Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 725: Key battle

"Next, pay more attention to see if you can sense the fragments of the Pillar of Poseidon!" Huang Yichao Nami said. If he can find the pieces, his strength will be doubled, and the larger pieces can be compared with the epic equipment.

"I will!" Nami nodded her head, looking at the vast ocean ahead, and said quietly, "I followed the world with Neptune, but unfortunately I was caught in the hero's prison shortly after Lord Neptune became **** In China, now it's hard to come out. Naturally, I want to find the relics of Lord Poseidon. "

Huang Yi glanced at the coastline of mainland Singapore, retracted his gaze, and returned to the cabin.

This ship is a more advanced Yunfan ship than the Dragontooth ship. It is not a transport ship, but a warship. It has magic artillery and can be used for combat. Moreover, it is five times faster than the Dragon Tooth!

At present, in addition to Huang Yi, there are only a few people on the ship, including the captain. They will also follow Huang Yi to the Central Continent.


On the other side of the hero continent, at this point has reached the edge of collapse!

The entire continent is riddled with wars and wars. More than 70 countries have invaded, becoming the central battlefield of the World War. Although many people have no injustice with the heroes of the mainland, but in order to be able to kill and upgrade, they also came here to participate in the battle.

On this vast continent, there are **** enemies everywhere, and they all have a clear aura of war. They were so arrogant that they walked so wildly in the wild, like the masters of this continent.

In Chibi City, the port city formerly known as General Court. A conference is being held!

Hundreds of people participated in this meeting. At the core were the superb first-class masters—Miyamoto Musashi and Tendo, the two leading players in Japan; Pope, Dante and Kidd, the three leading players in the United States; Disturbance; Ganga, Indian player leader; TNT, European player leader. A total of eight people.

After that, there are some top players, most of them are player leaders from various countries. For example, British player leader Arthur Altria; Spanish player leader Carolin; Canadian player leader Xuefeng and so on.

These were the key figures who invaded the heroic continent, and they gathered here for a meeting.

"First of all, let us welcome the return of King Kidd!" Said the pope, the host of the meeting, with a loud voice, applauding first.

Then, a strong, muscular American man stood up. Nodded towards the crowd.

This man is Kidd, the American player leader who died of a car accident a while ago. His family actively ran for the resurrection operation of Time Company.

Time's technology has achieved a certain degree of resurrection. As long as it is not natural aging and death, but accidental death, most of the body is well preserved, even if the brain is dead, it can be resurrected. It's just that this operation is very difficult. There are very few places that can perform this operation every year, even if you have money, you can't buy them.

Kidd's family was able to secure such a place, not knowing how much effort was behind it.

"Kid led the army of the Free Empire to join the battlefield. This is an important force that can greatly enhance our strength! Now no one on Hero Continent can resist our offensive. We will be able to completely win this battle in the near future. National War. Share the territories currently occupied. The hero continent currently only has two super-class masters, Gentleman and Thor, who can't compete with us at all, and Thor has not appeared for a week. "At this time, the entire pope dynasty He yelled loudly.

"Today. We are here to meet, mainly to fight the most critical war! Once this war is won. The confidence of the hero continent will be completely destroyed! This war is the destruction of the largest guild of hero continent One-Xuanyuanshi! "

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar on the court!

Xuanyuanshi! Everyone knows this super-class guild. It is the first guild in Heroes Continent, created by the former world's first blade. Xuanyuan has won countless famous achievements, including even the best guild award and the best team award! This is an honor not even the Heroes Guild! All the leaders present were leaders from various countries, but all could only look up to the super-class guild like Xuanyuanshi!

Now, the Pope says he wants to destroy this guild! This is scary!

The Pope saw the people whispering, and smiled, saying, "We have won the precious port city of Chibi, which is also a first-class guild, and gained some valuable experience. Xuanyuan is one of the most important hero continents. The resistance is also the most famous guild in Heroes Mainland, a guild considered to be invincible! As long as we eliminate Xuanyuan, we will smash the confidence of every player in Heroes. "

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, one of the three first-class masters who invaded the hero continent, also said, "This battle will be the most crucial battle to determine victory! All previous battles are not as important as this one. We The soldiers are divided into multiple paths, attacking all of Xuanyuan's sub-territories and ports at the same time. Maybe everyone will be afraid of the reputation of Xuanyuan's guild, but please rest assured that our advantage now far exceeds the hero continent, they can not Resist the common invasion of more than 70 countries! In the Second World War, we were able to fight against Japan with just one country. This time we have more than 70 countries, almost half of the world. Strength to deal with them together! There is no suspense at all, they will definitely lose! "

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi had no such decadence as a few months ago, and was replaced with a confident and proud temperament. Over the past few months, successive wins have finally eliminated the shadow in front of Huang Yi and regained the strong confidence standing on top of the world.

TNT also took the conversation and said: "This battle, we decided to start in three days! In these three days, everyone will act according to our plan, each army will deploy their respective forces to the corresponding position! Among them, Xuanyuan's The headquarters of Xuanyuan City will be the focus of this war ... "


In this city of Chibi, which was originally a heroic mainland city, a most crucial battle was brewing like this.

This will once again put a heavy punch on the precarious battle situation of the hero continent. If this battle is won, then the hero continent is likely to be over!

After five full hours, the meeting finally ended. Hundreds of corps leaders or important figures from various countries came out of the conference hall, and almost everyone was smiling, as if they had already won in advance. They talked and laughed away in twos and threes, and returned to their military station.

Among them, the British player leader Arthur Altria and the Spanish player leader Canorin were teleported to an occupied city east of the hero continent.

There are too many countries invading the heroic continent, and various forces are entangled. They just maintain a peaceful state on the surface. In fact, there are some alliances or hostility between them. The Spanish Legion and the British Legion are a united force, advancing and retreating together.

"This time after dividing the Xuanyuan Clan, the hero continent is completely over! Once the national war is judged to be a victory for our invaders, it is basically impossible for them to regain it." At this time, Carolin, the leader of the Spanish Legion, was on the side. Walk, while wiping a strand of golden long hair to the back of the ear, smiled slightly.

"I was thinking, what should I do if the killer suddenly returns? The previous battle, the killer can ignore it, but this time it is the most crucial battle, which is really related to the ending of the hero's continent! He is likely to be unbearable Shot. And the level of killing God has also returned to the level of the sanctuary. Although his strength is far inferior to us, his method has always been unpredictable. "Arthur Altria said with some worry.

"In this situation, do we still need to be afraid of him?" Carolin shook her head and smiled indifferently. "If it was before, his presence would still be a deterrent. But now we have more than 70 countries The legions are all here, and they already have an absolute advantage. Even if it is the peak period, the God of Killing has nothing to do with us. No matter how strong he is, he can only control one place, but we are on the entire continent at the same time. There were wars in various places, and the sound of artillery fire everywhere. Where can he take care of it? And the sacred levels in other places, even if there are limited means, you don't have to worry about it! "After finishing, Carolin took a photo of Arthur Aalto Liya's shoulders soothed.

At this time, it was not only Carnot, but the invading legions of the entire heroic continent were holding a winning ticket, waiting for victory.

On the other side, Yu Shengxin was also in the mouth of the spy ~ www.readwn.com ~ heard the news.

"You mean, they are going to make an important attack three days later, the target is likely to be Xuanyuan?" At this time, Yu Xinsheng touched his chin and asked a spy forward.

"Yes!" The spy nodded. "They seem to have decided to engage in a decisive battle. They were in a hurry and had hundreds of people meeting. The news couldn't be concealed. Judging by their current advantages, they didn't need to conceal at all. Brightness can defeat us. How do we deploy now? "The spy's status seemed high, and there was nothing to worry about.

I want to touch my chin from my heart, and groaned, saying, "Arrange the guild's troops in our guild, and keep our guild first. As for Xuanyuan, let them die with those invaders. , Their guild may be destroyed, or damage the reputation of the blade, otherwise someone always said that I am not as good as the blade, I can no longer hear it. We could not deal with Xuanyuanshi before, but now we can use other countries to destroy it They, this is also a good thing. When we receive them, we can greatly strengthen our strength. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. To read.)

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