Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 723: Return to the Holy Land

"So what do you want to do?" Thor asked the stubble on his chin, staring at Zhang Yujian.

"When the time comes, I will tell you, but the national war is an opportunity, and you seem to have withdrawn from the national war." Zhang Yujian frowned at the end. "When did you officially create a legion to participate in the war? "

"It's probably about two months!" Huang Yi groaned. He is now returning to more than 40 levels. At least he must reach the level of the Holy Land to create a legion to participate in the battle.

"That's pretty much." Zhang Yujian nodded, and Youyou said, "For more than two months, Ni Dongde's armed forces are almost ready. You are fighting a virtual war in the Second World, but Ni Dongde is a real sword. Armed resistance. This time, our goal is to get some countries to declare their independence from the control of the World Federation and gradually weaken the power of the World Federation. "

"Then let's wait another two months. At that time, my death sentence is almost here!" Thor said with a sigh.

The three people oppressed by the World Federation, just in this dark room, explored ways to deal with the World Federation.

Compared with the behemoth of the world federation, these three of them are like a negligible existence, but the fire of the stars can be the prairie fire, they are the prairie fire.


That afternoon, Huang Yi finally went online.

"No! Why did we choose us?" As soon as he was online, Huang Yi heard Begonia's surprise cry.

"I did receive their notifications!" Yueyue's voice was full of incredibleness, as if money had fallen from the sky.

At this time. Huang Yi's figure appeared in the air.

Begonia saw him and grabbed his hand with excitement. "Tuer, I'll tell you the good news. The tender selected us! We have 500 million gold coins to build a church for heroes!"

"Really? Great!" Huang Yi deliberately revealed a surprise expression, inconceivable: "It doesn't take much money to build a new temple, the rest is ours! You don't need to look for a job! A lifetime! Worry-free! "

"It's ... really good?" Begonia suddenly became a little hesitant, as if she was at a loss in the face of this huge sum of money, and her life was suddenly rewritten, this contrast made her somewhat unacceptable.

"Suddenly so much money came. It's really hard to adapt!" Yueyue also said with emotion, "Originally I and Begonia wanted to find a normal job, and my salary can be met if it can reach the ordinary level. Now So much money came from Zi, it didn't seem to be real, it was like dreaming. "

At this time, Ting Xi also wandered in the hall. Analyzes: "It's true! What the guilds of Yinglin say will not be false, but I'm curious, will this be too coincident? Last time Yinglin helped us kill the undefeated Blade, Holy Light, Zhang A few people left in a hurry, and now we are looking for us to undertake this big project, which is abnormal. "

"Yeah! A master like Ying Lin should not have any intersection with us. It's abnormal for two times in a short period of time! This is too abnormal!" Qingmo Qingxiang also wrinkled her little nose and thought.

Huang Yi burst into her heart and quickly shifted the topic: "Don't worry about that much, it's a good thing to have money in hand. Now think about how to build a temple for heroism! We are just rich now. There is no manpower and we need to recruit people Building. "

Begonia nodded. "Yeah! Heroism now has more than 100 million believers all over the world. There are thousands of temples. Let's build a world-famous temple. 500 million gold coins should be able to build the best temple!" Only then can I stand out, maybe I ’m happy to kill God, and come to visit our temple in person, and then I will be able to see my idol! "

"Don't, the bidding notice didn't require anything to build, let's build a normal one, the rest of the gold coins will be counted!" Huang Yi quickly stopped, he managed to let these gold coins flow to a few of them. If you really spend all your money on building a temple, it will be a waste of effort.

"That's not good ..." Yueyue said a little bit weakly. "In case Yingying sued us and said what we should do about fraud. They gave 500 million gold coins, and we spent two or three hundred million, which was too greedy. "I think it's enough for us to keep a few million coins quietly, not too obvious."

"Yeah! The one I have seen the most is 100,000 gold coins. A few million gold coins is already a huge sum for us. If we are greedy for hundreds of millions, it will not be comfortable to spend." He nodded.

Huang Yi listened to the discussions of several girls, and felt a moment of weakness in the heart. Ordinary people are often not big enough. When they have the opportunity to get huge sums of money, they will be afraid to bear the burden of legal responsibility.

He thought about it, and could not help but send another message to Ying Lin: "Change the bidding requirements, the temple cannot be built too gorgeous ..."


Time passed day by day, Yueyue Haitang and their girls were busy building this temple of heroism.

What confuses them a bit is that when they got a huge sum of 500 million gold coins, they were told that they could not build the temple too magnificently, and the remaining money was regarded as their hard work.

This condition could not help making them feel extremely miserable, it was almost giving them money. They think about it, only one reason, that is, it is possible that the group of demons under the camp of the forest may be a high-level fancy one of these girls, want to express their love in this way meaning. But they waited for a long time without waiting for the confession.

At the same time as the new temple was built, the level of Huang Yi also recovered day by day. The world record of the Tower of the Gods has his name printed on it. It is almost impossible for future generations to break the record again, unless someone can only do it once after reincarnation.

On the other side of the hero continent, the form of national warfare is getting more and more severe!

Since Huang Yi's withdrawal from the national war, the country that invaded the hero continent has reached a stage of blowout! Countless countries have spotted the timing of the heroic continent's defeat, and they all want to come and pick up the cheap!

Only two days after Huang Yi's exit, the legions of five nations announced their invasion of the hero continent!

On the tenth day, the total number of legions that invaded the hero continent exceeded 30! Among them, Japan ’s another super-class master Tiandao, the new American player leader Dante, etc., the hero mainland is completely in a state of defeat!

On the 17th day, the main territory of the famous heroic guild "Northeast Storm" was destroyed, the main battle flag was destroyed, and the guild was dissolved. It became the first annihilated guild among the top 50 guilds on the heroic continent. Meat machine stage.

On the 22nd day, the 35th Guild of Heroes Continent "Buyue Dengyun" was destroyed by an army led by the Pope himself, shocking the world!

On the thirty-first day, the "absolute zero" of the 22nd place in the hero continent was eliminated, and the guild city fell into the hands of the well-known European superb master tntm. Every guild in the hero continent is furious, and everyone is at risk.

Forty-fourth day, the two leading players in the United States are masters Pope and Dante; the two leading players in Japan are Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo; the European leader Tnt; the Indian player leader Ganga and the Indonesian player leader are in trouble. A super-class master, the United led a raid on the super-class guild-the port city of Chibi, the famous general's court!

The Guild of Guilds rushed to the battle and eventually lost the battle. The Red Cliff City fell and became the largest city in the heroic continent since the National War. A total of 14 real-life figures including President Lu Bu, Vice-President Guan Yu, Zhu Geliang, and core high-level Zhao Zilong, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Fei died on the spot. Affected by this, the market value of Mingge Pavilion plummeted 64%, and 500 billion US dollars of market value evaporated overnight! Fall from the ranks of super-class guilds to second-rate forces!

On the fifty-fifth day, the total area occupied by the heroic continent has exceeded half of the continent's area, reaching a major important condition for the systematic determination of the victory of the coalition forces, and the national war has entered the most critical stage. I want to have a televised speech from Xinsheng publicly, calling on all Chinese players to join the legion immediately for the final battle!

On the fifty-sixth day, all the players on Hero Continent ushered in the dawn. The rankings showed that the level of the **** of killing had been restored to level 100 and entered the sanctuary stage!


On this day, Huang Yi went online early, and his level finally returned to level 100!

This is a key point, his avatar is about to create a legion to participate in the national war. And his ontology decided to go to the Central Continent. All the rest of the reincarnation time was studied at the Royal Academy of Oskan. When the reincarnation is completely over, he will return to people's sight with a stronger posture.

At this time, Yang Yuheng was the first in the world rankings, reaching 191, which is not far from the level of heaven. The heroes of the Heroes Guild are also very good. He is also a super player among ordinary players, with a level of 190, ranking 8th in the world and 3rd in the hero continent.

The reason why ordinary players upgrade quickly is because they need less experience than rare occupations. But in the past few months, rare professional players have been upgrading much faster. The upgrade speed of killing rival players in the national war is much faster than the level of the tower of the gods ~ www.readwn.com ~ This makes almost all rare professional players actively participate in the national war and change direction Accelerating the severity of the national war, even the masters who do not want to fight the national war, joined the national war in order to be able to quickly upgrade. The addition of masters will surely join with the power of his Majesty, forming a joint effect.

At present, among the rare professional, the highest level is the Pope, and the level has reached 174! The level before Huang Yi's reincarnation was flat.

In addition, Miyamoto Musashi, tnt, heaven, Ganga, Ronald, Dire Bear, Pharaoh, etc. have all risen to level 170! On the hero continent, in addition to Huang Yi, only two rare professionals, Gentleman and Thor, have been promoted to level 170.

Although Thor did not join the legion, he led the Sun Guild alone and fought many small battles, and the upgrade speed was very fast.

Now that the hero continent is in a crisis, Huang Yi can't wait for the reincarnation to end, and can only join the national war in advance with the strength of the Holy Land in advance.


Will this jump too fast? Nearly two months passed, it seems that the time span was not so large before. . . (To be continued ...)

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