Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 719: Yellow spill

"Brother Lin is good!" The puppet fish looked at Lin Yiqin and greeted. His appearance is very confusing. It looks like an ordinary little boy. No one knows his true identity but is the No. 1 organization in the future. If Huang Yi sacrifice one day, he will really emerge.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi, Puppet Fish, and Lin Yiqin to come to the conference hall together.

The conference hall is large and distributed concentrically as a whole. Generally, people sit in the outer area, and the more important people sit closer to the center area.

The most central area is a round table with only about 20 positions. Those who can sit in this position are the most important people! Huang Yi and Lin Yiqin were located there, while the puppets were located on the periphery.

At this time, there were already hundreds of people in the conference hall, all of whom were senior members of the top guilds. These people are head-and-face characters outside, and now they all gather here. The future of the hero continent is basically in the hands of these people.

"Here is God!"

"It's been a long time since I killed God!"

"Kill God!"


Huang Yi's arrival immediately caused a commotion in the Chamber. Everyone turned to look at him and greeted him warmly.

Some time ago, he first rescued the high-level hostages of the guild in the East China mainland. Later, he went to block Japan alone, and also tied the national war. These actions made his prestige in the eyes of Chinese players unprecedented, and almost every guild was polite to him.

"Hello everyone!" Huang Yi nodded toward the crowd, and then brought the puppet. And Lin Yiqin walked towards the front row of the conference hall.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes moved along with him, and some people's eyes did not even conceal their expectations.

There are actually quite a few guilds. All are willing to Huang Yi to be the chief commander, but the premise is that the heart is willing to give up, if there is no way out. At present, Huang Yi has also joined the legion that wants to be born from the heart.

Although he has a high reputation, if he is going to form a new army now, few people will join. Because the system has a post-war reward mechanism.

After each national battle, the system will reward those who perform well. Just like the last time Huang Yi finished the national war in the East China Sea, he was directly rewarded with 500 reputation. And 10 levels! However, in the original national war, Huang Yi was the only one here, so the system only gave him a post-war reward. Now this is a large-scale national war. After the end, a best-performing corps is directly selected for reward. Everyone in the corps can more or less enjoy it.

As early as more than a month ago, when the war on the hero continent just started, Yuxinsheng had taken the lead to form the Resistance Army. Almost all guilds in China had joined the corps at that time. Everyone joined forces to push the system score of this legion very high. Once the hero continent has won, this legion is the best legion without any doubt. This is why some people are dissatisfied with their desire to stay in this legion.

And if Huang Yi formed a new legion, it would be such a long time behind. It is difficult to catch up with desire. And more importantly, he is now in reincarnation, and his gold sign is no longer loud.

Finally, Huang Yi and Lin Yiqin came to the middle round table and sat down.

Sitting here are basically some acquaintances. For example, the president of Xuanyuan's Yun Sihai, the president of the Nether Church, Qiu Suqiufeng, the Minister of War of the Dragon Kingdom, and the moon, the president of the famous general court, Lu Bu, the world's first ordinary player, Yang Yuheng, and the sixth gentleman in China. and many more.

However, the Sun Guild did not send anyone. A while ago, Thor and Yusheng had fallen into trouble, and the relationship between the two parties was at a freezing point.

Huang Yi and Lin Yiqin sat down beside the four seas of clouds. Waiting for the meeting to start.

"Kill God, if you do n’t have reincarnation right now, our national war won't be so hard." At this time, Die Su Qiufeng, the chairman of the Cult Church sitting on the other side of Huang Yi, said aloud.

"Your hypothesis is untenable." At this time, the gentleman shook his head, took a deep look at Huang Yi, and smiled slightly: "If God is not reincarnation, this national war may not happen."

"That's what it is!" Qisu Qiufeng nodded, suddenly looking at the Minister of War of the Dragon Kingdom, chasing the wind, and saying, "Yes, the Dragon Emperor hasn't appeared for so long. Where did he go?"

"I don't know, we don't have any news about Dragon Spike, I don't know where he went, and he didn't leave a message for us." Zhui Feng Lanyue shook his head helplessly, and he would be asked about this almost every day problem.

Dragon Kingdom is a relatively special organization. Its king is a super-class master Dragonthorn, and it should be a super-class force. However, the dragon thorn is like a majestic emperor. It does not care much, making this power not very strong. Only a few ministers are managing the Dragon Kingdom. It is very embarrassing for the Dragon Kingdom to represent the Dragon Kingdom.

Everyone was chatting and waiting, and one minute before the meeting started, Yu Shengsheng finally took his own horse and walked in through the door. He carried more than a dozen people, imposing and immensely pompous, like a big-name debut.

I want to go directly from the heart to the middle round table, sit at my own position, look around at all the players at the scene, and say loudly: "Everyone is here, let's start the meeting!"

After a brief pause, I opened my door and said, "This time, we are still at a disadvantage in the national war. Although we have tried hard to resist, we are still defeated. The main causes of this situation are Two reasons. The first reason is that more and more countries have invaded the heroic continent, and the enemy is getting stronger and stronger. The number of super-class masters in the enemy alone has reached eight! And we only have a gentleman. The first-class master is obviously not an opponent. The second reason is that we are not united internally. The Sun Guild like Thor is a typical example. At such a moment of national difficulty, the Sun Guild has great strength in the air, but it is unwilling to use it. National wars, disobedience to unified leadership, such a guild should be cast aside by everyone! "

Speaking, wanting to be cold-hearted in his heart, he said, "The so-called 'Xiang Xiang must first settle in'. In order for our hero continent to condense into an iron plate, we must kill chickens and tamarins. Severe blows! I announce that starting today, the Sun Guild has also become our enemy. In the future, everyone who sees the Sun Guild must be killed by thunder. Only in this way can more deterrents and bring everyone together. "

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was upset!

A while ago, things that were about to be overthrown by the mind and thunder were spreading. But everyone did not expect that Yuxinsheng made this plan to kill chickens and tamarins, and even the Sun Guild was included in the ranks of the enemy!

To have a cold smile from your heart, look around the audience, as if the emperor was visiting his people, and continued: "To this end, we should start from several aspects. First, all our guilds must sever any relationship with the Sun Guild. Cooperation. If any guild does not sever relations with them, then there is no need to stay in this corps, and quit automatically, don't let me fire myself. "

The voice of the audience suddenly became a lot smaller. This is the weakness of all people. Whether they can stay in this legion is up to their heart!

Many people originally sympathized with the Sun Guild, but now it is related to their own interests, then it is different. Even if there are objections, they choose to be silent.

At this moment, Yu Xinsheng turned his head to look at Huang Yi and said, "Kill God, you are responsible for directly attacking the Sun Guild. No matter how many people are lost, you must take them down. In addition, although you are reincarnation, but You have a bizarre book that can summon a very powerful NPC helper, even a helper at the level of the heavens. This ability is very helpful to the national warfare. For the sake of the overall situation, you should hand this book out to us! Use. And your guild also developed ocean airships, which is also a trick. Take out all your ocean airships! I will assign them uniformly. In addition, you instruct your manpower to make them work overtime to make at least one hundred An ocean airship must be fast, don't delay the fighter. "

There is no discussion of the tone of the mind, as if the superior is ordering the subordinate.

The audience was silent, everyone sitting in all directions was staring at Huang Yi, waiting for his answer.

Huang Yi raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at Yu Sheng, slowly said, "Are you a brain disabled?"

At that moment, time stopped!

Everyone in the entire conference hall seemed to be locked down! Just staring at Huang Yi so stiffly, motionless, the words just echoed in my mind.

Before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ everyone kept silent about desire, even if he didn't agree with his approach, they made suggestions in harmony and talked slowly. But no one expected that when he came to Huang Yi, he came directly with a very rude sentence!

However, this rude remark sounds to everyone with a cheerful and invigorating feeling. How many people want to say something to their heart, but dare to say it in their backs?

No one has ever thought about it, someone will say this in front of the desire of the heart, or even in the face of all the top guilds of the heroic continent!

Yu Shengsheng also stayed for a while, it seems that Huang Yi did not expect to directly curse.

"What are you talking about?" He asked again, his face cold, with a rage of blood on his face, and the Blue Classic exploded, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

"I said, are you mentally disabled?" Huang Yi repeated, calmly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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