Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Inheritor

Huang Yi stared at the door for a long time, as if staring at the entrance of another world. When he opened the door, what kind of scene would he see?

Finally, he reached for the doorknob, pushed the door gently, and looked inside. ..

Almost instantly, he saw a pair of eyes!

It was a pair of children's eyes. The whites of the eyes were very clean, without any bloodshot. The pupils were as clear as crystal diamonds. They just stood in front of him and looked up at him.

Standing in front of Huang Yi was a young boy of twelve or three years old. He was pure and white. His small body was only as high as Huang Yi's waist, but he was very mental, as if it were a small sapling that thrived.

At this time, at 7 am and 8 am, when the rising sun was rising, the warm sunlight came in obliquely from the window, with a soft floodlight, shining on him, with a new force.

Huang Yiguang looked at the child and felt a kind of hope, and at the same time he felt a faint familiarity.

"Brother No. 1, you are back." Just then, the little boy said timidly, somewhat restrained.

"Huh? Who are you?" Huang Yi was surprised, knowing that he was No. 1 and only important members of the organization, but this little boy he had never seen.

The little boy pursed his lips and said, "I am your heir, the future number 1."

"Ah?" Huang Yi suddenly hesitated, staring blankly at the little boy, and then he paused for a while.

He finally knew why the little boy would give him a familiar feeling! Because he was like that, he inherited the position of the previous No. 1 and this little boy was just like himself.

Organizations are developing from generation to generation. Elderly people either sacrifice or retire behind the scenes, while new generations grow up rapidly and become the backbone of various departments. As time passed, groups of people were gradually replaced in the organization.

The most important backbone of the organization is No. 1 to No. 10. Each number has a successor. When someone dies unfortunately, the successor will become a new number member and continue the mission of this number.

Before, Huang Yi never thought of his successor. Although the successor represents hope, it also represents the end.

The existence of the successor reminded him that he is not always No. 1. He is facing death at any time. The death rate in the organization is so high and there are so many dangerous tasks. Everyone is vulnerable. Even if he can survive forever, he can't stop the passage of time. One day he will slowly grow old and slowly be unable to perform those tasks. At that time, he can only retreat behind the scenes and give up the number 1 position to the new one. People.

There will be younger people who will become No. 1, carrying the responsibilities of No. 1 from generation to generation, fighting for the ultimate dream of the organization. Huang Yi is just one part of the process.

"Heirs had to live with their predecessors and receive face-to-face guidance. But because you were in jail, the organization let me live with you in the second world and accept your guidance." The little boy explained, his His eyes were still timid.

No. 1's reputation is too scary. In his subconscious indoctrination over the years, No. 1 is like a demon and must be difficult to get along with. He subconsciously treats Huang Yi as a murderer who does not blink.

"Don't be afraid." Huang Yi calmed down, smiled slightly, squatted, reached out and touched the little boy's head, and said softly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Puppet Fish in the second world and Zheng Nan in the real world." The boy replied obediently, took out a business card and handed it to Huang Yi.

"Puppy, let me call you a little fish! You will follow me later." Huang Yi exchanged business cards with him, patted his small shoulder, and then slowly stood up.

Huang Yi looked around and found that there were a large number of documents on the desk, and some of them were neatly opened and placed in front of the chair, as if someone had just looked at them.

"Are you looking through these documents?" Huang Yi walked slowly and asked as he walked.

"Yes! Sister Xiaoyu temporarily transferred me the post of Vice President. I have nothing to do. I will look at these documents of the Hero Association, check the accounts, specify the future plan, approve the report submitted, etc. . "Although the little boy is young, what he says is like a head.

Children of this age usually play in the wild, but the successors cultivated in the organization are not the same. They can be literate and military, and can do all kinds of things. These account files are complicated and boring, and it is not easy for ordinary adults, but it is not a problem for puppies.

"By the way, Sister Xiaoyu wrote you a letter, right there on the table." At this moment, the puppet put out his small hand and pointed to the corner of the table.

Huang Yi turned his head to look over, and suddenly saw a brown envelope. With Qin Shiyu in mind, he immediately stepped forward, tore the letter, and pulled out the stationery.

He took a deep breath and opened the letter to read it—

"Yi brother, you must have seen the little fish! This child is very good. In the new member evaluation of the organization, his performance is the first in all aspects, and the score has reached s level. In the history of the organization Only the second person No. 1 and you have achieved an s-grade score. The organization has high expectations of him and hopes to inherit your position. Now he is placed next to you, and you must cultivate him well. "

"I have now transferred the post of Vice President to him, and finally I can rest for a while. Before, I was always busy with the guild affairs. I did n’t have time to level up and improve my strength. I always troubled you. It was a bad feeling to be hijacked. I have never been able to find a suitable person to take over this position. Now that I have a small fish, I can rest assured. "

"The people under No. 4 some time ago spied on some important information. Miyamoto Musashi ’s martial arts guild is actually one of the forces of the World Federation in the Second World. The family of Miyamoto Musashi and the World Federation have a thousand threads. Inexhaustible relationship. You have recently beaten the Martial Arts Association to a near collapse and have started to attract the attention of the World Federation. They have long found out your true identity with Thor. They did n’t care much about the Second World before, but after this incident After that, the World Federation began to notice us. "

"The World Federation feels that the combined market value of the Heroes’ Guild and the Sun ’s Guild has reached their red line, which can affect the real-world economy. Some actions of the Heroes ’Guild and the Sun ’s Guild, some intervention in the real world, and people ’s The impact of daily life has reached a point where it can threaten the security of the world's federation. Some radical executives have initiated within the world's federation to intervene more with you and Thor. "

"But you also know that Rose Prison has a special status. It is the only prison in the world for life imprisonment. All people sentenced to life imprisonment are locked in. The forces behind this prison are complex, except for the World Federation. China, the United States, Russia, and other big countries have important political criminals in it. This prison belongs to a joint management committee jointly formed by the major powers and the world federation. This committee is not under the control of those big powers and the world federation. The world federation wants to go beyond this. The Commission, intervening directly with you, will be greatly hindered. "

"But the world federation has made some plans for us. The reason why these people, Miyamoto Musashi, the Pope, and tnt will invade the United Hero Continent, is behind the world federation. Now it is certain that tnt and Miyamoto Musashi is a member of the World Federation, and the Pope also maintains a cooperative relationship with the World Federation. On the Chinese side, we find that we are undefeated and have close contacts with the World Federation. The World Federation has too many pawns in the Second World. We only check now Part of it, but it's amazing enough. "

"At present, Rossi Wei, the Vice President of the World Union, intends to consider directly launching an assassination against you. Our organization quickly formulated a mission to assassinate these federations. This task was very difficult. It was originally assigned to No. 2 to do, but No. 2 Now I have an important mission in the Second World, and later I decided to give it to No. 6. This task is closely related to your life. I am not assured that others will do it, so I applied to the organization to do it, and the organization agreed to my application. "

"This task cycle is too long. For the sake of safety, I will not be able to enter the second world, and I will never see you again for a long time. Yi brother, don't worry about me. You used to take care of me. This time, I hope I can Do something for you. I will always remember what you said to me in the East China mainland, you said you would marry me, you ca n’t regret it! My wedding gowns are ready, and when we overthrow the World Federation, I Will be dressed in wedding clothes, dressed up beautifully, at the gate of Rose Prison, to welcome you out of prison.-Always love your light rain. "

After reading the letter, Huang Yi stood still, holding the stationery in her hand, her mind was blank.

He did not expect that Qin Shiyu took the initiative to apply for the mission to assassinate Duncan, the Vice President of the World Federation! Even if he did this task himself ~ www.readwn.com ~, he had less than half the success rate, and if he failed, he would probably die directly!

And even if it succeeds, the World Federation will definitely launch a crazy pursuit of Qin Shiyu, just like that of Huang Yi. It was extremely difficult for Qin Shiyu to escape this crazy hunt! Once arrested, it is likely to be put in Rose Prison for life imprisonment!

Rose Prison is separate for men and women. Huang Yi's influence on Rose Prison is limited to the men's prison, while the women's prison is on the other side of the island. Not to mention Huang Yi, even the prisoner of thunder gods could not reach out to the women's prison.

This assassination mission is likely to make him and Qin Shiyu never meet again!

Now he can only pray to heaven not to let Qin Shiyu's mission fail, otherwise he would even hope to collect her body!


These days are too downturn with few updates and I'm very sorry. Today is in a good shape. Looking at this momentum, you can update four chapters. This is the first chapter, and there are three chapters next.

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