Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 713: 3 hooligan

"Abright, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Yueyue was more curious when she saw Huang Yi's suspicious expression, and she reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"It's nothing, it's just a little bit different from what I've learned before." Huang Yi shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

Perhaps that doubt was just that he thought too much.

The night was getting deeper.

Huang Yi and Yueyue were chatting under the dim oil lamp. Most of the time, Yueyue was talking, talking about her college life, ordinary and simple, Huang Yi was listening quietly, completely relaxed.

Listening and listening, Huang Yi gradually fell asleep. Yueyue looked at his peaceful sleep, stood up gently, and closed the door of the room, seemingly afraid that the noise from outside would make him noise.

Then she continued to sit under the oil lamp and watched the First World Overview quietly.


The next day, all the four girls had no classes, went online early, and went to fight the tower of the gods with Huang Yi.

"Yueyue, the interview was so far away in the evening, let's not go!" As he walked along the road, Begonia said towards Yueyue.

Yueyue bit her lip and shook her head, "Go try it, it's not easy to have an interview phone call, don't waste it."

Said, everyone came to the barbecue restaurant, Begonia turned to look at the barbecue restaurant, suddenly turned to look at Huang Yi, and said with a little embarrassment: "Teacher, Masters have no money! Today I will not buy barbecue Oh! After I get a job and get my salary, I will change some gold coins. Would you like a big meal? "

"It doesn't matter if you eat or not. Don't waste it like that!" Huang Yi shook his head. Although he and these masters have only known each other for a long time. But they were so good to him. He originally only promised to be his apprentice at will, and he never paid attention to this stigmatization. Whether he is an apprentice or a friend is just a form. But I did not expect the other little girls to take it seriously, took him to play equipment, take him to level, buy good food for him, and never give up.

"If you don't have money, you can have money with a few of us!" Just then. There were a few frivolous sounds ahead.

Huang Yi quickly looked up to see the past, and immediately saw a few male players who were dangling. At this moment, they were full of **** eyes and were sweeping around the four girls. Especially the sweet and pleasant little loli of ink and fragrance, she was wearing an ultra-short leather skirt, exposing two beautiful legs, cute and sexy, so that the eyes of those male players were straight.

"Zhang Tian! Holy light! The undefeated blade! It's you gangsters! Get out of here, don't block your mother's way!" Begonia's hot temper broke out suddenly, she stepped forward immediately, pointing her hips The male players yelled and scolded.

"Lao Tzu likes your sultry vigor. When in bed, I don't know if it's so hot?" An orc brave man carrying a tomahawk suddenly laughed at him. The gaze fluttered recklessly on Begonia's plump body.

"Zhang Tian, ​​you bastard! No girl will be willing to go to bed with a scumbag like you, and you can only solve it in your life!" Haitang's voice increased by eight degrees, which can be heard across several streets.

"You son, you go behind, they all bought expensive virtual equipment, three of them are senior occupations, powerful, and you will run if you see something wrong!" At this time, Ting Xi was blocked by Huang Yi In front of him, he quietly said something to him.

Her thin body was firmly in front of Huang Yi's body, holding a long bow, as if a solid fence.

"Do n’t be afraid, Master, protect you!" Shui Xiangqing also took a step forward, and her petite body stood in front of Huang Yi, standing side by side with Ting Xi.

Yueyue hurriedly waved the priest's staff, giving Huang Yi a skill to keep blood back to ensure his survival.

Their first goal of protection was to protect his big man, as if he took it for granted, without hesitation or hesitation.

Huang Yi stood at the back, looking at their backs, and suddenly an indescribable emotion was breeding in his heart. He used to stand in front of others like this to protect others, but now there are a few girls who protect him like this.

After spending some time with them, how could they not know that they are all weak girls, even Ting Xi, the tomboy, still hides the heart of a young girl. But at this moment, they all became extremely brave and stood firmly in front of him, protecting him.

At this moment, the orc brave man named Zhang Tian sneered and said, "What are you guys pretending to be pure? You don't have to look for work. I'll support you, how much money you can speak directly."

"Yeah! Where can I get money and enjoy the happiness between men and women, where can I find such good things?" A chunky hunter echoed.

"Could they like to keep a small white face? You see that they are protecting the male player, as if he loves him very much." An assassin was playing with a dagger in his hands, and a pair of thief eyes glared at Huang Yi. His dagger reflected the bright light in the sun, deliberately shining on Huang Yi's body, as if he was threatening him.

When Begonia saw the men seemed to be bad for Huang Yi, he couldn't help but be slightly anxious, shouting, "What kind of skill is it to bully our apprentices? There is something for us!"

"Oh? It seems that you care about him very much, and the relationship is extraordinary!" Zhang Tian also saw Mingtang at this time, knowing that Huang Yi was the weakness of the four girls. He gave Huang Yi a bad look and said: "A few of you were not our opponents before, and now adding this towing oil bottle will not beat us even more. But we can't bear to hurt your beautiful women Why do n’t you call me a husband in turn, and I will let you go? Otherwise, I will kill this little white face! "

"Go to death!" Begonia was finally intolerable, and a charge slammed into Zhang Tian, ​​carrying a string of phantoms.

The battle finally started.

On the surface, this is five to three, but Huang Yi's level is only dozens of levels, which can be ignored in this sacred level player contest.

The three male players are extraordinary in strength. The warrior named Zhang Tian is headed by a tomahawk; the hunter's name is Shengguang, and the bows and arrows fired are almost 100%; the assassin's name is Undefeated Blade. The stealth attack on several people was invincible.

The three of them faced the attack of four girls. Instead of being in a disadvantage, they also beat a few of them into danger. Month-on-month frequently shot to add blood to the crowd, but still could not add it.

"Xiangxiang, be careful!" At this moment, Yueyue saw that the ink and ink fragrance was almost running out of blood, but she could not take care of her for a while, and she shouted anxiously.

But the opposite Zhang Tian seized the opportunity and slammed into the ink and fragrance!

Once hit by the other side, the blood with the ink fragrance will definitely die!

"Oh!" At this moment, a series of shadows flashed, hitting the strong man with lightning, hit him halfway, and stunned the opponent's charge state!

Everyone was shocked, and anyone who could use the charge to crack the charge was a master. This required extremely precise timing of the battle. There was absolutely no such character in this ordinary town.

But after everyone saw the shadow, they could not help but grow their mouths. That person was Huang Yi they had always ignored!

He was a 41-level player, and even stunned Zhang Tian, ​​a 134-level sanctuary! And Zhang Tian is still a senior professional! This is simply impossible!

However, after Huang Yi shot this time, he quickly retreated. His strength is too low now, and to hide his identity of killing God, some of the more iconic skills cannot be used, only to use the ubiquitous skills to alleviate the situation. Now that he is successful, he will accept it when he is good .

With such a bit of relief, Yueyue finally had time to lose the blood-adding ability to Ink Scent, and pulled back some of her blood.

But they are still at a disadvantage, and defeat is only a matter of time.

"Oh!" At this moment, a fireball suddenly flew into the distance and fell directly on Zhang Tian's body, killing him instantly!

Not only that, this fireball seems to have opened up some kind of chain effect. At once, it attracted hundreds of fireballs, pouring down the sky and the sun, flooding the remaining two men at once, directing them directly Boom to death!

This incident happened between the electric light and flint, and everyone did not respond. The four girls quickly turned their heads and looked in the direction of the fireball.

At the end of the street, hundreds of mages came forward in a mighty manner. Their steps were neat, and everyone was wearing a black magic cannon ~ www.readwn.com ~ stuffing every corner of the street, like a black torrent, with a strong momentum.

The head mage, about 20 years old, has an extraordinary temperament, his magic robe is full of radiance, and the magic crystal on the magic wand is dazzling. It seems to be a legendary equipment.

This group of people is a master at first glance, and it is not enough to just take out one, obviously not in this town.

"Who are these handsome guys? Why should you help us?" Begonia looked at the mage who came over for a moment, and the other three girls looked at each other. They had never known the masters.

Huang Yi looked at the mage, his mouth slightly raised, he called this group of people, to be precise, he brought Yinglin over.

Just now he sent a message to Ying Lin saying that he was in danger and asked him to come and help.

After receiving this news, Ying Lin suddenly felt in his heart that he thought that Huang Yi had been besieged by some super players! He was anxious for his Majesty's strongest group of mages, and used the teleport skills directly to this town. He rushed over aggressively, and this was the scene just now. (To be continued ...)

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