Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 717: Moon Moon Gift

"Then do it!" Huang Yi nodded. He did not comment on whether the puppet's approach was good or bad, but fully agreed with the other party's decision.

This is just a trivial matter. He tries to keep the puppets to keep his judgment, not to be disturbed by his opinions, to cultivate the habit of independent thinking, and to build the most important confidence.

"Okay, let's do it now." Overlord, official, and sunset nodded immediately, fully respecting the suggestion of the puppet fish, without any objection, immediately went to do it.

The puppet fish looked up at a few high-level guild executives, and his small face suddenly froze, and the pure eyes suddenly exuded a different look.

He never thought that the advice he had said at a young age would really be implemented immediately! Just like he is a person who gives orders, he can think about one thing completely independently and formulate some methods independently.

At this moment, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world and touched something different, which the organization had never taught him.


Next, the Heroes ’Guild quickly took the news of Huang Yi ’s return. This was the first time that Huang Yi ’s public news came out after Huang Yi ’s reincarnation, which immediately caught the attention of major media around the world.

In a short period of time, this news was enthusiastically heated. At the critical moment of this national war, the return of this key figure is likely to bring some unexpected variables.

The next day, before Huang Yi went online, I went to the forum and took a look.

Sure enough, in the 24-hour hot post, he saw the news that he had returned to the hero continent.

"The heroic continent is in dire straits. Twelve countries have invaded the heroic continent. The number of super-leading experts has reached 8. The land area has been lost by nearly a quarter, and many other countries are considering invading the heroic continent."

"At the critical moment of the heroic mainland national war, the heroic guild announced the return of the high-profile killing of the gods! The future of the heroic mainland is confusing."

"The level of killing God is only restored to level 44. The strength is limited, and the national war is difficult to play a role. Analysts say that there is a good chance that the killing **** can have another way to rewrite the direction of the national war!"

"The war between the Russian mainland and the Pharaoh's mainland has entered a fierce battle. Pharaoh flew to Washington overnight, and met with Dante Ding, the newly-increased and superb master of the United States, and intended to win allies!"

"German player leader chariot. At the time of the invasion of the heroic mainland, we will get 1 more national honor! Add an important weight to win the national war."


The 24-hour hot posts on the forum were basically overwhelmed by the state-to-state war. Many nations are now in the outbreak of the national war, and mainland China is the most intense of all the national wars.

Huang Yi glanced a little, had a new understanding of the situation in the current world, and then entered the second world.

After going online, his body appeared in the house of five girls in mainland Singapore.

The room was empty at this time, and they were not here. Huang Yi looked at the list of friends. It was found that only Yueyue was online, and it was estimated that it was out.

He used the Grips of the Gods 10 times. Earned 10 experience points for the Tower of the Gods directly in single player mode. Then, I took out the medicine bottle and looked at it. The medicine that the medicine bottle breeds today is very ordinary, and it has no great use value.

At this time, Xia Chan was chanting on the tree in the yard outside the window, and the golden sunrise was shining in warmly, everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

Huang Yi decided to go for a walk, and walked like an ordinary person in this most ordinary town.

He opened the wooden door of the yard and went to the alley outside, walking freely in this small town. Along the way, he looked at the smoke from a house, met some children who were chasing, met the mother who called his children at the door and went home to eat, and saw players full of expectations to go to the teleportation square. Everyone has such a peaceful life.

Gradually, he came to the player trading area of ​​this town. Many players are setting up their stalls here, selling equipment they bought, or some of the materials they own. The inside is hot and the crowd is bustling.

"Boss, how did this absolute stealth potion sell?" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly heard a familiar voice. He turned around and suddenly found that Yueyue was not far away and was working with a stall selling potions. Lord talk.

"This potion is good. It allows a player to have one minute of absolute stealth time, and his life-saving effect is very good. I see you as a female player. Today is a special price, and two thousand gold coins are sold to you." The stall owner warmly Said.

"Ah! It's so expensive. I only have three hundred gold coins." Yueyue looked dimmed and said a little embarrassed.

"This, too little!" The stall owner's face was a little embarrassed, and his enthusiasm suddenly dropped a lot.

Yueyue looked at the bottle of medicine, bit her lip, and suddenly took out an orange glittering necklace. She said, "This is an orange necklace. The market value is about 10,000 gold coins. I will exchange five bottles of absolute stealth medicine for you. How about it? Plus, a bottle of random instant teleportation. "

"Orange costume necklace! The orange costume is worthless now." The stall owner's enthusiasm is not very high, and he seems to have become accustomed to the orange costume, and said, "Well, change four bottles of absolute stealth potion, one bottle of random potion, no Just change it. The orange dress is really worthless now. You are out of date, and you still use the orange dress as a baby! "

Yueyue hesitated for a while, and eventually nodded, and said, "Well, I'll change!"

Next, they completed the exchange process. Yueyue used the orange necklace that she had hardly typed in the Tower of the Gods a few days earlier, and changed four bottles of absolute stealth potion and one bottle of random teleportation potion.

Huang Yi stood not far away, watching the trade of this ordinary player quietly. He had won a lot of gold coins just by betting at the contests a while ago. His personal assets have reached several trillion yuan, and even a drizzle of 10,000 yuan is not even a drizzle for him. But for Yueyue, ten thousand gold coins is a huge sum of money.

Just then, he suddenly received a message, which was sent from month to month--

"Actress, where are you?"

Huang Yipian was too noisy around, and couldn't help replying, "I'm at the entrance of the market!" After that, he squeezed out of the crowd and returned to the entrance of the trading market.

It didn't take long for Yueyue to come out. She quickly found Huang Yi, walked quickly to him, and smiled slightly: "Yuer! Yesterday we encountered the undefeated Blade, Zhang Tian, ​​Shengguang. Their bad guys, maybe they will meet them in the future. Our masters are often offline. If you meet them, use this escape! "After finishing, she immediately took out a few things, handed them Gave Huang Yi.

Huang Yi looked at it for a moment, and Yueyue held five bottles of medicine in her hands, refracting the clear light in the sun.

These bottles of medicament are exactly the medicament exchanged by her stall owner with her only orange necklace at the fair just now.

After seeing Huang Yi's expression dull, he thought he did not know the effects of these bottles of medicine, and explained in detail: "The four blue potions are absolutely invisible potions. After use, they can be completely invisible. They will not see you. This purple potion is a random potion that can be delivered randomly to any place within 300 meters of the circle. It is also very effective when you escape. With these potions, you will not die so easily in the future. It's up! "

After speaking, Yueyue stuffed these five bottles of medicine directly into Huang Yi's hands, and touched his head lovingly, just like Master loved his apprentice.

"Thank you, Master." Huang Yi bit her lip, took the five bottles of medicine, and asked indifferently: "These medicines should be expensive, how did you get them?"

"I bought it! This kind of potion is rare. I bought it just today when I saw it, and I may not sell it next time." Yueyue said as usual.

Huang Yi stared at Yueyue's eyes and said, "Don't you and Begonia not even find a job? These gold coins for buying medicaments are converted into real money, which is not a small expense!"

"Oh, don't worry about this, Master should give you something. What else do you say? It's irrelevant if you can't find a job." Yueyue didn't seem to want to get tangled in this issue, and pulled directly With Huang Yi's hand, I walked towards the direction of the teleportation, and walked along the road and said, "Actually, I'll take you to brush up and level up. You have been in reincarnation for so long. By then, the level will drop a lot of others. Master will take you a lot. You can have some experience, and you won't be afraid to bully you. "

"No one can bully me, in fact, I am very powerful." Huang Yi followed Yueyue honestly and said as he walked.

"You're bragging!" Yueyue turned to smile at Huang Yi, her eyes narrowed, "You've been beaten by others ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said you're great! Be careful in the future! Do n’t bother those great people, do n’t worry Master! "

"Well, as long as others don't mess with me, I won't mess with others. If Master encounters difficulties later, you can always look for me, don't underestimate my strength!" Huang Yi said casually.

"Except for the few gangsters, Master has no enemies. Master is an ordinary player who does not fight for hegemony or fight. Every day when I go online, I just relax, and I do n’t get anybody out. And when I find a job, I go online. It ’s even less, and it does n’t make anyone more prone. ”Yueyue said, and a touch of sadness appeared on her face again. It seemed that finding a job was a problem for her. She and Begonia have been looking for work for a long time, but have never been able to find one.

Huang Yi looked at Yueyue's sad face, pursed her lips, and immediately sent a message towards Yinglin: "Yinglin, you can do everything you can to a girl named Guanshan Lingyue and a girl named Yi Xi Haitang's girls, recruit them into your guild. Just give them a reason to arrange a leisurely management position, and pay 100 million gold coins every month as salary. I will pay for it. "


This is the third update, and there is one next, but it has to be written very late. (To be continued ...)

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