Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 724: Farewell moment

Immediately after launching, Huang Yi found Yueyue, Begonia, Ink Scent, Ting Xi, and even the few who go online to sleep every day. The five girls were sitting in the room and seemed to be waiting for him.

Seeing that Huang Yi was on the line, Yueyue stood up suddenly, staring at him with a pair of eyes, and said, "You son, are you leaving today?"

"Yes! I'm at level 100. I'm leaving today and boarding the ship in Xingang City!" Huang Yi nodded. This was the plan he had originally set, and he would go to the central continent when he reached level 100. The central continent is extremely distant. Even if boarding a clipper, it will take a long time to arrive. He has to leave early.

"Then let's go to the temple and pray, and then let you go!" Begonia said, his eyes flushed, and he walked over reluctantly, holding Huang Yi's hand.

The six left the room together and came to the outside yard.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked around. He lived in this small yard for more than three months. When he was a little **** cat, he was brought back by Yueyue and has been living here ever since. If Yueyue didn't hold him back, maybe he is still wandering on the street and has nowhere to stay.

Many afternoons, the sun was silently shining on the big tree in the yard, casting a shade, knowing the singing, the breeze blowing. He liked to sleep in the rattan chair under the tree in the morning, no matter how long he slept. And I may never come here again.

Leaving the yard, six people were walking on the streets of this small town. The town is so big and the streets and alleys are so familiar. When passing by the barbecue restaurant, Huang Yi suddenly looked inside. I remember going to the Tower of the Gods many times before. Many times Begonia goes in to buy barbecue.

There were still tender publicity notices posted on the wall of the barbeque shop, but they were dappled by the rain and could not see the words on it.

"Tuer, Master will buy you the last barbecue again!" Haitang said, and rushed into the barbecue restaurant immediately.

After a while, she came out with a lot of kebabs and distributed them to everyone. In the end, he shoved a whole lot of barbecued meat into Huang Yi's hands and said, "Yuer, we are rich now. When you do n’t have enough money, remember to come back to us!"

"I'm not short of money, but you can always ask me if you have no money!" Huang Yi shook his head and smiled.

He has several trillion gold coins on hand, even if they give them 100 million gold coins each time. It has to be given tens of thousands of times to finish. However, the last time he gave five girls several trillion gold coins through bidding, enough for them to live a lifetime.

Finally, everyone came to the temple of heroism. This is the most magnificent building in this ordinary town. Recently, they worked hard to build this church, day and night, all players in the whole town. Basically, they were recruited to build this temple. After many days of hard work, they finally built it.

When the temple was built, the five demon guilds listed the five girls as the managers of the temple. Almost everyone in the entire town has become a hero, and they come to pray every day.

At this moment, some people are entering and leaving the temple. After seeing the six, they greeted each other warmly. They already have deep prestige in this small town. At that time, the three unscrupulous gangsters, Zhang Tian and Sheng Guang, who bullied them, never dared to bother them again.

Six people walked into the temple. The floor is heavy red carpet and the surrounding windows are colored. After the sun came in, it decomposed into soft light. The walls of the hall are painted with murals related to Huang Yi, such as saving the dragon capital, smashing a hundred orc holy strongmen in the half-orc holy land, and so on. The style of painting is ancient, as if it is an epic that has existed in history.

Directly in front of the hall is the statue of Huang Yi, holding the **** war and anger and pointing to the sky, as if there is a breath of fighting with heaven.

At this time, many people were kneeling on one leg under the statue of Huang Yi, praying solemnly.

They believers pray once a day and can automatically obtain a buff that lasts for 24 hours, slightly enhancing their strength. In addition, you can also earn 1 point of faith contribution to release religious skills or improve your own level of religious belief. So the first thing many players do every day is to come here to pray.

The six came to the statue of Huang Yi, kneeled on one leg, and began to pray. Huang Yi looked at his idol, and also kneeled on one leg and made a random appearance.

Now that heroism has spread to many countries in the Second World, the faith contribution of all believers will be converted into his belief power according to a certain proportion. At present his power of faith has exceeded 80 million points! It is very far away from the goal of 1 billion!

"Okay, apprentice, let's take you to the ship!" After praying, he said to Huang Yi every day while sleeping, waving his mage's staff, and released a teleportation ability.

The people stepped on the teleportation in turn, and immediately teleported to Newport City, a public port city, where many Singapore Guild ships enter and exit.

Six people passed through the crowd and arrived at the embarkation site of the port. Many people were saying goodbye to each other, hugging and telling, and there was a parting atmosphere in the air.

"Beloved, maybe we won't have a chance to meet in our whole life. Don't forget Master! Come on, hug!" Begonia's eyes flashed red, and a mist of water suddenly appeared, holding Huang Yi's hand.

"I won't forget you." Huang Yi said, opened his arms and hugged Begonia.

The clear ink fragrance also hugged Huang Yi and said reluctantly: "Athletes, often come back to see later! Masters will always wait for you in the town, or the yard."

"Tuer, smooth sailing!" Ting Xi and Huang Yi hugged and patted his back.

Sleeping every day and hugging Huang Yi, she said slightly embarrassedly: "I have nothing to say, but after you come, we will buy you a lot of delicious food!"

The last is Yueyue. At the beginning, she took Huang Yi back from the rain. It is arguably the deepest of the five masters.

She gently tidying Huang Yi's collar and urged: "You son, be honest when you return there, don't fight with others, lest you be bullied again. If you are bullied, come back! Our master A few protect you, you have to be careful on the way! Don't trust others casually, bear in mind when you encounter anything! "At the end, Yueyue's eyes were red, and she burst into tears.

"You can rest assured, I will be careful!" Huang Yi nodded, hugged Yueyue tightly, and reached out to wipe off the tear marks on her face.

"Well, I'm leaving, goodbye, Master! I wish you peace and happiness in the future." Huang Yi waved at several girls.

At this moment, a kind of resentment suddenly appeared in his heart. After all, it was someone who had been together for a few months, and he did not know if he would have a chance to meet again.

Next, Huang Yi turned to the boarding passage and boarded a ship of the Hero Guild.

Yueyue five always looked at him from below, watching his figure getting smaller and smaller.

Huang Yi came to the high deck railings, looked down at the shore, and Yueyue five were still watching him and waving their hands. They are extremely small in the vast crowd below. The world is so big and so many people can't see it. No one knows who they will meet. It is already a miracle to meet.

If that day, Huang Yi reincarnates for so many tens of seconds, and even if he is still in that alley, he won't be able to meet them in the month and month. Maybe he will meet other people and another story will happen.

However, Yueyue can only disappear into Huang Yi's life and become a memory. He can only accompany him all the time, only Qin Shiyu.

A person's life will pass by 30 million people, but can only live with one person.


"Woo ~" Finally, a ship whistle sounded, and Huang Yi's boat slowly started to move and began to leave the port.

The five men below speeded up their waving hands. They did not know from beginning to end. Huang Yi was a spike. They just remember that they had once received an apprentice named Big Badass.

As the boat got farther and farther, Huang Yi could not see the five girls at all, and could only see the vast sea of ​​people, just as before his reincarnation, and they could not see them in the sea of ​​people.

"Parting is always sad." Just then, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind Huang Yi.

Huang Yi looked back, and suddenly saw a mermaid with a colorful tail and a gorgeous face.

She is the former guardian of Heroic Harbor-Nakao Takiji Nami, but she now has another identity, that is, the guardian of this ship.

Huang Yi once heard the story of Nami in Longhai, a mermaid city called Pearl City. Before she was imprisoned in ancient times, she was a guard maid of Poseidon!

Poseidon is one of only ten god-sealers in the history of the Second World. It has an artifact called the Pillar of Poseidon. It was only when Poseidon and the Fallen King fought ~ www.readwn.com ~ that artifact was blown up and scattered into fragments scattered around the world.

At present, Huang Yi only knows that two people own the fragment of the artifact of the sea god, one is the sea dragon emperor. He had also borrowed that Scepter of the Sea of ​​Dinghai, whose power is comparable to epic equipment! He had been stunned for a long time, but the scepter was not hiss after all!

Another person with debris is Thor. Thunder God and Poseidon have a deep relationship. His ancient Godship was once built by Poseidon. If the blade is acquired by the sword emperor, and the sword is acquired by the sword emperor, then Thor is acquired by the **** of the sea.

This time, Huang Yi traveled to the central continent to travel for a long time in the vast ocean. He wanted to search by the way if he could find some debris. So specially asked the heroes to transfer Nami to this ship.

Nami was a guard maid of Poseidon. Maybe she has some special sensory abilities. She searches for artifact fragments and won't find a needle in a haystack.


The relationship between Nami and Poseidon has been based on the premise for a long time, but this line has been buried for a long time. You may forget it. For details, see Chapter 470 (To be continued ...)

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