Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 716: The meaning of the number one

Huang Yi took a deep breath and put away the letter. The matter had come to an end. He was worried that it would be useless. He could only continue to look forward and expected Qin Shiyu to return safely.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the puppet fish. The little body looked like an elf in the warm morning sun, and seemed to contain endless hope. He froze for a while, as if seeing himself many years ago, when he and Qin Shiyu held hands, chasing playfulness in the same warm sunrise.

"Big brother, what are you thinking?" At this moment, the puppet fish saw Huang Yi with a different expression, and dared to ask.

Huang Yi returned to God, looked at the puppet fish, smiled, and said, "Little fish, do you like anyone?"

Puppet fish thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know. The organization didn't teach me."

"That's why you still can't be number 1." Huang Yi stared at the puppet fish and taught: "If you always remember what the organization teaches you, then you are not a qualified number 1. When will you forget? Organize what you teach, and you are a qualified number 1. "

The puppet fish frowned and seemed a little confused, and said timidly: "So, why did the organization keep me remembering so many things during the previous training?"

"Remember, it's for forgetting." Huang Yi said, holding his hands up and coming to the window, looking at the bustling world outside, slowly said, "The so-called forgetting means that these things have become your instincts, become A part of your subconscious mind no longer has to deliberately remember that your every move has been unconsciously followed this principle. What you should pay more attention to in the future is what you feel and develop your own judgment. We are the same number as the previous number 1, but it does not mean that we are printed out of a mold, if so. Then this number 1 is a failed number 1. "

Huang Yi said, looking back at the puppet fish, saying: "We are just the same code, but we are different individuals, we have our own thinking, our own way of doing things. Times have been changing. The environment has been changing, There are no standards that can adapt to all situations, and you may be exposed to new crises at any time. Organizations cannot always teach you how to do it, and sometimes organizations are at a loss and need your guidance. All this requires you You can judge for yourself, and sometimes you can not listen to the organization's orders. Do as you want, but only if you make sure that this judgment is correct. "

The puppet nodded his head and looked up at Huang Yi obediently.

Huang Yi walked slowly and touched the small head of the puppies. "You follow me, I won't teach you things about force, because these things have already been taught to you by the organization, and you can get an s-grade score, indicating that you have learned enough in this area. I can What teaches you is more of an idea. Having force is just a means to achieve our goals. It is not a purpose. Understanding why we need force is more important than understanding how we have it. If you do n’t have this premise, you just blindly To pursue force, then we are no different from our enemies ... "

Under the rising sun, Huang Yi and Puppet Fish were one big, one small and two No. 1, just like a tutor to trainees.

What they are talking about is far from what they should be talking about at this age, but at this time they say it in their mouths, but it is extremely harmonious, as it should be.

"You are already the No. 1 in the future. Do you know what the No. 1 means? It is different from No. 2, 3, and 4?" At this time, Huang Yi suddenly raised a question.

"I ... I don't know." The puppet fish flushed and shook his head. He never thought about it, like a blank piece of paper.

Huang Yi seems to have long expected that the puppet fish would say this, quietly: "In fact, I didn't understand what was special about No.1, and to be more unified, No. 1 was the most powerful. But then I gradually understood, actually The meaning of number 1 is not so simple. Just like the number "one", 1 is a beginning and a starting point. It has infinite possibilities in the future. It represents hope, direction, and future. The organization is actually very fragile, maybe Tomorrow will be obliterated. On many occasions, No. 1 has to turn the tide and ensure that the organization develops and grows in the right direction. Only when it is right, will there be 2 after 1, and 3, 4 ... there are countless possibilities. Once reversed, there is only 0 left, completely destroyed! "At the end, Huang Yi's tone became extremely dignified.

After listening to these words, the puppet fish trembled slightly. He seemed to imagine the image of the destruction of the organization and the death of all members, and his small heart shuddered.

"Don't worry, take your time. I haven't died so easily!" Huang Yi saw that the puppet's small face was pale, and he could not help but touch his little head, and gently consoled him: "You are young, face these It's really a bit reluctant, and that's how I came over. When you grow up, you will naturally understand. "

Huang Yi said, his eyes became distant, remembering the scene when he inherited his predecessor No. 1 that year.

That day, he was not ready for anything, and was doing his daily training as usual. Suddenly, he heard a hurry and solemn footsteps. Several senior members of the organization quickly appeared in the training room and came directly to him, telling him that the former No. 1 had died in the mission, and he was new since then. number 1.

The sudden mistake made him slow down a long time later. At that time, the former No. 1 was like a towering tree, taking care of his little sapling, teaching him to be a human, and lightly giving him the dangers encountered in previous tasks, as if he was telling a fiction of others story.

But without warning, the big tree fell down, and the story really happened, not fiction. The small sapling Huang Yi was exposed to the scorching sun at once, and took the burden of No. 1 and became the core of the organization.

Organizations are so full of surprises that everyone is fickle. Every heir doesn't know when he will inherit that position, maybe a few years later, maybe a few months later, or even the next moment.

They can only do their best to make a little more preparation before that moment arrives, and inherit the previous one at any time.

"No one can really prepare for it, it's almost ready." Huang Yi calmed down from the memories and said to Youzu Yuyou.

At the same time, a voice in his heart was questioning himself, when would he be inherited?

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!" Just then, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, accompanied by the sound of the setting sun: "Yi brother, are you back?"

"Come in!" Huang Yi nodded. After he returned, his friends could see that he was online. It is not difficult to guess that he had returned.

The door was suddenly opened, and the three heads of the sunset, Shitu and Bawang came in.

"Small fish is here too!" The three said hello after seeing the puppies, and they have become familiar with each other these days.

The puppet greeted him politely, saying nicely: "Three brothers."

"Brother, you're finally back!" Immediately after the sunset came in, he rushed forward and gave Huang Yi a bear hug, looking very excited.

"I'm not saying goodbye again, why are you so excited!" Huang Yi shook her head and patted the back of the setting sun.

"You can't do it without you!" The sunset sighed and said indignantly, "It's too overbearing these days to be born from the heart, we can't stand it anymore, and wait for you to come back to preside over the big picture!"

"I want to give birth to that person from my heart. He is self-conscious, self-righteous, and always loves to shirk his responsibility. This national war is so difficult to fight." The overlord shook his head and said huskyly.

"Brother, you are now back. Your qualifications can completely replace the desire to be born by the heart. Let us push you to the position of commander! How do you think? The day after tomorrow will be opened by the Xinsheng Association and all the top guilds in China. A conference, if you are willing to come forward, then this conference is a good opportunity. "Shitu suggested, looking at Huang Yi with anticipation.

"But I'm not strong enough to recover to more than 40 levels. When the commander is afraid, some people will disagree." Huang Yi shook his head, then looked at the puppet fish, and said, "Little fish, you decide this thing! If you say me Should get out of the way, I'll get out of the way. If you think it's better for me to avoid the frontier, then I'll wait. "

The puppet fish was just listening to the words of a few people with peace of mind, just like a child listening to an adult, but unexpectedly Huang Yi pushed this question to him at once.

He suddenly became nervous ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know that Huang Yi is testing him now, but he used to the order of the organization, and now suddenly it is his turn to make a decision, and suddenly feel a bit uncomfortable.

Huang Yi seemed to see that the puppet was a little nervous, and he couldn't help but touch his little head, and encouraged: "Don't be afraid, according to your real thoughts, this is just a small thing, and you will often meet yourself in the future. "

The three kings, the sunset, and the apprentice, also looked at the puppet fish gently, with a kind face, without putting up any veteran shelves.

The puppet's heart calmed down a bit, and after thinking for a while, he said a little stupidly: "I think the big brother's reputation can already play a big role. We can first publicize the big brother's return to the hero continent Go out and let some people who are hesitant to invade the hero continent feel some fear, veto the previous invasion plan, or postpone the invasion plan. This can also help the hero continent ease the tension. As for the big brother, do you want to be the general commander? I think we can go to the meeting the day after tomorrow to see the specific situation before making a decision. "


Today's fourth change, this is the second change. (To be continued ...)

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