able to fight against the joint aggression forces of 11 countries and will not play a decisive role.

"Just wait and see! The player is not a fool. If you want to grow up in the past, Chinese players will veto him as the commander in chief." Huang Yi groaned. He is now in reincarnation, he has no right to speak, otherwise He could have snatched the position of commander in chief.

After dinner, Huang Yi returned to his cell and re-entered the second world.

At this moment, the room was quiet, only Yueyue was alone. She was holding a thick book and watching quietly under a yellow oil lamp, the elegant silhouette exuded an intellectual beauty.

"Youer, you are here!" Yueyue seemed to notice the arrival of Huang Yi, and turned to look at him with a gentle smile.

"Good evening, Master!" Huang Yi nodded, pulled a chair, sat next to Yueyue, flipped through the book in front of her, and said on the cover a few large characters-"First World Overview

"Huh? You actually read this book." Huang Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised. When he was doing the second-turn mission a while ago, Bloodhoof looked at the book in the cellar. Bloodhoof also told him that night. The story of God.

Yueyue nodded her head, and put a strand of hair on her chest to her white ears, and said, "Yeah! Begonia and I are both majors in history and are more interested in history. Although this is a virtual world, But the history here is also quite interesting. The author of this book is a famous bard and scholar of ancient times, and also the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan at that time-Mu Yan Qing Qing. This is the first time he went. The book he wrote while traveling around the world, he traveled in the First World for three years and witnessed the birth of the greatest **** of the first world, Barbara, but unfortunately he died just after writing this book. "

"Huh?" At that moment, Huang Yi suddenly hesitated slightly.

"You child, what's wrong with you?" Yueyue noticed his strangeness and turned to look at him curiously.

Huang Yi pondered for a while, staring at Yueyue, and those eyes showed a touch of focus under the flickering fire ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "You mean, the author of this book has traveled in the First World Three years have witnessed the birth of Savage God, but he died as soon as he wrote this book? "

"Yeah!" Yueyue nodded for granted. "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"Did anyone revise this book later?" Huang Yi continued to ask, looking slightly dignified.

"No!" Yueyue shook her head and said in detail: "In order to respect the author of this book, the Royal Academy of Oskar published it in accordance with the original manuscript, without changing any word. And they couldn't change it because they wanted to. It is the first official encyclopedia about the first world. None of the demigods who have traveled to the first world before have written this book. The rest of the people do n’t know the first world at all, how to revise it! "

"How can this happen?" Huang Yi felt his chin, and frowned tightly, pondering puzzledly.

"Three years ... savvy ... dead ..." he whispered these keywords while thinking.

He seems to have caught a doubt, but after thinking it over, he thinks it is too crazy! Make him feel incredible! (To be continued ...)

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