Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 720: Mouth-to-mouth battle

"You scold me?" The voice that was born from the heart was almost squeezed from the gap between the teeth, a pair of eyes stared at Huang Yi coldly, and said in a cold voice: "I led you to fight against the country, and the credit is outstanding, and you are only today Just joined, what qualifications do you have for scolding me? "

"That's the difference between us. Your credit is spoken, and my credit is made." Huang Yi stared at Yu Sheng and looked directly into his eyes, saying: "I contributed 9 points to the country Honor, how many times did you contribute? When I went to the East China mainland to rescue these high-level guilds, what were you doing? I have already won four gold medals at the annual ceremony. What did you get? "

These words can be said to happen to the hearts of hundreds of guilds in the audience, and everyone whispered and talked with interest, watching the desire to be born from the heart with playful eyes.

The momentum in Yu Shengsheng's eyes was slightly weaker, but quickly changed the topic, saying: "You are talking about old things and old things, we are talking about this national war now! I represent Chinese officials, that alone is enough! "

Huang Yi shook his head and said, "But as far as I know, Chinese officials have not issued any form of documents. From the day when the national war began, to the present, Chinese officials have issued a total of 231 official documents, but these documents have not been identified. You are the leader of Chinese players in the second world. You are just using the forces behind you to build your own opinion and form an illusion representing the Chinese official. From beginning to end, it is just your wishful thinking. "

Huang Yi made a special investigation in the past few days to find out that Chinese officials have not issued relevant documents. Even for this national war. Chinese officials have never expressed any opinions, as if they didn't care about it. It's just that the official background to be born from the heart is too deep. Coupled with the hype of public opinion, it is as if he really represents the official.

There is a flash of unnaturalness in the eyes of Xinsheng, but it is still tough: "I do not have official documents, but I have an official background! I have sufficient qualifications to be the chief commander!"

"You can just say that you are the second-generation official!" Huang Yi leaned against the back of the chair and said lightly, "The only thing you can be proud of is this identity. You don't have any ability to command this national war. Before you What you have done, even what you are saying now. It shows that you are arrogant, arrogant, and self-righteous. No matter how powerful the army is, you are doomed to fail.

There was a flash of anger in Xinsheng's eyes, and he simply no longer reasoned with Huang Yi, but directly displayed the identity of the regiment leader. Han said: "This legion was created by me. I only welcome people who join the command. You are so opposed to me, don't you want to stay?"

"You army, it has no appeal to me!" Huang Yi nodded indifferently.

Subsequently, he directly withdrew from the Legion to be born of heart. Quit this national war temporarily!

This move immediately triggered a mainland announcement, resounding through the entire hero continent!


Two blonde female players are standing side by side on the seashore of Hero Continent. Both female players have a kind of aura. Powerful, as if two female generals.

These two people. It was Carolin, the leader of the Spanish Legion, and Arthur Altoria, the leader of the British Legion. Both of them are famous female masters in Europe.

This time, they originally led their respective legions and wanted to join forces to invade the hero continent, but they just heard the news of Huang Yi returning to the hero continent. The disappearance was full of deterrence and disrupted their plans. After their army arrived on the heroic continent, they all ordered them to rest in place and not declare war.

"Can you still fight the British regiment?" At this moment, the Spanish Army leader Carolin, asked Arthur Altoria, the British regimental leader. The sea breeze blew her long golden hair back, revealing those deep blue eyes.

"I'm still thinking about it, and look at the situation in a few days before I decide." Arthur Altria shook her head, looking at the ocean ahead, and said quietly, "During the contest, I used to kill myself and kill God. After fighting, he has a deep understanding of his strength. He and we are not a character on a level. Some time ago, his performance in the East China mainland was replaced by any guild in the world. He can not beat him now. Reincarnation, but we can't guess what other means he has. For the rest of the world, reincarnation means falling, but killing God is an exception. "

"Okay, we'll just wait and see. Not only are we waiting and watching, but there are also several countries watching, hoping to have a chance!" Kanolin nodded.

Just then, a vast voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth—

"[Mainland Announcement]: Killing God left the Legion that was to be born of the heart, and withdrew from the National War."

Carolin and Arthur Altria stared at each other!

"The opportunity is here!" The two men said inadvertently the next moment.


Named players who join or withdraw from the Legion during the National War are all judged by the system as important events, which will trigger a mainland announcement.

The news of Huang Yi's withdrawal from the Legion suddenly spread throughout the hero continent, into the ears of every Chinese player, and into the ears of every foreign player. Then through one's mouth, the rapid reports of media reporters spread to the whole world like the speed of light!

In the conference hall, hundreds of guilds met at high levels. They did not expect that Huang Yi and Yuxinsheng had fallen out so quickly, and even directly withdrew from the legion, leaving no room for relaxation.

Desperately staring at Huang Yi, he had just been in a weak position since he had a dispute with Huang Yi, and hadn't pulled back yet. I thought I could threaten Huang Yi as the leader of the army, but he did not expect that Huang Yi simply withdrew from his army, making his threat useless all of a sudden.

But soon, he thought of another thing, his expression calmed down, as if his old friends were chatting, and he laughed: "Kill God, the gold medal and trophy of your best personal award are still in my hands, what are you Time to get it? "

In this sentence, he speaks with fearlessness and calm tone, but it exudes a touch of threatening meaning! During the annual ceremony a while ago, Huang Yi did not attend the scene. He received the best personal award on his behalf!

"Despicable!" At this moment, everyone could not help but cursed at the desire of the heart. At the same time, I felt a little worried for Huang Yi. This is indeed a big deal. If he becomes stale with his desires, he probably won't get the medals and trophies.

"You don't say I'll forget about it." Huang Yi shook his head and smiled, his face still as calm as before: "If you like it, keep it! My best newcomer award last year is still in the hands of the blade! If If you are interested, you can ask him to bring it and make a pair. "

At that moment, the smile that was born from the heart was frozen on the face, as if it were a still photo!

He never expected that Huang Yi would refuse so easily, so lightly, without even hesitation!

Hundreds of high-level guilds in the room were also suddenly dumbfounded that this kind of award was replaced by any one of them, and they were anxious to be placed at the door of their home.

"Okay, I have to go back to the sun! Play slowly." At this moment, Huang Yi dropped a sentence towards the desire, and stood up, under the attention of hundreds of guilds in the audience. Striding towards the exit of the conference hall.

Wanting to have a strong complexion and staring at Huang Yi's departure, he immediately put off a big hat: "At the time of the crisis of the national war, we held an important meeting here, which is about the fate of the entire hero continent! And you said Go to the sun, you want to be a traitor to the heroic continent? "

"I am the guardian of the heroic continent." Huang Yi said without looking back, his tone was so calm from beginning to end, unaffected.

Suddenly, from the heart, he remembered that Huang Yi was indeed the guardian of the heroic continent, and even the name of the heroic continent was taken by him.

It's just that Huang Yi's glory is too much, so that the identity of the guardian of the heroic continent is rarely mentioned, and he never paid attention to it before he wanted to be born.

Yu Xinsheng slowly took it over and said, "You also know that you are the guardian of the hero continent, but I'm trying to lead everyone to fight the national war, and you haven't done anything, what's your face as this?" Guardian? You have made no contribution to this national war! "

"My return is a contribution." After saying this, Huang Yi left the conference hall completely and disappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the back of Huang Yi disappearing from my heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ I reluctantly sneered: "Your return is a contribution? Don't take it for granted, you haven't changed anything in this national war, you The withdrawal will not cause any change in the situation of the national war, and even a spray can't be turned up! "

The words that were to be born from the heart fell, and three vast voices suddenly sounded between heaven and earth——

"[Mainland Announcement]: Carnotlin led the Spanish Army and declared war on the heroic continent."

"[Mainland announcement]: Arthur Altria led the British regiment to declare war on the hero continent."

"[Mainland announcement]: Xuefeng leads the Canadian Army and declares war on the hero continent."

The audience was silent and was speechless by these three announcements! Dead in the air!

Suddenly three countries invaded the heroic continent. It was like three knives, and they fell into the hearts of everyone!

"This is the consequence of killing God and withdrawing." Just then, the somber voice of the gentleman sounded. (To be continued ...)

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