Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 718: Deterrent effect

Huang Yi did not want to give Yueyue and Begonia gold coins directly, so the nature changed, which was equivalent to giving alms, which was too profitable. So he has to find a reasonable way, and Ying Lin is the leader of the players in Singapore, and by his means to help Yueyue and Begonia, this will look more normal.

Soon, he received a reply from Ying Lin--

"Boss, this, this is too exaggerated! I have seen so many gold coins burned, what kind of girl is you to take care of. With so many gold coins, it is difficult for me to find suitable reasons to give them, They can clearly see that there is something wrong. "

Huang Yi ignored Ying Lin's complaints and replied: "Don't give me a slob, you are the emperor of the mainland of Singapore. That's why I made you think of a reasonable way for them to get their money safely and not feel obtrusive. You have countless ways to implement in this country. "

After a while, Ying Lin responded to the news and said, "I think of a way. My guild and Heroism have already reached a strategic cooperation some time ago to help Heroism teach in mainland Singapore. I will be in yours. A temple construction task was arranged in the town, and local tenders were invited. Once the two girls signed up, I directly selected them. At that time, they were given far more gold coins than needed to build the temple, and the rest of the money was natural. It ’s theirs, so it does n’t look awkward, what do you think? ”

"Okay, just do what you say." Huang Yi also felt that this method was more clever and would not cause doubts by Begonia and Yueyue.


Not long after, Yueyue brought Huang Yi to the Teleportation Square. With Huang Yi, she began to brush up the 99-story tower of the gods in the five-player mode. She had no experience. But Huang Yi was able to get it. After the reincarnation, these experiences will be settled.

On the other side, Ying Lin quickly ordered a few people from His Majesty's Souls to make a special trip to Huang Yi's town. After those people came to this town, they immediately drafted some publicity notices and posted them in areas with dense crowds such as the transport square and market, announcing that they were willing to make a huge investment. Public tenders for players to build heroic temples in this town.

This matter was spreading throughout the town. People here did not expect that in this ordinary town, they would be so much valued by the group of demons in the World Guild! Religious temples are generally built in some more prosperous cities. This town is ordinary and has no attraction at all. It is a waste of money to build a temple here.

But for them. After all, the good news is that countless people have reported their names, and even some real-world companies have participated in the bidding, and they have worked hard to draft a very formal bidding plan, which has been done as a key project.

That night, when Huang Yi and Yueyue returned home. Even outside the courtyard, I heard the voice of several girls Yingying Yanyan coming inside, and they all knew about it.

"Great! The group of demons will spend 500 million gold coins in the world, and build a new hero church in our town! This is a religion created by killing gods, which will worship the idols of killing gods. Then we can pray every day Worship God! "Begonia's voice was as loud as ever. You can hear her from a distance.

"What? I heard you right! The 500 million gold coin bidding? Are the group demons crazy? Spend 500 million gold coins in this broken town to build a temple! If you buy these chicken legs, you won't be able to eat them all your life! "at this time. The sound of sleeping every day also sounded.

"I'm also very strange! Qun Mo should choose some first-tier cities to build temples. Why would he choose our broken place? Isn't the bidding fake?" The ink fragrance is also full of doubts, some can't believe it.

Huang Yi smiled calmly, and opened the courtyard door with Yueyue, walked in, and said to a few girls in the room: "Then we should also sign up and try, in case we are selected ? "

Ting Xi shook her head and said very calmly: "Do n’t dream, so many professional construction companies sign up. Just their bidding plan is not something we can do. How can we have the ability to undertake such a big deal? s project."

"Go to sign up! There is no loss after trying it." Huang Yi continued to persuade, still refused to give up. He felt a little helpless in his heart. Others were thinking about making money and spending money.

"Oh! Don't sign up! We definitely can't choose ours. I won't talk about this anymore, some of our sisters will go to dinner! See you tomorrow!" At this time, Begonia looked at the time, and then touched yellow in affection The overflowing head said goodbye.

Several of their girls also went offline with Begonia, leaving only Huang Yi alone.

"Isn't it so difficult to send money?" Only Huang Yi's helpless sigh remained in the empty room.


The next day, Huang Yi went online early.

Today's forum hot posts are still occupied by news of some national wars. The move by the puppies really had some effects. Huang Yi casually saw several good news--

"The Spanish fleet arrived on Heroes' Continent, but its leader, Carolin, did not initiate a declaration of war. Analysts said that the Spanish fleet should be deterred by news of the return of the gods and not dare to start the national war."

"It is reported that the British fleet is about to arrive on the heroic continent, and the leader Arthur Altoria ordered a break in place, and has not stated whether or not to invade the heroic continent."

"After the Heroes’ Guild officially announced the return of God Killing, the South African fleet, which was heading for the hero continent, returned on the way and gave up attacking the hero continent! "

"The Argentine National War Union convened an important meeting, with 34 votes in favor, 87 votes against, and 22 abstentions, vetoed the plan to invade the heroic continent."


The judgment of the puppies was indeed correct. After they disclosed the news of Huang Yi's return, they shocked some countries that were still hesitating or preparing to invade the hero continent, and indirectly helped the hero guild to ease the situation.

This time the deterrence has nothing to do with Huang Yi's strength, just the effect brought by his reputation.

After reading the news a bit, Huang Yi entered the second world.

Today is an important day. The commander-in-chief of the National War of the Chinese Mainland will be born from his heart. He will meet with all the top leaders of China's top guilds, and Huang Yi will be an important person in this meeting.

The location of this conference is in the city of the guild, which is to be born from the heart.

At this time, the city's teleportation square was crowded, and all the high-level guilds of China came over. These people carried a large number of men and women, one more than one, and one larger than one, and some reporters also rushed here to shoot. Although they can't directly shoot the meeting content, these tidbits can still be shot.

The high level of these guilds, leading their men and women, waved their greetings to the reporters on the side of the road, like the stars walking on the red carpet, or the head of the army who was reviewing.

Just then, in an inconspicuous corner of the teleportation square, the light flashed, and there were two people, one big, one small, and Huang Yi and Puppet Fish.

The heroic guild came here in such a trivial way, and compared with other guilds, there was no style at all, and it was even shabby. But when the reporters found the two of them, they swarmed in their direction and ignored the heads of any other guilds.

Within a short while, Huang Yi and the puppies were surrounded by a leak, and countless reporters sent accompanying interviews noisily.

"Mr. God, will you immediately participate in the national war?"

"Mr. Killing God, what do you think of the current situation in Hero Continent?"

"Kill God, this little boy around you has never appeared before, can you introduce us to him?"

Media reporters' problems filled up every inch of space and poured into the ears of Huang Yi and Pupae. However, they did not speak along the way, so they went forward so silently, and gradually came to the place where the meeting started.

The reporters did not have permission to enter, and had to stay outside. Huang Yi and Puppet Fish finally breathed fresh air, and the surroundings were cleared.

"Kill God!"

"It's been a long time since I killed God"

Along the way, after seeing Huang Yi at the top of the remaining guilds, he greeted him respectfully. Many of them were hostages rescued by Huang Yi last time in the East China continent, and they have long been grateful to him.

"Kill the god." At this moment, a familiar voice came. Huang Yi turned his head and saw that it was Lin Yiqin, the head of the copy team of the Xuanyuan Clan. They also played the 50th Tower of the Gods together. The first kill of the layer zombie king is very close.

"Is there any news for the blade? When will you come back?" Huang Yi and Lin Yiqin walked side by side while walking ~ www.readwn.com ~ asked.

Lin Yiqin shook his head: "Brother Blade has n’t heard from us, and we are eager for him to come back!" He lowered his voice and said, "This desire is too hard to be born from the background. It is hard to be ousted. You and him are the only ones who replaced you, Blade and Thor, and Yun Sihai and I look forward to you being in power! You cannot win this war if you want to be born of your heart. "

"I haven't decided yet whether to grab this commander or not. I will decide later depending on the situation." Huang Yi calmly said that his current level is an unavoidable flaw, and there are advantages and disadvantages to the position of this commander He has to make a decision depending on the situation.

"Well? Who is this little boy? I haven't seen it before!" Lin Yiqin shifted the subject to the puppet fish and touched his head affectionately.

"He is our hope!" Huang Yi glanced down at the slightly restrained face of the puppet fish and smiled slightly.


Four more completed, ask for a recommendation ticket. (To be continued ...)

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